People were much happier under Ronald Reagan

Are you saying American history is as corrupt as his admin was?

I'm saying that the Reagan administration was about the least corrupt that I've ever seen. Obama had the most corrupt administration in my life, Clinton second, dubya third. The Sandinista were a Soviet puppet regime. The Soviets were building military bases on the North American continent. Those who supported the Soviet Union over America are traitors. I don't care what Howard Zinn taught you, the Soviets were NOT the good guys. The Contras were the American Indians that Ortega was engaging in genocide against coupled various factions opposed to Soviet occupation.Compared to the Ortega, they were unquestionably the good guys.
His admin resulted in 138 investigations, indictments and convictions. Say what you want but I don't think that ever happened before. Or since..
Not true, the DC establishment HATED Reagan's guts. He had the support of the people so they couldn't do much about it but they hated him. He threw a monkey wrench into the DC establishment corruption and patronage. And much like Trump their allies in the MSM mocked Reagan as a stupid moron actor who was dumb as a brick.
idk arming terrorists is pretty dumb..
Whats even worse is, we never learned from his mistakes!
You have bigger issues to deal with if whoever the president is affects your mental state.

In 1978, there were no jobs, for anyone. Mortgage rates above 20%, no one could buy a home. In 1981, anyone willing to work could get a job.Interest rates dropped by half. Having the OPPORTUNITY to make a living had a huge impact on the mental state of most people. Other than the Great Depression, the Carter years were the worst America ever saw. Reagan rescued America from compete collapse.
Inflation came because OPEC formed and had an embargo on USA. This took gas from 29 cents a gallon to 4 bucks. That is the cause of inflation. To get back at USA for putting the shah into power in IRAN TOOK AMERICANS HOSTAGE AND WOULD NOT RELEASE THEM UNTIL RONNIE DEAR MADE A PRE ELECTION TREATY WITH THEM to release them when he got elected in exchange for us buying there oil over the other OPEC nations.
Not true, the DC establishment HATED Reagan's guts. He had the support of the people so they couldn't do much about it but they hated him. He threw a monkey wrench into the DC establishment corruption and patronage. And much like Trump their allies in the MSM mocked Reagan as a stupid moron actor who was dumb as a brick.
Genesys made a song about him. The land of Illusion. Was very fitting. The Video was even better.
Not true, the DC establishment HATED Reagan's guts. He had the support of the people so they couldn't do much about it but they hated him. He threw a monkey wrench into the DC establishment corruption and patronage. And much like Trump their allies in the MSM mocked Reagan as a stupid moron actor who was dumb as a brick.
Genesys made a song about him. The land of Illusion. Was very fitting. The Video was even better.

A song was made about Obama, ironically called The Tax Man

His admin resulted in 138 investigations, indictments and convictions. Say what you want but I don't think that ever happened before. Or since..

democrats cannot win elections, so they seek to corrupt the process using lawyers.

The democrats were outraged, OUTRAGED I tells ya that we blocked their Soviet advance up through Mexico. 5th Column leader Jim Wright blocked the Executive from conducting a foreign policy, openly violating the United States Constitution. Reagan ignored their unconstitutional bullshit and protected America from the USSR and their puppet democrats.

HAD the Soviets succeeded in making Nicaragua a permanent base, as Wright fought for, we would have a hostile military on our Southern Border to this day. Reagan fought for the survival of this nation, defeating the Soviets and their puppet democrats in the 5th column.
I was born in 86. However, I have read a lot about him. He sounded like a shitty president. He did some fucked up shit, his admin was a bunch of criminals, and seemed to help boost the GOP turning into a corporatist stooge party.
Call that what you will.

I've read the same garbage and I realized that most of it was a lie because most of it was created by left wing socialist who hated this man.

I'm not saying Reagan made everyone happy because there were a lot of people who did not agree with the things he done or that he waved a magic wand and he increased the endorphins in people. I am saying that America was different because people talked about freedom and liberty constantly. Their were plenty of people who fought for liberty and civil rights and not to many people complained. Now the left has launched a war against 'hate' and I still am not sure why hate has became illegal in this country because the last time I checked I was free to like or dislike anyone in the world and that includes fucking islamic terrorist. There was a New York style liberal who actually wrote a book condemning Islam and Iran actually put a price on his head and everyone thought Iran was crazy. if the same man actually wrote the same book today the liberals would have condemned him as a hater and a bigot as if no one was free to have a negative opinion about Islam anymore. I think Americans were happier because they felt that they were freer to say whatever was on their mind. It is like some dark spirit took over our country and no one can point it out or even say what it is.
idk arming terrorists is pretty dumb..
Whats even worse is, we never learned from his mistakes!

