People getting fired

Why do people think you have to suffer a criminal conviction to be fired?

Right. The beating up his wives wasn't why he was fired at all: it was because it all became public when opposition research offered both wives a chance to get even, and they took it. The publicity of his evil behavior was what got him fired.

I don't blame the wives: more power to them. Hey, ruin wife-beaters whatever chance you get. I'm for it.

The problem to me is that women and feminist causes are being USED. Since the Trump White House was targeted, it is obvious that the oppo researchers were paid by Democrats. The final aim is hardly justice for women or even deterring wife-beating! The final aim is bringing down Trump and replacing him with some leftist in 2020. What do people think of that?

Does anyone wonder, or care, if these ex wives received money from some left wing sources just before they came forward with their claims?
Saw one wife on the today show, she did not seek out this attention. So the news media is seeking out news against trump rather than reporting actual news. It’s the DNC parrots
He was given the chance to show the FBI that it was a false allegation....or to explain it away....that is the procedure, from what they said on the 24/7.....

I think with Hope Hicks dating him, and the possibility that what these 2 wives and one recent ex-girlfriend said, who still works for the government....

that they could not take the chance and keep hm as an employee because.....

the chance of him some day out of the blue, losing it on Hope Hicks is there....

And IF that did happen to Hope, like these other three women allege happened with them,

and the White House had kept him on, knowing there were these allegations brought to their attention from the FBI, but they chose to ignore them,

it would be a huge scandal....

And maybe, Kelly realizes this now, and that's why porter was asked to resign?

The "Hope Hicks" being in the picture is what makes it tricky for them....

The White House does need to hire only men who are cleaner than this creep. Apparently Rob Porter hates women and beats up every one he can get close enough to. I wonder why they made such a mistake.

On the other hand, we know lots of members of Congress are horrible sexual abusers, and so are CEOs, rich political donators, and all the high level people this #MeToo movement has attacked: it doesn't attack Joe Blow with the handy fists on Friday Night after he's been drinking, I notice. Women are so being used for political purposes. We need to take this movement back from the political operators and bring charges for each and every black eye. Right then, right there. No excuses, no second chances.

All women need to be skilled in karate. I would love to see that movement start and men get the broken bones instead of us.
This! How much hush money was handled out in congress. Hypocrites

we should demand a full accounting of all the hush money that has been paid out for congressmen (and women) in order to silence their victims.
Kind of tough when they have their own rules and say fk you to constituents
Did Trump believe the women he brought to that debate, the ones that ACCUSED Bill Clinton of sexual crimes?

Clinton wasn't convicted of any of them.
Does anyone wonder, or care, if these ex wives received money from some left wing sources just before they came forward with their claims?

Good question. Okay, they let him get away without charges and just divorced him or in the case of the girlfriend left him, but later ------ if they decided later they wanted to get even, that makes a lot of sense to me. They should have gotten even at the time it happened, but they were confused. Happens constantly, needs to stop.

But money? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....................I wouldn't care for that. Don't ruin him because the Dems will pay you: ruin him because these types need ruining.
Why do people think you have to suffer a criminal conviction to be fired?

Right. The beating up his wives wasn't why he was fired at all: it was because it all became public when opposition research offered both wives a chance to get even, and they took it. The publicity of his evil behavior was what got him fired.

I don't blame the wives: more power to them. Hey, ruin wife-beaters whatever chance you get. I'm for it.

The problem to me is that women and feminist causes are being USED. Since the Trump White House was targeted, it is obvious that the oppo researchers were paid by Democrats. The final aim is hardly justice for women or even deterring wife-beating! The final aim is bringing down Trump and replacing him with some leftist in 2020. What do people think of that?

Does anyone wonder, or care, if these ex wives received money from some left wing sources just before they came forward with their claims?
Saw one wife on the today show, she did not seek out this attention. So the news media is seeking out news against trump rather than reporting actual news. It’s the DNC parrots

lol, so it's wrong if the women go to the media, and wrong if they don't. Good one.
Does anyone here really think he didn’t smack around his wives ?

does anyone here really think that bill Clinton did not get a BJ from a 19 year old intern in the oval office?

does anyone here really think that Hillary did not try to destroy that young girl?

does anyone here really think that Trump is responsible for the off duty activities of everyone that works for him?

