People were much happier under Ronald Reagan

American are never "UNDER" a president, because the president is not a monarch and Americans are citizens, not subjects.

You should have said "during the administration of" instead of "under", when referring to a president.

Otherwise your postis spot on.
Here's my story (and I'm sticking with it).

In the late 70's Jimmy Carter's selection of Paul Volcker as Chairman of the Fed induced an economic recession by tightening up the money supply to finally stem a decade of run-away inflation. It was a bitter pill that Carter was forced to swallow and the full force hit just after Reagan took office. At the time I had just gotten married (we watched coverage of Reagan being shot on the last day of our honeymoon after getting back from Florida) and I was making decent money but buying a house was out of the question. With mortgage interest rates hitting above 21% we decided to pack it up and move from Ohio before winter hit to somewhere we both never been before, Arizona. I didn't have a job but as a COBOL programmer I wasn't much worried about it. 1st son came along in '83, we finally bought a house and the 2nd son was born in '87. So 80's for me was pretty good. This past January I retired from that company I began working for back in October '81.
You guys would have had to have been an adult when Reagan was in office, then you'd know.
I voted for him because his manner was so suave. The only vote I ever regretted. I guess that would make me an adult then?

So you truly believe four more years of Carter would have been better?
ABSOLUTELY. No Saddam problem and wreck of the middle East. No 30 year ruin of the middle class. No GOP propaganda machine and Zombie class. Reagan was an ongoing disaster for the country...
somehow a good percentage of Americans get behind presidents and think that one person is some kind of savior.....the only one I know if is my savior....Jesus.

So, comes next election write in Jesus and vote for her.

Unless it is an actual Hispanic on the ballot with illusions of grandaur.
Reagan was the first President in decades to give Americans hope. Coming into office home loans were 20% interest and costs were skyrocketing and the Soviets were pounding us in the cold war. He authored a major turnaround and everyone could see it in their daily lives. So yes, people were happier.

Best President I have lived under, going back to Ike.

I wasn't specifically talking about any policies he laid down but more how people's attitude was different back then about liberty and freedom. Of course, we had laws against a lot of things and everyone disagreed on what those should be but everyone agreed with the principles of liberty and freedom. What that included was different from person to person but no one ever disagreed with it in their heart. Things have definately changed for the worse in this country.
His policies suqed and that's all that matters in the end, dupe. Wrecked the ME and LA and After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
Reagan was the first President in decades to give Americans hope. Coming into office home loans were 20% interest and costs were skyrocketing and the Soviets were pounding us in the cold war. He authored a major turnaround and everyone could see it in their daily lives. So yes, people were happier.

Best President I have lived under, going back to Ike.

I wasn't specifically talking about any policies he laid down but more how people's attitude was different back then about liberty and freedom. Of course, we had laws against a lot of things and everyone disagreed on what those should be but everyone agreed with the principles of liberty and freedom. What that included was different from person to person but no one ever disagreed with it in their heart. Things have definately changed for the worse in this country.
His policies suqed and that's all that matters in the end, dupe. Wrecked the ME and LA and After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
OH gee, a leftist who hates the guy who brought his USSR to its knees. Color me shocked.
Reagan was the first President in decades to give Americans hope. Coming into office home loans were 20% interest and costs were skyrocketing and the Soviets were pounding us in the cold war. He authored a major turnaround and everyone could see it in their daily lives. So yes, people were happier.

Best President I have lived under, going back to Ike.

I wasn't specifically talking about any policies he laid down but more how people's attitude was different back then about liberty and freedom. Of course, we had laws against a lot of things and everyone disagreed on what those should be but everyone agreed with the principles of liberty and freedom. What that included was different from person to person but no one ever disagreed with it in their heart. Things have definately changed for the worse in this country.
It was his policies and positive attitude that made Americans happier. There were the left wing losers who whined, but he mocked them in such a way everyone laughed with him.
Reagan was the first President in decades to give Americans hope. Coming into office home loans were 20% interest and costs were skyrocketing and the Soviets were pounding us in the cold war. He authored a major turnaround and everyone could see it in their daily lives. So yes, people were happier.

Best President I have lived under, going back to Ike.

