Pink death: chemicals used to make ham, bacon, boost cancer risks experts warn

If it does't come out of the ground jackass don't eat it....

if half the snitches like you even knew half the crap you put into your mouths it might tell us all why we have so many idiots walking around who think THE GOV. LOVES THEM SO GAWD DAM MUCH THEY'D NEVER HARM YOU, SELL YOU CHIT, OR HAVE YOU EAT UNHEALTHY FOOD..

Gawd dam u are fknn moron, it is all about money on every corner you stupid fkrs........ These huge corporations don't give a dam about your little delicate health bunndles you stupid

You been eating pesticides for fkn fifty years asshole doesnn't that make it just oh so safe idiot.

View attachment 237527

Exposure to Chemicals in Food

You should discuss this over a hotdog....

Hey now donn't start making me have to piss my pants this early in the mornning lol
I know why they are saying this chit. Because if Muslims get offended by bacon/pork what better way to get rid of it all than to say it causes cancer bhahaahah that way it's a win, win . no more cancer and ALLAH won't get pissed any more.
Nitrites used in the meat industry have long been a source of debate, with experts warning of imminent health risks that they carry, despite their anti-inflammatory and pleasant coloring properties.
Pink Death: Chemicals Used to Make Ham, Bacon Boost Cancer Risks, Experts Warn

Don't you love how many of us knew this, tried telling and informing people and all the ignorance can do is laugh and say it's all a conspiracy.. Meanwhile those same stupid asses don't know why they end up with cancer six years later.

They admit it and the same idiots will deny it still because that's what morons do best.
Nitrites were bad then they were good again then bad then good again now they're bad again......... Coffee was bad then good then bad then good...... Eggs were........ Milk was.......

Starting to see a pattern here?

You don't trust the government as far as you could throw it but you'll swallow anything medical and dietary research says as long as it's echoed (and spun) on InfoWhores.........
Now that is funny!!!!

If it does't come out of the ground jackass don't eat it....

if half the snitches like you even knew half the crap you put into your mouths it might tell us all why we have so many idiots walking around who think THE GOV. LOVES THEM SO GAWD DAM MUCH THEY'D NEVER HARM YOU, SELL YOU CHIT, OR HAVE YOU EAT UNHEALTHY FOOD..

Gawd dam u are fknn moron, it is all about money on every corner you stupid fkrs........ These huge corporations don't give a dam about your little delicate health bunndles you stupid

You been eating pesticides for fkn fifty years asshole doesnn't that make it just oh so safe idiot.

View attachment 237527

Exposure to Chemicals in Food
That;s what you think I was talking about? Really?

What a fucking dupe. :rofl:
Nitrites used in the meat industry have long been a source of debate, with experts warning of imminent health risks that they carry, despite their anti-inflammatory and pleasant coloring properties.
Pink Death: Chemicals Used to Make Ham, Bacon Boost Cancer Risks, Experts Warn

Don't you love how many of us knew this, tried telling and informing people and all the ignorance can do is laugh and say it's all a conspiracy.. Meanwhile those same stupid asses don't know why they end up with cancer six years later.

They admit it and the same idiots will deny it still because that's what morons do best.
Nitrites were bad then they were good again then bad then good again now they're bad again......... Coffee was bad then good then bad then good...... Eggs were........ Milk was.......

Starting to see a pattern here?

You don't trust the government as far as you could throw it but you'll swallow anything medical and dietary research says as long as it's echoed (and spun) on InfoWhores.........
Now that is funny!!!!

If it does't come out of the ground jackass don't eat it....

if half the snitches like you even knew half the crap you put into your mouths it might tell us all why we have so many idiots walking around who think THE GOV. LOVES THEM SO GAWD DAM MUCH THEY'D NEVER HARM YOU, SELL YOU CHIT, OR HAVE YOU EAT UNHEALTHY FOOD..

Gawd dam u are fknn moron, it is all about money on every corner you stupid fkrs........ These huge corporations don't give a dam about your little delicate health bunndles you stupid

You been eating pesticides for fkn fifty years asshole doesnn't that make it just oh so safe idiot.

View attachment 237527

Exposure to Chemicals in Food
That;s what you think I was talking about? Really?

What a fucking dupe. :rofl:

Then what the hell were you talking about , cause to me u were soundinng like ur smart ass self LOL
In fairness, we've cut down the amount of processed sandwich meats we eat to almost zero because of nitrates.

And when I go to Wafflehouse for breakfast, I ask myself if the bacon is really worse than the ham or sausage? So I usually wind up ordering bacon.
I don't smoke, do drugs and only rarely have a drink. Seems only fair I give something a fair shot at terminating me earlier than whatever natural cycle I am suppose to have. Cancer is abnormal cells growing in our bodies. All of us will have abnormal cells if we live long enough. Frankly, if I can beat forgetting who everyone is and have a reasonable time until the end, its a win.
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In fairness, we've cut down the amount of processed sandwich meats we eat to almost zero because of nitrates.