This is BULLSHIT. Its nothing but another attempt by the corrupt lying dems and their media cohorts to get even with Trump for beating crooked Hillary. Wake up America!
Does anyone wonder, or care, if these ex wives received money from some left wing sources just before they came forward with their claims?

Good question. Okay, they let him get away without charges and just divorced him or in the case of the girlfriend left him, but later ------ if they decided later they wanted to get even, that makes a lot of sense to me. They should have gotten even at the time it happened, but they were confused. Happens constantly, needs to stop.

But money? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....................I wouldn't care for that. Don't ruin him because the Dems will pay you: ruin him because these types need ruining.

Its a valid question, why is no one in the media asking it?
Does anyone wonder, or care, if these ex wives received money from some left wing sources just before they came forward with their claims?

Good question. Okay, they let him get away without charges and just divorced him or in the case of the girlfriend left him, but later ------ if they decided later they wanted to get even, that makes a lot of sense to me. They should have gotten even at the time it happened, but they were confused. Happens constantly, needs to stop.

But money? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....................I wouldn't care for that. Don't ruin him because the Dems will pay you: ruin him because these types need ruining.
Why do they need to be ruined. You treat them like murderers, child molesters. Wtf
Why do people think you have to suffer a criminal conviction to be fired?

Right. The beating up his wives wasn't why he was fired at all: it was because it all became public when opposition research offered both wives a chance to get even, and they took it. The publicity of his evil behavior was what got him fired.

I don't blame the wives: more power to them. Hey, ruin wife-beaters whatever chance you get. I'm for it.

The problem to me is that women and feminist causes are being USED. Since the Trump White House was targeted, it is obvious that the oppo researchers were paid by Democrats. The final aim is hardly justice for women or even deterring wife-beating! The final aim is bringing down Trump and replacing him with some leftist in 2020. What do people think of that?

Does anyone wonder, or care, if these ex wives received money from some left wing sources just before they came forward with their claims?
Saw one wife on the today show, she did not seek out this attention. So the news media is seeking out news against trump rather than reporting actual news. It’s the DNC parrots

lol, so it's wrong if the women go to the media, and wrong if they don't. Good one.

their legal recourse it through the court system, getting even with political enemies is through the media. Does anyone not understand which this is?
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.
I have a problem with taking away their career on unconfirmed alleged acts. What if these were just women whose blackmail demand wasn't met?
I don't like that part either, but if they just followed the norm and the protocol set, he would have simply been quietly let go once they decided not to give him clearance and replaced and no one would be the wiser of his past....
But, what if the accusation was false? It seems we are riding a wave of "Meetoo" and if the first pol doesn't pay, he'll be publically accused and the next pol will pay. See what I mean?
He was given the chance to show the FBI that it was a false allegation....or to explain it away....that is the procedure, from what they said on the 24/7.....

I think with Hope Hicks dating him, and the possibility that what these 2 wives and one recent ex-girlfriend said, who still works for the government....

that they could not take the chance and keep hm as an employee because.....

the chance of him some day out of the blue, losing it on Hope Hicks is there....

And IF that did happen to Hope, like these other three women allege happened with them,

and the White House had kept him on, knowing there were these allegations brought to their attention from the FBI, but they chose to ignore them,

it would be a huge scandal....

And maybe, Kelly realizes this now, and that's why porter was asked to resign?

The "Hope Hicks" being in the picture is what makes it tricky for them....
And Lord knows, we don't need another scandal!
What I object to is
1. guilt by accusation
2. Trial by the media
3. using the courts for political purposes.

What I object to is

1. Women's maltreatment being used for oppo research against political opponents
2. Any money being paid out for such testimony.

