People getting fired

i guess that its good , i hope that the President makes an issue of DueProcess and Presumption of INNOCENCE in the near future . I refer to your post number 298 Eddie .
and he wasn't fired for beating his wives....

he was a security risk for blackmail, is my understanding...?
Actually, I think he was asked to resign for beating his wives. Politics is 100% image, and he blew it. Badly.
Well he should have simply been asked to resign when he did not pass the Security clearance....
I'm not a great one to support that kind of argument. I believe 100% that rules are meant to be broken. There are no doubt good reasons to overlook an item in a person's past during a security check in some cases. I don't think this was one of those cases, though. Even though I don't see how he could be blackmailed when the cat was already out of the bag.
everyone, including Porter, is given a chance to clear it up... the FBI goes back to the individual with the information they've gathered that has made them be put on hold, and gives them time to clear up any of their issues....

the FBI then decides if it cleared them up enough to give clearance, or not.
CNN says the FBI doesn't grant the clearance. They give the information to the WH and THEY decide. However, it isn't at all clear why the WH did not make a decision and grant a full clearance if they thought he was "innocent," as the President believes.
these lefties are crazy , Charges need to be brought , trial in an American Court of Law needs to be held to get any worth while results . Otherwise its all hearsay and speculation.
for what, he is not being charged with a crime...

he failed a Security Clearance with predetermined criteria already set in stone.
----------------------------------------- i don't really care about PORTER , he is just the current name that lefties are going after . Same thought for Roy Moore . Both were accused with no evidence as if allegations mean anything . Resignation of PORTER was only done because of political appearance . I also said that the TRUMP as top security chief can excuse or ignore the Security Check . Trump and Kelly know the people and agency that does background checks and they probably know that they are scum Care4 .
i guess that its good , i hope that the President makes an issue of DueProcess and Presumption of INNOCENCE in the near future . I refer to your post number 298 Eddie .
We know anything and everything democrats do is perfectly fine, right? Especially if you are a clinton.

They dont give a shit if they take tax breaks, pollute the planet, live behind walls, live decadent lifestyles, we cant.

SOCIALISM is FEUDALISM. Just remember that and that is why your point does not dent those robotic hypocrites in any way.
Nearly $7 trillion in 4 years
1st US Credit Rating Downgrade in history
Most Americans on Food Stamps
Most Americans in Welfare
1st Pres w/out 3% annual GDP growth
Worst economy in decades
Most Criminal administration in US History
Most terrorist/enemy-supporting
1st Cabinet Member Censured in US history

and he wasn't fired for beating his wives....

he was a security risk for blackmail, is my understanding...?
Actually, I think he was asked to resign for beating his wives. Politics is 100% image, and he blew it. Badly.
Well he should have simply been asked to resign when he did not pass the Security clearance....
I'm not a great one to support that kind of argument. I believe 100% that rules are meant to be broken. There are no doubt good reasons to overlook an item in a person's past during a security check in some cases. I don't think this was one of those cases, though. Even though I don't see how he could be blackmailed when the cat was already out of the bag.
everyone, including Porter, is given a chance to clear it up... the FBI goes back to the individual with the information they've gathered that has made them be put on hold, and gives them time to clear up any of their issues....

the FBI then decides if it cleared them up enough to give clearance, or not.
CNN says the FBI doesn't grant the clearance. They give the information to the WH and THEY decide. However, it isn't at all clear why the WH did not make a decision and grant a full clearance if they thought he was "innocent," as the President believes.
Is there anyone in the WH with a security clearance? How come the scum in charges son in law doesn't have one?
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.
I have a problem with taking away their career on unconfirmed alleged acts. What if these were just women whose blackmail demand wasn't met?
Actually, I think he was asked to resign for beating his wives. Politics is 100% image, and he blew it. Badly.
Well he should have simply been asked to resign when he did not pass the Security clearance....
I'm not a great one to support that kind of argument. I believe 100% that rules are meant to be broken. There are no doubt good reasons to overlook an item in a person's past during a security check in some cases. I don't think this was one of those cases, though. Even though I don't see how he could be blackmailed when the cat was already out of the bag.
everyone, including Porter, is given a chance to clear it up... the FBI goes back to the individual with the information they've gathered that has made them be put on hold, and gives them time to clear up any of their issues....

the FBI then decides if it cleared them up enough to give clearance, or not.
CNN says the FBI doesn't grant the clearance. They give the information to the WH and THEY decide. However, it isn't at all clear why the WH did not make a decision and grant a full clearance if they thought he was "innocent," as the President believes.
Is there anyone in the WH with a security clearance? How come the scum in charges son in law doesn't have one?
Go away.
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.
I have a problem with taking away their career on unconfirmed alleged acts. What if these were just women whose blackmail demand wasn't met?
you have a WH full of trump like molesters Think all 16 who said trump is a molesting pos are liars??
Well he should have simply been asked to resign when he did not pass the Security clearance....
I'm not a great one to support that kind of argument. I believe 100% that rules are meant to be broken. There are no doubt good reasons to overlook an item in a person's past during a security check in some cases. I don't think this was one of those cases, though. Even though I don't see how he could be blackmailed when the cat was already out of the bag.
everyone, including Porter, is given a chance to clear it up... the FBI goes back to the individual with the information they've gathered that has made them be put on hold, and gives them time to clear up any of their issues....

