People getting fired

What I object to is
1. guilt by accusation
2. Trial by the media
3. using the courts for political purposes.

What I object to is

1. Women's maltreatment being used for oppo research against political opponents
2. Any money being paid out for such testimony.

I don't care about trial by the media and guilt by accusation: you know this creep knocked those women around. He doesn't deserve a wife ------- ever.

since none of us witnesses the alleged abuse, we really don't know what happened do we?
All these pukes think they know fking everything it’s truly a sad day in America that people believe everything. My fking word.
Does anyone here really think he didn’t smack around his wives ?

does anyone here really think that bill Clinton did not get a BJ from a 19 year old intern in the oval office?

does anyone here really think that Hillary did not try to destroy that young girl?

Me. No, Monica was 24 years of age at the time. If that's not an adult, I don't know what is. We know she showed him her thong when she delivered pizza: Monica deliberately seduced Clinton. Hello, there ARE such things as floozies, and that "young girl" was a prime floozy of the worst kind, and everyone knows it. A victim, ha. She was really the victimizer in this case.

As for Hillary that time, we know for sure she threw a lamp at her worthless husband. We know she was seriously mad for many years. Yes, the two regrouped and went after ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL his other flings and rape attempts. I don't like it either.

does anyone here really think that Trump is responsible for the off duty activities of everyone that works for him?

He wasn't; he is now. I bet someone is on hire right now vetting White House present and future staff for sex crimes in variety, espec. violence toward women. Hey, new rules, new game, things change, they just did.

This is BULLSHIT. Its nothing but another attempt by the corrupt lying dems and their media cohorts to get even with Trump for beating crooked Hillary. Wake up America!

Well, sure. On the other hand, the GOP oppo research has a number of wins on this basis, too. Weinstein. LOTS of left-wing stars and contributors. Bad congressmen. Congressmen are retiring in record numbers: gee whiz, I wonder why? Get out fast before it alllllll comes to light.

Violence and abuse against women is definitely bipartisan. So it is being used against both sides, and so neither side can misuse young women as much as they always did. So that's something good coming out of this political oppo research: they'll have to stay cleaner than before for the sake of their careers. Joe Blow Sixpack, not so much. This ruination of bad men needs to spread down, down, down, as soon as possible. Don't leave it for the high levels of society only.
since none of us witnesses the alleged abuse, we really don't know what happened do we?

Yes, in this case we do. Photos, court orders, testimony. This is unusually good evidence, and is why Rob Porter was out so fast. He lied to Kelly at first, then Kelly found out about all the actual evidence, and Porter was out on his ear. Quite right.

I sure hope there aren't any more of these criminals in the White House: I hope they are cleaning up right now. The Dems will get them on this if they can ---- and never mind Clinton. That was then, this is now.
I heard Bill was convicted of perjury. Sounds guilty to me.

what was his punishment for being found guilty? Oh, lost his Arkansas law license, BFD
So he wasn't guilty then. I see.

of course he was guilty, I asked you what punishment was levied on him. fine? imprisonment? censure? nothing was done to him even though he was found guilty of perjury.
No I think you are doing what they all do and attempting to deflect.

as I feared, this is getting off topic.

so let me restate the question.

do you find it problematic that people lose their jobs for things they do away from the workplace on their own time?

You sound like a guy who's a supporter of labor unions.
Does anyone here really think he didn’t smack around his wives ?

does anyone here really think that bill Clinton did not get a BJ from a 19 year old intern in the oval office?

does anyone here really think that Hillary did not try to destroy that young girl?

Me. No, Monica was 24 years of age at the time. If that's not an adult, I don't know what is. We know she showed him her thong when she delivered pizza: Monica deliberately seduced Clinton. Hello, there ARE such things as floozies, and that "young girl" was a prime floozy of the worst kind, and everyone knows it. A victim, ha. She was really the victimizer in this case.

As for Hillary that time, we know for sure she threw a lamp at her worthless husband. We know she was seriously mad for many years. Yes, the two regrouped and went after ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL his other flings and rape attempts. I don't like it either.

does anyone here really think that Trump is responsible for the off duty activities of everyone that works for him?

He wasn't; he is now. I bet someone is on hire right now vetting White House present and future staff for sex crimes in variety, espec. violence toward women. Hey, new rules, new game, things change, they just did.

This is BULLSHIT. Its nothing but another attempt by the corrupt lying dems and their media cohorts to get even with Trump for beating crooked Hillary. Wake up America!

