Pocahontas: "there is nobody in America who got rich on his own. NOBODY!"...Um, your opponent Trump!

Is there anything wrong with what she said, G?
The first 45 seconds are identical to things Trump was saying before he decided Republicans were easier to hoax.

The last 1:15 is pure, unadulterated communist horseshit.
I thought she was talking about paying taxes. If that "hunk" she wants from business is something else, I stand corrected.
Otherwise, I see nothing at all "communist" in anything she said It is absolutely true that all those things--roads, police, etc. are all funded by everyone's taxes. That should include the businesses, yes? Is she saying businesses should pay a lot more than they do, or what? I know a lot of times communities are so eager to get a company into town for the jobs it will provide that they cut a deal giving the business a break on taxes. Was that what she was talking against, maybe?
I'm not trying to argue; maybe I'm dense, but I'm not getting how her points were communist.
Warren is using the same tired communist argument that rich people didn't earn their money and therefore it is okay to rob them of whatever amount we please.

See my signature. Ronald Reagan.
She did NOT say that. Anywhere.
So you think a person earning $16,000 per year, living in a single wide on his grandpa's property, should pay the same tax rate as Donald Trump and his business?
Explain, please.
She most certainly is saying that we need to tax the rich more. She says it quite plainly all the time. And she justifies it with this "you didn't build that" bullshit. When liberals say "you didn't build that", they are really saying "You didn't earn that". And since you didn't earn it, it is okay to confiscate it.

That's the mindset at work here.

On the flipside, I am deeply opposed to tax expenditures, too. I do not believe someone should be rewarded with a refund of tax dollars for behaving the way the government wants them to behave. Those tax expenditures have to be replaced by either taxing everyone at higher rates or by borrowing.

Our government does both. It taxes all of us more, and borrows TRILLIONS. Trump has made sure our government has to borrow even more than ever.

This is why I have become more and more supportive of the Fair Tax over the years. One which has NO exemptions. No exemptions is critical.
Not quite...

All she is saying is that you do not accumulate wealth or preserve wealth without the benefit of a strong society.

Given that the wealthy benefit more, they should contribute more
If Trump had started life poor I would support your statement but Trump is a limousine, silver spoon born in mouth trust fund baby who inherited millions.
I hate to break it to you, but very few people on earth can turn millions into billions. Many have tried.
Is there anything wrong with what she said, G?
The first 45 seconds are identical to things Trump was saying before he decided Republicans were easier to hoax.

The last 1:15 is pure, unadulterated communist horseshit.
I thought she was talking about paying taxes. If that "hunk" she wants from business is something else, I stand corrected.
Otherwise, I see nothing at all "communist" in anything she said It is absolutely true that all those things--roads, police, etc. are all funded by everyone's taxes. That should include the businesses, yes? Is she saying businesses should pay a lot more than they do, or what? I know a lot of times communities are so eager to get a company into town for the jobs it will provide that they cut a deal giving the business a break on taxes. Was that what she was talking against, maybe?
I'm not trying to argue; maybe I'm dense, but I'm not getting how her points were communist.
Warren is using the same tired communist argument that rich people didn't earn their money and therefore it is okay to rob them of whatever amount we please.

See my signature. Ronald Reagan.
She did NOT say that. Anywhere.
So you think a person earning $16,000 per year, living in a single wide on his grandpa's property, should pay the same tax rate as Donald Trump and his business?
Explain, please.
She most certainly is saying that we need to tax the rich more. She says it quite plainly all the time. And she justifies it with this "you didn't build that" bullshit. When liberals say "you didn't build that", they are really saying "You didn't earn that". And since you didn't earn it, it is okay to confiscate it.

That's the mindset at work here.

On the flipside, I am deeply opposed to tax expenditures, too. I do not believe someone should be rewarded with a refund of tax dollars for behaving the way the government wants them to behave. Those tax expenditures have to be replaced by either taxing everyone at higher rates or by borrowing.

Our government does both. It taxes all of us more, and borrows TRILLIONS. Trump has made sure our government has to borrow even more than ever.

This is why I have become more and more supportive of the Fair Tax over the years. One which has NO exemptions. No exemptions is critical.
When liberals say "you didn't build that", they are really saying "You didn't earn that". And since you didn't earn it, it is okay to confiscate it.
EVERYONE has to pay taxes. For you to say that the quote means "You didn't earn that" is to say that no one earns their paycheck, including her. She pays taxes. I know she thinks she earns it. I earn mine, too. As you do/did (in case you're retired). What she means is "You didn't build that ALONE"
Which no one did.
I think it sucks that a rich person has to pay so much of what they earn. Hillary Clinton paid 37%, didn't she? I pay less, but if I had to pay that much, I couldn't make it. Hillary can still afford a mansion and really ugly designer clothes.
Tell me more about the Fair Tax. (Not a whole lot, I'm an economics idiot.)
1) she is wrong
2) Trump isn’t a good example of why she is wrong
3) she isn’t trumps opponent and never will be because she won’t survive the primary
1) she is wrong
2) Trump isn’t a good example of why she is wrong
3) she isn’t trumps opponent and never will be because she won’t survive the primary
We don’t know if Trump will survive either
Every career that has ever existed is a fraud

