Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

But it's ok, the liberals say that is not true, it's misleading the word's actually coming out of the persons mouth. So as the liberals and the Mainstream media tell you don't believe your eyes because they're playing tricks on you. Holy shit what has our country come to? Now they're telling you to not believe what high officials are saying about the sale of the corps of dead babies

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
But it's ok, the liberals say that is not true, it's misleading the word's actually coming out of the persons mouth. So as the liberals and the Mainstream media tell you don't believe your eyes because they're playing tricks on you. Holy shit what has our country come to? Now they're telling you to not believe what high officials are saying about the sale of the corps of dead babies

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Another ignorant rightist chimes in.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' no one is 'trafficking in body parts,' and Planned Parenthood violated no laws.
But it's ok, the liberals say that is not true, it's misleading the word's actually coming out of the persons mouth. So as the liberals and the Mainstream media tell you don't believe your eyes because they're playing tricks on you. Holy shit what has our country come to? Now they're telling you to not believe what high officials are saying about the sale of the corps of dead babies

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Another ignorant rightist chimes in.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' no one is 'trafficking in body parts,' and Planned Parenthood violated no laws.
Then you are as ignorant as the day is long. Only liberals who drink the kool-aid from the Obama administration are truly worthless and should be dissected and sold off just like the fetuses that are being ripped out of a woman's body. You fucking disgust me you maggot.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
But it's ok, the liberals say that is not true, it's misleading the word's actually coming out of the persons mouth. So as the liberals and the Mainstream media tell you don't believe your eyes because they're playing tricks on you. Holy shit what has our country come to? Now they're telling you to not believe what high officials are saying about the sale of the corps of dead babies

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Another ignorant rightist chimes in.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' no one is 'trafficking in body parts,' and Planned Parenthood violated no laws.
Then you are as ignorant as the day is long. Only liberals who drink the kool-aid from the Obama administration are truly worthless and should be dissected and sold off just like the fetuses that are being ripped out of a woman's body. You fucking disgust me you maggot.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
That you're disgusted by a Liberal only means the Liberal is doing an exemplary job. That you think donating fetal tissue is "selling" it only means you're retarded -- i.e., conservative.
But it's ok, the liberals say that is not true, it's misleading the word's actually coming out of the persons mouth. So as the liberals and the Mainstream media tell you don't believe your eyes because they're playing tricks on you. Holy shit what has our country come to? Now they're telling you to not believe what high officials are saying about the sale of the corps of dead babies

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Another ignorant rightist chimes in.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' no one is 'trafficking in body parts,' and Planned Parenthood violated no laws.
Then you are as ignorant as the day is long. Only liberals who drink the kool-aid from the Obama administration are truly worthless and should be dissected and sold off just like the fetuses that are being ripped out of a woman's body. You fucking disgust me you maggot.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
That you're disgusted by a Liberal only means the Liberal is doing an exemplary job. That you think donating fetal tissue is "selling" it only means you're retarded -- i.e., conservative.
First of all its illegal stupid to sell any kind of human or fetus tissue, or didn't you learn that? You fucking liberals twist even the sale of fetuses ripped fully intact from the Mothers womb. I speak and understand English and what those women who work for Planned Parenthood said is setting the price for body parts and the added benefit to a intact fetus well that just jumps up the price and it looks like they make a pretty penny selling because they were all very comfortable talking about it. Make sure when you die to give your body to science. The reason I say this is I'd like to see if they can actually find what drove you to be so blind and uncaring about life. To look the other way at every illegalities this Administration through and starting with The Executive Office next The State Department aka Hillary Clinton next The Justice Department with my favorite Eric Holder. The crimes and misdemeanors have been mind blowing but you liberals stayed blind to the truth easily talked away by the mainstream media.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
It's interesting how these people are in a frenzy about abortion, and what to ethically do with the tissue resulting from it but have been strangely silent about the millions of embryos created through by the for-profit invitro fertilization clinics.

