Pocahontas: "there is nobody in America who got rich on his own. NOBODY!"...Um, your opponent Trump!

Trump acquired his wealth through fraud and bullshit. He was such a train wreck that no American bank would touch him anymore. If some dipshit at a TV studio hadn't given Trump a game show, Lyin' Donald would have sunk into oblivion and permanent bankruptcy.

I doubt he's even a billionaire.

Much of his “wealth” is the value of the Trump name

After he leaves office, it will have the value of the Nixon name

I don't think Trump is nearly as successful as he claims, but there is no question that he is more successful than just the value of his name. And I don't think the business value of the Trump name, will be harmed by his political career.

The only exception is if he is actually put in prison, but I don't see any evidence of that happening.
Warren is using the same tired communist argument that rich people didn't earn their money and therefore it is okay to rob them of whatever amount we please.

See my signature. Ronald Reagan.
She did NOT say that. Anywhere.
So you think a person earning $16,000 per year, living in a single wide on his grandpa's property, should pay the same tax rate as Donald Trump and his business?
Explain, please.
She most certainly is saying that we need to tax the rich more. She says it quite plainly all the time. And she justifies it with this "you didn't build that" bullshit. When liberals say "you didn't build that", they are really saying "You didn't earn that". And since you didn't earn it, it is okay to confiscate it.

That's the mindset at work here.

On the flipside, I am deeply opposed to tax expenditures, too. I do not believe someone should be rewarded with a refund of tax dollars for behaving the way the government wants them to behave. Those tax expenditures have to be replaced by either taxing everyone at higher rates or by borrowing.

Our government does both. It taxes all of us more, and borrows TRILLIONS. Trump has made sure our government has to borrow even more than ever.

This is why I have become more and more supportive of the Fair Tax over the years. One which has NO exemptions. No exemptions is critical.
Not quite...

All she is saying is that you do not accumulate wealth or preserve wealth without the benefit of a strong society.

Given that the wealthy benefit more, they should contribute more
As others have pointed out, that strong society is already paid for by the wealthy.

As a matter of fact, our entire infrastructure was built by private business for over a hundred years.

Warren is just another hack who justifies the theft of more property by claiming the victims deserve to have their goods taken from them.
Not exactly

As Warren points out, the taxpayer provides them with an educated workforce which they profit off.

And which taxpayers would that be, kemo sabe? Which taxpayers already contribute the most?
The problem is not that rich people are taxed too little.

The problem is that our federal government has become so fucking bloated and spends too much.

70 percent of government expenditures are transfer payments.

And now Warren wants to steal even more from the rich rather than trim the government.

Fuck that shit.
She did NOT say that. Anywhere.
So you think a person earning $16,000 per year, living in a single wide on his grandpa's property, should pay the same tax rate as Donald Trump and his business?
Explain, please.
She most certainly is saying that we need to tax the rich more. She says it quite plainly all the time. And she justifies it with this "you didn't build that" bullshit. When liberals say "you didn't build that", they are really saying "You didn't earn that". And since you didn't earn it, it is okay to confiscate it.

That's the mindset at work here.

On the flipside, I am deeply opposed to tax expenditures, too. I do not believe someone should be rewarded with a refund of tax dollars for behaving the way the government wants them to behave. Those tax expenditures have to be replaced by either taxing everyone at higher rates or by borrowing.

Our government does both. It taxes all of us more, and borrows TRILLIONS. Trump has made sure our government has to borrow even more than ever.

This is why I have become more and more supportive of the Fair Tax over the years. One which has NO exemptions. No exemptions is critical.
Not quite...

All she is saying is that you do not accumulate wealth or preserve wealth without the benefit of a strong society.

Given that the wealthy benefit more, they should contribute more
As others have pointed out, that strong society is already paid for by the wealthy.

As a matter of fact, our entire infrastructure was built by private business for over a hundred years.

