Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

It's interesting how these people are in a frenzy about abortion, and what to ethically do with the tissue resulting from it but have been strangely silent about the millions of embryos created through by the for-profit invitro fertilization clinics.

In the UK, 2012 - 1.7 million embryos were discarded.

Criticisms to this are fairly mild because it's in the name of helping couples to have more children.

Couples can choose to donate the embryos to research.

Around 2 million of those potential embryos are destroyed each year in the US.

That's almost double the number of abortions in the US in one year.

Where's the appropriate level of outrage?
It's interesting how these people are in a frenzy about abortion, and what to ethically do with the tissue resulting from it but have been strangely silent about the millions of embryos created through by the for-profit invitro fertilization clinics.

In the UK, 2012 - 1.7 million embryos were discarded.

Criticisms to this are fairly mild because it's in the name of helping couples to have more children.

Couples can choose to donate the embryos to research.

Around 2 million of those potential embryos are destroyed each year in the US.
Your desperate attempts to change the subject are noted.

Organs are not viable for transplant. It is tissue viable for research and even to develop vaccines that save lives.

Something good out of something unfortunate.
It's interesting how these people are in a frenzy about abortion, and what to ethically do with the tissue resulting from it but have been strangely silent about the millions of embryos created through by the for-profit invitro fertilization clinics.

In the UK, 2012 - 1.7 million embryos were discarded.

Criticisms to this are fairly mild because it's in the name of helping couples to have more children.

Couples can choose to donate the embryos to research.

Around 2 million of those potential embryos are destroyed each year in the US.
Your desperate attempts to change the subject are noted.

Not at all, I was following the comments about invitro embryos. It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.
How is this off topic?
It's interesting how these people are in a frenzy about abortion, and what to ethically do with the tissue resulting from it but have been strangely silent about the millions of embryos created through by the for-profit invitro fertilization clinics.

In the UK, 2012 - 1.7 million embryos were discarded.

Criticisms to this are fairly mild because it's in the name of helping couples to have more children.

Couples can choose to donate the embryos to research.

Around 2 million of those potential embryos are destroyed each year in the US.
Your desperate attempts to change the subject are noted.

Not at all, I was following the comments about invitro embryos. It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.
How is this off topic?

It relates to

Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

I suppose if you call attempting to draw attention away from the illegal activities of Planned Parenthood "on topic", it works.

I like macaroni.

See, I can do that too. Except I have no desire to, since I'm doing a good job of exposing the lies that the local baby killers tell to defend baby killing and the sale of the dead babies. I can stay on topic and make my points.
It's interesting how these people are in a frenzy about abortion, and what to ethically do with the tissue resulting from it but have been strangely silent about the millions of embryos created through by the for-profit invitro fertilization clinics.

In the UK, 2012 - 1.7 million embryos were discarded.

Criticisms to this are fairly mild because it's in the name of helping couples to have more children.

Couples can choose to donate the embryos to research.

Around 2 million of those potential embryos are destroyed each year in the US.
Your desperate attempts to change the subject are noted.

Not at all, I was following the comments about invitro embryos. It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.
How is this off topic?

It relates to

Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

She couldn't have said it any plainer:
It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.

Organs are not viable for transplant. It is tissue viable for research and even to develop vaccines that save lives.

Something good out of something unfortunate.

Unless you happen to be the unfortunate woman who is put at risk for the more painful, stressful, dangerous and illegal procedure that they use in order to obtain those items for sale.

It's not higher risk.
It's not dangerous.
The procedure itself is not illegal.
What's illegal is changing the procedure you would routinely use.
It's interesting how these people are in a frenzy about abortion, and what to ethically do with the tissue resulting from it but have been strangely silent about the millions of embryos created through by the for-profit invitro fertilization clinics.

In the UK, 2012 - 1.7 million embryos were discarded.

Criticisms to this are fairly mild because it's in the name of helping couples to have more children.

Couples can choose to donate the embryos to research.

Around 2 million of those potential embryos are destroyed each year in the US.
Your desperate attempts to change the subject are noted.

Not at all, I was following the comments about invitro embryos. It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.
How is this off topic?

It relates to

Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

She couldn't have said it any plainer:
It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.

No, the thread is about Planned Parenthood selling dead babies and putting women at risk to do it.

Unless you maintain Planned Parenthood is also selling fertility clinic embryos???

Organs are not viable for transplant. It is tissue viable for research and even to develop vaccines that save lives.

Something good out of something unfortunate.

Unless you happen to be the unfortunate woman who is put at risk for the more painful, stressful, dangerous and illegal procedure that they use in order to obtain those items for sale.

