Pocahontas: "there is nobody in America who got rich on his own. NOBODY!"...Um, your opponent Trump!

How did the Clintons/Kennedys/Maxine/Nancy et al become multi millionaires?
How did Romney/Como et al become multi millionaires?
My grandfather used to say: "The harder you work the better your luck".
What Warren says in that quote sounds good on the surface. But the end result is just more taxes on the rich. It IS class warfare, no matter how you slice it.

But what pseudocons don't realize is that our tax structure is already committing class warfare on the lower and middle classes. Most tax expenditures are extremely regressive and serve to redistribute wealth UP the income strata. It's the most corrupt, obscene, unfair tax structure in history.

Both sides are wrong.
How did the Clintons/Kennedys/Maxine/Nancy et al become multi millionaires?
How did Romney/Como et al become multi millionaires?
The Kennedy were bootleggers who bought influence / status / prominence

I don't know about the rest of them, but the Clintons engaged in unheard of levels of Influence Peddling and fleecing the American people while in Offices...
you've got to be kidding!


Elizabeth Warren Has Had It With Donald Trump | HuffPost

This is so stupid.

The rich and wealthy in this country, the right-wingers, and religious people, are the most generous and charitable people on the planet.

Republicans give more to the poor, than Democrats.
Right-wingers give far more to the poor, than Left-wingers.
Religious people give far more to the poor, than non-religious.

Here Warren is saying we need to pay it forward?

Her idea of pay it forward, is to pay it to government bureaucrats like herself, so she can use that money to buy votes from special interest groups.
We have a tax scheme whereby two entities earning identical incomes pay radically different taxes.

THAT is what needs to be fixed.

Taxing the rich more won't solve it. Lower tax rates won't fix it. In fact, both of these bullshit "solutions" exacerbate the problem.
This is so stupid.

The rich and wealthy in this country, the right-wingers, and religious people, are the most generous and charitable people on the planet.

Republicans give more to the poor, than Democrats.
Right-wingers give far more to the poor, than Left-wingers.
Religious people give far more to the poor, than non-religious.

Here Warren is saying we need to pay it forward?

Her idea of pay it forward, is to pay it to government bureaucrats like herself, so she can use that money to buy votes from special interest groups.

We've already paid for everything through our TAXES. Now she wants more to buy more votes with freebies to the Free Stuff Army, and feel good Lefties. Democrats want to use YOUR money for their grand schemes, yet when push comes to shove want to pay the least amount in taxes, and not voluntarily give money nearly as much as conservatives in general. Yes, there are exceptions.
The statement in the meme is not any statement from Mrs. Warren, it is from former president Oblama.
Actually, Warren started the "you didn't build that" schtick before Obama.

And she did say what is in the OP. See for yourself:

Is there anything wrong with what she said, G?

The first 45 seconds are identical to things Trump was saying before he decided Republicans were easier to hoax.

The last 1:15 is pure, unadulterated communist horseshit.

I thought she was talking about paying taxes. If that "hunk" she wants from business is something else, I stand corrected.
Otherwise, I see nothing at all "communist" in anything she said It is absolutely true that all those things--roads, police, etc. are all funded by everyone's taxes. That should include the businesses, yes? Is she saying businesses should pay a lot more than they do, or what? I know a lot of times communities are so eager to get a company into town for the jobs it will provide that they cut a deal giving the business a break on taxes. Was that what she was talking against, maybe?
I'm not trying to argue; maybe I'm dense, but I'm not getting how her points were communist.

Warren is using the same tired communist argument that rich people didn't earn their money and therefore it is okay to rob them of whatever amount we please.

See my signature. Ronald Reagan.
I made this post back in 2012.

It is just as relevant as ever.


Did you know Mitt Romney bought an elevator for his car?!?


What?!?! How could he do that?


He didn't EARN that money!!!


That's OUR money.


Let's tax the rich more!

We have a tax scheme whereby two entities earning identical incomes pay radically different taxes.

THAT is what needs to be fixed.

Taxing the rich more won't solve it. Lower tax rates won't fix it. In fact, both of these bullshit "solutions" exacerbate the problem.
two entities earning identical incomes pay radically different taxes.
Can you give an example?

Ah I see, "the rest of us paid for". With scumbags like her there won't be any more entrepreneurs. She's a pig and a liar......"You didn't build that". Fuck Obama too.
Entrepreneurs make profit off of what our society has to offer

They should be expected to contribute
It’s not up to the collective to determine what they should contribute
The statement in the meme is not any statement from Mrs. Warren, it is from former president Oblama.
Actually, Warren started the "you didn't build that" schtick before Obama.

