Pentacostal Fire

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Did you hear what she said about Israel? About Russia's plans against Israel? About Israel being indestuctible? How did she know that? By the Spirit of the Living God and by the written Word of God! That is how! Glory to God the anointing is on her and not a word she has spoken has fallen to the ground. Nor shall it! Not a single word. Glory to God forevermore!
The healings were glorious too. One of my favorites was the flight attendant whose mother was healed. He is just so precious! And the man in the yellow shirt who was a scientist and an atheist and then God heals him! Oh he was so precious! I love seeing people encounter the power of God! Don't you?
Oh the mormon man in the blue shirt who got healed and said he was having a hard time believing it? lol! He'll have to believe it! He is no longer in a wheelchair and walking down the steps there! ha! ha! I love seeing how God heals people! What better way to make them a believer then to let them experience Jesus healing them? Oh! Isn't God wonderful? He is truly most wonderful! Praise the name of the LORD! He is worthy of our praise!
This morning what the LORD put on my heart was the responsibility of his servants to ask right things of Him and not to pray soulish prayers. We should always pray the will of the LORD be done in a matter because the LORD looks upon the hearts of men whereas humans can only rely on what they are told, what they see with their eyes, and all of these things are tainted by their preconcieved notions of what is right and what is wrong according to the dictates of their own hearts.

To some what seems wrong may be right before the LORD and vice versa. Only the LORD knows what goes on behind the scenes and perhaps those he permits to know it by His Spirit. Still the judgments of the LORD are just that. HIS judgments. This applies even to the highest echelons of our government.

In the governmental systems of the world we see rulers who are served by evil workers and we see rulers who are served by good workers. Still the Heart of the King ( ruler ) is in the hands of God to turn it whichever way He will in a matter. It is never good for anyone in a position of power to use their power to bring personal harm to the people they have been put in office to rule over but how does one discern the will of the LORD in a matter?

By seeking the face of the LORD and repenting of all sin. We cannot judge rightly with a timber sticking out of our own eye. Jesus said first the obstacle must be removed from our own sight before we can see a matter and be able to help our own brother.

What I know is that this is a week of God setting things in right order. His will - will be done - because He has already let me know that it is HIS WILL and not the will of any man or woman that shall be accomplished. So whatever the LORD decides in the matter shall be how it shall be.

I will not pray this way or that way but throughout this week I shall surely pray in the Will of G-d be done in all things and that by His judgments men and women will tremble and know that He is not only a God of Love, Mercy and Longsuffering but He is also a righteous Judge and when He is petitioned rightly in a matter He shall execute his judgments upon the earth. In all matters both great and small.
[ame=]Phil Driscoll America The Beautiful - YouTube[/ame]
It is written:

And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves. And he said unto them, It is written:


And when the chief priests and scribes saw the wonderful things he did, and the children crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the son of David, they were sore displeased. And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? Yea, have you never read,


And he left them, and went out of the city of Bethany, and he lodged there. - Matthew 21: 12 - 17
It is written:

Hath oppressed the poor and the needy, hath spoiled by violence, hath not restored the pledge, and hath lifted up his eyes to the idols, hath commited abomination.

Hath given forth upon usury, and hath taken increase, shall he then live?

He shall not live. He hath done all these abominations, he shall surely die, his blood shall be upon him.

Now lo, if he beget a son, that seeth all his father's sins which he hath done, and considereth and doeth not such like.

That he hath not eaten upon the mountains, neither hath lifted up his eyes to idols of the house of Israel, hath not defiled his neighbour's wife,
Neither hath oppressed any, hath not withholden any pledge, niether hath spoiled by violence, but hath given his bread to the hungry, and hath covered the naked with a garment. That hath taken off his hand off the poor, that hath not received usury nor increase, hath executed my judgments, hath walked in my statutes, he shall not die for the iniquity of his father, he shall surely live.

As for his father, because he cruelly oppressed, spoiled his brother by violence, and did that which is not good among his people, lo, even he shall die in his iniquity.

