People were much happier under Ronald Reagan

Reagan was an illusion for the GOP dupes. Since then, we've had pure crap GOP presidents and a giant GOP propaganda machine that was pure nonstop negativism, hate, and bs character assassination of the Dem presidents, and ditto and total obstruction from GOP pols. A disgrace, for dupes only. Could lying old man Murdoch and Rush PLEASE retire...

The last time I checked I was free to like and dislike anyone I choose for whatever reason so stop pulling this GOP is the party of hate bullcrap.
Of course it is, superdupe. Lock her up was total hate/BULLSHYTTE. All investigated and NADA. How's the Hillary prosecutor coming? LOL arrrrghhh....

Try writing a complete sentence that makes sense.
Are you saying American history is as corrupt as his admin was?

I'm saying that the Reagan administration was about the least corrupt that I've ever seen. Obama had the most corrupt administration in my life, Clinton second, dubya third. The Sandinista were a Soviet puppet regime. The Soviets were building military bases on the North American continent. Those who supported the Soviet Union over America are traitors. I don't care what Howard Zinn taught you, the Soviets were NOT the good guys. The Contras were the American Indians that Ortega was engaging in genocide against coupled various factions opposed to Soviet occupation.Compared to the Ortega, they were unquestionably the good guys.
Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia
Reagan was an illusion for the GOP dupes. Since then, we've had pure crap GOP presidents and a giant GOP propaganda machine that was pure nonstop negativism, hate, and bs character assassination of the Dem presidents, and ditto and total obstruction from GOP pols. A disgrace, for dupes only. Could lying old man Murdoch and Rush PLEASE retire...

Fascist franco, did you fly down to Nicaragua to help Danny Ortega slaughter Miskito Indians like so many of you Marxist terrorists did back then? I know it was all the rage with you of the left. I recall my good friend Bil Stunbmun talking about it. He agreed with you on the hatred of Reagan.

Wrote Bil Stumbmun

Reagan was a disaster. The day that Reagan took office; our Iranian allies were so disgusted that they evicted the American guests who had been held for 440 days. People who had eschewed materialism under Carter started going out and getting jobs. Even fellow Berkley alumni sold out, became capitalist pigs and started businesses. The gas lines which were a cultural icon, soon vanished. The serenity of a two hour wait for gas was soon replaced with the stress of Wall Street speculation and the boom and bust of businesses which sprang up overnight.

Materialism dominated America, the march to learn to live the lifestyle of Guatemala was thwarted by the sudden desire of Americans to produce and make money. President Carter knew we were better than this and had worked to lead us to the simple life of Eastern Europe, but Reagan brought out the worst in people. They wanted a house, they wanted food on their table and gas in their car and it was disgusting. To make matters worse, the price of gas plummeted. No longer did a man have to work eight hours to buy enough gasoline to go to work for the week. Soon Americans returned to the habit of going where they wanted, when they wanted.

Where President Carter had known of the vast superiority of the Soviet Union and had bowed to the inevitable dominance by our superiors, Reagan was defiant. President Carter supported the glorious people’s liberators, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua but Reagan opposed them. Reagan argued that a Soviet backed and controlled dictatorship establishing a beach head on the North American continent was the foundation for the Soviets rolling through Honduras, Guatemala and into Mexico; leaving them on the Southern border of the USA. Well DUH! I knew, as no doubt did the main Soviet supporter in congress, Jim Wright that this was the whole point. I soon joined the Sandinista support club at Berkley.

Little did I or anyone else at the time, know the impact this would have. Well, maybe Reagan did, hatching evil plots in the White House basement. Reagan constantly harassed and confronted our Soviet friends. Reagan had an insidious method of doing things; rather than directly confronting armies like Johnson did in Vietnam, Reagan armed and supported local insurgents. In Nicaragua the capitalist pig forces were hiding across the border in Honduras. Reagan wanted to fund the bourgeois forces against the people’s liberators. Thankfully the progressive ally of the proletariat, Jim Wright acted to block this affront to the plans of the Soviet liberators by cutting all funding to insurgency operations.

The Sandinista support club at Berkley was huge. Besides virtually all the faculty, there were some students in the club too. And the rallies were often more than just an excuse to get together to eat Dr. Tim’s sugar cubes and consume Loof’s crops; the way most faculty staff meetings were, this was real activism. The dream was starting to come true for many of the Berkley professors; a workers’ paradise in North America. Hopes were almost as high as the average professor.

