Please stop talking about how Dems and liberals are violent....Arizona Republicans want a war

Valid elections is the last thing you want.
Given that I've been asking for a way to validate my own vote... Yes... That is exactly what I want.

What you want is for the election to be given to Trump.
I'm certainly not against that. But I want to know that I can Trust the election itself. I want to be able to verify that I did vote, and who I voted for. How about you?
The Democrat party is the most violent institution in American history. You people wrote the book on domestic terrorism, from the KKK to the Weather Underground to BLM/Antifa, the Dems have made political violence their cornerstone policy.

Emotional rhetoric doesn't work on me, Sparky.
I post facts.

Good, then you'll admit it's a fact that your party founded the terrorist organizations KKK, the Weather Underground, and BLM/Antifa, not to mention dozens of lone wolf terrorists who have killed thousands of Americans.

God, you're dumb. You provide proof of your comments or GFY.
It's that simple.
Hey Blainey Poo, google Robert Byrd, yeah the one from WVA, he was a KKK Grand Wizard who was eulogized in 2010 by, yep your heeeero Quid Pro Joe. Here is a link with a list of US elected officials that were involved in the KKK Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia Take your uninformed, hypocritical snowflake ass down the road and get educated.

Yea...that's pretty friggin nuts...right?

WTF has happened to the Republicans?

If you have not been paying an attention, The DemNazi theft of The Election is an act of Treason, and this is a COUP. We appeal to Heaven for justice to be done, and if not, The Fraud Biden will usher in an era of Evil, Poverty, Oppression, and Famine & Economic Collapse such as has never been seen before. Joe will hand over America to our enemies and The UN as the spoils of war.

Many Americans will not lie down and take anymore leftist oppression which we have suffered under in 2020.

Jesus gave His life for you so that you would quit living your life in sin.
Imagine that a God who left heaven for you, so that you would quit posting such hatred and contempt for The United States, Our Constitution, Our Elections and our Freedoms.
Anybody else catch this????
Republicans in Arizona ready to die for Trump.
But you stupid asses don't think you're in a cult.
Republicans are the shitstains of America.

"The @AZGOP Twitter retweeted a post by Ali Akbar, a national organizer for “Stop the Steal,” saying, “I am willing to give my life for this fight.”
Then posted a Rambo clip.

Arizona Republican Party Calls on Supporters to Fight to the Death For Trump: ‘Live for Nothing, or Die for Something’

December 8, 2020

NOTE THE SOURCE: THE NATIONAL REVIEW....a very conservative Republican publication. LOLOLOLOL

Hey....dumb shit...for the last 7 months joe biden voters have been burning and looting cities, and beating and murdering, after the election they are talking about "re-education" of Trump voters and keeping anyone who supported Trump from having a job...

You f*****g dumb ass.....
Valid elections is the last thing you want.
Given that I've been asking for a way to validate my own vote... Yes... That is exactly what I want.

What you want is for the election to be given to Trump.
I'm certainly not against that. But I want to know that I can Trust the election itself. I want to be able to verify that I did vote, and who I voted for. How about you?

In Colorado, I could track my vote from the time it was received by the County Clerks office online. All the way through the whole process. Just because a couple of areas didn't go the way I voted for doesn't mean that my vote was not counted. If you state doesn't have that kind of tracking I suggest you fire your entire State Government and replace them with people that can get the job done.

Yea...that's pretty friggin nuts...right?

WTF has happened to the Republicans?

Oh my god.
Someone being overly dramatic on Twitter??
Especially in regard to politics??
I have never before seen such theatrics and dramatic bullshit, especially not in social media.

see the funny thing is I’m being obviously sarcastic. Your post comes across like you are serious about being a little drama queen.
I'm certainly not against that. But I want to know that I can Trust the election itself. I want to be able to verify that I did vote, and who I voted for. How about you?
I did verify it.

I'll bet the tools for him to verify his own vote were available to him as well. But he's just too stupid to know about them since his handlers don't want him to know about it.
Exactly what I thought.
You fucks won't address the topic.
Divert and deflect.
Which part would you like addressed?
The hyperbole and drama queen antics that have been part of politics since... ohhhh, I don’t know...The dawn of time?
Funny, people post something on social
Media and you’re all worked up talking about how violent an entire group of people are.
But a year of near daily rioting, looting, attacks on random people.... and maybe I missed it but I don’t recall any hysterical posts about violence from you.

So recapping....
Hyperbole and drama queen antics on social media.... your vagina bursts into flames.
Actual real life violence and destruction... you yawn.
The Democrat party is the most violent institution in American history. You people wrote the book on domestic terrorism, from the KKK to the Weather Underground to BLM/Antifa, the Dems have made political violence their cornerstone policy.

Emotional rhetoric doesn't work on me, Sparky.
I post facts.

Good, then you'll admit it's a fact that your party founded the terrorist organizations KKK, the Weather Underground, and BLM/Antifa, not to mention dozens of lone wolf terrorists who have killed thousands of Americans.
You are hilarious! Havd not told you yet. You come with foil hat and all?
In Colorado, I could track my vote from the time it was received by the County Clerks office online. All the way through the whole process. Just because a couple of areas didn't go the way I voted for doesn't mean that my vote was not counted. If you state doesn't have that kind of tracking I suggest you fire your entire State Government and replace them with people that can get the job done.
No you couldn't... You can't verify who you voted for. You can check if your vote was counted. But not who for. Nor can you check if your voted counted if you voted in person. ( The last one I don't think... Can't in my state )

But there is no state that will tell you if they counted your vote correctly.
I predict someone at the AZ GOP is cleaning out his desk right now.....
Valid elections is the last thing you want.
Given that I've been asking for a way to validate my own vote... Yes... That is exactly what I want.

What you want is for the election to be given to Trump.
I'm certainly not against that. But I want to know that I can Trust the election itself. I want to be able to verify that I did vote, and who I voted for. How about you?

In Colorado, I could track my vote from the time it was received by the County Clerks office online. All the way through the whole process. Just because a couple of areas didn't go the way I voted for doesn't mean that my vote was not counted. If you state doesn't have that kind of tracking I suggest you fire your entire State Government and replace them with people that can get the job done.
The healing will begin when the communist democrats are driven from our shores.
In Colorado, I could track my vote from the time it was received by the County Clerks office online. All the way through the whole process. Just because a couple of areas didn't go the way I voted for doesn't mean that my vote was not counted. If you state doesn't have that kind of tracking I suggest you fire your entire State Government and replace them with people that can get the job done.
No you couldn't... You can't verify who you voted for. You can check if your vote was counted. But not who for. Nor can you check if your voted counted if you voted in person.

Considering that my vote was a paper vote and it was converted to an electronic one and BOTH were kept on file, the Election audit and then the Post Election Audit would have caught any problems. And we do 3 audits in this state. Our votes get counted and are counted. I wonder how many illegal votes will be found this time around. In 2018, they found 3 and all 3 were done by republicans including one done by the Republic Party State Chairman who has now lost his right to vote. 3 out of over 2 million ain't such a bad record.

It's Dec 8th and all the States have certified. You can stop with the doom and gloom any time.

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