It's not higher risk.
It's not dangerous.
The procedure itself is not illegal.
What's illegal is changing the procedure you would routinely use.

It is higher risk.
It is painful.
The procedure is illegal.
They are changing the procedure to accommodate baby selling.

And I have repeatedly confirmed that with various independent and qualified sources.

You should stop lying. You make usmb look bad.

Organs are not viable for transplant. It is tissue viable for research and even to develop vaccines that save lives.

Something good out of something unfortunate.

Unless you happen to be the unfortunate woman who is put at risk for the more painful, stressful, dangerous and illegal procedure that they use in order to obtain those items for sale.

Most women that opt for surgical abortion are given a general anesthesia and feel nothing. Less than half an hour after waking they are dressed and walking out on their own. Chemicals can be more difficult and painful with side effects, a bit like chemo.

It is only in late term that a fetus is cut and removed in pieces to facilitate the passing through the canal. Late term is a medical decision to save the woman's life or to prevent the suffering of the fetus and imminent death because the fetus has a severe birth defect.
Around 2 million of those potential embryos are destroyed each year in the US.
Your desperate attempts to change the subject are noted.

Not at all, I was following the comments about invitro embryos. It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.
How is this off topic?

It relates to

Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

She couldn't have said it any plainer:
It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.

No, the thread is about Planned Parenthood selling dead babies and putting women at risk to do it.

Unless you maintain Planned Parenthood is also selling fertility clinic embryos???

You want it to be about PP selling body parts, but it about abortions and choice and tissue and research and the costs of preserving and transporting tissue.............etc.

PP is not selling tissue at a profit, not at $30 -100 for the tissue. Now if there is an ongoing auction in the tens of thousands for each tissue, but that is not the case.

You are consumed in building a case on a lie of trafficking in organs. The videos that have been released and those that have been blocked by the courts are dealing with costs associated with preserving and transporting the tissue,not an actual sale for profit.

Think of the lives being saved instead of the tissue being thrown in an incinerator as just so much trash.
Your desperate attempts to change the subject are noted.

Not at all, I was following the comments about invitro embryos. It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.
How is this off topic?

It relates to

Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

She couldn't have said it any plainer:
It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.

No, the thread is about Planned Parenthood selling dead babies and putting women at risk to do it.

Unless you maintain Planned Parenthood is also selling fertility clinic embryos???

You want it to be about PP selling body parts, but it about abortions and choice and tissue and research and the costs of preserving and transporting tissue.............etc.

PP is not selling tissue at a profit, not at $30 -100 for the tissue. Now if there is an ongoing auction in the tens of thousands for each tissue, but that is not the case.

You are consumed in building a case on a lie of trafficking in organs. The videos that have been released and those that have been blocked by the courts are dealing with costs associated with preserving and transporting the tissue,not an actual sale for profit.

Think of the lives being saved instead of the tissue being thrown in an incinerator as just so much trash.

Yes, they are selling for a profit, and 4 of them have now been caught dickering for higher profits. Nobody's life is being saved. Women are being abused and put at risk, and babies are being *harvested* and sold via partial birth abortion....and sometimes, they aren't even dead when they do the harvesting. It's all about the profit margin.

And nobody has been *saved* by a partial birth abortion. Never, in the history of man, has a person been *saved* by torturing and killing women and children.
Your desperate attempts to change the subject are noted.

Not at all, I was following the comments about invitro embryos. It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.
How is this off topic?

It relates to

Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

She couldn't have said it any plainer:
It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.

No, the thread is about Planned Parenthood selling dead babies and putting women at risk to do it.

Unless you maintain Planned Parenthood is also selling fertility clinic embryos???

You want it to be about PP selling body parts, but it about abortions and choice and tissue and research and the costs of preserving and transporting tissue.............etc.

PP is not selling tissue at a profit, not at $30 -100 for the tissue. Now if there is an ongoing auction in the tens of thousands for each tissue, but that is not the case.

You are consumed in building a case on a lie of trafficking in organs. The videos that have been released and those that have been blocked by the courts are dealing with costs associated with preserving and transporting the tissue,not an actual sale for profit.

Think of the lives being saved instead of the tissue being thrown in an incinerator as just so much trash.

The thread is what it is. This thread is the discussion of Planned Parenthood's practice of butchering women and selling dead babies for profit. If you want to discuss abortion and choice, you should start another thread for that.

Organs are not viable for transplant. It is tissue viable for research and even to develop vaccines that save lives.

Something good out of something unfortunate.

