Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU

werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



You do realize that there is about a 99% chance Trump will be acquitted today, which invalidates the impeachment in the same way that an acquittal invalidates an indictment, don’t you?

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He will go down and remain the 3rd impeached Potus, and never be exonerated.
you mean an honor, it means he was so effective as president you all tried to fk with him. You know this right?
In my (rosie) MUCH LAUDED opinion-----Nancy destroyed the impeachment project
Is it true in that hokey muslim religion you can lie like hell and not be held accountable for it

I'm Baptist, so I don't know. So ask trump because he's the one with 16,000 lies that you support and excuse.
So which lies have hurt you personally

All of them. It hurts me that people in this country voted for such a scumbag to be our president. It hurt me to see that dead little girl floating in the rio grande with her father. It hurt me to see all those men who are still cramped into those cages. It hurt me that a fellow American drove overnight to go look for Mexicans to slaughter because of this presidents lies. I can keep going. Don't ask that kind of question you low life asshole. This is our president and he is not supposed to lie about everything. We all know presidents lie but none have lied like this piece of shit. Not even Nixon.
That father shouldn't have tried to bring his daughter into our country illegally.

Those cages were built by Obama.

The El Paso shooter specifically said Trump had nothing to do with his motivations.

I'm sure you could keep going on with your bullshit and's what you do.

Obama did not separate kids from parents and I opposed him doing what he did also.

That father should not have had to swim in order to get admitted into a country that was "founded" by people who decided they could just come here without asking.

Trumps rhetoric did inspire that killer.

"Obama did it too" won't work here son. Obama is not the president today and you aren't crediting Obama for the economy so don't talk about the cages. Nothing I said is a lie. You can't say the same.

You are a failed human being.
Obama did not separate kids from parents and I opposed him doing what he did also.


You should really reread what you posted. you said, obammy did not separate kids from parents........ but you opposed him doing it!!!! holy fk son, you've done lost your mind. Can't make it up.

Hey, how does one oppose someone doing something they supposedly didn't do?
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) called on current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to be censured for ripping up a copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday evening.

“As Speaker of the House for four State of the Unions by a President of the other party I am disgusted and insulted by the viciously partisan action of Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech,” Gingrich wrote. “She isn’t clever or cute her childishness insults our American traditions -should be censured.”

Pelosi made the spectacle of tearing up the speech at the conclusion of the president’s remarks as he received applause from lawmakers. In addition to tearing up his speech, the speaker snubbed the president by introducing him into the House chamber as the “The President of the United States.” It is customary for the speaker to welcome the president with the language: “I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.” Following the slight, the president appeared to snub an attempt by the speaker to shake his hand.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What Pelosi did was tacky as hell....”
Yep...not to mention illegal as hell too. That was an official, Constitutionally-mandated government document. It was not her’s to destroy. That was the House of the Peoples’ original copy required by law. $2000 fine and/or 3-years in a federal slammer for doing that. The vile, demonic Botoxian should be arrested and locked up.

And this is from someone that was forced out of office for misdeeds. Sure, let's use what he says. NOT.

We need to ask Newt what he wrote the checks for. Remember that?
You need to thank Newt everyday for helping to keep Bill Clinton relevant and in office. Perot and Newt saved his bacon and Limbaugh helped to get the 1994 so called Repub revolution in the election.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) called on current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to be censured for ripping up a copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday evening.

“As Speaker of the House for four State of the Unions by a President of the other party I am disgusted and insulted by the viciously partisan action of Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech,” Gingrich wrote. “She isn’t clever or cute her childishness insults our American traditions -should be censured.”

Pelosi made the spectacle of tearing up the speech at the conclusion of the president’s remarks as he received applause from lawmakers. In addition to tearing up his speech, the speaker snubbed the president by introducing him into the House chamber as the “The President of the United States.” It is customary for the speaker to welcome the president with the language: “I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.” Following the slight, the president appeared to snub an attempt by the speaker to shake his hand.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What Pelosi did was tacky as hell....”
Yep...not to mention illegal as hell too. That was an official, Constitutionally-mandated government document. It was not her’s to destroy. That was the House of the Peoples’ original copy required by law. $2000 fine and/or 3-years in a federal slammer for doing that. The vile, demonic Botoxian should be arrested and locked up.
She thinks she is above the law!

“The Democrats faced the night in a sorry state. The party that wants to take over healthcare was incapable of counting votes in a small state.”

Instead of lofty words, Trump opened with a litany of facts and figures. Lowest unemployment in 50 years. Unemployment rates for African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans at the lowest level in history. African-American poverty at the lowest rate ever recorded. Female unemployment the lowest in 70 years.​

Democrats sat stone-faced, grumbling amongst themselves as the good news piled up. Most impressive was that these are verifiable facts, not spin or vague promises.​

Much of the first 30 minutes kept returning to the success of Black Americans over the past three years, pointing to heroes in the gallery, and insisting this is only the beginning. Despite ubiquitous accusations of “racism,” Trump’s detractors can’t argue with the data. The President is making a strong appeal to African-American voters, not with rhetoric but numbers. The Democrats have to be very nervous as even a five percent shift would wreak havoc in the Electoral College.​

Maybe black voters won’t shift but we have to ask. And Trump is doing that in a way that we should have, long ago.