I almost went to Nicaragua with the club. A group of the students who were enrolled in Native American studies were planning to go down to help Comrade Ortega round up the defiant Mosquito Indians who refused to join the collective farms established by the Sandinista liberators. These students knew that nothing teaches the plight of Native Americans as much as rounding up and killing Indians; if they missed their chance with Ortega, they’d probably never get another one. I would have gone, but there was talk of working at one of the collective farms, which wasn’t appealing. }
idk arming terrorists is pretty dumb..
Whats even worse is, we never learned from his mistakes!

What terrorists did he arm?
The Contras and the forerunners of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. He also armed Saddam Hussein.

The Contras were the good guys, I know democrats were supporting the Soviet satellite Sandanistas, the Soviets who had nuclear missiles pointed us. But democrats are traitorous scum.

As for the Taliban, you're just flat out lying. First off, it was Carter who started arming the Mujahadeen. Secondly, the Mujah that was armed is what turned into the Northern Alliance that was fighting the Taliban.

The next time you tell the truth will be the first time.
No Credible Doubt That Contras Murdered Nuns
Are you saying American history is as corrupt as his admin was?

I'm saying that the Reagan administration was about the least corrupt that I've ever seen. Obama had the most corrupt administration in my life, Clinton second, dubya third. The Sandinista were a Soviet puppet regime. The Soviets were building military bases on the North American continent. Those who supported the Soviet Union over America are traitors. I don't care what Howard Zinn taught you, the Soviets were NOT the good guys. The Contras were the American Indians that Ortega was engaging in genocide against coupled various factions opposed to Soviet occupation.Compared to the Ortega, they were unquestionably the good guys.
Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia

The good thing about being a republican is that republicans know the truth but democrats just seem to have scandal free existences because they have the magic power to bend truth around into some pretzel shape that fits whatever history they need. It would be great if a republican official could have such powers but it would be bad for the public. I guess you want to press a big Iwin button and pile up all the things that happen under his administration and then totally deflect anything that is wrong with your side. The powers that liberals seem to have with the public border on mind control and should be studied by anyone who wants to practice the art of mass deception.

Anyways, I never said that Reagan was perfect or he was scandal free. What I said is that people felt freer than they did in subsequent generations. I don't know what it is about the conservative philosophy of less government but it just seems to breed a sense of individual freedom that the philosophy of big government doesn't. Forcing people to channel every single decision they make through the public just seems to make people feel like they ain't free to do anything at all. Our entire lives have became bureaucratized because of that. I hate to say this but it honestly sucks to live in America right now because of that.
I don't know what it was but it seemed that people were much happier under Reagen than any other president. I'm not saying that Clinton was the worst president in the world but I've noticed that people seemed freer to express their views during this decade than any other decade. Reagan wasn't perfect but he was like an old-fashioned American president who didn't think it was his job to lead people around like they were his peasants. I generally have not felt the same about most people in power since then because almost every politician treats us like we are their surfs and this comes from both democrat and republican sides. If politicians today had to craft a constitution for us do you think they would have really cared whether or not your rights were being protected? Do you think John McCain would be saying 'freedom of speech...that is important' and do you think the people who vote for John McCain would care that much about it? The good old days always seem better and better because it seemed we were freer as individuals to do what we want with our lives, we were free to oppose each other, and disagree with each other but the more progress we make that feeling seems to be disappearing from us. I think this is why so many Americans miss the good old days in this country.
Well except for people he tried to destroy, like Cheech and Chong, the fourteenth amendment, right to privacy yeah, he made people happier...
idk arming terrorists is pretty dumb..
Whats even worse is, we never learned from his mistakes!

What terrorists did he arm?
The Contras and the forerunners of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. He also armed Saddam Hussein.

The Contras were the good guys, I know democrats were supporting the Soviet satellite Sandanistas, the Soviets who had nuclear missiles pointed us. But democrats are traitorous scum.

As for the Taliban, you're just flat out lying. First off, it was Carter who started arming the Mujahadeen. Secondly, the Mujah that was armed is what turned into the Northern Alliance that was fighting the Taliban.

The next time you tell the truth will be the first time.
No Credible Doubt That Contras Murdered Nuns

Ohh, a letter by the Sandinista Minister of Culture.

How convincing/

What about you Shortbus, did you fly down and kill Indians for Stalin (well Ortega, but he is a Stalinist like you..)