Unless you happen to be the unfortunate woman who is put at risk for the more painful, stressful, dangerous and illegal procedure that they use in order to obtain those items for sale.

It's not higher risk.
It's not dangerous.
The procedure itself is not illegal.
What's illegal is changing the procedure you would routinely use.

It is higher risk.
It is painful.
The procedure is illegal.
They are changing the procedure to accommodate baby selling.

And I have repeatedly confirmed that with various independent and qualified sources.

You should stop lying. You make usmb look bad.

This was the conversation:
“If our usual technique is suction, at 10 to 12 weeks, and we switch to using an IPAS or something with less suction, and increase the odds that it will come out as an intact specimen, then we’re kind of violating the protocol that says to the patient, ‘We’re not doing anything different in our care of you,'” she says.

Gatter: So that’s an interesting concept. Let me explain to you a little bit of a problem, which may not be a big problem, if our usual technique is suction, at 10 to 12 weeks, and we switch to using an IPAS or something with less suction, and increase the odds that it will come out as an intact specimen, then we’re kind of violating the protocol that says to the patient, “We’re not doing anything different in our care of you.” Now to me, that’s kind of a specious little argument and I wouldn’t object to asking Ian, who’s our surgeon who does the cases, to use an IPAS at that gestational age in order to increase the odds that he’s going to get an intact specimen, but I do need to throw it out there as a concern. Because the patient is signing something and we’re signing something saying that we’re not changing anything with the way we’re managing you, just because we agree to give tissue. You’ve heard that before.

CMP: Yes. It’s touchy. How do you feel about that?

Gatter: I think they’re both totally appropriate techniques, there’s no difference in pain involved, I don’t think the patients would care one iota. So yeah, I’m not making a fuss about that.

CMP: Mhm. IPAS is the manual suction, right?

Manual suction is described here: Abortion Procedures Surgical vs. Non surgical Find Private Abortion Services. Medical information on Early Abortion and Miscarriage with MVA and the Abortion Pill.

It is not illegal.
So it is a question on when it can live on it's own?

If the mother was willing and the fetus could be safely removed and transplanted.............but that is not yet a viable option yet. It is still the woman's seed and up to her if she would give it up. And if she was to be compensated for giving up tissue?

There are other causes to get involved in rather than a woman's right to choose if she is ready to be a mother or not. At what age, education level does she have or loose that right? If she is raped, does she have to carry the fetus? If she is undergoing medical treatment, does she have to give that up? What if she is in school or beginning a new job? What if there are other circumstances that make it the wrong time or just wrong for her? When is a woman's body her own? When do others have no say in what a woman can or chooses what is best for her physically, mentally, financially or moral for her? Religion should have no place in the law or a woman's right to choose.
So terry chiavo wasn't viable to eat without a tube... Therefore husband had every right to remove it?

She was not alive, she was being artificially kept fed and breathing. She had irreversible brain damage. Why should she have had to be kept under those conditions? That is not living. Her brain was a shriveled mass of dead cells. She should not have been kept so long like that. She should have been freed long before.
Yes, she was alive. That's why they had to withhold food and water to kill her. Like I said...weak helpless people have shortened lifespans when a progressive notices them.

A brain dead cadaver can be kept alive artificially. If we "play God" by ending life, then we are surely "playing God" by prolonging it in this manner. It's isn't "life" as many of us would want it.
Brain dead doesn't move or react, by your definition severely autistic is nothing but a cadaver.
Not at all, I was following the comments about invitro embryos. It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.
How is this off topic?

It relates to

Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

She couldn't have said it any plainer:
It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.

No, the thread is about Planned Parenthood selling dead babies and putting women at risk to do it.

Unless you maintain Planned Parenthood is also selling fertility clinic embryos???

You want it to be about PP selling body parts, but it about abortions and choice and tissue and research and the costs of preserving and transporting tissue.............etc.

PP is not selling tissue at a profit, not at $30 -100 for the tissue. Now if there is an ongoing auction in the tens of thousands for each tissue, but that is not the case.

You are consumed in building a case on a lie of trafficking in organs. The videos that have been released and those that have been blocked by the courts are dealing with costs associated with preserving and transporting the tissue,not an actual sale for profit.

Think of the lives being saved instead of the tissue being thrown in an incinerator as just so much trash.

Yes, they are selling for a profit, and 4 of them have now been caught dickering for higher profits. Nobody's life is being saved. Women are being abused and put at risk, and babies are being *harvested* and sold via partial birth abortion....and sometimes, they aren't even dead when they do the harvesting. It's all about the profit margin.

