People who believe in "white privilege" are more racist than people who don't

I'm white. I'm not a racist and I've never been labeled a racist. Your OP fails the test.

If you support Affirmative Action you support anti-white discrimination. YOu are thus, a a racist.

There, you have been labeled a racist.

Also, denial is proof, so by denying it, you have admitted it.


Thankfully you ilks time is coming to an end in America , You don't even know the definition of the word racist , no surprise

truth through comedy


Sorry. I rarely click on vidoe links. If you have something to say, say it.

BTW, whites aren't going anywhere. We will be here for the rest of your life and the lives of your children.

We will still be the largest single ethnic group for a long long time.

And you want to build a society based on not only NOT giving their interests any role in national government but to actively discriminate against them?

Oh yeah, that's going to work out GREAT!

You believe that white people are actively discriminated against?

They see as expanding and opening up power to others as discrimination against whites , they are going to have a very difficult time going forward in America

(From the Voice of America)

Decline of White America Is in Full Swing All About America
He outlines the technique used by rich white plantation owners in some of the 12 colonies to "divide and conquer" among the indentureds, in order to allow the way for full blown slavery, all of which is historically documented and 100% fact.

And that has what to do with the modern construct of "white privilege?

Oh, and I am not your "Comrade".

No, but you are "a" comrade.

Maybe using the term makes your weak intellect feel better or something, but it doesn't hold up under the light of examination.

If you are green, I will call you green.
He outlines the technique used by rich white plantation owners in some of the 12 colonies to "divide and conquer" among the indentureds, in order to allow the way for full blown slavery, all of which is historically documented and 100% fact.

And that has what to do with the modern construct of "white privilege?

Oh, and I am not your "Comrade".

No, but you are "a" comrade.

Maybe using the term makes your weak intellect feel better or something, but it doesn't hold up under the light of examination.

If you are green, I will call you green.

You are entitled to your opinion, little Stormtrooper, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

If you think that everyone on the Left is a Communist, well, then, you go with that, l'il slugger. And the moon is full of cheeze, too!!!
He outlines the technique used by rich white plantation owners in some of the 12 colonies to "divide and conquer" among the indentureds, in order to allow the way for full blown slavery, all of which is historically documented and 100% fact.

And that has what to do with the modern construct of "white privilege?

Oh, and I am not your "Comrade".

No, but you are "a" comrade.

Maybe using the term makes your weak intellect feel better or something, but it doesn't hold up under the light of examination.

If you are green, I will call you green.

You are entitled to your opinion, little Stormtrooper, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

If you think that everyone on the Left is a Communist, well, then, you go with that, l'il slugger. And the moon is full of cheeze, too!!!

He claimed elsewhere that he is an Independent!!! :badgrin:
You are entitled to your opinion, little Stormtrooper, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

Fine. Which facts are "mine"? Be specific, comrade.

If you think that everyone on the Left is a Communist, well, then, you go with that, l'il slugger. And the moon is full of cheeze, too!!!

Well spud, if everyone in the influenza ward is in bed and sneezing, chances are they all have the flu.
He outlines the technique used by rich white plantation owners in some of the 12 colonies to "divide and conquer" among the indentureds, in order to allow the way for full blown slavery, all of which is historically documented and 100% fact.

And that has what to do with the modern construct of "white privilege?...


That is what that video was about?

Man, I am so right not to waste time clicking on the videos these lefties post.

And ditto staat, wtf does that have to do with the modern construct of "white privilege"?
He claimed elsewhere that he is an Independent!!! :badgrin:

No longer. While I am a member of no political parties or groups of any kind. I am solidly anti-Democratic Party.

Their collective insanity has grown exponentially ever since they lost the 2000 election, and has reached dangerous levels of psychosis.
Nobody looks at a white man and thinks he is part of the smartest race. They look at Asians and feel that way. It's the white mans fault. He doesn't study as hard as the Asian.

Nobody looks at the white man and thinks he probably works harder than most people at a back breaking job. They think this about Mexicans. It's the white mans fault. On average we don't bust our ass at back breaking jobs nowadays at the same frequency as Mexicans.

Nobody looks at the white man and thinks he is probably the best athlete out there. They think this about black men. It's the white mans fault. We don't put as much effort into most mainstream physical sports.

Nobody looks at the white man and assumes he is part of the most compassionate race ever to walk the earth. It's the white mans fault. We've done some shit. We freely admit it and have designed countless social programs that have spent over a century trying to make up for it.

Nobody looks at at white man and thinks we are the most humble and enlightened people on earth. A person would look at a Buddhist and think this. It's the white mans fault. We don't spend countless years striving to be as enlightened and humble.

We have character defects too. All the assumption made about the white man may be true....but you won't find us blaming the Asian that were not as smart or humble. You won't find us blaming the black man that were not as athletic. You won't find us blaming a Native American for our perceived lack of compassion.

Instead we own it. And we always try to do better.

Ask Zimbabwe how this type of thinking is working for them now that they are currently begging the white man to come back and put the pieces back together. The white man was 100 percent driven from Zimbabwe. You can't blame the white man for what has happened there.