And when I go to Wafflehouse for breakfast, I ask myself if the bacon is really worse than the ham or sausage? So I usually wind up ordering bacon.

What is stopping you from ordering all of them?
We cut out soda years and years ago. Began eating clean. It has made a huge difference in our lives. Once its a habit it's easy.
Nitrites used in the meat industry have long been a source of debate, with experts warning of imminent health risks that they carry, despite their anti-inflammatory and pleasant coloring properties.
Pink Death: Chemicals Used to Make Ham, Bacon Boost Cancer Risks, Experts Warn

Don't you love how many of us knew this, tried telling and informing people and all the ignorance can do is laugh and say it's all a conspiracy.. Meanwhile those same stupid asses don't know why they end up with cancer six years later.

They admit it and the same idiots will deny it still because that's what morons do best.
Nitrites were bad then they were good again then bad then good again now they're bad again......... Coffee was bad then good then bad then good...... Eggs were........ Milk was.......

Starting to see a pattern here?

You don't trust the government as far as you could throw it but you'll swallow anything medical and dietary research says as long as it's echoed (and spun) on InfoWhores.........
Now that is funny!!!!

If it does't come out of the ground jackass don't eat it....

if half the snitches like you even knew half the crap you put into your mouths it might tell us all why we have so many idiots walking around who think THE GOV. LOVES THEM SO GAWD DAM MUCH THEY'D NEVER HARM YOU, SELL YOU CHIT, OR HAVE YOU EAT UNHEALTHY FOOD..

Gawd dam u are fknn moron, it is all about money on every corner you stupid fkrs........ These huge corporations don't give a dam about your little delicate health bunndles you stupid

You been eating pesticides for fkn fifty years asshole doesnn't that make it just oh so safe idiot.

View attachment 237527

Exposure to Chemicals in Food
That;s what you think I was talking about? Really?

What a fucking dupe. :rofl:

Then what the hell were you talking about , cause to me u were soundinng like ur smart ass self LOL
Read it and weep...... :eusa_whistle:

Most Nutrition Research Is Bunk

Plus Infowars is nothing more than monetizing fear, it's their bread and butter.
Most of you would be safer with a bike helmet on while posting. I don't see that happening.
This is why I’ve replaced all pork products with Lagavulin long ago.
I figure you get out what you put in. So before my daily 5 k run I had a juice blend of berries and veggies. Talk about energy for the day. After the run a 40 minute weight pretty close to 85 years of age. I attribute it to clean living...and a beer a day. Lol
There is likely a link between lasagna and obesity. Abjure it!
Nitrites used in the meat industry have long been a source of debate, with experts warning of imminent health risks that they carry, despite their anti-inflammatory and pleasant coloring properties.
Pink Death: Chemicals Used to Make Ham, Bacon Boost Cancer Risks, Experts Warn

Don't you love how many of us knew this, tried telling and informing people and all the ignorance can do is laugh and say it's all a conspiracy.. Meanwhile those same stupid asses don't know why they end up with cancer six years later.

They admit it and the same idiots will deny it still because that's what morons do best.
Nitrites were bad then they were good again then bad then good again now they're bad again......... Coffee was bad then good then bad then good...... Eggs were........ Milk was.......

Starting to see a pattern here?

You don't trust the government as far as you could throw it but you'll swallow anything medical and dietary research says as long as it's echoed (and spun) on InfoWhores.........
Now that is funny!!!!

If it does't come out of the ground jackass don't eat it....

if half the snitches like you even knew half the crap you put into your mouths it might tell us all why we have so many idiots walking around who think THE GOV. LOVES THEM SO GAWD DAM MUCH THEY'D NEVER HARM YOU, SELL YOU CHIT, OR HAVE YOU EAT UNHEALTHY FOOD..

Gawd dam u are fknn moron, it is all about money on every corner you stupid fkrs........ These huge corporations don't give a dam about your little delicate health bunndles you stupid

You been eating pesticides for fkn fifty years asshole doesnn't that make it just oh so safe idiot.

View attachment 237527

Exposure to Chemicals in Food
That;s what you think I was talking about? Really?

What a fucking dupe. :rofl:

Then what the hell were you talking about , cause to me u were soundinng like ur smart ass self LOL
Read it and weep...... :eusa_whistle:

Most Nutrition Research Is Bunk

Plus Infowars is nothing more than monetizing fear, it's their bread and butter.

OMFG do u have to use infowars as ur denial reason everyone eles is so way past infowars chit....

When will you ever learn using infowars is such bs to use since this is where infowars got their information which means it's an article infowars wrote based off this FACT.

from here dufis.


Pink Death: Chemicals Used to Make Ham, Bacon Boost Cancer Risks, Experts Warn

You weak minds are so pathetic as you use infowars as a reason to deny information , why because your all to dumb to see where and who they get their information from and why?

your all lead by your idiots who have cluster fks of same mindless thinkers such as yourself........... lol

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