Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU

werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



You do realize that there is about a 99% chance Trump will be acquitted today, which invalidates the impeachment in the same way that an acquittal invalidates an indictment, don’t you?

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He will go down and remain the 3rd impeached Potus, and never be exonerated.

That and five bucks will get you a soy latte at Starbucks, Penny...enjoy!
Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.

Pelosi is one of the bigger mistakes the DEMs have made recently. And for them; that is saying quite a bit.

when I first heard about this, I thought you guys were making it up.

wow, what a moronic display

Except now more people are talking about this act by her than about the speech itself.

This was a calculated move on her part.
Disagree. It was an emotional reaction.
She threw votes his way. Why would he be upset. Trump is a troll quite often and they play right into it with acts like this.

I think you're right, Nancy gave 'em some fodder for campaign commercials.

It's sad that the United States has sunk to the level that we have put these petulant infants in charge of running the country, the Speaker of the House of Representatives doesn't even have enough self control to sit through a speech without behaving like a angry two year old. :cool:
Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.

Pelosi is one of the bigger mistakes the DEMs have made recently. And for them; that is saying quite a bit.

when I first heard about this, I thought you guys were making it up.

wow, what a moronic display
You folks are in no position to judge anything since Trump is the hands down worst prez in the history of the country. Baby Donald set the tone by refusing to shake Pelosi's hand. Then giving a SOTU full of lies and campaign slogans. Geesh, what a piece of shit.

If I were Trump, I would have shaken her hand gave a long grind-fuck smile to her for all of the world to see that she lost. Pelosi would have been able to have the upper hand so to speak on Trump’s snub but her hate and rage consumed her and she shit the bed making Trump’s snub insignificant.
Trump’s Budget Deficits Could Almost Double Obama’s

Using the May 2019 deficit estimates from the CBO, adding the budget deal and assuming a 3% increase in the amount of additional deficits in fiscal 2022 Trump’s deficits will be just shy of $1 trillion next year and over that figure going forward.

  • Fiscal 2017: $665 billion (Trump’s first year of his Presidency)
  • Fiscal 2018: $779 billion (9 months of tax cuts being in effect)
  • Fiscal 2019: $896 billion
  • Fiscal 2020: $990 billion
  • Fiscal 2021: $1,092 billion
  • Fiscal 2022: $1,250 billion
Trump’s Budget Deficits Could Almost Double Obama’s
As the unemployment rate has fallen, more people are finding it attractive to work and joining the labor force. This has enabled the labor force to climb by an impressive 4.86 million in just three years under Trump.

This is idiotic. "As the unemployment rate has fallen, more people are finding it attractive to work and joining the labor force." Ever heard of putting the cart before the horse? You guys will believe any dribble you read on the Internet, most of which is written by some zit faced kid living in his mama's basement.
Trump is POTUS and will not be thrown out of office today.

Fact check that.
But.......that's not a defense of Trump's presidency. It's simply an acknowledgement he'll continue to make things worse until at least 01/2021.
Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.

Pelosi is one of the bigger mistakes the DEMs have made recently. And for them; that is saying quite a bit.

when I first heard about this, I thought you guys were making it up.

wow, what a moronic display
You folks are in no position to judge anything since Trump is the hands down worst prez in the history of the country. Baby Donald set the tone by refusing to shake Pelosi's hand. Then giving a SOTU full of lies and campaign slogans. Geesh, what a piece of shit.

Funny, but if things continue to go the way they have the last 3, he will go down as the best President in American history by those who are actually in the know. Granted, the liberal press won't grant him that honor because they are dishonest.
You folks are in no position to judge anything since Trump is the hands down worst prez in the history of the country. Baby Donald set the tone by refusing to shake Pelosi's hand. Then giving a SOTU full of lies and campaign slogans. Geesh, what a piece of shit.
Based on your remarks people can tell you didn't actually LISTEN to the President's Speech, else you would have learned what the rest of us already know - that President Trump is the most successful President in DECADES, and the United States is far better off than we were. Perhaps truth could not find a way to penetrate all that 'hate'.