Well, sure. On the other hand, the GOP oppo research has a number of wins on this basis, too. Weinstein. LOTS of left-wing stars and contributors. Bad congressmen. Congressmen are retiring in record numbers: gee whiz, I wonder why? Get out fast before it alllllll comes to light.

Violence and abuse against women is definitely bipartisan. So it is being used against both sides, and so neither side can misuse young women as much as they always did. So that's something good coming out of this political oppo research: they'll have to stay cleaner than before for the sake of their careers. Joe Blow Sixpack, not so much. This ruination of bad men needs to spread down, down, down, as soon as possible. Don't leave it for the high levels of society only.

If only male/female relationships were as simple and clear as you think they are. Sure, Monica made herself available to Bubba, but a real man would have at least kept it out of the oval office. At least Kennedy took them upstairs.
what was his punishment for being found guilty? Oh, lost his Arkansas law license, BFD
So he wasn't guilty then. I see.

of course he was guilty, I asked you what punishment was levied on him. fine? imprisonment? censure? nothing was done to him even though he was found guilty of perjury.
No I think you are doing what they all do and attempting to deflect.

as I feared, this is getting off topic.

so let me restate the question.

do you find it problematic that people lose their jobs for things they do away from the workplace on their own time?

You sound like a guy who's a supporter of labor unions.

in the 20s and 30s unions had a valid place in society. Workers were being abused and taken advantage of. Today there are laws against that kind of thing, Unions today are nothing but a way to steal money from workers and funnel it to the dem party.
These men get away with so much harm to women. ANY way that women can get back at them, I'm for it. As long as it's true.

your last sentence says it all. how do we know what is true and what is political collusion?[/QUOTE]

I'm addressing the ethical issue for women here. We can't ethically lie, even if they do need ruining.

As for truth ---- is truth something real, or does it depend on what side you are one?

The latter, IMO.
since none of us witnesses the alleged abuse, we really don't know what happened do we?

Yes, in this case we do. Photos, court orders, testimony. This is unusually good evidence, and is why Rob Porter was out so fast. He lied to Kelly at first, then Kelly found out about all the actual evidence, and Porter was out on his ear. Quite right.

I sure hope there aren't any more of these criminals in the White House: I hope they are cleaning up right now. The Dems will get them on this if they can ---- and never mind Clinton. That was then, this is now.

Using your logic, Weiner should be in jail, and he is. Geraldo Rivera should also be in jail, but he isn't. Bill Clinton should be in jail, but he isn't. Double standard?
These men get away with so much harm to women. ANY way that women can get back at them, I'm for it. As long as it's true.

your last sentence says it all. how do we know what is true and what is political collusion?

I'm addressing the ethical issue for women here. We can't ethically lie, even if they do need ruining.

As for truth ---- is truth something real, or does it depend on what side you are one?

The latter, IMO.[/QUOTE]

that's why lady justice is wearing a blindfold. We have allowed politics into our judicial system, and that is very dangerous.
Did you know the person? Why do you care his life is destroyed? You have no clue to what happened. Maybe they attacked him first! Maybe there are many things to consider.

I want every wife-beater's life destroyed. Clear enough for you?

By the way, watch the verbal abuse posts if you want me to keep reading you. I note you are quick with the verbal insult posts. I'm quick with the ignore list. Abusive men are not worth ------ well, anything, really.
So he wasn't guilty then. I see.

of course he was guilty, I asked you what punishment was levied on him. fine? imprisonment? censure? nothing was done to him even though he was found guilty of perjury.
No I think you are doing what they all do and attempting to deflect.

as I feared, this is getting off topic.

so let me restate the question.

do you find it problematic that people lose their jobs for things they do away from the workplace on their own time?

You sound like a guy who's a supporter of labor unions.

in the 20s and 30s unions had a valid place in society. Workers were being abused and taken advantage of. Today there are laws against that kind of thing, Unions today are nothing but a way to steal money from workers and funnel it to the dem party.

You want protection from unfair dismissal, join a union.
Did you know the person? Why do you care his life is destroyed? You have no clue to what happened. Maybe they attacked him first! Maybe there are many things to consider.

I want every wife-beater's life destroyed. Clear enough for you?

