People were much happier under Ronald Reagan

When Saint Ray Goon took office we were in inflationary economic times. The followers of his sainthood have a hard time with reality and his regime's curse on America. When his regime was coming to an end the nation finally got some balance from the failures in his plans and the successes of the rest of the world's influences on America.
The Bottom-Feeders on Top Don't Want Us to Figure This Out

The blame for ruining Reagan's legacy should be laid entirely on Daddy Bush. His war to save an imaginary country like Kuwait stopped Saddam from flooding the market with oil and lowering prices. The Bush Family Circus's collaboration with Saudi Arabia to raise the profit margins on oil is what weakened the economy and got Clinton elected.

Look at the map. Kuwait was obviously clipped off Mesopotamia to make the new country of Iraq weaker, thereby making Iran more secure. Reagan would have let Saddam take it back and defeat Iran. Reagan didn't care about enriching our disloyal petrocrats.
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You have bigger issues to deal with if whoever the president is affects your mental state.

In 1978, there were no jobs, for anyone. Mortgage rates above 20%, no one could buy a home. In 1981, anyone willing to work could get a job.Interest rates dropped by half. Having the OPPORTUNITY to make a living had a huge impact on the mental state of most people. Other than the Great Depression, the Carter years were the worst America ever saw. Reagan rescued America from compete collapse.
Inflation came because OPEC formed and had an embargo on USA. This took gas from 29 cents a gallon to 4 bucks. That is the cause of inflation. To get back at USA for putting the shah into power IRAN TOOK AMERICANS HOSTAGE AND WOULD NOT RELEASE THEM UNTIL RONNIE DEAR MADE A PRE ELECTION TREATY WITH THEM to release them when he got elected in exchange for us buying theretheir oil over the other OPEC nations.
"Where's the Rest of Me?" (Kings Row)

That's what your goofy gurus have told you to think. But why would Reagan have financed Saddam to blow Iran back 20 years if he loved the Ayatollahs so much? Thinking independently--and none of your imaginary opponents say this--Reagan threatened to blow up Iran himself if the hostages weren't released. Then he encouraged Saddam to produce beyond his OPEC quotas and use the money to buy weapons from us.
The left hated Reagan, the liberal media attempted to crucify him at every turn, however, he had the ability to communicate in such a way that exposed the hypocrisy of their message then permitted them the opportunity to belittle themselves all on their own. Reagan had a vision and remained true to his belief in America.
Papa Bush was simply a belt way blue blood progressive compassionate conservative, AKA RINO, however he did have the balls to stand up for his belief that the sovereignty of a nation required protection. The only problem is that he didn't finish the job and put an end to Saddam when he had the chance.
Not true, the DC establishment HATED Reagan's guts. He had the support of the people so they couldn't do much about it but they hated him. He threw a monkey wrench into the DC establishment corruption and patronage. And much like Trump their allies in the MSM mocked Reagan as a stupid moron actor who was dumb as a brick.
Genesys made a song about him. The land of Illusion. Was very fitting. The Video was even better.
Your Dogma Ate Your Homework

You Dumbocrats feel that if you're piled up in the self-righteous drift of precious snowflakes, you're entitled to be too lazy to look anything up. The rockheaded guitarbangers group is called "Genesis," and their cartoonish video is called the "Land of Confusion." Its childish and meaningless chaos makes me wonder if Reagan's opponents got Alzheimer's first, with their delusional praise of their own degenerate "generation," which was really a loud but tiny part of that generation.
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I was born in 86. However, I have read a lot about him. He sounded like a shitty president. He did some fucked up shit, his admin was a bunch of criminals, and seemed to help boost the GOP turning into a corporatist stooge party.
Call that what you will.

Reagan facts: Reagan started with 11.8% inflation, ended with 4.7% inflation.

Carter ended with 7.5 percent unemployment, Reagan ended with 5.4 percent.

When Reagan took office, America had just been through Vietnam, Watergate, the disastrous Carter Administration, 444 days of the Iranian hostage crisis, the near nuclear meltdown of Three Mile Island, and was experiencing double digit inflation and no growth (stagflation). Meanwhile, the Soviet Union had a death grip on Eastern Europe and had invaded Afghanistan.

Then along came Reagan. Cheery, optimistic, bursting with solutions to our problems. He would be crucified by the GOP of today for not being a hateful whiner and for his willingness to work with Democrats.

When Reagan took office in January 1981, unemployment was 7.5%. At the end of his first term, in January 1985, it was 7.3% and falling. At the end of his second term in January 1989, it was 5.4%.

In the aggregate, Reagan's tax cuts were greater than his tax increases. He had the courage to admit his tax cuts were too deep, and he rolled them back a little.

Reagan also worked with his political opponents to reform the tax code and to reform welfare. He eliminated a great many tax expenditures that benefited the wealthy.

He also had the guts to stand firm on raising interest rates to end the runaway inflation he inherited, even though he was being attacked from all sides for doing so. But he was right and he saved the economy.

In January 1981, inflation stood at 11.8 percent. In January 1989, inflation was at 4.7 percent.

Reagan had balls. Huge balls of steel. He ramped up our defense posture in a big way. "Peace through strength."

This ramping up scared the bejeesus out of the obsequious lefties who felt we should suck the USSR's dick so as not to piss them off. Doc1 just reminded me of them a moment ago. There were protests all over Western Europer by the longhairs.

One of my favorite bands from the 70s, Genesis, got political and made a video called "Land of Confusion" which encapsulates the pants wetting of the liberals. The video portrayed Reagan as a guy who was going to get us all killed.

The libbies were wrong.

By esclating the arms race, Reagan broke the USSR's bank. They couldn't keep up.