Yet say ye, Why? Doth not the son bear the iniquity of the father? When the son hath done that which is lawful and right, and hath kept all thy statutes, and hath done them, he shall surely live.

The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son, the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

But if the wicked turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die.

All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him, in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.

Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD, and not that he should turn from his ways and live?

But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness and commit iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live?

All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned, in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.

Yet ye say, The way of the Lord is not equal, Hear now, O house of Israel, Is not my way equal? Ar not your ways unequal?

When a righteous man turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity and dieth in them, for his iniquity that he had done shall he die.

Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.

Because he considereth, and turneth away from all his transgressions that he hath committed, he shall surely live, he shall not die.

Yet saith the house of Israel, The way of the Lord is not equal, O house of Israel, are not my ways equal? Are not your ways unequal?

Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his own ways, saith the Lord GOD.

Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions, so iniquity shall not be your ruin.

Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed, and make you a new heart and a new spirit, for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, sayeth the Lord GOD: Wherefore turn yourselves and live ye.

Ezekiel 18:12 - 32
It is written:

And the Jews passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:

And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen, and poured out the changer's money, and overthrew the tables.

And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence, make not my Father's house an house of merchandise. And his disciples remembered that it was written,


Then answered the Jews and said unto him, "What sign shewest thou us, seeing that thou doest these things?

Jesus answered and said unto them, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up."

Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building and wilt thou rear it up in three days?

But he spake of the temple of his body. When therefore, his disciples remembered that he has said this unto them, and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.

Now when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the feast days, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men. And needed not that any should testify of man: For he knew what was in man.

-John 2: 13-25

* Nicodemus did believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and was "born again" as Jesus had told him he must be "born again" in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. ( John 3: 16 ) Nicodemus is in heaven with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets. Amen.
This is a from a sermon by William Gurnall back in the 1600's from his devotional Christian in compete Amour. I will post a link to William Gurnall and his devotional after posting this short sermon called Do not refuse Peace with God. This is what the Spirit of the LORD is putting on my heart today.

Do not Refuse Peace with God

Satan's quarrel with God is too advanced for him to give you a second glance. Besides, can he give you armor to quench the fiery blasts of God's judgment? How could he, when these burning bullets are emboldened inside his own heart, causing unspeakable torment? And will he send sympathy when at last you have destroyed yourself by following his advice? Of course not - no more than the ravenous wolf pities the sheep after he has torn her into pieces and drunk her blood.

So that you can never say you did not know how to find peace with God through the Gospel, carefully weigh these next four thoughts. This peace is indespensable and comprehensive. You cannot be happy with anything less than peace but you do not need anything more than peace to fill you with true joy. Of all the varieties on God's spiritual menu, His servings of peace can least be spared. If you take this away the feast is spoiled, even if a brightly garnished outward peace replaces it at the center of the prince's table.
Sinner, listen to me! Is not this contraversy between you and God like a swollen toad at the bottom of your cup of honey? Your sins are unpardoned and you are condemned to die for them, no matter how much you may be dancing in the shadows of your own prison. What would you think about a man who spent his last hours before being hanged playing at his favorite sport? Truly God is merciful if He stays your execution one more day!
I confess, when I see a man whose life proves him an unfortunate unforgiven sinner, and whose pleasure comes by dressing in expensive clothing and entertaining with the prideful air of affluence, I am amazed that he cares neither about God nor himself. How much longer do you think the Lord will watch him pile up all this trash around himself before He tosses a torch to the bottom of it?