I don't care about trial by the media and guilt by accusation: you know this creep knocked those women around. He doesn't deserve a wife ------- ever.
Why do people think you have to suffer a criminal conviction to be fired?

Right. The beating up his wives wasn't why he was fired at all: it was because it all became public when opposition research offered both wives a chance to get even, and they took it. The publicity of his evil behavior was what got him fired.

I don't blame the wives: more power to them. Hey, ruin wife-beaters whatever chance you get. I'm for it.

The problem to me is that women and feminist causes are being USED. Since the Trump White House was targeted, it is obvious that the oppo researchers were paid by Democrats. The final aim is hardly justice for women or even deterring wife-beating! The final aim is bringing down Trump and replacing him with some leftist in 2020. What do people think of that?

Does anyone wonder, or care, if these ex wives received money from some left wing sources just before they came forward with their claims?
Saw one wife on the today show, she did not seek out this attention. So the news media is seeking out news against trump rather than reporting actual news. It’s the DNC parrots

lol, so it's wrong if the women go to the media, and wrong if they don't. Good one.
They didn’t go to the media genius, read my post. The media sought them out. Fk you idiots on the left that can’t comprehend
What I object to is
1. guilt by accusation
2. Trial by the media
3. using the courts for political purposes.

What I object to is

1. Women's maltreatment being used for oppo research against political opponents
2. Any money being paid out for such testimony.

I don't care about trial by the media and guilt by accusation: you know this creep knocked those women around. He doesn't deserve a wife ------- ever.
You know nothing . Stop pretending.
Did Trump believe the women he brought to that debate, the ones that ACCUSED Bill Clinton of sexual crimes?

Clinton wasn't convicted of any of them.

This is why I am not against trial by media in these cases: it's the only trial possible. You all KNOW Clinton did all that stuff. And JFK: many people think he is why Marilyn Monroe committed suicide --- Kennedy and his brother made her into a prostitute. I'm no Kennedy fan. These men get away with so much harm to women. ANY way that women can get back at them, I'm for it. As long as it's true.
What I object to is
1. guilt by accusation
2. Trial by the media
3. using the courts for political purposes.

What I object to is

1. Women's maltreatment being used for oppo research against political opponents
2. Any money being paid out for such testimony.

I don't care about trial by the media and guilt by accusation: you know this creep knocked those women around. He doesn't deserve a wife ------- ever.

since none of us witnesses the alleged abuse, we really don't know what happened do we?
Did Trump believe the women he brought to that debate, the ones that ACCUSED Bill Clinton of sexual crimes?

Clinton wasn't convicted of any of them.

This is why I am not against trial by media in these cases: it's the only trial possible. You all KNOW Clinton did all that stuff. And JFK: many people think he is why Marilyn Monroe committed suicide --- Kennedy and his brother made her into a prostitute. I'm no Kennedy fan. These men get away with so much harm to women. ANY way that women can get back at them, I'm for it. As long as it's true.

your last sentence says it all. how do we know what is true and what is political collusion?
Did Trump believe the women he brought to that debate, the ones that ACCUSED Bill Clinton of sexual crimes?

Clinton wasn't convicted of any of them.

This is why I am not against trial by media in these cases: it's the only trial possible. You all KNOW Clinton did all that stuff. And JFK: many people think he is why Marilyn Monroe committed suicide --- Kennedy and his brother made her into a prostitute. I'm no Kennedy fan. These men get away with so much harm to women. ANY way that women can get back at them, I'm for it. As long as it's true.
Did you know the person? Why do you care his life is destroyed? You have no clue to what happened. Maybe they attacked him first! Maybe there are many things to consider.
Did Trump believe the women he brought to that debate, the ones that ACCUSED Bill Clinton of sexual crimes?

Clinton wasn't convicted of any of them.

Is the paying of hush money not an admission of guilt?
No. Not at all. There are other reasons like time and litigation costs.

yeah, I get that. But the facts are that some of Clinton's victims were paid to be silent. The others are still speaking out.

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