Contras = American Indians

Sandanistas = Soviet thugs.
I was born in 86. However, I have read a lot about him. He sounded like a shitty president. He did some fucked up shit, his admin was a bunch of criminals, and seemed to help boost the GOP turning into a corporatist stooge party.
Call that what you will.
Your typing style made me think you were at least 60..
I don't know what it was but it seemed that people were much happier under Reagen than any other president. I'm not saying that Clinton was the worst president in the world but I've noticed that people seemed freer to express their views during this decade than any other decade. Reagan wasn't perfect but he was like an old-fashioned American president who didn't think it was his job to lead people around like they were his peasants. I generally have not felt the same about most people in power since then because almost every politician treats us like we are their surfs and this comes from both democrat and republican sides. If politicians today had to craft a constitution for us do you think they would have really cared whether or not your rights were being protected? Do you think John McCain would be saying 'freedom of speech...that is important' and do you think the people who vote for John McCain would care that much about it? The good old days always seem better and better because it seemed we were freer as individuals to do what we want with our lives, we were free to oppose each other, and disagree with each other but the more progress we make that feeling seems to be disappearing from us. I think this is why so many Americans miss the good old days in this country.
Well except for people he tried to destroy, like Cheech and Chong, the fourteenth amendment, right to privacy yeah, he made people happier...

Are you going to bring up the cheech and chong tragedy? Did you ever see this skit they did. It was hillarious.
Are you saying American history is as corrupt as his admin was?

I'm saying that the Reagan administration was about the least corrupt that I've ever seen. Obama had the most corrupt administration in my life, Clinton second, dubya third. The Sandinista were a Soviet puppet regime. The Soviets were building military bases on the North American continent. Those who supported the Soviet Union over America are traitors. I don't care what Howard Zinn taught you, the Soviets were NOT the good guys. The Contras were the American Indians that Ortega was engaging in genocide against coupled various factions opposed to Soviet occupation.Compared to the Ortega, they were unquestionably the good guys.
Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia

The good thing about being a republican is that republicans know the truth but democrats just seem to have scandal free existences because they have the magic power to bend truth around into some pretzel shape that fits whatever history they need. It would be great if a republican official could have such powers but it would be bad for the public. I guess you want to press a big Iwin button and pile up all the things that happen under his administration and then totally deflect anything that is wrong with your side. The powers that liberals seem to have with the public border on mind control and should be studied by anyone who wants to practice the art of mass deception.

Anyways, I never said that Reagan was perfect or he was scandal free. What I said is that people felt freer than they did in subsequent generations. I don't know what it is about the conservative philosophy of less government but it just seems to breed a sense of individual freedom that the philosophy of big government doesn't. Forcing people to channel every single decision they make through the public just seems to make people feel like they ain't free to do anything at all. Our entire lives have became bureaucratized because of that. I hate to say this but it honestly sucks to live in America right now because of that.
I wasn't happy with his amnesty program..Increased taxes, no shelf stock parts in the Army...But it was a hell of a party in D.C. on July 4th 1985..
Reagan was an illusion for the GOP dupes. Since then, we've had pure crap GOP presidents and a giant GOP propaganda machine that was pure nonstop negativism, hate, and bs character assassination of the Dem presidents, and ditto and total obstruction from GOP pols. A disgrace, for dupes only. Could lying old man Murdoch and Rush PLEASE retire...

The last time I checked I was free to like and dislike anyone I choose for whatever reason so stop pulling this GOP is the party of hate bullcrap.
Of course it is, superdupe. Lock her up was total hate/BULLSHYTTE. All investigated and NADA. How's the Hillary prosecutor coming? LOL arrrrghhh....

Try writing a complete sentence that makes sense.
Try a political argument. It all makes perfect sense.
I was born in 86. However, I have read a lot about him. He sounded like a shitty president. He did some fucked up shit, his admin was a bunch of criminals, and seemed to help boost the GOP turning into a corporatist stooge party.
Call that what you will.
Your typing style made me think you were at least 60..