____________________________William Gurnall 1611 - 1679 edited by James S. Bell Jr.

So this question has been on my mind because recently when I had surgery I was laughing and talking with the people who were about to wheel me into sugery and I believe they wondered why isn't she afraid? I had told them before they put me under I was at perfect peace to go or to stay. It made no difference to me. How does one have peace in one's soul to face life's challenges, possible death? The answer is very simple. You trust God completely. You have an abiding relationship with God and know in your heart that you are not playing the hypocrite with him.
When you know this you have confidence towards God and are well able to say, Do what you will do with me, Lord. I am yours. If you take me I am going to be standing in your presence and in sheer ecstasy - what can compare? If you leave me here you must have decided that I am your servant who is going to be obedient to your call wherever it may take me. Otherwise, I would not want to stay on this earth. There is nothing so important to me than knowing that I am right with God every day of my life and can overcome satan and destroy the Gates of Hell through the word of my testimony and the Blood of the Lamb and that I love not my life unto the death. That the LORD will use me as His vessel to destroy the Gates of Hell. Satan is Gods enemy and he is surely my enemy too. I am pent up to see God destroy every trace of his work wherever it can be found. He isn't coming after me. I am coming after him and he knows it. So do his workers although some have yet to figure out that I know who they are. My warfare is not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness in this world, satanic forces - not flesh and blood - as it is my desire to see every woman, every man saved and that includes the workers of satan who have been deceived by him into believing they will receive immortality, youth, wealth, fame, shared powers in hell, - none of which is true. ( they have been given limited demonic powers here but the are rendered powerless when waged against a sanctified believer ) If you can imagine it these workers of Satan believe they will be rewarded just as followers of Christ believe the LORD will reward their faithfulness. It is perversion of the highest order - what these wretched lost souls are required to do for him yet because they have been blinded by him they have believed a fallen angel - Lucifer - rather than God Almighty! Their souls are in great peril and in the coming judgment on the land they will be among the first to perish. Many of them will perish before the invasion. That is a very disturbing thought knowing how close this judgment is to America now. I am compelled to try to reach those Satan has deceived by telling them although you have no peace in your soul - you can have it - through believing on Jesus Christ and repenting of your sins - by calling on the LORD - he can deliver you from the grip of Satan today. Nothing is too difficult for God. Call on the Lord and He will save you before it is too late. What does it matter if you were to gain the whole world? Only to lose your own soul! Wake up!
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Great thing about google, can enter a person's name and find out all sorts of interesting things. ...Oopsie, looks like this guy has his naysayers...(to put it mildly.)
Here is the next one from Gurnall. William Gurnall -- The Christian in Complete Armour

Again it is very short and a complete reading of his sermons can be found on the internet. I believe his work is free of any copyrights but whenever I can post a link I will post one.

Sincerity Makes the Soul Willing

A perfect heart and a willing mind are joined together. David counseled his son Solomon to "serve God with a perfect heart and a willing mind" ( 1 Chronicles 28:9 ) A false heart puts off its work as long as possible and deserves little appreciation for work done under the rod of correction. But the sincere soul is ready for responsibility. Though it may lack skill and strength it will always be eager. Such willingness is like a hawk perched upon a man's hand, as soon as the game is in sight she launches forward and would be in flight immediately, except for the tether holding her back.
The "Levites" were more upright in heart to sanctify themselves than the priests. ( 2 Chronicles 29:34)
Why? They were more willing to work. No sooner had the word come out of the king's mouth concerning reformation than the Levites arise and "sanctified themselves". ( verse 15)

Reformation is an icy path which cowards prefer to have well beaten by others before they venture out on it. But sincerity is made of a better metal. It is like a true traveler - no weather gets bad enough to stop him after he has determined to make the trip. And the upright man does not stand around looking for loopholes or letting discouragement fester, but takes his orders from God's Word. And once he has them, he will not be turned back by anything short of a counter - command from the same God. His Heart is merged with God's will. When the Father says, "Seek ye my face, the heart echoes, "Thy face, Lord, will I seek". ( Psalm 27:8 )

Even when failure is the result of our best effort, willingness speaks success to God. When a father asks his small son to bring him something, an obedient child does not complain that the command is too hard but runs to do it. And even if he uses all his strength but miscarries the simple mission, his willingness stirs up the parent's pity to help him. Thus Christ throws this covering over this disciples blunders: "The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak". ( Matthew 26:41 )