You see, Reagan knew something. He knew the USSR's defense posture was all a huge sham. They were nowhere near the big badass they had the commie symps in the West believing they were. Today, it's the pseudocons who think Putin's a badass. And they are just as stupid and wrong.

Reagan had inside information to the contrary, and he had the balls to act on it.

So, yeah, Reagan spent money like crazy. Yes he did. But he did it to break the USSR. And it worked.

No retard will ever convince me Reagan was nothing other than one of our greatest Presidents.

The thing about Reagan was his cheery optimism. It was the Left back then who were the whiny pants wetters. It's a real shame to see the Right has become a mob of whiny, fearful bitches these days.
Inflation came because OPEC formed and had an embargo on USA. This took gas from 29 cents a gallon to 4 bucks. That is the cause of inflation. To get back at USA for putting the shah into power in IRAN TOOK AMERICANS HOSTAGE AND WOULD NOT RELEASE THEM UNTIL RONNIE DEAR MADE A PRE ELECTION TREATY WITH THEM to release them when he got elected in exchange for us buying there oil over the other OPEC nations.

What complete nonsense.

OPEC was formed in in 1959 with Venezuela and Iran as the founding members. It had nothing to do with the Shah. OPEC - Wikipedia. Oh and Britain put the Shah in power, learn some history.

Jimmy Carter ousted the Shah on behalf of Radical Islam and put the Ayatollah Khomeini in power, starting the age of global terrorism. Carter was a weak man, almost Obama level. So the radical Muslims decided that they could fuck with America and took hostages. After the Reagan election, it was made clear that if the hostages were not immediately released, Tehran would be reduced to a smoldering rubble similar to Dresden, so the Terrorists backed down. Unlike the democrats ally ISIS, the Iranians had cities to protect.

The claim that we bought Iranian oil over other OPEC nations is a direct lie, which you undoubtedly know.
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Not true, the DC establishment HATED Reagan's guts. He had the support of the people so they couldn't do much about it but they hated him. He threw a monkey wrench into the DC establishment corruption and patronage. And much like Trump their allies in the MSM mocked Reagan as a stupid moron actor who was dumb as a brick.
Genesys made a song about him. The land of Illusion. Was very fitting. The Video was even better.
Your Dogma Ate Your Homework

You Dumbocrats feel that if you're piled up in the self-righteous drift of precious snowflakes, you're entitled to be too lazy to look anything up. The rockheaded guitarbangers group is called "Genesis," and their cartoonish video is called the "Land of Confusion." Its childish and meaningless chaos makes me wonder if Reagan's opponents got Alzheimer's first, with their delusional praise of their own degenerate "generation," which was really a loud but tiny part of that generation.

The British band Genesis are heavily keyboard based. They distinguished themselves from the progressive rock and heavy metal of the time by eschewing the heavy influence of guitar solos and power chords for synthesizers, particularly the Moog.

Phil Collins was mourning the loss of the Soviet Union, as all of the left were at that time. They had honestly expected the Communists to win and were devastated by their collapse. Shit. borillar still hasn't gotten over it. He weeps that there is no Pol Pot to guide him anymore.
I don't know what it was but it seemed

Stopped reading there.

"I was young, life was good, everyone was happy."

You remember waving flags for Comrade Stalin in the streets of Moscow?

lol what the fuck?

Definitely some screws loose with our right-winger friends.

You said you were happy when you were young, so I just assumed... :dunno:

I am young, you dummy.

And yes, when I'll be old I'm sure I'll have some nostalgia about the good ol' days that are today.
I don't know what it was but it seemed

Stopped reading there.

"I was young, life was good, everyone was happy."

You remember waving flags for Comrade Stalin in the streets of Moscow?

lol what the fuck?

Definitely some screws loose with our right-winger friends.

You said you were happy when you were young, so I just assumed... :dunno:

I am young, you dummy.


So where did you grow up that you were happy, before moving to the USA?
Stopped reading there.

"I was young, life was good, everyone was happy."

You remember waving flags for Comrade Stalin in the streets of Moscow?

lol what the fuck?

Definitely some screws loose with our right-winger friends.

You said you were happy when you were young, so I just assumed... :dunno:

I am young, you dummy.


So where did you grow up that you were happy, before moving to the USA?

What the fuck are you talking about???

I am young and life is good NOW, right here in the USA.
You remember waving flags for Comrade Stalin in the streets of Moscow?

lol what the fuck?

Definitely some screws loose with our right-winger friends.

You said you were happy when you were young, so I just assumed... :dunno:

I am young, you dummy.


So where did you grow up that you were happy, before moving to the USA?

What the fuck are you talking about???

I am young and life is good NOW, right here in the USA.

Even with Trump in office? :eek:
lol what the fuck?

Definitely some screws loose with our right-winger friends.

You said you were happy when you were young, so I just assumed... :dunno:

I am young, you dummy.


So where did you grow up that you were happy, before moving to the USA?

What the fuck are you talking about???

I am young and life is good NOW, right here in the USA.

Even with Trump in office? :eek:

Lol yea, unlike some unhinged winger nutters, I don't mix my personal life with national politics.
You said you were happy when you were young, so I just assumed... :dunno:

I am young, you dummy.


So where did you grow up that you were happy, before moving to the USA?

What the fuck are you talking about???

I am young and life is good NOW, right here in the USA.

Even with Trump in office? :eek:

Lol yea, unlike some unhinged winger nutters, I don't mix my personal life with national politics.

Then you're ahead of most fascist democrats, who eat their own liver because they lost last November.
I blame the free ecstasy, cheap cocaine, cheap Saudi oil, and 300 baud modems.

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