In the UK, 2012 - 1.7 million embryos were discarded.

Criticisms to this are fairly mild because it's in the name of helping couples to have more children.

Couples can choose to donate the embryos to research.

Around 2 million of those potential embryos are destroyed each year in the US.

That's almost double the number of abortions in the US in one year.

Where's the appropriate level of outrage?

Someplace you didn't bother to look, because you preferred to assume that it didn't exist, in order to serve your narrative.

Nope. I googled and searched and found sparse references. No one is protesting or blocking invitro clinics. No death threats, murders or arsons. The arguments seem more academic. No accusations of sluts and babykillers. No accusations of selling baby parts (even though they are).

Naperville Right to Life Activists Protest IVF Clinic Chicago magazine The 312 March 2012
Souls On Ice America s Embryo Glut and the Wasted Promise of Stem Cell Research Mother Jones
In Vitro Fertilisation The Life Resources Charitable Trust

The difference in attitude doesn't make a lot of sense.

Oh, okay. I thought you were talking about real, sensible pro-lifers, who most certainly DO have an issue with IVF clinics disposing of fetuses. I didn't initially realize that we were traipsing across Planet Liberal and assuming every lone wackadoodle clinic bomber was representative of the sum total of pro-lifers. Now that I understand the terms and parameters you're applying, piss off.
actually there are 5 videos out now

I posted the fifth one on here and I noticed it has been ignored.
I noticed that my question to you about why you hate women has been ignored......Isn't that right Stephanie?

Maybe because "Have you stopped beating your wife?" sorts of questions are beneath notice, as are the fucking idiots who ask them.
And yet unsurprisingly the vast majority of those loaded question fallacies come from the USMB right, questions from conservative idiots that indeed merit no response.

Yes, and this assertion is incredibly meaningful, coming from you.
I would like the same folks that are anti-abortion, explain why they are so pro Death penalty and pro gun. Just wondering.
I would like the same folks that are anti-abortion, explain why they are so pro Death penalty and pro gun. Just wondering.

Heinous murderers are worth considerably less to me than innocent babies are, and guns have fuck-all to do with this conversation.

That help you any?
I would like the same folks that are anti-abortion, explain why they are so pro Death penalty and pro gun. Just wondering.

Heinous murderers are worth considerably less to me than innocent babies are, and guns have fuck-all to do with this conversation.

That help you any?
Innocent lives are innocent lives, how many baby calves doses it take to make veal?And all those juicy delicious bovines.All those McWoppers, lots of innocent bovines died for your sins, I am tired of this bullshit. Wow.You are not interested in protecting the innocent, just more sanctimonious bul-loney.
I would like the same folks that are anti-abortion, explain why they are so pro Death penalty and pro gun. Just wondering.

Heinous murderers are worth considerably less to me than innocent babies are, and guns have fuck-all to do with this conversation.

That help you any?
Innocent lives are innocent lives, how many baby calves doses it take to make veal?And all those juicy delicious bovines.All those McWoppers, lots of innocent bovines died for your sins, I am tired of this bullshit. Wow.You are not interested in protecting the innocent, just more sanctimonious bul-lony. Oh, Ironically, I am AM a human organ donor. Damn.
Sorry my internet is getting all wonky and weird. Sorry. it's a liberal conspiracy or something.
But it's ok, the liberals say that is not true, it's misleading the word's actually coming out of the persons mouth. So as the liberals and the Mainstream media tell you don't believe your eyes because they're playing tricks on you. Holy shit what has our country come to? Now they're telling you to not believe what high officials are saying about the sale of the corps of dead babies

