Please stop talking about how Dems and liberals are violent....Arizona Republicans want a war

You lost, the party is over, turn out the lights on your way out. It's getting very close to the time to fumigate the White House (shouldn't take longer than 6 months). You think I am kidding about fumigating the White House? Usually, they wait for about 6 hours for the new President to move in after the last one leaves (Jan 20th, 6pm) but with the last one being the East Coast Covid 19 Distributor, they are going to do a deep cleaning of the entire White House and surround grounds. Rump gets another first.
That has nothing to do with what you quoted. I ask again:

Are you apposed to having an election process that will allow you to verify who you voted for? If you are, please explain.

I already know who I voted for. My paper ballot is on file and has been audited twice to make sure that it jibes with the electronic record. I am an old Network Engineer and wouldn't want to see my money spent on setting up a system like you are demanding. It's going to cost millions. And when I turn out of the driveway, I see where that money can be better spent on the roadways just to name one thing. Time for you to grow up. Rump lost. The Voters said so, the Courts say so, and the Legislators say so.
Accept what as truth? That you supported this idea 8 years ago?

I believed you. I think it's a good idea.
Yeah, there are some around here that don't. I thought you would, we disagree on a fair bit, but you are at least reasonable and don't see a different opinion as the enemy. Or maybe you are just a damn good judge of character. :D

For the next election, I wouldn't have a problem with this being done.
Yeah. Not sure a Republican/Democrat establishment actually wants it done. I would love to be wrong on that.
This guy, David Bismark, as far as I can see is only one of many academic experts who has worked in the field. He is pushing an idea which sounds perfectly reasonable in respect to checking ones own vote. He also pushes his own availability as a speaker. Unfortunately, his idea is merely an academic proposal at present, one made years ago but never concretized or implemented. He has not created a company, and no company has yet created workable machines, or software, for voting with the features he mentions. Best I can make out, David Bismark now is CEO of a book publishing company in Sweden.

My own belief: No system will be foolproof, especially against those who refuse to have faith in experts who examine and check the system, or convince those who believe in conspiracy theories.

As I said earlier, a serious bipartisan process is needed embracing all major states, experts in the field, and lots of funding. Making Election Day a national holiday would also be a simple but great step forward allowing more public participation!

There will always be many crucial issues of implementation, different local ballots, marking systems, counting systems, and state and even county preferences to take into consideration. There are different voter registration policy questions, serious proposals for the adoption of ranked choice voting, etc., etc.

The David Bismark video may seem to you like a solution to all election problems, but it most certainly is not a panacea.

p.s. Republicans who talk about fighting a civil war over the 2020 election results are dangerous assholes who should be repudiated, and preferably thrown out of their party.
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The David Bismarck video may seem to you like a solution to all election problems, but it most certainly is not a panacea.
It's not meant to be. Or at least, it's not meant to be to me. It's a stepping stone, something to think about, something to aim for. It's there to show it's possible.

Before I watched the video, it never dawned on me it was possible to have a secret ballot, and yet still be verifiable. There is nothing that will ever be a panacea. It's just a move to something better. And we need something better.
I already know who I voted for.
No... You don't. You know who you put down on that ballot... You have no idea how it was counted.

My paper ballot is on file and has been audited twice to make sure that it jibes with the electronic record. I am an old Network Engineer and wouldn't want to see my money spent on setting up a system like you are demanding. It's going to cost millions. And when I turn out of the driveway, I see where that money can be better spent on the roadways just to name one thing. Time for you to grow up. Rump lost. The Voters said so, the Courts say so, and the Legislators say so.
If we don't update our system to something verifiable... It'll cost a lot more than millions. But... That's an opinion. You are free to quote me on that however.
I already know who I voted for.
No... You don't. You know who you put down on that ballot... You have no idea how it was counted.

My paper ballot is on file and has been audited twice to make sure that it jibes with the electronic record. I am an old Network Engineer and wouldn't want to see my money spent on setting up a system like you are demanding. It's going to cost millions. And when I turn out of the driveway, I see where that money can be better spent on the roadways just to name one thing. Time for you to grow up. Rump lost. The Voters said so, the Courts say so, and the Legislators say so.
If we don't update our system to something verifiable... It'll cost a lot more than millions. But... That's an opinion. You are free to quote me on that however.

I think the real question is Priorities. Where is the money better spent. Do we spend it on our schools, roads, bridges, and more or do we spend it all on what you are demanding that may take years to accomplish. On North Avenue, we lack sidewalks, bike paths and it's a bone jarring ride due to the potholes. I once road a Mobility Scooter from 29 road to 30 road and it was a very dangerous and long trip where sometimes I was out in heavy traffic doing a whopping 4 mph. Other times, I was tilting nearly over. Other times, my drive wheels were spinning trying to gain traction. There is room for bike paths or at least sidewalks but the commissioners spend more money on shoddy road construction (repairing the same stretch over and over again) and making the meridian look pretty. And you want to take even more money from the road fund to pay for something that would be nice but not necessarily needed.

The other point is, if you state and county reps are that untrustworthy then you need to send them packing instead of reelecting the same ones over and over again.
I think the real question is Priorities. Where is the money better spent. Do we spend it on our schools, roads, bridges, and more or do we spend it all on what you are demanding that may take years to accomplish.
That's fair... I think it's worth it... But it's a fair point.

And you want to take even more money from the road fund to pay for something that would be nice but not necessarily needed.
I disagree... I think it's absolutely needed. I respect, but don't agree, with your opinion that it's not.

The other point is, if you state and county reps are that untrustworthy then you need to send them packing instead of reelecting the same ones over and over again.
I would be happy as all get out to do that as well.
Anybody else catch this????
Republicans in Arizona ready to die for Trump.
But you stupid asses don't think you're in a cult.
Republicans are the shitstains of America.

