People getting fired


Previous people who have held the job. Porter's position touched every bit of paperwork that went to the President. They would have to have come up with a different arrangement to accommodate Porter.

Oh well then burning him as a witch is perfectly reasonable. He was accused after all. :thup:

You no doubt agree that if the police accuse a black person of something, there is no need for trials or evidence, the guilt is in the accusation - right?

Heil Stalin - the new democrat motto.


Your statements don't seem really relevent to this. It doesn't matter what you "accuse" him of when it comes to getting a security clearance. His background clearly contained matters that prevented him from getting that clearance. Isn't that a bit more then "accusations"?

You guys seem quite adept at the accusation phase of instant guilt yourselves. "Lock her up".....

And there was a legal restraining order. He should never have been able to get the job if he couldn't get a clearance.

But...there are a lot of people being fired over allegations - with a lack of due process.

Well, that's a lie. There was a 30 day TRO a dozen years ago.

But hey, no ex-wife has ever said anything malicious about their ex-husband.

No need for due process, the accusation is the conviction - heil Stalin.

According to another poster here - there was a police report filed and photos of the victim's wounds. So...that's is a bit more compelling then he said/she said don't you think?

There indeed was, a dozen years back. A 30 day TRO was issued, but oddly the case was never prosecuted because there was no EVIDENCE to back up the allegations.

Back when we still had America, that mattered. People could accuse all they wanted, but back then they had to PROVE the accusation using evidence.

Now that we have GLORIOUS STALINIST STATE, no need to worry about all that - if you are accused you are guilty.

Do have a link for that?
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

....."Lock her up".....
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

unions are the ultimate form of discrimination in union states. You are forced to join and pay dues if you want to work.

And they are forced to represent you even if you don't pay.
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

Sure. If you rob a bank on your own time, I'd say your employer should be well within his rights to fire you.

before or after you are convicted? this is an important question, please think before answering.

I answered your question as you posed it. Now you're going jigger it around?

same question, just amplified a bit. Let me try again, are PC firings justifiable in your mind?

I wouldn't call these things "PC" firings necessarily.
before or after you are convicted? this is an important question, please think before answering.

The law can hold you in jail without bail before you're convicted if the circumstances warrant it in the eyes of a judge. I don't see why an employer couldn't use similar discretion and precautions.

would the employee wrongly fired be entitled to compensation if later found innocent? This could get very messy.

It already has! I'm sure it's happened before and it'll happen again! That's life and the American way! :113: :71:

how about a person fired for saying something that is not PC?

I'm one that thinks a private employer can get rid of someone for being non-PC! If they say indelicate racial and sexist remarks, they should go! Why should an employer allow one person to alienate the rest of a business? Are you high? :1041:

In their private time?

Previous people who have held the job. Porter's position touched every bit of paperwork that went to the President. They would have to have come up with a different arrangement to accommodate Porter.

Oh well then burning him as a witch is perfectly reasonable. He was accused after all. :thup:

You no doubt agree that if the police accuse a black person of something, there is no need for trials or evidence, the guilt is in the accusation - right?

Heil Stalin - the new democrat motto.


Your statements don't seem really relevent to this. It doesn't matter what you "accuse" him of when it comes to getting a security clearance. His background clearly contained matters that prevented him from getting that clearance. Isn't that a bit more then "accusations"?

You guys seem quite adept at the accusation phase of instant guilt yourselves. "Lock her up".....
-------------------------------------------- i disagree Coyote , Trump could give me the top security clearance if he wanted to .
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

....."Lock her up".....
Oh, "Lock her up" is a different colored animal. There she did her best to destroy any evidence of her wrong doings which was against the law to begin with.
Oh stop anyone beating on their wife, or being violent for that matter needs reprimanding... So a failed comment, next!

I suppose that if we burn every man accused by a women of something, we may occasionally come across one who beats their wife. I mean, it's 1915 and wife beating is common, so the odds are that someone will be stopped.

Good enough to declare anyone accused as guilty, eh Comrade? Heil Stalin!

In 1960's the cops didn't even show up for most domestic cases..this is 2018, and it is finally coming out .

Perhaps the next time a coward raises his fist, he may think of the consequences..

Which should be decided in a court of law.

Well maybe she will feel empowered to bring it to court now that she has been away from him.. I am sure all the crazies are at her door to get in the limelight and bring it to court.

Why was he working in the Oval office when he could not get a security clearance ?

Yes that is clearly what needs to happen. And in the meantime try to remember:

The presumption of innocence, sometimes referred to by the Latin expression ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (the burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies), is the principle that one is considered innocent unless proven guilty.