I wasn't specifically talking about any policies he laid down but more how people's attitude was different back then about liberty and freedom. Of course, we had laws against a lot of things and everyone disagreed on what those should be but everyone agreed with the principles of liberty and freedom. What that included was different from person to person but no one ever disagreed with it in their heart. Things have definately changed for the worse in this country.
His policies suqed and that's all that matters in the end, dupe. Wrecked the ME and LA and After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
OH gee, a leftist who hates the guy who brought his USSR to its knees. Color me shocked.
I liked Gorbechev...dupe. We're lucky Reagan's BS didn't bring back the Soviet hardiners...
Reagan was the first President in decades to give Americans hope. Coming into office home loans were 20% interest and costs were skyrocketing and the Soviets were pounding us in the cold war. He authored a major turnaround and everyone could see it in their daily lives. So yes, people were happier.

Best President I have lived under, going back to Ike.

I wasn't specifically talking about any policies he laid down but more how people's attitude was different back then about liberty and freedom. Of course, we had laws against a lot of things and everyone disagreed on what those should be but everyone agreed with the principles of liberty and freedom. What that included was different from person to person but no one ever disagreed with it in their heart. Things have definately changed for the worse in this country.
It was his policies and positive attitude that made Americans happier. There were the left wing losers who whined, but he mocked them in such a way everyone laughed with him.
Then reality hit and he went out with low approval. Then the BS GOP propaganda machine got to work...
Reagan was the first President in decades to give Americans hope. Coming into office home loans were 20% interest and costs were skyrocketing and the Soviets were pounding us in the cold war. He authored a major turnaround and everyone could see it in their daily lives. So yes, people were happier.

Best President I have lived under, going back to Ike.

I wasn't specifically talking about any policies he laid down but more how people's attitude was different back then about liberty and freedom. Of course, we had laws against a lot of things and everyone disagreed on what those should be but everyone agreed with the principles of liberty and freedom. What that included was different from person to person but no one ever disagreed with it in their heart. Things have definately changed for the worse in this country.
It was his policies and positive attitude that made Americans happier. There were the left wing losers who whined, but he mocked them in such a way everyone laughed with him.
Then reality hit and he went out with low approval. Then the BS GOP propaganda machine got to work...
Polls. Pfffft.
You're profoundly ignorant. Yeah, the Contras were just great people. Their death squads carried out over 1300 terrorist attacks and routinely murdered civilians. They smuggled drugs into the US and contributed to the crack epidemic. Reagan covertly supported them even after congress made such activity illegal.

He gave arms to rebel mujaheddin forces in Afghanistan when they were fighting the Russians ( who the right are so fond of now). Then, they were the brave freedom fighters which Reagan claimed were the equivalent of our founding fathers, Of course, when those same people started putting America on their list of enemies for their ongoing jihad, they suddenly became terrorists.

Again. compared to the Soviets you were supporting the American Indians were better.

You're Soviet allies were complete scum:

This is a puzzling connection, since the Salvadoran Government has always condemned the actions of the death squads. But since the Sandinistas came to power, they have killed evangelical ministers, arrested and expelled Roman Catholic priests, burned down 59 churches in the Miskito Indian area, censored the Archbishop's weekly sermon, censored the Catholic radio station and sent mobs of young hoodlums to throw stones at bishops and heckle the Pope.

He also makes the remarkable statement that the Sandinistas have killed or kidnapped only 200 people in the last five years. Perhaps Mr. Lewis gets these figures from the official Sandinista ''Human Rights'' organization. The Nicaraguan Permanent Commission on Human Rights (C.P.D.H.) is a private organization headed by Marta Baltodano. It was begun in 1977 to chronicle human- rights abuses by the dictator Somoza and was given wide credibility by the American media while it recorded these absuses. Now the commission is harassed by the Sandinista Government and ignored by the American media. The reports of the commission highlight, on the average, 10 to 20 murders or disappearances a month.

Mr. Lewis also ignores, as do others who apologize for Sandinista repression, the mass kidnapping of the Miskito Indians, tens of thousands of whom have been driven from their homes into Government-run ''relocation centers.'' The victims of this persecution are not even mentioned, let alone given any sympathy.}


Nicaragua was the time that you democrats came out as what you always have been, traitors aligning yourselves with the USSR in hopes of ending the United States in favor of a Marxist dictatorship.

One thing about you democrats, you were consistent in ALWAYS siding with the USSR against America. You were and are loyal Stalinists. The Mujahadeen were fighting YOU, the Soviets that you traitor democrats love. The USSR fell and you have never gotten over it, you still fight to end liberty and build the brutal dictatorship of a government that owns everything including the minds of the slaves.