Warren is just another hack who justifies the theft of more property by claiming the victims deserve to have their goods taken from them.
As a matter of fact, our entire infrastructure was built by private business for over a hundred years.
What hundred years was that? I'm not sure that's accurate.
Private business built and profited from huge infrastructure projects. They dis not build them

Private business profits from using that infrastructure we provide to obtain supplies and provide goods and services
G is right that in the old days, they did build and own major toll roads and of course the trains and steam ship lines were all private and the railroad did own and build all its tracks. The point is, I don't know that we could go back to that at this point. Those folks back then were making a profit, and I'm not sure how one would make a profit on roads and bridges these days unless they were ALL made toll-roads and bridges again.
The true irony is that our country became the most powerful country in the world not by government fiat but through philanthropy. Our libraries, and Universities, and yes even our early forms of welfare were all given through private money from very rich individuals. Not government funding.

Look around today and see that the very richest people in this country are mostly Democrats and they don't spend shit on charity compared to what the old Robber Barons used to.

Jeff Bezos is no John D Rockefeller, that's for sure
Jeff Bezos is no John D Rockefeller, that's for sure
Neither is Trump. He spends the donations to his fake charity to buy paintings of himself and on his campaign.

He should be locked up just for that alone.
The problem is not that rich people are taxed too little.

The problem is that our federal government has become so fucking bloated and spends too much.

70 percent of government expenditures are transfer payments.

And now Warren wants to steal even more from the rich rather than trim the government.

Fuck that shit.

The problem entirely is that it is such huge amounts of money that these people dont even treat it like it's real money any more. $2M to study gay shrimp? No problem, and so on and so forth. My God.........
The problem is not that rich people are taxed too little.

The problem is that our federal government has become so fucking bloated and spends too much.

70 percent of government expenditures are transfer payments.

And now Warren wants to steal even more from the rich rather than trim the government.

Fuck that shit.

The problem entirely is that it is such huge amounts of money that these people dont even treat it like it's real money any more. $2M to study gay shrimp? No problem, and so on and so forth. My God.........

The Pentagon cannot account for $21T it disappeared between 1998-2015. Who's God?
If Trump invested his money solely in US Treasuries, how many businesses would have been able to borrow against those treasuries?
Jeff Bezos is no John D Rockefeller, that's for sure
Neither is Trump. He spends the donations to his fake charity to buy paintings of himself and on his campaign.

He should be locked up just for that alone.

Donald Trump is a pauper compared to Jeff Bezos and really isn't someone who even compares , other than the fact that you just wanted to bitch about Trump again. Take that shit somewhere else.

I'm talking about the super rich's of the day. Of which Donald Trump is not of them

Look at this page

List of Americans by net worth - Wikipedia

Just think if those folks gave to charity in this country at anywhere near the rate that folks like Rockefeller and Vanderbilt and so on and so forth did.

Of course, we must also admit that the government takes a huge portion of their income each year that those guys largely didn't have taken from theirs, but still the point remains. What did Jeff Bezos give to charity last year, $50?
After reading through all the posts on this thread I come up with the pure hatred on the right.
Do they have anything to say other than hate. I have not seen it. Taxes are essential to anyone that wants to start a business. Why, well of course their is the infrastructure that they have to have to be successful. Why do you think that the companies are now blackmailing states to give them lower taxes and also to provide the infrastructure so they can make a larger profit. From what I see is that the righties have very little to no knowledge of how a country works. They sure as hell do not understand anything about business. Why when a company relocates do they look at what kind of transportation is available to get their people to work. Why do they look at the education that can help train people to do the jobs needing done.
So let me ask this question, just how do you think the government should be run. We know we must have a strong government by just looking around the rest of the world. The countries that have strong governments with higher taxes are doing much much better than countries with weak government. An example is Mexico, to many years of corrupt government so are still way behind where they should be. We have refugees coming from countries with weak government that cannot control the criminals.
Is our government perfect? No not by a long shot. But instead of trying to destroy the best government that this earth has ever produced along with he greatest wealth as a nation perhaps you need to rethink. Never mind if you are a trumpster then you don't think, just repeat what Putin's buddy Donny boy wants you to think and say. You on the right are very good at that. To bad you can't set down and think for yourself.
Now to warren, I do not support her for president as I think their are better candidates but I also know that it does not make any difference who the democrats put forward that they will be swift boated. The reason is that the republicans have no policies other than destruction. If they come up with a good plan then it will be destroyed by the republican leadership. We would never have this trouble at the border had Bonerhead brought the immigration bill to the floor. We would not be having this shutdown if Ryan would have brought the vote to the floor. Trump would have signed as he is really a great big coward. Yep that is right bone spurs is a chikenshit. But the worst thing is it is appearing more and more as if Hannity and his group of liars are the ones that are now ruining this country.
The problem is not that rich people are taxed too little.