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Another ignorant rightist chimes in.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' no one is 'trafficking in body parts,' and Planned Parenthood violated no laws.
Then you are as ignorant as the day is long. Only liberals who drink the kool-aid from the Obama administration are truly worthless and should be dissected and sold off just like the fetuses that are being ripped out of a woman's body. You fucking disgust me you maggot.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
That you're disgusted by a Liberal only means the Liberal is doing an exemplary job. That you think donating fetal tissue is "selling" it only means you're retarded -- i.e., conservative.
First of all its illegal stupid to sell any kind of human or fetus tissue, or didn't you learn that? You fucking liberals twist even the sale of fetuses ripped fully intact from the Mothers womb. I speak and understand English and what those women who work for Planned Parenthood said is setting the price for body parts and the added benefit to a intact fetus well that just jumps up the price and it looks like they make a pretty penny selling because they were all very comfortable talking about it. Make sure when you die to give your body to science. The reason I say this is I'd like to see if they can actually find what drove you to be so blind and uncaring about life. To look the other way at every illegalities this Administration through and starting with The Executive Office next The State Department aka Hillary Clinton next The Justice Department with my favorite Eric Holder. The crimes and misdemeanors have been mind blowing but you liberals stayed blind to the truth easily talked away by the mainstream media.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
How much does PP profit?
Oh, okay. I thought you were talking about real, sensible pro-lifers, who most certainly DO have an issue with IVF clinics disposing of fetuses. I didn't initially realize that we were traipsing across Planet Liberal and assuming every lone wackadoodle clinic bomber was representative of the sum total of pro-lifers. Now that I understand the terms and parameters you're applying, piss off.

The people making these videos ARE the very same people who are bombing the clinics.

In fact, one of CMP's officers, Cheryl Sullenger, was sentence to prison for conspiracy to bomb an abortion clinic.

The Extreme And Violent Background Of The Group Consulting On The Anti-Planned Parenthood Videos Research Media Matters for America

Saying he wanted to set an example for those who would consider breaking the law even for a righteous cause, a federal judge Thursday imposed stiff prison terms on the first of the Rev. Dorman Owens' followers to be sentenced for conspiring to bomb a San Diego abortion clinic.

U.S. District Judge Earl B. Gillam sentenced Cheryl Sullenger, 32, to three years. He sentenced her husband, Randall Sullenger, 35, to an 18-month term--six months of it in a halfway house so he can continue working at a warehouse before leaving for one year in prison.
But it's ok, the liberals say that is not true, it's misleading the word's actually coming out of the persons mouth. So as the liberals and the Mainstream media tell you don't believe your eyes because they're playing tricks on you. Holy shit what has our country come to? Now they're telling you to not believe what high officials are saying about the sale of the corps of dead babies

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Another ignorant rightist chimes in.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' no one is 'trafficking in body parts,' and Planned Parenthood violated no laws.
Then you are as ignorant as the day is long. Only liberals who drink the kool-aid from the Obama administration are truly worthless and should be dissected and sold off just like the fetuses that are being ripped out of a woman's body. You fucking disgust me you maggot.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
That you're disgusted by a Liberal only means the Liberal is doing an exemplary job. That you think donating fetal tissue is "selling" it only means you're retarded -- i.e., conservative.
First of all its illegal stupid to sell any kind of human or fetus tissue, or didn't you learn that? You fucking liberals twist even the sale of fetuses ripped fully intact from the Mothers womb. I speak and understand English and what those women who work for Planned Parenthood said is setting the price for body parts and the added benefit to a intact fetus well that just jumps up the price and it looks like they make a pretty penny selling because they were all very comfortable talking about it. Make sure when you die to give your body to science. The reason I say this is I'd like to see if they can actually find what drove you to be so blind and uncaring about life. To look the other way at every illegalities this Administration through and starting with The Executive Office next The State Department aka Hillary Clinton next The Justice Department with my favorite Eric Holder. The crimes and misdemeanors have been mind blowing but you liberals stayed blind to the truth easily talked away by the mainstream media.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

I really do try to maintain a civil discourse on these forums. But sometimes I read posts that just crawl all over me. My apologies for the tone.

Look you ignorant twit, if you want to pretend that the facts don't exist, that is fine. But don't pretend everyone else is as clueless as you are.