And she did say what is in the OP. See for yourself:

Is there anything wrong with what she said, G?

The first 45 seconds are identical to things Trump was saying before he decided Republicans were easier to hoax.

The last 1:15 is pure, unadulterated communist horseshit.

I thought she was talking about paying taxes. If that "hunk" she wants from business is something else, I stand corrected.
Otherwise, I see nothing at all "communist" in anything she said It is absolutely true that all those things--roads, police, etc. are all funded by everyone's taxes. That should include the businesses, yes? Is she saying businesses should pay a lot more than they do, or what? I know a lot of times communities are so eager to get a company into town for the jobs it will provide that they cut a deal giving the business a break on taxes. Was that what she was talking against, maybe?
I'm not trying to argue; maybe I'm dense, but I'm not getting how her points were communist.

Warren is using the same tired communist argument that rich people didn't earn their money and therefore it is okay to rob them of whatever amount we please.

See my signature. Ronald Reagan.

She did NOT say that. Anywhere.
So you think a person earning $16,000 per year, living in a single wide on his grandpa's property, should pay the same tax rate as Donald Trump and his business?
Explain, please.
We have a tax scheme whereby two entities earning identical incomes pay radically different taxes.

THAT is what needs to be fixed.

Taxing the rich more won't solve it. Lower tax rates won't fix it. In fact, both of these bullshit "solutions" exacerbate the problem.
two entities earning identical incomes pay radically different taxes.
Can you give an example?
Let's say you are a renter with no children with an old refrigerator and you earn $50,000.

Let's say I am a homeowner with a mortgage, three children, and I bought a refrigerator which the government wants me to buy, and I also earn $50,000.

I will pay far, far less federal income tax than you will.

You are punished by the government for not buying a house or having children or buying the right kind of refrigerator. You pay a financial penalty for not behaving the way the government wants you to behave.

So it was no big leap to punish you for not buying the right kind of health insurance.
Trump acquired his wealth through fraud and bullshit. He was such a train wreck that no American bank would touch him anymore. If some dipshit at a TV studio hadn't given Trump a game show, Lyin' Donald would have sunk into oblivion and permanent bankruptcy.

I doubt he's even a billionaire.
Does it matter?
Every career politician that has ever existed is a fraud, riding the fence is not an honest living....
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Actually, Warren started the "you didn't build that" schtick before Obama.

And she did say what is in the OP. See for yourself:

Is there anything wrong with what she said, G?

The first 45 seconds are identical to things Trump was saying before he decided Republicans were easier to hoax.

The last 1:15 is pure, unadulterated communist horseshit.

I thought she was talking about paying taxes. If that "hunk" she wants from business is something else, I stand corrected.
Otherwise, I see nothing at all "communist" in anything she said It is absolutely true that all those things--roads, police, etc. are all funded by everyone's taxes. That should include the businesses, yes? Is she saying businesses should pay a lot more than they do, or what? I know a lot of times communities are so eager to get a company into town for the jobs it will provide that they cut a deal giving the business a break on taxes. Was that what she was talking against, maybe?
I'm not trying to argue; maybe I'm dense, but I'm not getting how her points were communist.

Warren is using the same tired communist argument that rich people didn't earn their money and therefore it is okay to rob them of whatever amount we please.

See my signature. Ronald Reagan.

She did NOT say that. Anywhere.
So you think a person earning $16,000 per year, living in a single wide on his grandpa's property, should pay the same tax rate as Donald Trump and his business?
Explain, please.

She most certainly is saying that we need to tax the rich more. She says it quite plainly all the time. And she justifies it with this "you didn't build that" bullshit. When liberals say "you didn't build that", they are really saying "You didn't earn that". And since you didn't earn it, it is okay to confiscate it.

That's the mindset at work here.

On the flipside, I am deeply opposed to tax expenditures, too. I do not believe someone should be rewarded with a refund of tax dollars for behaving the way the government wants them to behave. Those tax expenditures have to be replaced by either taxing everyone at higher rates or by borrowing.

Our government does both. It taxes all of us more, and borrows TRILLIONS. Trump has made sure our government has to borrow even more than ever.

This is why I have become more and more supportive of the Fair Tax over the years. One which has NO exemptions. No exemptions is critical.
The least successful should not be making up the rules for society
Trump acquired his wealth through fraud and bullshit. He was such a train wreck that no American bank would touch him anymore. If some dipshit at a TV studio hadn't given Trump a game show, Lyin' Donald would have sunk into oblivion and permanent bankruptcy.

I doubt he's even a billionaire.

Much of his “wealth” is the value of the Trump name

After he leaves office, it will have the value of the Nixon name

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