Honest men love freedom, dishonest men become democrats.
Then reality hit and he went out with low approval. Then the BS GOP propaganda machine got to work...


Yer just fucking brilliant, fascist franco!

The Polls -- All Of Them -- Show Hillary Clinton Leading | HuffPost
So you truly believe four more years of Carter would have been better?

Well, the Soviet Union would still exist.

The loss of the country that defined the views and aspirations of the democrats, the country of Josef Stalin, ,mentor and greatest hero of democrats, was a devastating blow that the dims have never recovered from.

In 1978 the Soviets were in North America, and putting down the Afghan revolution, Jimmy Carter had said that they there Militarily vastly superior to America and the appeasement was our only option. The democrat were riding high, their dream of a World Dictatorship under Soviet rule was so close they could taste it. Soviet Tanks in Tijuana and Juarez was nearly assured with the forward base in Managua. What the democrats had fought for since the 1920's was nearly a reality, then Reagan snatched it all away.

Had Carter won, it is very likely that the democrats would have achieved their goal of world communism. The democrats are STILL fighting for this today, calling it "Green" doesn't change the basic fabric of the goal of a United States subservient to a ruling world government. democrats hate Russians now because the Russians lived through this shit and express what a nightmare it was.

democrats think prison is great if you are a prison guard and they ALL think they will be the guards, free to abuse and exact revenge against those whom they hate.
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So you truly believe four more years of Carter would have been better?

Well, the Soviet Union would still exist.

The loss of the country that defined the views and aspirations of the democrats, the country of Josef Stalin, ,mentor and greatest hero of democrats, was a devastating blow that the dims have never recovered from.

In 1978 the Soviets were in North America, putting down the Afghan revolution, Jimmy Carter had said that they there Militarily vastly superior to America and the appeasement was our only option. The democrat were riding high, their dream of a World Dictatorship under Soviet rule was so close they could taste it. Soviet Tanks in Tijuana and Juarez was nearly assured with the forward base in Managua. What the democrats had fought for since the 1920's was nearly a reality, then Reagan snatched it all away.

Had Carter won, it is very likely that the democrats would have achieved their goal of world communism. The democrats are STILL fighting for this today, calling it "Green" doesn't change the basic fabric of the goal of a United States subservient to a ruling world government. democrats hate Russians now because the Russians lived through this shit and express what a nightmare it was.

democrats think prison is great if you are a prison guard and they ALL think they will be the guards, free to abuse and exact revenge against those whom they hate.
Batshytte crazy^^^lol
Then reality hit and he went out with low approval. Then the BS GOP propaganda machine got to work...


Yer just fucking brilliant, fascist franco!

The Polls -- All Of Them -- Show Hillary Clinton Leading | HuffPost
Until GOPer Comey's BS...

Look, I get that you have at best a second grade education and an IQ under 50, but after yesterday's testimony, no one can be stupid enough to think Comey is anything but a dedicated Obamabot.

The leftist press attempts to hack our elections using fraudulent polls. They thought they could hand Mafia Boss Hillary the election by discouraging Trump supporters by lying that there was no chance to win.

No one will ever believe the polls you Stalinists fabricate again, ever.
So you truly believe four more years of Carter would have been better?

Well, the Soviet Union would still exist.

The loss of the country that defined the views and aspirations of the democrats, the country of Josef Stalin, ,mentor and greatest hero of democrats, was a devastating blow that the dims have never recovered from.

In 1978 the Soviets were in North America, putting down the Afghan revolution, Jimmy Carter had said that they there Militarily vastly superior to America and the appeasement was our only option. The democrat were riding high, their dream of a World Dictatorship under Soviet rule was so close they could taste it. Soviet Tanks in Tijuana and Juarez was nearly assured with the forward base in Managua. What the democrats had fought for since the 1920's was nearly a reality, then Reagan snatched it all away.

Had Carter won, it is very likely that the democrats would have achieved their goal of world communism. The democrats are STILL fighting for this today, calling it "Green" doesn't change the basic fabric of the goal of a United States subservient to a ruling world government. democrats hate Russians now because the Russians lived through this shit and express what a nightmare it was.

democrats think prison is great if you are a prison guard and they ALL think they will be the guards, free to abuse and exact revenge against those whom they hate.
Batshytte crazy^^^lol
Makes you wonder which alternate reality he spends most of his time in.

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