Don't ask. We won't be fooled by fake news. Not only can we blacks argue with the data, we can debunk it. Trump hasn't done shit for blacks but talk about statistics that were falling before he entered office. His opportunity zones are located primarily in small white rural towns. He is appointing racists to the benches that have stated that they don't agree with decisions like Brown v. Topeka. He has gutted the civil rights department and weakened civil rights enforcement. But he'll tell us how unemployment is low and whites like you think that means something. What he won't say is that black unemployment is still double that of whites. So trump hasn't done anything but run his mouth. He won't get any more than 10 percent of the black vote. Quite frankly, that's 10 percent too high.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) called on current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to be censured for ripping up a copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday evening.

“As Speaker of the House for four State of the Unions by a President of the other party I am disgusted and insulted by the viciously partisan action of Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech,” Gingrich wrote. “She isn’t clever or cute her childishness insults our American traditions -should be censured.”

Pelosi made the spectacle of tearing up the speech at the conclusion of the president’s remarks as he received applause from lawmakers. In addition to tearing up his speech, the speaker snubbed the president by introducing him into the House chamber as the “The President of the United States.” It is customary for the speaker to welcome the president with the language: “I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.” Following the slight, the president appeared to snub an attempt by the speaker to shake his hand.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What Pelosi did was tacky as hell....”
Yep...not to mention illegal as hell too. That was an official, Constitutionally-mandated government document. It was not her’s to destroy. That was the House of the Peoples’ original copy required by law. $2000 fine and/or 3-years in a federal slammer for doing that. The vile, demonic Botoxian should be arrested and locked up.

And this is from someone that was forced out of office for misdeeds. Sure, let's use what he says. NOT.

We need to ask Newt what he wrote the checks for. Remember that?
You need to thank Newt everyday for helping to keep Bill Clinton relevant and in office. Perot and Newt saved his bacon and Limbaugh helped to get the 1994 so called Repub revolution in the election.

Nah, because Clinton was palatable but not really someone I was in love with.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) called on current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to be censured for ripping up a copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday evening.

“As Speaker of the House for four State of the Unions by a President of the other party I am disgusted and insulted by the viciously partisan action of Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech,” Gingrich wrote. “She isn’t clever or cute her childishness insults our American traditions -should be censured.”

Pelosi made the spectacle of tearing up the speech at the conclusion of the president’s remarks as he received applause from lawmakers. In addition to tearing up his speech, the speaker snubbed the president by introducing him into the House chamber as the “The President of the United States.” It is customary for the speaker to welcome the president with the language: “I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.” Following the slight, the president appeared to snub an attempt by the speaker to shake his hand.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

What Pelosi did was tacky as hell....”
Yep...not to mention illegal as hell too. That was an official, Constitutionally-mandated government document. It was not her’s to destroy. That was the House of the Peoples’ original copy required by law. $2000 fine and/or 3-years in a federal slammer for doing that. The vile, demonic Botoxian should be arrested and locked up.

And this is from someone that was forced out of office for misdeeds. Sure, let's use what he says. NOT.

We need to ask Newt what he wrote the checks for. Remember that?
You need to thank Newt everyday for helping to keep Bill Clinton relevant and in office. Perot and Newt saved his bacon and Limbaugh helped to get the 1994 so called Repub revolution in the election.

Nah, because Clinton was palatable but not really someone I was in love with.
History would have been changed though. Obama may never have been around.
It was an outrageous display of petulance, arrogance and disrespect probably never before seen in history. It calls to question the Speaker's state of mind.
The Democrats' show of disrespect for the Constitution, our government / President, and anyone / anything outside of their self/party-serving lawless quest to regain power at any cost continued, showcased by Pelosi's tantrum.

This childish display was the only opportunity she will have to vent her frustrations over HER Un-Constitutional Impeachment train-wreck before it ends TODAY!

It's going to be funny as hell when, after the Senate dismisses the House's Un-Constitutional, politically partisan Impeachment, President Trump tears Pelosi's Articles of Impeachment in half and sends it back to the House.

Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.
I keep saying it and they keep proving it over and over in new ways every day. The Democrats are on a path of compete annihilation and self destruction and they will not stop before their party is utterly obliterated and nothing is left but a bad memory and footnotes in history books.

....if we take back the schools.

"The next step forward in building an inclusive society is making sure that every young American gets a great education and the opportunity to achieve the American Dream. Yet, for too long, countless American children have been trapped in failing government schools. To rescue these students, 18 States have created school choice in the form of Opportunity Scholarships. The programs are so popular, that tens of thousands of students remain on waiting lists. One of those students is Janiyah Davis, a fourth grader from Philadelphia. Janiyah’s mom Stephanie is a single parent. She would do anything to give her daughter a better future. But last year, that future was put further out of reach when Pennsylvania’s Governor vetoed legislation to expand school choice for 50,000 children."
Trump, SOTU 2020
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Pelosi tantrum is losing to Pelosi rocks, comments wise. Lol
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That stupid bitch broke the law and should be arrested.

The copy of the speech Trump gave to the Bitch was suppose to go into the National Archive. It is against the law to destroy National Archive documents.

Lock the Bitch up!
Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.
She was an excellent representative for the party of hate. You could see the hate in her eyes throughout the entire speech, and as she ripped up the speech in her rage.

She was also a perfect representative the whole night for how petty, impotent, and insignificant the Democrats are.

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