People were much happier under Ronald Reagan

I don't know what it was but it seemed that people were much happier under Reagen than any other president. I'm not saying that Clinton was the worst president in the world but I've noticed that people seemed freer to express their views during this decade than any other decade. Reagan wasn't perfect but he was like an old-fashioned American president who didn't think it was his job to lead people around like they were his peasants. I generally have not felt the same about most people in power since then because almost every politician treats us like we are their surfs and this comes from both democrat and republican sides. If politicians today had to craft a constitution for us do you think they would have really cared whether or not your rights were being protected? Do you think John McCain would be saying 'freedom of speech...that is important' and do you think the people who vote for John McCain would care that much about it? The good old days always seem better and better because it seemed we were freer as individuals to do what we want with our lives, we were free to oppose each other, and disagree with each other but the more progress we make that feeling seems to be disappearing from us. I think this is why so many Americans miss the good old days in this country.

I think Reagan was generally very likeable

Under Carter we were in a period of self doubt. Losing Vietnam, Watergate, rampant inflation and the final indignity......The Iran Hostages
The US was no longer great

Reagan presented an image of a shining city on a hill....admired by everyone

Morale improved significantly
I blame the free ecstasy, cheap cocaine, cheap Saudi oil, and 300 baud modems.

You blame that for you living in a refrigerator carton now?

We've upgraded to a Wooden crate along the side of a road Zippy!

Raygun was a B actor who became a corporate shill, where he learn how to speak to crowds. He continued to be a shill for the Tax and Spend Republican.

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