The problem is that our federal government has become so fucking bloated and spends too much.

70 percent of government expenditures are transfer payments.

And now Warren wants to steal even more from the rich rather than trim the government.

Fuck that shit.

The problem entirely is that it is such huge amounts of money that these people dont even treat it like it's real money any more. $2M to study gay shrimp? No problem, and so on and so forth. My God.........

The Pentagon cannot account for $21T it disappeared between 1998-2015. Who's God?

I certainly don't exclude the DoD from blame, nor do I believe they are the only Department in the government which wastes and or loses money.
What did Jeff Bezos give to charity last year, $50?
Gee, if only people spent 10 seconds googling instead of making shit up.

Jeff Bezos Is Making His Biggest Charitable Donation Ever. See the $2 Billion Details

Bezos, the reigning world’s richest man, released a statement on Twitter on Thursday explaining that he and his wife MacKenzie were committing $2 billion to launch a new initiative called the Bezos Day One Fund.

The charitable fund will “focus on two areas,” Bezos explained: “funding existing non-profits that help homeless families, and creating a network of new, non-profit, tier-one pre-schools in low-income communities.”
Some wealthy people give away money each year.

Some wealthy people, like Andrew Carnegie, believe giving away money each year keeps you from growing that money. They feel it is better to grow their money as much as possible, and then they are able to give away a far greater amount later.
What did Jeff Bezos give to charity last year, $50?
Gee, if only people spent 10 seconds googling instead of making shit up.

Jeff Bezos Is Making His Biggest Charitable Donation Ever. See the $2 Billion Details

Bezos, the reigning world’s richest man, released a statement on Twitter on Thursday explaining that he and his wife MacKenzie were committing $2 billion to launch a new initiative called the Bezos Day One Fund.

The charitable fund will “focus on two areas,” Bezos explained: “funding existing non-profits that help homeless families, and creating a network of new, non-profit, tier-one pre-schools in low-income communities.”

How generous of him to donate 5 minutes of income since the inception of Amazon. For real. $2B is a drop in the bucket compared to his overall net worth and doesn't even begin to compare to the money given by philanthropists of old and thus my point stands
The true irony is that our country became the most powerful country in the world not by government fiat but through philanthropy. Our libraries, and Universities, and yes even our early forms of welfare were all given through private money from very rich individuals. Not government funding.

Look around today and see that the very richest people in this country are mostly Democrats and they don't spend shit on charity compared to what the old Robber Barons used to.

Jeff Bezos is no John D Rockefeller, that's for sure
Our early forms of welfare and our public schools were always paid for with local taxes. Always, from back when we were colonials. I've read a bunch of Town Meeting Minutes from the 1760's and on, and they were reimbursing the family taking care of the orphan and paying the doctor for the old guy too sick to care for himself and delivering firewood to the widow with a mess of kids. From taxes. They were also collecting taxes to extend and maintain the roads, and people could work off that part of their tax by working on the road for a certain number of days. And the schools were also organized and funded by the town's taxes.
I'm sure wealthy philanthropists began a great deal of very good institutions, too. But on the ground, communities have always pooled together and chipped in with TAXES in order to pay for what a Town must do.

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