the FBI then decides if it cleared them up enough to give clearance, or not.
CNN says the FBI doesn't grant the clearance. They give the information to the WH and THEY decide. However, it isn't at all clear why the WH did not make a decision and grant a full clearance if they thought he was "innocent," as the President believes.
Is there anyone in the WH with a security clearance? How come the scum in charges son in law doesn't have one?
Go away.
I'm leaving with the kind words of go F yourself republican pos
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.
I have a problem with taking away their career on unconfirmed alleged acts. What if these were just women whose blackmail demand wasn't met?
I don't like that part either, but if they just followed the norm and the protocol set, he would have simply been quietly let go once they decided not to give him clearance and replaced and no one would be the wiser of his past....
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.
I have a problem with taking away their career on unconfirmed alleged acts. What if these were just women whose blackmail demand wasn't met?
you have a WH full of trump like molesters Think all 16 who said trump is a molesting pos are liars??
I'm not a great one to support that kind of argument. I believe 100% that rules are meant to be broken. There are no doubt good reasons to overlook an item in a person's past during a security check in some cases. I don't think this was one of those cases, though. Even though I don't see how he could be blackmailed when the cat was already out of the bag.
everyone, including Porter, is given a chance to clear it up... the FBI goes back to the individual with the information they've gathered that has made them be put on hold, and gives them time to clear up any of their issues....

the FBI then decides if it cleared them up enough to give clearance, or not.
CNN says the FBI doesn't grant the clearance. They give the information to the WH and THEY decide. However, it isn't at all clear why the WH did not make a decision and grant a full clearance if they thought he was "innocent," as the President believes.
Is there anyone in the WH with a security clearance? How come the scum in charges son in law doesn't have one?
Go away.
I'm leaving with the kind words of go F yourself republican pos
You are leaving because you make allegations without proof and you are being called out on it.
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.
I have a problem with taking away their career on unconfirmed alleged acts. What if these were just women whose blackmail demand wasn't met?
I don't like that part either, but if they just followed the norm and the protocol set, he would have simply been quietly let go once they decided not to give him clearance and replaced and no one would be the wiser of his past....
But, what if the accusation was false? It seems we are riding a wave of "Meetoo" and if the first pol doesn't pay, he'll be publically accused and the next pol will pay. See what I mean?
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.

Yes, I have a problem with it but you said "please don't make this about politics" but post in the politic section.
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.
I have a problem with taking away their career on unconfirmed alleged acts. What if these were just women whose blackmail demand wasn't met?
I don't like that part either, but if they just followed the norm and the protocol set, he would have simply been quietly let go once they decided not to give him clearance and replaced and no one would be the wiser of his past....
------------------------------------ i like the issue in all its glory as its something that the President seems to have noticed and might take on plus it gets 'normal non lefties thinking . Where would we Americans be without Due Process and Rule of Law ??
as I feared, this is getting off topic.

so let me restate the question.

do you find it problematic that people lose their jobs for things they do away from the workplace on their own time?

Mozzila CEO Brendan Eich is a prime example, he made statements he was against gay marriage and was promptly lynched on the Internet and let go

Complete BS
Mozzila doesn't have the right to make their own hiring/firing calls?
Classic libspeak.
It's classic libspeak to ask if a corporation has the right to hire and fire on their own?
What's the word from Lapierre on this?
Well, considering how he runs things, it IS best to consult him, I guess.
and he wasn't fired for beating his wives....

he was a security risk for blackmail, is my understanding...?
Actually, I think he was asked to resign for beating his wives. Politics is 100% image, and he blew it. Badly.
Well he should have simply been asked to resign when he did not pass the Security clearance....
I'm not a great one to support that kind of argument. I believe 100% that rules are meant to be broken. There are no doubt good reasons to overlook an item in a person's past during a security check in some cases. I don't think this was one of those cases, though. Even though I don't see how he could be blackmailed when the cat was already out of the bag.
everyone, including Porter, is given a chance to clear it up... the FBI goes back to the individual with the information they've gathered that has made them be put on hold, and gives them time to clear up any of their issues....

the FBI then decides if it cleared them up enough to give clearance, or not.
CNN says the FBI doesn't grant the clearance. They give the information to the WH and THEY decide. However, it isn't at all clear why the WH did not make a decision and grant a full clearance if they thought he was "innocent," as the President believes.
-------------------------------------- aw haw , WhiteHouse makes the decision eh . So it is up to the President as he as Top Dog on Security and other clearance does make the decision . -------------- Full Clearance or Half way clearance . Probably up to the President and advisers who if i read your info correctly did as he liked OldLady .

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