First of all, yes it is illegal to sell body parts and human tissues for profit. But since that is not what happened, no law was broken. What you heard being discussed was the exchange of enough money to cover the costs of the donation. Nothing more.

And this " looks like they made a pretty penny selling..." is pure bullshit. They got between $30 and $100. Maybe that is big money to you, but it will barely cover the costs (according to experts in the field).

As for the whole "crimes & misdemeanors" thing, you might want to check out every administration since LBJ. Other than Jimmy Carter, every administration has had the same accusations aimed at it. They just keep getting nastier as we go.
I would like the same folks that are anti-abortion, explain why they are so pro Death penalty and pro gun. Just wondering.

Heinous murderers are worth considerably less to me than innocent babies are, and guns have fuck-all to do with this conversation.

That help you any?
Innocent lives are innocent lives, how many baby calves doses it take to make veal?And all those juicy delicious bovines.All those McWoppers, lots of innocent bovines died for your sins, I am tired of this bullshit. Wow.You are not interested in protecting the innocent, just more sanctimonious bul-loney.

Okay, seriously, how many times did your mother drop you on your head as a baby, and from what height?

Get off my screen, get medication, get help. Dismissed, flatliner.
In keeping with Regime Obama's policy of "Europeanizing" America, Murder, Inc. has announced they will no longer sell infant body parts by the "each" or by the pound. Only by the kilogram.
In keeping with Regime Obama's policy of "Europeanizing" America, Murder, Inc. has announced they will no longer sell infant body parts by the "each" or by the pound. Only by the kilogram.

Making up more crap, I see.
Seems to be a pattern, like the boy who cried "wolf!".
More funny than scary, though .
If people can demand the Confederate flag be taken down then this is not unreasonable

Black pastors petition Smithsonian to remove bust of Planned Parenthood founder

The question raised by the above headline is not whether the Smithsonian Institution will comply with the demand in a letter coauthored by a group of black clergymen who call themselves “Ministers Taking a Stand.” It is, rather, what a bust in bronze of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger is doing in the National Portrait Gallery’s “Struggle for Justice” exhibit in the first place.

As the letter notes, Sanger was a proponent of black eugenics.

Perhaps the Gallery is unaware that Ms. Sanger supported black eugenics, a racist attitude toward black and other minority babies; an elitist attitude toward those she regarded as “the feeble minded;” speaking at rallies of Ku Klux Klan women; and communications with Hitler sympathizers. Also, the notorious “Negro Project” which sought to limit, if not eliminate, black births, was her brainchild. Despite these well documented facts of history, her bust sits proudly in your gallery as a hero of justice. The obvious incongruity is staggering!

Perhaps your institution is a victim of propaganda advanced by those who support abortion….

Black pastors petition Smithsonian to remove bust of Planned Parenthood founder - Liberty Unyielding
If people can demand the Confederate flag be taken down then this is not unreasonable

Black pastors petition Smithsonian to remove bust of Planned Parenthood founder

The question raised by the above headline is not whether the Smithsonian Institution will comply with the demand in a letter coauthored by a group of black clergymen who call themselves “Ministers Taking a Stand.” It is, rather, what a bust in bronze of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger is doing in the National Portrait Gallery’s “Struggle for Justice” exhibit in the first place.

As the letter notes, Sanger was a proponent of black eugenics.

Perhaps the Gallery is unaware that Ms. Sanger supported black eugenics, a racist attitude toward black and other minority babies; an elitist attitude toward those she regarded as “the feeble minded;” speaking at rallies of Ku Klux Klan women; and communications with Hitler sympathizers. Also, the notorious “Negro Project” which sought to limit, if not eliminate, black births, was her brainchild. Despite these well documented facts of history, her bust sits proudly in your gallery as a hero of justice. The obvious incongruity is staggering!

Perhaps your institution is a victim of propaganda advanced by those who support abortion….

Black pastors petition Smithsonian to remove bust of Planned Parenthood founder - Liberty Unyielding

Nice sentiment. But this has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of the thread.

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