By the way, watch the verbal abuse posts if you want me to keep reading you. I note you are quick with the verbal insult posts. I'm quick with the ignore list. Abusive men are not worth ------ well, anything, really.

many women are also abusers, both verbal and physical. Do you also want them destroyed?
of course he was guilty, I asked you what punishment was levied on him. fine? imprisonment? censure? nothing was done to him even though he was found guilty of perjury.
No I think you are doing what they all do and attempting to deflect.

as I feared, this is getting off topic.

so let me restate the question.

do you find it problematic that people lose their jobs for things they do away from the workplace on their own time?

You sound like a guy who's a supporter of labor unions.

in the 20s and 30s unions had a valid place in society. Workers were being abused and taken advantage of. Today there are laws against that kind of thing, Unions today are nothing but a way to steal money from workers and funnel it to the dem party.

You want protection from unfair dismissal, join a union.

No, I want an employer to be able to fire an employee for any reason whatsoever. the constitution does not guarantee us lifetime employment.

There are also laws that provide unemployment benefits for those fired without cause. So its really a non issue.
many women are also abusers, both verbal and physical. Do you also want them destroyed?

Ahhhhhhh, my personal favorite fallacy: the "women do it too" argument.

How about this: All men have to do is get the level of violence and abuse and sexual harassment down to the level that women commit. Men don't have to be perfect: you just have to eliminate the 95% of broken arms and collarbones and deaths by gunshot in the parking lot of divorce courts that men do, OVER the number that women do. The small percentage of violence and abuse that women do? You get that free. Whale away, black your wives' eyes freely as long as you stay within that small percentage of violence and abuse that women also do.

Boy, the world would sure be a better place if men didn't do any more crimes than "women do it too."
many women are also abusers, both verbal and physical. Do you also want them destroyed?

Ahhhhhhh, my personal favorite fallacy: the "women do it too" argument.

How about this: All men have to do is get the level of violence and abuse and sexual harassment down to the level that women commit. Men don't have to be perfect: you just have to eliminate the 95% of broken arms and collarbones and deaths by gunshot in the parking lot of divorce courts that men do, OVER the number that women do. The small percentage of violence and abuse that women do? You get that free. Whale away, black your wives' eyes freely as long as you stay within that small percentage of violence and abuse that women also do.

Boy, the world would sure be a better place if men didn't do any more crimes than "women do it too."

people who abuse others should be held accountable for their crimes, regardless of sex, age, or political party.

You are obviously an angry woman who hates all men. I feel sorry for you, most men treat women as they should.
You are obviously an angry woman who hates all men. I feel sorry for you........

Sheeeeeeeeeeesh. Straight to the belittling insults. Did I insult you? Ever? Can't hold a conversation, huh?

I see that last argument was too much for you. You couldn't answer it and win, so you struck out at me. Which is exactly what all these men like Rob Porter do. Look at it. Own it.

I'm gone, disgusted.
Did you know the person? Why do you care his life is destroyed? You have no clue to what happened. Maybe they attacked him first! Maybe there are many things to consider.

I want every wife-beater's life destroyed. Clear enough for you?

By the way, watch the verbal abuse posts if you want me to keep reading you. I note you are quick with the verbal insult posts. I'm quick with the ignore list. Abusive men are not worth ------ well, anything, really.
So what verbal abuse? See, there you go. You just accused me of something not there. by the way, verbal abuse in here is everyday all day. So everyone must be destroyed? That’s your solution. Nice!
of course he was guilty, I asked you what punishment was levied on him. fine? imprisonment? censure? nothing was done to him even though he was found guilty of perjury.
No I think you are doing what they all do and attempting to deflect.

as I feared, this is getting off topic.

so let me restate the question.

do you find it problematic that people lose their jobs for things they do away from the workplace on their own time?

You sound like a guy who's a supporter of labor unions.

in the 20s and 30s unions had a valid place in society. Workers were being abused and taken advantage of. Today there are laws against that kind of thing, Unions today are nothing but a way to steal money from workers and funnel it to the dem party.

You want protection from unfair dismissal, join a union.
No accountability in unions! It’s where lazy people go for a career! Nice!
You are obviously an angry woman who hates all men. I feel sorry for you........

Sheeeeeeeeeeesh. Straight to the belittling insults. Did I insult you? Ever? Can't hold a conversation, huh?

I see that last argument was too much for you. You couldn't answer it and win, so you struck out at me. Which is exactly what all these men like Rob Porter do. Look at it. Own it.

I'm gone, disgusted.
That’s not an insult, it’s an observation and looks to be right on! You are an angry woman who appears to hate men! All you would be required to do is answer if the observation was correct. It’s what normal people do. It seems you have very thin skin in life. Another observation

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