Please stop talking about how Dems and liberals are violent....Arizona Republicans want a war

Anybody else catch this????
Republicans in Arizona ready to die for Trump.
But you stupid asses don't think you're in a cult.
Republicans are the shitstains of America.

"The @AZGOP Twitter retweeted a post by Ali Akbar, a national organizer for “Stop the Steal,” saying, “I am willing to give my life for this fight.”
Then posted a Rambo clip.

Arizona Republican Party Calls on Supporters to Fight to the Death For Trump: ‘Live for Nothing, or Die for Something’

December 8, 2020

NOTE THE SOURCE: THE NATIONAL REVIEW....a very conservative Republican publication. LOLOLOLOL
Time to round them up. Sedition is a crime.
Considering that my vote was a paper vote and it was converted to an electronic one and BOTH were kept on file, the Election audit and then the Post Election Audit would have caught any problems. And we do 3 audits in this state. Our votes get counted and are counted. I wonder how many illegal votes will be found this time around. In 2018, they found 3 and all 3 were done by republicans including one done by the Republic Party State Chairman who has now lost his right to vote. 3 out of over 2 million ain't such a bad record.

It's Dec 8th and all the States have certified. You can stop with the doom and gloom any time.
You are welcome to trust the government/media if you like... I do not. Are you apposed to having an election process that will allow you to verify who you voted for? If you are, please explain.
Considering that my vote was a paper vote and it was converted to an electronic one and BOTH were kept on file, the Election audit and then the Post Election Audit would have caught any problems. And we do 3 audits in this state. Our votes get counted and are counted. I wonder how many illegal votes will be found this time around. In 2018, they found 3 and all 3 were done by republicans including one done by the Republic Party State Chairman who has now lost his right to vote. 3 out of over 2 million ain't such a bad record.

It's Dec 8th and all the States have certified. You can stop with the doom and gloom any time.
You are welcome to trust the government/media if you like... I do not. Are you apposed to having an election process that will allow you to verify who you voted for? If you are, please explain.

You lost, the party is over, turn out the lights on your way out. It's getting very close to the time to fumigate the White House (shouldn't take longer than 6 months). You think I am kidding about fumigating the White House? Usually, they wait for about 6 hours for the new President to move in after the last one leaves (Jan 20th, 6pm) but with the last one being the East Coast Covid 19 Distributor, they are going to do a deep cleaning of the entire White House and surround grounds. Rump gets another first.
But maybe this will change things. With other states suing... Maybe it's time we revamped our election process.
Fine with me. It’s about time. But since presidential elections are state and even county based a serious proposal to “revamp our election process” would need a competent President to bring about a bipartisan multistate conference to recommend standards to be used in mail-in voting, counting, etc. Funds could then be made available to encourage the adoption of approved and agreed on measures.

But the Texas lawsuit is not aimed at “improving” the elections ... and you know it. Nor has Trump ever been interested in doing what would need to be done to improve elections. I think you know that too.
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The Democrat party is the most violent institution in American history. You people wrote the book on domestic terrorism, from the KKK to the Weather Underground to BLM/Antifa, the Dems have made political violence their cornerstone policy.

Emotional rhetoric doesn't work on me, Sparky.
I post facts.

Good, then you'll admit it's a fact that your party founded the terrorist organizations KKK, the Weather Underground, and BLM/Antifa, not to mention dozens of lone wolf terrorists who have killed thousands of Americans.

God, you're dumb. You provide proof of your comments or GFY.
It's that simple.

LOL! This one doesn't know his own party founded the KKK, the Weather Underground, and BLM/Antifa. Educate yourself.

I suggest you educate yourself.

Fact check: Democratic Party did not found the KKK, did not start the Civil War

USA Today?? LOL!

The KKK was founded by Democrats, for Democrats, and is still run by Democrats like your fellow Democrat, racist piece of shit Governor Ralph Northam.

while supporting BLM at the same time?

He "supports" BLM because they support Planned Parenthood, which is in the business of killing black kids.

Part of the Dimm eugenics program.
Trump is the only one talking about eugenics

Arizona Republicans are all talk. They’re not going to do anything.

Move to Arizona and shoot your mouth off big boy. Or should I start calling you Marie Antoinette. She thought like you do and she lost her head.

Three things aren’t going to happen.

1. I’m not going to move.
2. Those Arizona Republicans aren’t going to do anything.
3. You aren’t going to do anything either.