It's time to take some responsibility. That will go further than anything
He outlines the technique used by rich white plantation owners in some of the 12 colonies to "divide and conquer" among the indentureds, in order to allow the way for full blown slavery, all of which is historically documented and 100% fact.

And that has what to do with the modern construct of "white privilege?...


That is what that video was about?

Man, I am so right not to waste time clicking on the videos these lefties post.

And ditto staat, wtf does that have to do with the modern construct of "white privilege"?

He's a funny guy. And notice how he scuttled away from my original question.
You are entitled to your opinion, little Stormtrooper, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

Fine. Which facts are "mine"? Be specific, comrade.

If you think that everyone on the Left is a Communist, well, then, you go with that, l'il slugger. And the moon is full of cheeze, too!!!

Well spud, if everyone in the influenza ward is in bed and sneezing, chances are they all have the flu.

You think as a fact that I am a communist. That is funny.

Well, enjoy your butthurt, time for me to go enjoy a nice weekend.

And don't forget to bitch really loudly, mkay? Your swastika will help you to gather strength to bitch some more!!
Im one of the last ones here to defend any of this type of crap, but here is my take on the only reason that white privilege exists, or should even be considered still today.
First you have to understand that before 1964, a black man did not have a college education, He was also not protected by any anti discrimination laws, this left a basically uneducated worker in a minimum wage job.
Along comes the equal rights act of 1964 and suddenly all of this changes right? wrong. That uneducated worker in the minimum wage job is still the same, he didn't go out and get a job at NASA designing the next rocket that would carry man to the moon, and he certainly was not able to afford to put his children through college.
Consider this and you now understand that even though the laws say the black can go to that same college, the family did not have the money to send him. So we end up with another generation through the 70s that were kept out of college due to the costs involved.
In the mid to late 70s the equal rights laws were strengthened to address this issue to some extent, but the result was that we now had a new generation that was uneducated and under employed that still could not afford to send the children through college, Yes, more were getting in, but still not in the same racial percentages as the whites.
Today however, with more black families having better paying jobs, more blacks going to college, that white privilege is starting to even out.
There was certainly a privilege to being white in this country at one time, but it is no longer the case. The phrase remains, but the reason for it is almost gone.
Even with the shift in education being available today, you still have us dinosaurs that have come up through our lives seeing blacks as less educated and in the lower paying positions, conditioning for this many years is the reason that we see blacks as less qualified.
I would say that this next generation will see things in a much different light when they get to the working age.

other than that, the actual real privilege is in the hands of the minority, what they do with it is up to them.
He outlines the technique used by rich white plantation owners in some of the 12 colonies to "divide and conquer" among the indentureds, in order to allow the way for full blown slavery, all of which is historically documented and 100% fact.

And that has what to do with the modern construct of "white privilege?...


That is what that video was about?

Man, I am so right not to waste time clicking on the videos these lefties post.

And ditto staat, wtf does that have to do with the modern construct of "white privilege"?

He's a funny guy. And notice how he scuttled away from my original question.

Uhm, no.

You sure need lots and lots of attention, now don't you....
I'm white. I'm not a racist and I've never been labeled a racist. Your OP fails the test.

Using blacks as political pawns for pure partisanship gain is racism, and that's been pointed out to you before. Which means your claim is a lie. You are a clown, but you already know that.

LOL, never, ever change your avatar, at least it's truth in advertising. Classic you'd be a self identifying clown
He outlines the technique used by rich white plantation owners in some of the 12 colonies to "divide and conquer" among the indentureds, in order to allow the way for full blown slavery, all of which is historically documented and 100% fact.

And that has what to do with the modern construct of "white privilege?...


That is what that video was about?

Man, I am so right not to waste time clicking on the videos these lefties post.

And ditto staat, wtf does that have to do with the modern construct of "white privilege"?

He's a funny guy. And notice how he scuttled away from my original question.

It's a common lefty tactic.

THey CONSTANTLY pepper their posts with little jibs and jabs, but if you do the same then they ignore the point that totally blows them out of the water to focus on the fact you called them a "comrade".

If they spent half the time and energy they spend of avoiding or suppressing debate on defending their positions on their merits...

They would have to admit that they CAN'T.

Which is why they do it.
How do you Libs come to possess such an accurate opinion of the black man's problems?
He outlines the technique used by rich white plantation owners in some of the 12 colonies to "divide and conquer" among the indentureds, in order to allow the way for full blown slavery, all of which is historically documented and 100% fact.

And that has what to do with the modern construct of "white privilege?...


That is what that video was about?

Man, I am so right not to waste time clicking on the videos these lefties post.

And ditto staat, wtf does that have to do with the modern construct of "white privilege"?

He's a funny guy. And notice how he scuttled away from my original question.

Uhm, no.

You sure need lots and lots of attention, now don't you....


THis old chestnut.

A man who spends hours here putting his opinions out their, is implying there is something wrong with you for doing the same thing!

I wonder if he thinks we don't notice that he still did NOT address your point?

Or is he just fooling himself?
I don't understand why somebody is a racists for their belief of statistics that show in our judicial system whites receive more favorable terms in regard to punishment than African-Americans even if their criminal past are similar.

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