Pelosi, Schiff complain Trump didn't consult them

A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.
Only Congress has the power to declare war. If the President does something that provokes an enemy to declare war on the U.S., that pretty much neuters Congress' theoretical power OTOH, under the War Powers Act, the President can authorize military action to thwart an immediate military threat to American people and/or interests.

Accordingly, before the President so acts, he must notify congressional leadership and have their tacit approval, based on the Intelligence that prompts the President to act.

On the other hand, the Democrats in the House have recently demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to either act rationally or keep sensitive information secret.

The only conclusion to be drawn is that if anything bad happens it's Trump's fault. If all goes well, we won't hear about it again.
Only Congress has the power to declare war. If the President does something that provokes an enemy to declare war on the U.S., that pretty much neuters Congress' theoretical power OTOH, under the War Powers Act, the President can authorize military action to thwart an immediate military threat to American people and/or interests.

Iran declared war on the United States in 1979. It has not been rescinded.

Accordingly, before the President so acts, he must notify congressional leadership and have their tacit approval, based on the Intelligence that prompts the President to act.

Technically, following provocative military action there's a 90 day window under the War Powers Act before Congressional approval kicks in.

On the other hand, the Democrats in the House have recently demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to either act rationally or keep sensitive information secret.

The only conclusion to be drawn is that if anything bad happens it's Trump's fault. If all goes well, we won't hear about it again.

Ordering a military attack without congressional permission is not without considerable historical precedent. President Ronald Reagan launched air strikes against Libya in 1986, as did President Barack Obama in 2011. President Bill Clinton undertook a bombing campaign in Yugoslavia in 1999.

In each of these actions, the War Powers Act of 1973 was disregarded or otherwise violated. Meant as a congressional check on the president’s military authority by imposing some restrictions, its constitutionality remains unresolved and it has never been consistently enforced.

More relevant, however, is the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) passed by Congress in 2001. It gave then-President George W. Bush expansive authority to wage military campaigns against enemies connected to the 9/11 attacks. The opaque language of the AUMF has empowered every president since then to continue the war against terrorists in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East.

Given that Soleimani was head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force that was designated by the U.S. in 2007 as a foreign terrorist organization, and given that he was operating in Iraq directing terror attacks against Americans, President Trump would be on firm legal ground to assert justification for his killing under the AUMF.

Gregg Jarrett: In ordering Soleimani killing, Trump acting correctly, decisively and constitutionally

The Dems should put a sock on it and STFU.
A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.
Oh FFS!!!

It's a bit late for that now.
A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.
Oh FFS!!!

It's a bit late for that now.
Yeah, it probably is.

Good luck to us.
There is still currently an active AUMF with regards to Iraq. This whole congress needs to be consulted shit is ridiculous. How are people falling for this? Bush and Obama struck targets all the time without consulting congress. It’s absolutely amazing to me how stupid people are.
A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.

The Democrats have proven themselves to be untrustworthy countless times. All those "anonymous sources" that are reported by the MSM constantly. Hell, even the impeachment is all about anonymous sources.

When the Democrats finally prove that the country is more important than their party or power, then we can trust them with such highly sensitive information. But they cannot be trusted. Hell, look at the Democrat local politicians that warn illegals ICE is coming. That's how much you can trust a Democrat politician.

Yes, it is the other guys fault, all the time.
A good example of what happens when communication completely breaks down.

Trust is destroyed, collaboration ends, information is lost or distorted.

Toxicity like we're seeing is about far more than about sound bytes and political speeches. Its consequences can be far more profound.

But it's all the other guy's fault, I'm sure. Every bit of it.

Can't blame Trump at all. Pelosi and Schiff would have cheered the missions failure if it would make Trump look bad

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