You spineless pussies are all talk. What part of that did you have trouble understanding?
You lost, the party is over, turn out the lights on your way out. It's getting very close to the time to fumigate the White House (shouldn't take longer than 6 months). You think I am kidding about fumigating the White House? Usually, they wait for about 6 hours for the new President to move in after the last one leaves (Jan 20th, 6pm) but with the last one being the East Coast Covid 19 Distributor, they are going to do a deep cleaning of the entire White House and surround grounds. Rump gets another first.
That has nothing to do with what you quoted. I ask again:

Are you apposed to having an election process that will allow you to verify who you voted for? If you are, please explain.
Anybody else catch this????
Republicans in Arizona ready to die for Trump.
But you stupid asses don't think you're in a cult.
Republicans are the shitstains of America.

"The @AZGOP Twitter retweeted a post by Ali Akbar, a national organizer for “Stop the Steal,” saying, “I am willing to give my life for this fight.”
Then posted a Rambo clip.

Arizona Republican Party Calls on Supporters to Fight to the Death For Trump: ‘Live for Nothing, or Die for Something’

December 8, 2020

NOTE THE SOURCE: THE NATIONAL REVIEW....a very conservative Republican publication. LOLOLOLOL
Yeah, it was wrong for them to post that, however, does anyone else not notice that the right seems to always threaten violence...but the left actually does violence?

It should stop all around, but, you guys really need to sweep your own porch before complaining about someone else's.
But the Texas lawsuit is not aimed at “improving” the elections ... and you know it.
I do. I'm hoping it's an unintended side effect.

Nor has Trump ever been interested in doing what would need to be done to improve elections. I think you know that too.
I think I have a better shot with Trump than I do with Biden... I believe that you think that as well, even with saying that statement. Either way, I said it eight years ago... Same link, same video. I'm still for that.

Arizona Republicans are all talk. They’re not going to do anything.

Move to Arizona and shoot your mouth off big boy. Or should I start calling you Marie Antoinette. She thought like you do and she lost her head.

Three things aren’t going to happen.

1. I’m not going to move.
2. Those Arizona Republicans aren’t going to do anything.
3. You aren’t going to do anything either.

You spineless pussies are all talk. What part of that did you have trouble understanding?

I'm glad you think so.
Arizona Republicans are all talk. They’re not going to do anything.

Move to Arizona and shoot your mouth off big boy. Or should I start calling you Marie Antoinette. She thought like you do and she lost her head.

Three things aren’t going to happen.

1. I’m not going to move.
2. Those Arizona Republicans aren’t going to do anything.
3. You aren’t going to do anything either.

You spineless pussies are all talk. What part of that did you have trouble understanding?

I'm glad you think so.

Let me know when you drama queens actually DO something.

Like I already told you, you’re all talk. Nothing more.
I'm certainly not against that. But I want to know that I can Trust the election itself. I want to be able to verify that I did vote, and who I voted for. How about you?

Was this a concern of yours prior to the 2020 election?
Anybody else catch this????
Republicans in Arizona ready to die for Trump.
But you stupid asses don't think you're in a cult.
Republicans are the shitstains of America.

"The @AZGOP Twitter retweeted a post by Ali Akbar, a national organizer for “Stop the Steal,” saying, “I am willing to give my life for this fight.”
Then posted a Rambo clip.

Arizona Republican Party Calls on Supporters to Fight to the Death For Trump: ‘Live for Nothing, or Die for Something’

December 8, 2020

NOTE THE SOURCE: THE NATIONAL REVIEW....a very conservative Republican publication. LOLOLOLOL
Hate to break the news to you, kid, but you may be Democrat, but you sure aren't anything close to liberal.
I'm certainly not against that. But I want to know that I can Trust the election itself. I want to be able to verify that I did vote, and who I voted for. How about you?

Was this a concern of yours prior to the 2020 election?
Eight years ago... I posted this video, supported it ... Eight years ago.

It seems like a reasonable idea. I don't have an issue with it.

Maybe they can get it going for the next election.
It seems like a reasonable idea. I don't have an issue with it.

Maybe they can get it going for the next election.
I thought you would just accept it as truth. But I went and found it anyway for others.

It seems like a reasonable idea. I don't have an issue with it.

Maybe they can get it going for the next election.
I thought you would just accept it as truth. But I went and found it anyway for others.

Accept what as truth? That you supported this idea 8 years ago?

I believed you. I think it's a good idea.

For the next election, I wouldn't have a problem with this being done.
Accept what as truth? That you supported this idea 8 years ago?

I believed you. I think it's a good idea.
Yeah, there are some around here that don't. I thought you would, we disagree on a fair bit, but you are at least reasonable and don't see a different opinion as the enemy. Or maybe you are just a damn good judge of character. :D

For the next election, I wouldn't have a problem with this being done.
Yeah. Not sure a Republican/Democrat establishment actually wants it done. I would love to be wrong on that.

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