"The @AZGOP Twitter retweeted a post by Ali Akbar, a national organizer for “Stop the Steal,” saying, “I am willing to give my life for this fight.”
Then posted a Rambo clip.

Arizona Republican Party Calls on Supporters to Fight to the Death For Trump: ‘Live for Nothing, or Die for Something’

December 8, 2020

NOTE THE SOURCE: THE NATIONAL REVIEW....a very conservative Republican publication. LOLOLOLOL
I'm an Arizona Republican and I don't want a war. Have you ever considered that one guy Tweeting might be just one guy Tweeting, or is that too deep?
Anybody else catch this????
Republicans in Arizona ready to die for Trump.
But you stupid asses don't think you're in a cult.
Republicans are the shitstains of America.

"The @AZGOP Twitter retweeted a post by Ali Akbar, a national organizer for “Stop the Steal,” saying, “I am willing to give my life for this fight.”
Then posted a Rambo clip.

Arizona Republican Party Calls on Supporters to Fight to the Death For Trump: ‘Live for Nothing, or Die for Something’

December 8, 2020

NOTE THE SOURCE: THE NATIONAL REVIEW....a very conservative Republican publication. LOLOLOLOL
I'm an Arizona Republican and I don't want a war. Have you ever considered that one guy Tweeting might be just one guy Tweeting, or is that too deep?

Sounds like you could use a Beer or two or three. Been to a war already. Don't need to go looking for another one.
So are you Trumpers going to give up your lives for fucking TRUMP?

You gonna kill your neighbors?

So are you Trumpers going to give up your lives for fucking TRUMP?

You gonna kill your neighbors?


No, they aren't. They have gotten so used to using Scare Tactics that's they way they think normal people talk. They are wrong. Will they take up arms and use them? No, like one person said, get ready to be Waco'd.
Wow. Now the leadership of the gop in Arizona is asking their people if they are willing to die to overturn the election.

Granted a good many republicans thought it was a bad idea but I'm sad to say there was some who said yes, they are willing to die.

This isn't normal behavior. No one should be willing to die for a political party much less a politician who honestly lost big time in an election.

There is a very serious problem when we have citizens who are willing to commit violence and die for trump.

trump is so not worth it. No loser like trump is.

When a political party is asking it's members to be violent or die there is a seriously huge problem.

the answer should be yes--------------

Our government is out of control and abusive--------sitting back because it is safer is a sure way to let the communists finishing taking over and taking away everyone's right.

Sitting back trying to avoid dying to protect one's election, free speech, right to own guns, right to their own religion etc is how evil triumps taking over a nation making living not worth living. Our founders knew this--and expected that we would have to fight to keep our republic from the bad guys that always present.

Remember all dictators don't just change rules all at once--they slowly and insidiously corrupt laws and rights one right after another....(heating the frog up slowly.)
One day it's the commies the next its the Nazis, then the damn Marxist show up with the socialist in tow, followed by the fascist....Have I left anyone out? Oh yeah, Satan the brother of Jesus......
It's all the same Marxist soup, so it's naturally interchangeable.
So are you Trumpers going to give up your lives for fucking TRUMP?

You gonna kill your neighbors?

Hell no, I like my neighbors. I'm joining antifa, so I can burn down liberal shithole cities with impunity if Biden wins.
Anybody else catch this????
Republicans in Arizona ready to die for Trump.
But you stupid asses don't think you're in a cult.
Republicans are the shitstains of America.

"The @AZGOP Twitter retweeted a post by Ali Akbar, a national organizer for “Stop the Steal,” saying, “I am willing to give my life for this fight.”
Then posted a Rambo clip.

Arizona Republican Party Calls on Supporters to Fight to the Death For Trump: ‘Live for Nothing, or Die for Something’

December 8, 2020

NOTE THE SOURCE: THE NATIONAL REVIEW....a very conservative Republican publication. LOLOLOLOL
I'm an Arizona Republican and I don't want a war. Have you ever considered that one guy Tweeting might be just one guy Tweeting, or is that too deep?
That's all it takes to trigger simpletons like Blaineypoo.
The Democrat party is the most violent institution in American history. You people wrote the book on domestic terrorism, from the KKK to the Weather Underground to BLM/Antifa, the Dems have made political violence their cornerstone policy.

Emotional rhetoric doesn't work on me, Sparky.
I post facts.

Good, then you'll admit it's a fact that your party founded the terrorist organizations KKK, the Weather Underground, and BLM/Antifa, not to mention dozens of lone wolf terrorists who have killed thousands of Americans.

Sure. If you will admit it was Democrats who pursued them. Prosecuted them. In other words. Caught them.
Arizona Republicans that are willing to fight to the death over an election?

Can I get a show of hands?
Please believe me. I'm PROG and that means a lot of things, including I'm insecure.
Arizona Republicans that are willing to fight to the death over an election?

Can I get a show of hands?

Anybody else catch this????
Republicans in Arizona ready to die for Trump.
But you stupid asses don't think you're in a cult.
Republicans are the shitstains of America.

"The @AZGOP Twitter retweeted a post by Ali Akbar, a national organizer for “Stop the Steal,” saying, “I am willing to give my life for this fight.”
Then posted a Rambo clip.

Arizona Republican Party Calls on Supporters to Fight to the Death For Trump: ‘Live for Nothing, or Die for Something’

December 8, 2020

NOTE THE SOURCE: THE NATIONAL REVIEW....a very conservative Republican publication. LOLOLOLOL
It's called taking our country back. We won't be looting and burning towns down. If it takes eliminating liberalism to do it, then so be it.

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