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 11, states: "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.".

Employers do have latitude, wide latitude however - they can suspend without pay, suspend with pay, or fire someone. That person does have recourse to the courts if it's an unlawful firing.

Previous people who have held the job. Porter's position touched every bit of paperwork that went to the President. They would have to have come up with a different arrangement to accommodate Porter.

Oh well then burning him as a witch is perfectly reasonable. He was accused after all. :thup:

You no doubt agree that if the police accuse a black person of something, there is no need for trials or evidence, the guilt is in the accusation - right?

Heil Stalin - the new democrat motto.


Your statements don't seem really relevent to this. It doesn't matter what you "accuse" him of when it comes to getting a security clearance. His background clearly contained matters that prevented him from getting that clearance. Isn't that a bit more then "accusations"?

You guys seem quite adept at the accusation phase of instant guilt yourselves. "Lock her up".....
-------------------------------------------- i disagree Coyote , Trump could give me the top security clearance if he wanted to .

They wouldn't once their investigations revealed you to be the notorious Frito Bandito!
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

....."Lock her up".....
Oh, "Lock her up" is a different colored animal. There she did her best to destroy any evidence of her wrong doings which was against the law to begin with.

Not really - half the stuff they accused her of was unsupported and you already designated her as guilty ahead of any lawful process. How is that any different than what you are complaining of?
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

....."Lock her up".....
Oh, "Lock her up" is a different colored animal. There she did her best to destroy any evidence of her wrong doings which was against the law to begin with.

Not really - half the stuff they accused her of was unsupported and you already designated her as guilty ahead of any lawful process. How is that any different than what you are complaining of?

So, you are saying that the other half was supported? ;)

Previous people who have held the job. Porter's position touched every bit of paperwork that went to the President. They would have to have come up with a different arrangement to accommodate Porter.

Oh well then burning him as a witch is perfectly reasonable. He was accused after all. :thup:

You no doubt agree that if the police accuse a black person of something, there is no need for trials or evidence, the guilt is in the accusation - right?

Heil Stalin - the new democrat motto.


Your statements don't seem really relevent to this. It doesn't matter what you "accuse" him of when it comes to getting a security clearance. His background clearly contained matters that prevented him from getting that clearance. Isn't that a bit more then "accusations"?

You guys seem quite adept at the accusation phase of instant guilt yourselves. "Lock her up".....
------------------------------------------------------------------- his background may have contained something . Then again , it doesn't matter . Trump is the last word that says anything about Security Clearance Coyote .
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?
It's difficult to even consider such a question. We've become so hypersensitive and narcissistic now, that we demand the head of anyone who "offends" us in the slightest. "Live and let live" is a relic. ".... defend to the death your right to say it" is a ghost now. Everyone is walking around in a state of perpetual outrage like an open wound.

We can't blame an employer from protecting themselves in this environment. This is cultural now, they're just stuck in it.

Previous people who have held the job. Porter's position touched every bit of paperwork that went to the President. They would have to have come up with a different arrangement to accommodate Porter.

Oh well then burning him as a witch is perfectly reasonable. He was accused after all. :thup:

You no doubt agree that if the police accuse a black person of something, there is no need for trials or evidence, the guilt is in the accusation - right?

Heil Stalin - the new democrat motto.


Your statements don't seem really relevent to this. It doesn't matter what you "accuse" him of when it comes to getting a security clearance. His background clearly contained matters that prevented him from getting that clearance. Isn't that a bit more then "accusations"?

You guys seem quite adept at the accusation phase of instant guilt yourselves. "Lock her up".....
------------------------------------------------------------------- his background may have contained something . Then again , it doesn't matter . Trump is the last word that says anything about Security Clearance Coyote .

I don't think so - if he was Porter would have gotten it.
The law can hold you in jail without bail before you're convicted if the circumstances warrant it in the eyes of a judge. I don't see why an employer couldn't use similar discretion and precautions.

would the employee wrongly fired be entitled to compensation if later found innocent? This could get very messy.

It already has! I'm sure it's happened before and it'll happen again! That's life and the American way! :113: :71:

how about a person fired for saying something that is not PC?

I'm one that thinks a private employer can get rid of someone for being non-PC! If they say indelicate racial and sexist remarks, they should go! Why should an employer allow one person to alienate the rest of a business? Are you high? :1041:

In their private time?

How private would it be if the info gets back to their employer? I've heard people losing jobs because of horrendous Facebook entries! Things like that are taken into consideration! That's the penalty for people being so narcissistic that they need and want their every breath to be validated and catalogued online! :102: :bang3: :blahblah: :dunno: :fu:
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