______________________William Gurnall______________edited by James S. Bell.

Gurnall's words are timeless. They minister to the listener today just as though he were speaking them today rather than in the 1600's. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He changes not. His truth changes not. God is not "adapting". God is God and He will not adapt to any new ideas about Him, any new perceptions of reinventions of who is He or what He has said by His Word. G-d is not moved by the opinons of man. G-d is moved by a broken and a contrite heart - one who comes to Him in sincerity and says I believe Jesus Christ is your only begotten Son and the One you sent to hang on a cross and shed His perfect Blood - YOUR BLOOD - for me - so that I may be redeemed and made acceptable in your sight. Forgive me for my sins, God, I receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior who died on a cross at Calvary and rose again on the 3rd day and did ascend into heaven and is seated at your right hand... I desire to follow you, Jesus and obey your Holy Word all the days of my life. I give myself to you completely. Receive me now, Lord. Such a one the LORD will not turn away because Sincerity moves the Heart of God. Whosover calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. Amen.
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Great thing about google, can enter a person's name and find out all sorts of interesting things. ...Oopsie, looks like this guy has his naysayers...(to put it mildly.)

Satan is the accuser of the brethren, Delta. Do you really believe that Satan will sit back and not try to figure out a way to mar the name of the Lord's Servants? Gurnall was a holy man of God. There is nothing that can be said against him that will stay. Who dares to bring a charge against God's elect?

NOTE* Comment to your signature line. There are not many paths to the same destination. ( God ) There is one way and that is through Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God. To suggest that all paths lead to God is to suggest that all highways lead to NYC. Start in Georgia and head west and you shall never arrive in NYC no matter how much you wish it so! Start heading south and you will end up in Fla and if you dare to go further you'll find yourself in the water! Not NYC! Alright? Let us stay with the truth. The written word says, Let the Word of God be true and every man ( who disagrees with it ) be found a liar. Amen? Amen!
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Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages (spam), especially advertising, indiscriminately. While the most widely recognized form of spam is e-mail spam, the term is applied to similar abuses in other media: instant messaging spam, Usenet newsgroup spam, Web search engine spam, spam in blogs, wiki spam, online classified ads spam, mobile phone messaging spam, Internet forum spam, junk fax transmissions, social spam, television advertising and file sharing spam. It is named after Spam, a luncheon meat, by way of a Monty Python sketch in which Spam is included in every dish.[1]

Spamming remains economically viable because advertisers have no operating costs beyond the management of their mailing lists, and it is difficult to hold senders accountable for their mass mailings. Because the barrier to entry is so low, spammers are numerous, and the volume of unsolicited mail has become very high. In the year 2011, the estimated figure for spam messages is around seven trillion. The costs, such as lost productivity and fraud, are borne by the public and by Internet service providers, which have been forced to add extra capacity to cope with the deluge. Spamming has been the subject of legislation in many jurisdictions.[2]

A person who creates electronic spam is called a spammer.[3]

Moving in the direction the Spirit of God desires to go - this is the next sermon from Gurnall and although a tiny one is most powerful in it's message. It is not the size of a message but the power behind it. Like a tiny looking glass - the sun beams through it like a laser focusing in and quickly starts a fire kindling on the object it focuses upon. Interesting that spiritual lessons are most often obtained through the natural things we can see set before us. Here is the link for Gurnall and I will put up his words next.

Judgment Of The Nation

Even when the righteous are men beloved of God like Noah and Daniel, sometimes God still denies bail for a people under the arrest of his judgment. Jeremiah, for instance, boldly testified against the sins of the times and interceded in earnest prayer for the people, but he could not convert them by preaching or divert God's wrath by praying. Finally the Jews asked him not to prophesy against them any more and God commanded him to stop praying for the nation.
Judgment hovered like an eagle closing in on her prey. And the only thing that eased Jeremiah's heart, swollen with grief for Israel's sins, was his memory of sincerity to God and man: "Remember that I stood before thee to speak good for them, and to turn away thy wrath from them" ( Jeremiah 18: 20 ) It is as if he had said, "Lord, I cannot make this rebellious generation repent of their sins, and I cannot seem to prevail with you to reverse your decree of punishment, but I have been faithful in my place both to you and to them".