And nobody has been *saved* by a partial birth abortion. Never, in the history of man, has a person been *saved* by torturing and killing women and children.

If it's "all about" the "profit margin" - show us the profits. I looked at the transcript and saw the "buyer" trying to make a case for "higher profits" but nothing where PP was making a case or agreeing.

You'd rather abuse women by forcing them to have an unwanted pregnancy then dumping them once the product is produced.
If the mother was willing and the fetus could be safely removed and transplanted.............but that is not yet a viable option yet. It is still the woman's seed and up to her if she would give it up. And if she was to be compensated for giving up tissue?

There are other causes to get involved in rather than a woman's right to choose if she is ready to be a mother or not. At what age, education level does she have or loose that right? If she is raped, does she have to carry the fetus? If she is undergoing medical treatment, does she have to give that up? What if she is in school or beginning a new job? What if there are other circumstances that make it the wrong time or just wrong for her? When is a woman's body her own? When do others have no say in what a woman can or chooses what is best for her physically, mentally, financially or moral for her? Religion should have no place in the law or a woman's right to choose.
So terry chiavo wasn't viable to eat without a tube... Therefore husband had every right to remove it?

She was not alive, she was being artificially kept fed and breathing. She had irreversible brain damage. Why should she have had to be kept under those conditions? That is not living. Her brain was a shriveled mass of dead cells. She should not have been kept so long like that. She should have been freed long before.
Yes, she was alive. That's why they had to withhold food and water to kill her. Like I said...weak helpless people have shortened lifespans when a progressive notices them.

A brain dead cadaver can be kept alive artificially. If we "play God" by ending life, then we are surely "playing God" by prolonging it in this manner. It's isn't "life" as many of us would want it.
Brain dead doesn't move or react, by your definition severely autistic is nothing but a cadaver.

That is *your* definition, not mine. What constitutes brain dead is not simply a lack of movement or reaction.
Not at all, I was following the comments about invitro embryos. It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.
How is this off topic?

It relates to

Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

She couldn't have said it any plainer:
It is all about tissue for disposal or research. It is all about potential life and the woman's decision what happens to that tissue.

No, the thread is about Planned Parenthood selling dead babies and putting women at risk to do it.

Unless you maintain Planned Parenthood is also selling fertility clinic embryos???

You want it to be about PP selling body parts, but it about abortions and choice and tissue and research and the costs of preserving and transporting tissue.............etc.

PP is not selling tissue at a profit, not at $30 -100 for the tissue. Now if there is an ongoing auction in the tens of thousands for each tissue, but that is not the case.

You are consumed in building a case on a lie of trafficking in organs. The videos that have been released and those that have been blocked by the courts are dealing with costs associated with preserving and transporting the tissue,not an actual sale for profit.

Think of the lives being saved instead of the tissue being thrown in an incinerator as just so much trash.

Yes, they are selling for a profit, and 4 of them have now been caught dickering for higher profits. Nobody's life is being saved. Women are being abused and put at risk, and babies are being *harvested* and sold via partial birth abortion....and sometimes, they aren't even dead when they do the harvesting. It's all about the profit margin.

And nobody has been *saved* by a partial birth abortion. Never, in the history of man, has a person been *saved* by torturing and killing women and children.

Intentionally set up situations to film a half dozen videos with actor and a couple of workers out of some 700 PP clinics discussing expenses in a legal transaction of donating tissue for research.

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

There is a high demand of the tissue and only a limited supply. The research and vaccines save lives, tissue used would otherwise be burned as waste.

PP does a lot more than abortions to help women. Congress failed to defund PP. PP are involved in prenatal care and screening for woman's health issues. They provide education on options for the woman to make an informed decision that is right for her.

Organs are not viable for transplant. It is tissue viable for research and even to develop vaccines that save lives.

Something good out of something unfortunate.

Unless you happen to be the unfortunate woman who is put at risk for the more painful, stressful, dangerous and illegal procedure that they use in order to obtain those items for sale.

Most women that opt for surgical abortion are given a general anesthesia and feel nothing. Less than half an hour after waking they are dressed and walking out on their own. Chemicals can be more difficult and painful with side effects, a bit like chemo.

It is only in late term that a fetus is cut and removed in pieces to facilitate the passing through the canal. Late term is a medical decision to save the woman's life or to prevent the suffering of the fetus and imminent death because the fetus has a severe birth defect.

you sound like an expert. how many abortions have you performed? Just a little half hour walk in the park. Hell you won't even remember they SUCKED your baby from your body. You must work in the baby killing Industry you know so much about it

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