People were much happier under Ronald Reagan


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I don't know what it was but it seemed that people were much happier under Reagen than any other president. I'm not saying that Clinton was the worst president in the world but I've noticed that people seemed freer to express their views during this decade than any other decade. Reagan wasn't perfect but he was like an old-fashioned American president who didn't think it was his job to lead people around like they were his peasants. I generally have not felt the same about most people in power since then because almost every politician treats us like we are their surfs and this comes from both democrat and republican sides. If politicians today had to craft a constitution for us do you think they would have really cared whether or not your rights were being protected? Do you think John McCain would be saying 'freedom of speech...that is important' and do you think the people who vote for John McCain would care that much about it? The good old days always seem better and better because it seemed we were freer as individuals to do what we want with our lives, we were free to oppose each other, and disagree with each other but the more progress we make that feeling seems to be disappearing from us. I think this is why so many Americans miss the good old days in this country.
I don't know what it was but it seemed that people were much happier under Reagen than any other president. I'm not saying that Clinton was the worst president in the world but I've noticed that people seemed freer to express their views during this decade than any other decade. Reagan wasn't perfect but he was like an old-fashioned American president who didn't think it was his job to lead people around like they were his peasants. I generally have not felt the same about most people in power since then because almost every politician treats us like we are their surfs and this comes from both democrat and republican sides. If politicians today had to craft a constitution for us do you think they would have really cared whether or not your rights were being protected? Do you think John McCain would be saying 'freedom of speech...that is important' and do you think the people who vote for John McCain would care that much about it? The good old days always seem better and better because it seemed we were freer as individuals to do what we want with our lives, we were free to oppose each other, and disagree with each other but the more progress we make that feeling seems to be disappearing from us. I think this is why so many Americans miss the good old days in this country.

you were younger then
The eighties were some of the worst days of my life. Construction dies off and building materials cost went up. No work.

Obama's term made a big change in construction back to start of boom.
The 80's were one of the worst decades of the century for the people of my region.
I was born in 86. However, I have read a lot about him. He sounded like a shitty president. He did some fucked up shit, his admin was a bunch of criminals, and seemed to help boost the GOP turning into a corporatist stooge party.
Call that what you will.
Yeah the Iran Contra scandal, trading arms for hostages and watching a president with dementia was such a pleasant era.
You have bigger issues to deal with if whoever the president is affects your mental state.
I was born in 86. However, I have read a lot about him. He sounded like a shitty president. He did some fucked up shit, his admin was a bunch of criminals, and seemed to help boost the GOP turning into a corporatist stooge party.
Call that what you will.
The most corrupt administration in history. More members of Reagan's administration were convicted and indicted than any before or after.
Trump's may break that record.
The eighties were some of the worst days of my life. Construction dies off and building materials cost went up. No work.

Obama's term made a big change in construction back to start of boom.

Construction goes in cycles. They're the first to feel the pain of recession and the last to feel the benefits of a boom. If I remember right, we were suffering from stagflation before Reagan took office. When Reagan was done we had reached our pinnacle seen deep into Clinton's tenure. Employment was great, standard of living great, GDP great, the USA became the clear super power, and national pride returned.

Suggesting Obama led "a start of a boom" while denying Reagan led us into our greatest state is just dishonest.
There Is No Such Thing As a Market Price Setting Itself

Low gasoline prices made all the difference in the economic boom of the 80s. Reagan used the threat of military force to scare OPEC into stopping its price-gouging. He also gave weapons to Saddam and, what we are never told, the green light to produce as much oil as he needed to fund the war against Iran. By allowing Saddam to produce over his OPEC quotas, that took away the jihadist petrocrats' ability to control prices.
The eighties were some of the worst days of my life. Construction dies off and building materials cost went up. No work.

Obama's term made a big change in construction back to start of boom.

Construction goes in cycles. They're the first to feel the pain of recession and the last to feel the benefits of a boom. If I remember right, we were suffering from stagflation before Reagan took office. When Reagan was done we had reached our pinnacle seen deep into Clinton's tenure. Employment was great, standard of living great, GDP great, the USA became the clear super power, and national pride returned.

Suggesting Obama led "a start of a boom" while denying Reagan led us into our greatest state is just dishonest.
When Saint Ray Goon took office we were in inflationary economic times. The followers of his sainthood have a hard time with reality and his regimes curse on America. When his regime was coming to an end the nation finally got some balance from the failures in his plans and the successes of the rest of the world's influences on America.
I remember economic hard times during the 80's. It got better in the late 80's and really took off in the 90's. Reagan took us from being the biggest creditor nation to the biggest debtor nation.
I was born in 86. However, I have read a lot about him. He sounded like a shitty president. He did some fucked up shit, his admin was a bunch of criminals, and seemed to help boost the GOP turning into a corporatist stooge party.
Call that what you will.

You have no clue what you are talking about.
I was born in 86. However, I have read a lot about him. He sounded like a shitty president. He did some fucked up shit, his admin was a bunch of criminals, and seemed to help boost the GOP turning into a corporatist stooge party.
Call that what you will.

You have no clue what you are talking about.
Are you saying American history is as corrupt as his admin was?
You have bigger issues to deal with if whoever the president is affects your mental state.

In 1978, there were no jobs, for anyone. Mortgage rates above 20%, no one could buy a home. In 1981, anyone willing to work could get a job.Interest rates dropped by half. Having the OPPORTUNITY to make a living had a huge impact on the mental state of most people. Other than the Great Depression, the Carter years were the worst America ever saw. Reagan rescued America from compete collapse.
Are you saying American history is as corrupt as his admin was?

I'm saying that the Reagan administration was about the least corrupt that I've ever seen. Obama had the most corrupt administration in my life, Clinton second, dubya third. The Sandinista were a Soviet puppet regime. The Soviets were building military bases on the North American continent. Those who supported the Soviet Union over America are traitors. I don't care what Howard Zinn taught you, the Soviets were NOT the good guys. The Contras were the American Indians that Ortega was engaging in genocide against coupled various factions opposed to Soviet occupation.Compared to the Ortega, they were unquestionably the good guys.

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