In those days people were taught how to write in complete sentences so maybe that is why you thought he was old.
I don't know what it was but it seemed that people were much happier under Reagen than any other president. I'm not saying that Clinton was the worst president in the world but I've noticed that people seemed freer to express their views during this decade than any other decade. Reagan wasn't perfect but he was like an old-fashioned American president who didn't think it was his job to lead people around like they were his peasants. I generally have not felt the same about most people in power since then because almost every politician treats us like we are their surfs and this comes from both democrat and republican sides. If politicians today had to craft a constitution for us do you think they would have really cared whether or not your rights were being protected? Do you think John McCain would be saying 'freedom of speech...that is important' and do you think the people who vote for John McCain would care that much about it? The good old days always seem better and better because it seemed we were freer as individuals to do what we want with our lives, we were free to oppose each other, and disagree with each other but the more progress we make that feeling seems to be disappearing from us. I think this is why so many Americans miss the good old days in this country.
Well except for people he tried to destroy, like Cheech and Chong, the fourteenth amendment, right to privacy yeah, he made people happier...

Are you going to bring up the cheech and chong tragedy? Did you ever see this skit they did. It was hillarious.

Yes, I managed to see all their skits and shows, along with buying the albums..
I was born in 86. However, I have read a lot about him. He sounded like a shitty president. He did some fucked up shit, his admin was a bunch of criminals, and seemed to help boost the GOP turning into a corporatist stooge party.
Call that what you will.
Your typing style made me think you were at least 60..

In those days people were taught how to write in complete sentences so maybe that is why you thought he was old.
Complete sentences, hmm, sounds confining..
Reagan was the first President in decades to give Americans hope. Coming into office home loans were 20% interest and costs were skyrocketing and the Soviets were pounding us in the cold war. He authored a major turnaround and everyone could see it in their daily lives. So yes, people were happier.

Best President I have lived under, going back to Ike.
Reagan was an illusion for the GOP dupes. Since then, we've had pure crap GOP presidents and a giant GOP propaganda machine that was pure nonstop negativism, hate, and bs character assassination of the Dem presidents, and ditto and total obstruction from GOP pols. A disgrace, for dupes only. Could lying old man Murdoch and Rush PLEASE retire...

The last time I checked I was free to like and dislike anyone I choose for whatever reason so stop pulling this GOP is the party of hate bullcrap.
Of course it is, superdupe. Lock her up was total hate/BULLSHYTTE. All investigated and NADA. How's the Hillary prosecutor coming? LOL arrrrghhh....

Try writing a complete sentence that makes sense.
Try a political argument. It all makes perfect sense.

That is an OK comeback..not great...not even sufficient...just OK.
At least during Reagan we could get sidewalk licking drunk in the Army at taxpayers expense, that asshole Bush put an end to that..
idk arming terrorists is pretty dumb..
Whats even worse is, we never learned from his mistakes!

What terrorists did he arm?
The Contras and the forerunners of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. He also armed Saddam Hussein.

The Contras were the good guys, I know democrats were supporting the Soviet satellite Sandanistas, the Soviets who had nuclear missiles pointed us. But democrats are traitorous scum.

As for the Taliban, you're just flat out lying. First off, it was Carter who started arming the Mujahadeen. Secondly, the Mujah that was armed is what turned into the Northern Alliance that was fighting the Taliban.

The next time you tell the truth will be the first time.
You're profoundly ignorant. Yeah, the Contras were just great people. Their death squads carried out over 1300 terrorist attacks and routinely murdered civilians. They smuggled drugs into the US and contributed to the crack epidemic. Reagan covertly supported them even after congress made such activity illegal.

He gave arms to rebel mujaheddin forces in Afghanistan when they were fighting the Russians ( who the right are so fond of now). Then, they were the brave freedom fighters which Reagan claimed were the equivalent of our founding fathers, Of course, when those same people started putting America on their list of enemies for their ongoing jihad, they suddenly became terrorists.
Reagan was the first President in decades to give Americans hope. Coming into office home loans were 20% interest and costs were skyrocketing and the Soviets were pounding us in the cold war. He authored a major turnaround and everyone could see it in their daily lives. So yes, people were happier.

Best President I have lived under, going back to Ike.

I wasn't specifically talking about any policies he laid down but more how people's attitude was different back then about liberty and freedom. Of course, we had laws against a lot of things and everyone disagreed on what those should be but everyone agreed with the principles of liberty and freedom. What that included was different from person to person but no one ever disagreed with it in their heart. Things have definately changed for the worse in this country.
Of course we were happy. We put the shit Carter years behind us. Got control of ourselves and our money and everything got better. We felt better about being Americans and the communists were dying off fast. It was a great time.

What are you complaining about?

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