People who believe in "white privilege" are more racist than people who don't

White Privilege Explained in One Simple Comic Everyday Feminism

"White privilege" is the notion that white people live in a world that is better for them, then it is for "people of color"

As proof the author cites crime statistics, prison sentences, WITHOUT telling us how many crimes were committed by POCs.

Apparently we white people are all really racists, and we need to clean up our act.

But really it doesn't matter no matter how hard to not be a racist, we whites are racist no matter what we do.

So really, there's no real reason we should change our behavior, since we are condemned no matter what we do.

Its ok Whitey, everyone is racist sometimes.

Opps, did I just call you Whitey? That is actually racist on my part. my bad:booze:

Anyway the idea is to recognize white privilege. I guess that is the first step to solving a problem.

"White privilege" is a leftist construct devised to further divide Americans. The fact is the culture of the inner city does not fit well in civilized societies, anywhere.

Strange I always thought it was a by-product, or maybe an instituted plan, to create a white only society with many emphasis of restraining POC from enjoying the rights as listed in our Constitution.

By the way, how is recognizing a divisive problem "dividing Americans"?

How is arguing that some can not fit in our societies "uniting Americans"?

If you tell white people, who have worked very hard to get where they are, that they were given what they had because they are white, they are not going to agree with you.

If other groups believe that nonsense, you have created a very serious division between whites and others.

One that will only grow with time as liberals and minorities try to squash a "White Privilege" that does not exist and only end up discriminating against whites, in the process, pissing them off more and more as time goes on.

That, btw, is the most likely scenario moving forward, imo.

The Future looks bright baby.

So, in other words. You are claiming that an accusation, be it true or false, is divisive and should never be examined.

Following your logic and advice will lead to a sh##load of unsolved problems. You kind of remind me of my father.
I don't understand why somebody is a racists for their belief of statistics that show in our judicial system whites receive more favorable terms in regard to punishment than African-Americans even if their criminal past are similar.

The belief alone might not be racist, just mistaken.
White Privilege Explained in One Simple Comic Everyday Feminism

"White privilege" is the notion that white people live in a world that is better for them, then it is for "people of color"

As proof the author cites crime statistics, prison sentences, WITHOUT telling us how many crimes were committed by POCs.

Apparently we white people are all really racists, and we need to clean up our act.

But really it doesn't matter no matter how hard to not be a racist, we whites are racist no matter what we do.

So really, there's no real reason we should change our behavior, since we are condemned no matter what we do.

Its ok Whitey, everyone is racist sometimes.

Opps, did I just call you Whitey? That is actually racist on my part. my bad:booze:

Anyway the idea is to recognize white privilege. I guess that is the first step to solving a problem.

"White privilege" is a leftist construct devised to further divide Americans. The fact is the culture of the inner city does not fit well in civilized societies, anywhere.

Strange I always thought it was a by-product, or maybe an instituted plan, to create a white only society with many emphasis of restraining POC from enjoying the rights as listed in our Constitution.

By the way, how is recognizing a divisive problem "dividing Americans"?

How is arguing that some can not fit in our societies "uniting Americans"?

If you tell white people, who have worked very hard to get where they are, that they were given what they had because they are white, they are not going to agree with you.

If other groups believe that nonsense, you have created a very serious division between whites and others.

One that will only grow with time as liberals and minorities try to squash a "White Privilege" that does not exist and only end up discriminating against whites, in the process, pissing them off more and more as time goes on.

That, btw, is the most likely scenario moving forward, imo.

The Future looks bright baby.

So, in other words. You are claiming that an accusation, be it true or false, is divisive and should never be examined.

Following your logic and advice will lead to a sh##load of unsolved problems. You kind of remind me of my father.

My question was focused on how it would be divisive.

The reason that whites who have worked hard to get where they are will not agree that they were given what they have because of their white skin, is that they know from personally experience that it is not true.

As to examining the accusation, you lefties are not interested in that.

The norm is to go by the incredibly flawed "disparate impact" theory and any disputing of that is answered with the Race Card.

You, personally might be better than that. I do not recall discussing it personally with you.

But every time in the past that has been what I have seen.
It's a bullshit catch all phrase. "White privilege" is a racist and highly bigoted term. The caucasian race comes in many shades of white from different ethnic backgrounds.
I'm white. I'm not a racist and I've never been labeled a racist. Your OP fails the test.

If you support Affirmative Action you support anti-white discrimination. YOu are thus, a a racist.

There, you have been labeled a racist.

Also, denial is proof, so by denying it, you have admitted it.


Thankfully you ilks time is coming to an end in America , You don't even know the definition of the word racist , no surprise

truth through comedy


Sorry. I rarely click on vidoe links. If you have something to say, say it.

BTW, whites aren't going anywhere. We will be here for the rest of your life and the lives of your children.

We will still be the largest single ethnic group for a long long time.

And you want to build a society based on not only NOT giving their interests any role in national government but to actively discriminate against them?

Oh yeah, that's going to work out GREAT!

You believe that white people are actively discriminated against?

NOt just yes, but Hell yes.

And, you libs are pretty open in your desire to UP the ante on this as shown by the New Haven Firefighter ruling where all the dem appointees voted in favor of blatant anti-white discrimination.

Enjoy the civil discourse we have today.

In the future this will be the good old days.

Have you a personal story of how you have been actively discriminated against? We all know about the New Haven Firefighters. It is often cited when people want to prove discrimination against white people. Something shady went on there. It's famous for the fact that it IS NOT A COMMON OCCURENCE

Since the court found in favor of the don't get to use that one anymore.

How have YOU experienced discrimination? How about your ancestors? Any redlining prevent your purchase of real estate? Something like that?

Finally.....what EXACTLY do you mean by your final two sentences? If I didn't know better...I would say that you are threatening or "predicting" that there will be some racial civil disobedience in our future. Is that it? I'd love to flesh out your thoughts on that subject.

You know......the very fact that Tim Wise has become such a sought after voice on the subject of white in itself evidence that white privilege exists.

Even people who consider themselves to be enlightened and open to hearing his message.....seem to want or need a white filter on that message. Certainly....there are knowledgeable and capable black scholars who can carry that message. But......they just won't be heard by as many white people.

I'd be very grateful if some of our resident "conservatives" would set aside their reflexive need to deny and defend themselves......and make a concerted effort to understand this issue. Try NOT seeing this as an indictment of YOU personally. It isn't.

There is A LOT of information on the subject available for free online. Give it a look. This pattern we have here is just too boring.
I am fairly successful. I've made a good living and I have had a peaceful, pleasant life thus far. I work hard and I have made some good choices.

However.....I know that I was born with and raised with an advantage over minority Americans. Even those who are much smarter than me. They have had to work harder....they have had barriers that I didn't have.

This doesn't make me feel inferior. It doesn't diminish the hard work I've done. It simply recognizes that others have had to work harder. I'm not sure why that upsets so many of you folks.
If white privilege explains white success, what explains white failure? Think before you answer.

White privilege does not explain white success. Who told you that it did?
The royal you.

Google the definition of white privilege.

You kid.
You didn't find what you wanted to find.....sorry.
I don't understand why somebody is a racists for their belief of statistics that show in our judicial system whites receive more favorable terms in regard to punishment than African-Americans even if their criminal past are similar.

The belief alone might not be racist, just mistaken.

To use a catch all phrase to describe great swaths of the world's population from extraordinarily different ethnic backgrounds to explain their success on this planet is racist.

Completely and utterly racist.

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