Failed to shake Peloi's hand? Why would the President want to shake thre hand of the traitor who violated the Constitution to initiate an illegitimate, admittedly partisan Impeachment, who failed to meet both the Constitution's and her own expressed requirements for proceeding with Impeachment (overwhelming evidence and bipartisanship)?

Speaker Pelosi was the Enabler, Facilitator, of the biggest Congressional scandal in our nation's history - the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case in US history (No crime, no evidence, no witnesses), hosting an Un-Constitutional unjust process that denied Due Process en-route to a treasonous, admittedly politically partisan pre-determined outcome that was over 3 years in the making.

The next time the Speaker extends her hand, I hope it is for the proper authorities to place a handcuff on her wrist, which is what she, Schiff, and Nadler - at least - deserve.
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Trump is POTUS and will not be thrown out of office today.

Fact check that.
But.......that's not a defense of Trump's presidency. It's simply an acknowledgement he'll continue to make things worse until at least 01/2021.

Yeah, things are just terrible out there. Maybe you folks should step out of your blue, liberal havens to see how the rest of America is doing. We are doing quite well. It isn't our fault you choose to live in a blue state.
But.......that's not a defense of Trump's presidency.
Trump's Presidency does not NEED a 'defense', lil' snowflake. Opposed to what Democrats preach and snowflakes parrot, Americans are INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty...and as far as his Presidency, the long list of accomplishments and successes for the American people, which you would have heard had you not been so preoccupied with partisan hatred, is all the 'defense' the most successful President and administration in decades need.
Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.

Pelosi is one of the bigger mistakes the DEMs have made recently. And for them; that is saying quite a bit.

when I first heard about this, I thought you guys were making it up.

wow, what a moronic display
You folks are in no position to judge anything since Trump is the hands down worst prez in the history of the country. Baby Donald set the tone by refusing to shake Pelosi's hand. Then giving a SOTU full of lies and campaign slogans. Geesh, what a piece of shit.

Funny, but if things continue to go the way they have the last 3, he will go down as the best President in American history by those who are actually in the know. Granted, the liberal press won't grant him that honor because they are dishonest.

Do you really think we can go another 5 years without a recession/downturn? We have already gone longer than at any other time in our nation's history. If Trump gets another 4 years, which I assume he will, it is not a matter of if there is one, just how deep it is.
Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.

Pelosi is one of the bigger mistakes the DEMs have made recently. And for them; that is saying quite a bit.

when I first heard about this, I thought you guys were making it up.

wow, what a moronic display

Except now more people are talking about this act by her than about the speech itself.

This was a calculated move on her part.
Disagree. It was an emotional reaction.

No, that look on her face was that of an actor playing out a part.
Except now more people are talking about this act by her than about the speech itself.
This was a calculated move on her part.

That's not what I am seeing. After talking about what an awesome speech it was, at the very end I see people taking just a second to shake their heads and comment, "...and what Speaker Pelosi did at the very end was just disrespectful and classless."
Except now more people are talking about this act by her than about the speech itself.
This was a calculated move on her part.

That's not what I am seeing. After talking about what an awesome speech it was, at the very end I see people taking just a second to shake their heads and comment, "...and what Speaker Pelosi did at the very end was just disrespectful and classless."

But your circle includes noting but Trump worshipers. You have no idea how people that do not worship Trump are reacting.
No, that look on her face was that of an actor playing out a part.
It was the look of a failed Speaker who realizes she may have just lost a Democrat majority House AGAIN and felt the need to do something in an attempt to seem like she was justified in her Constitutionally illegitimate admitted politically biased House Impeachment, the 1st political Impeachment - based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses - in US history.
Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.

Pelosi is one of the bigger mistakes the DEMs have made recently. And for them; that is saying quite a bit.

when I first heard about this, I thought you guys were making it up.

wow, what a moronic display

Except now more people are talking about this act by her than about the speech itself.

This was a calculated move on her part.
Disagree. It was an emotional reaction.

No, that look on her face was that of an actor playing out a part.

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