On the contrary, horror and a terrified spirit is the portion of hypocrites in seasons of judgment. Pashur, for example, was a bitter enemy of Jeremiah and of the prophet's message from God. He put in long efforts to soothe the king with vain hope of golden days ahead. And all this against the Word of the Lord at the mouth of Jeremiah! When the storm began to fall in torrents of judgment, Jeremiah tore away all such imaginary shelter by telling Pashur that he would carry a personal brand of God's anger, besides standing in the common calamity of the people. ( Jeremiah 20 )
Sincerity strengthens the Christian deprived of the chance to serve God. If a servant of Christ could choose any affliction, he would select everything else before he would endure the pain of being a broken instrument, unservicable to God. A devoted servant values his life by the opportunites he has to glorify God.
______________________________________William Gurnall - 1611 - 1679 - edited by James S. Bell

I want it to be clear to the readers that Pashur was a false prophet that was prophesying out of the imaginations of his own mind. He had not been sent by God to stand in the way of Jeremiah. There are many false prophets / false teachers in the churches today and I truly believe that there is greater hope for the hardened sinner than for the one who has heard the Words of the Lord and decided to make himself his own god and speak lies in order to turn the hearts of the people away from repentance to God Almighty! Pashur stood in the way of the LORD by telling the people all was well and would continue to be well. He denied the judgment of God that was about to fall on the nation. Today in America we are faced with the exact same scenario. The false churches / false believers will tell you that judgment is not on the way and that Gods servants are fear mongerers whose only intention is to scare people into heaven. They will accuse, slander, try to revile and dismantle ever vestige of Gods truth in order to justify themselves in their own lies and self- righteousness. Some make quite a spectacle of themselves with their false accusations against the brethren because their curses fall to the ground like a feather. The people quickly see through the facade they attempt to put up. All their efforts avail them nothing when they are striving against the Spirit of the LORD. It is a very dangerous thing to strive against the Spirit of the LORD when He is sounding the Alarm that Judgment is on the way. It is always good to warn people not to do it.
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Next is a short message from Michael Boldea Jr. written on June 4th, 2014. It is called the Predatory Instinct. As Christians we are to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. How is a serpent wise? Watch what they do. They move unseen. You cannot surprise a serpent. You cannot walk up on him at random and catch him off guard. Why? He is always watching, he is always on the lookout. That is the way a Christian should be and as you are continually being filled with the Holy Spirit, walking in the Spirit, not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh, you will not be caught off guard as to what is going on around you. Instead you will conquer it. Every time. How? By the Spirit of the LORD. That is the only way a victorious warfare can be accomplished. Here's Michael. I enjoy his sermons. He truly loves the LORD.

Hand of Help Ministries

Pretty much every animal species can be categorized as either predator or prey. Depending upon where they find themselves along the food chain, some are both predator and prey, while very few can be catalogued as predators without equal, or apex predators of their domain. There are certain traits and characteristics every predator possesses, and if we take a careful look at certain world leaders of times past, current presidents, generals, or military strategists, one can readily identify the selfsame predatory instincts and characteristics in them.

One is either born with predatory instincts or not. One cannot nurture such an instinct, or delegate it to others. One either has it, or they don’t.

What defines a predatory instinct is the ability to discern, identify, and sniff out weakness both in one’s enemies, as well as in one’s prey. An apex predator will gaze upon a thousand potential targets, and choose the weakest of the lot knowing instinctively which it is. Once the target has been identified, an apex predator simply attacks, without warning or pretense, without concern for collateral damage, or international treaties.

The mind of a predator functions very differently than yours or mine. Theirs is not a life put upon by notions of right or wrong, or if what they are doing will be seen as a positive political action. Their purpose is to vanquish their enemy, and pick the perfect moment to strike.