What terrorists did he arm?
The Contras and the forerunners of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. He also armed Saddam Hussein.

It was true that Iraq was supported in the Iraq/Iran war but that was because everyone knew that Iran had to be contained and every president up to W thought that was a good idea. You are taking facts out of context and stringing them together to give them an entirely new meaning to them as in Reagan supported manical dictators because he was an evil man. That is complete bullshit and it is same bullshit that everyone has to put up with because the left doesn't believe in truth or intelligence anymore.
I was born in 86. However, I have read a lot about him. He sounded like a shitty president. He did some fucked up shit, his admin was a bunch of criminals, and seemed to help boost the GOP turning into a corporatist stooge party.
Call that what you will.

You have no clue what you are talking about.
Are you saying American history is as corrupt as his admin was?

We are saying that you are using false facts to back up your claims.
idk arming terrorists is pretty dumb..
Whats even worse is, we never learned from his mistakes!

What terrorists did he arm?
The Contras and the forerunners of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. He also armed Saddam Hussein.

The Contras were the good guys, I know democrats were supporting the Soviet satellite Sandanistas, the Soviets who had nuclear missiles pointed us. But democrats are traitorous scum.

As for the Taliban, you're just flat out lying. First off, it was Carter who started arming the Mujahadeen. Secondly, the Mujah that was armed is what turned into the Northern Alliance that was fighting the Taliban.

The next time you tell the truth will be the first time.
Reagan ensured the one percent for theirs. That was his priority. I lived through it. our company saw no increase in business....those are the facts. He was an actor.
Reagan was an illusion for the GOP dupes. Since then, we've had pure crap GOP presidents and a giant GOP propaganda machine that was pure nonstop negativism, hate, and bs character assassination of the Dem presidents, and ditto and total obstruction from GOP pols. A disgrace, for dupes only. Could lying old man Murdoch and Rush PLEASE retire...
Reagan was an illusion for the GOP dupes. Since then, we've had pure crap GOP presidents and a giant GOP propaganda machine that was pure nonstop negativism, hate, and bs character assassination of the Dem presidents, and ditto and total obstruction from GOP pols. A disgrace, for dupes only. Could lying old man Murdoch and Rush PLEASE retire...

The last time I checked I was free to like and dislike anyone I choose for whatever reason so stop pulling this GOP is the party of hate bullcrap.
somehow a good percentage of Americans get behind presidents and think that one person is some kind of savior.....the only one I know if is my savior....Jesus.
idk arming terrorists is pretty dumb..
Whats even worse is, we never learned from his mistakes!

What terrorists did he arm?
The Contras and the forerunners of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. He also armed Saddam Hussein.

The Contras were the good guys, I know democrats were supporting the Soviet satellite Sandanistas, the Soviets who had nuclear missiles pointed us. But democrats are traitorous scum.

As for the Taliban, you're just flat out lying. First off, it was Carter who started arming the Mujahadeen. Secondly, the Mujah that was armed is what turned into the Northern Alliance that was fighting the Taliban.

The next time you tell the truth will be the first time.
So you still believe that crap about the Sandinistas, though they've since been elected and voted out, and caused none of the bs Reagan warned about? Contra genocide is GREAT! lol ...So how did Reagan's friendship and arming (with chemical and bio weapons) of Uncle Saddam work out? Reagan's GOP bs propaganda machine and 46% zombie population have been great too, along with wrecking the middle class over the last 35 years, superdupe...
Reagan was an illusion for the GOP dupes. Since then, we've had pure crap GOP presidents and a giant GOP propaganda machine that was pure nonstop negativism, hate, and bs character assassination of the Dem presidents, and ditto and total obstruction from GOP pols. A disgrace, for dupes only. Could lying old man Murdoch and Rush PLEASE retire...

The last time I checked I was free to like and dislike anyone I choose for whatever reason so stop pulling this GOP is the party of hate bullcrap.
Of course it is, superdupe. Lock her up was total hate/BULLSHYTTE. All investigated and NADA. How's the Hillary prosecutor coming? LOL arrrrghhh....
somehow a good percentage of Americans get behind presidents and think that one person is some kind of savior.....the only one I know if is my savior....Jesus.

How true but I think that is just the result of centralized power.

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