To think that one can negotiate, or use diplomacy with a predator is to embrace foolishness with uttermost ferocity, because deceit and misdirection are some of a predator’s most useful tools.

We have seen this play out on the international stage time and again, whether Iran’s incessant promise that they would not pursue a nuclear program only to have a representative appear on television months later talking about making certain nations ash heaps, or Russia’s vehement promise that all they want is a little beachfront property in the Crimea and nothing more.

Predators exploit weakness, they feed on weakness, and they attack weakness without mercy or preamble. If one is intent upon studying the habits of predators in the wild, one will also notice that predators will often work together to fell larger prey, instinctively realizing that they need each other in order to achieve a common goal.

To be perfectly honest, I’ve been on baby watch the past couple weeks, expecting to see my daughter any day, so I haven’t had much inclination to delve into international affairs, but from what I’ve gathered, two of the biggest predators in the world, and I am speaking of China and Russia, are currently courting each other in the hopes of felling a common enemy.

The next few months will tell the tale, but I fear our weakness is showing, the predators smell the flop sweat, and it’s only a matter of time before they pounce.

Everything that God has created in nature is a tool that can be used to learn what is going on in the spirit realm. To understand what is going on around us, what is going on in nations rising up against nations and kingdoms rising up against kingdoms. The important thing to keep in mind is that the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force. This is warfare. This is not a joy ride. Warriors should not be entangling themselves in the things of this world. They need to be disciples of Christ and ready at all times. We have all looked back on old days but in truth we could not call them good if God did not have us then. There is no edification in looking back upon the past. Move forward and forget what is behind. It is a new day and a new beginning. Walk in that and enjoy the large place the LORD has set your feet in. Psalm 18 is a great Psalm to read and rejoice in as yours.
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A quote from Gurnall:

Are you not living in the midst of enemies? The rivalry between Abraham's herdsmen and Lot's was aggravated by the presence of neighboring heathens: "And there was a strife between the herdmen of Abraham's cattle and the herdmen of Lot's cattle: and the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land" ( Genesis 13: 7 ) For God's people to quarrel while idolaters look on is like vulgar street talk which dishonors both them and their religion. - William Gurnall

That is a good word from Gurnall. Cease from all strife and seek to be at peace with every man for without holiness no one will see the Lord. We know this and knowing that the time is drawing nearer and nearer how much more so should we be seeking to be at peace with all men and by all means winning as many as would come to Christ? The night is coming that no man can work so let us work while it is still day. Pray for the LORD of the Harvest to send forth more Laborers for the laborers are few and the Harvest is plentiful!
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Here is a short sermon from Gurnall. Titled, "THE WEAKNESS OF WICKEDNESS"

God calls Satan wicked to encourage believers in their combat with him. It is as if God says, "Do not be afraid of him, it is a wicked company you go against. And they who defend it are wicked too." If the saints must have enemies, the worse they are, the better! it would put courage into a coward to fight such a crew!
Wickedness must be weak. The devil's guilt tells them their cause is lost before the battle is ever fought. They fear you, Christian, because you are holy, so you do not need to fear them at all. When you see them as subtle, mighty, and many, your heart beats fast. But look on all these spirits as ungodly wretches that hate God more than they hate you. And the only reason they detest you at all is your kinship to Him. Whose side is God on?
In the past He rebuked kings for touching his anointed ones. Will He stand still now and let those wicked spirits threaten His life in you without coming to your rescue? It is impossible.

The unity of the enemy is a challenge to the believers. All the legions of devils and multitudes of wicked men and women form a single mystical body of wickedness, as Christ and his saints are one mystical body. One Spirit unites Christ and His saints and one spirit unites the devils and ungodly men. Their darts are all shot from the same bow and by the same hand. The Christian's fight, then, is a single duel with one great enemy, But this enemy unites all forces to arm themselves with darts of the worst kind. The devils darts are temptations which he aims with remarkable accuracy at the souls of men and women. These temptations are called "darts".
________________________William Gurnall edited by James S. Bell
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