That's commsymp horseshit.
Na, not really
There is no such thing as a flawless career politician, in fact it’s a requirement to be corrupt to the core to be a career politician
We are talking about rich people and taxation. Trump is a fraud, but not all wealthy people are. Warren would have you believe every rich person is a fraud.
The first 45 seconds are identical to things Trump was saying before he decided Republicans were easier to hoax.

The last 1:15 is pure, unadulterated communist horseshit.
I thought she was talking about paying taxes. If that "hunk" she wants from business is something else, I stand corrected.
Otherwise, I see nothing at all "communist" in anything she said It is absolutely true that all those things--roads, police, etc. are all funded by everyone's taxes. That should include the businesses, yes? Is she saying businesses should pay a lot more than they do, or what? I know a lot of times communities are so eager to get a company into town for the jobs it will provide that they cut a deal giving the business a break on taxes. Was that what she was talking against, maybe?
I'm not trying to argue; maybe I'm dense, but I'm not getting how her points were communist.
Warren is using the same tired communist argument that rich people didn't earn their money and therefore it is okay to rob them of whatever amount we please.

See my signature. Ronald Reagan.
She did NOT say that. Anywhere.
So you think a person earning $16,000 per year, living in a single wide on his grandpa's property, should pay the same tax rate as Donald Trump and his business?
Explain, please.
She most certainly is saying that we need to tax the rich more. She says it quite plainly all the time. And she justifies it with this "you didn't build that" bullshit. When liberals say "you didn't build that", they are really saying "You didn't earn that". And since you didn't earn it, it is okay to confiscate it.

That's the mindset at work here.

On the flipside, I am deeply opposed to tax expenditures, too. I do not believe someone should be rewarded with a refund of tax dollars for behaving the way the government wants them to behave. Those tax expenditures have to be replaced by either taxing everyone at higher rates or by borrowing.

Our government does both. It taxes all of us more, and borrows TRILLIONS. Trump has made sure our government has to borrow even more than ever.

This is why I have become more and more supportive of the Fair Tax over the years. One which has NO exemptions. No exemptions is critical.
Not quite...

All she is saying is that you do not accumulate wealth or preserve wealth without the benefit of a strong society.

Given that the wealthy benefit more, they should contribute more
As others have pointed out, that strong society is already paid for by the wealthy.

As a matter of fact, our entire infrastructure was built by private business for over a hundred years.

Warren is just another hack who justifies the theft of more property by claiming the victims deserve to have their goods taken from them.
1) she is wrong
2) Trump isn’t a good example of why she is wrong
3) she isn’t trumps opponent and never will be because she won’t survive the primary
Warren has a better than average chance of winning the nomination. I've been pointing out for years she is doing the coalition building process of someone who is gunning for the presidency. She started way back in 2014.

That's the reason you already know who she is, and that's the reason you and the other parrots have been calling her Pocahontas all this time. Your propagandists have been preparing you for this moment.
Sadly, what this proves, is how nasty the Republican Party has become.

Trump has six bankruptcies where thousands of people got stiffed.

He runs a criminal organization he calls a foundation.

He has to give back tens of millions of dollars after the Trump U scam.

He contracted people to do work and then refused to pay them after they did the work.

He sexually assaults women for fun.

And Republicans admire him for being a businessman who made it good.

And all it took was nearly a half billion from his dad.

This is why you can’t believe anything republicans say.

They have no good values nor morals.
I thought she was talking about paying taxes. If that "hunk" she wants from business is something else, I stand corrected.
Otherwise, I see nothing at all "communist" in anything she said It is absolutely true that all those things--roads, police, etc. are all funded by everyone's taxes. That should include the businesses, yes? Is she saying businesses should pay a lot more than they do, or what? I know a lot of times communities are so eager to get a company into town for the jobs it will provide that they cut a deal giving the business a break on taxes. Was that what she was talking against, maybe?
I'm not trying to argue; maybe I'm dense, but I'm not getting how her points were communist.
Warren is using the same tired communist argument that rich people didn't earn their money and therefore it is okay to rob them of whatever amount we please.

See my signature. Ronald Reagan.
She did NOT say that. Anywhere.
So you think a person earning $16,000 per year, living in a single wide on his grandpa's property, should pay the same tax rate as Donald Trump and his business?
Explain, please.
She most certainly is saying that we need to tax the rich more. She says it quite plainly all the time. And she justifies it with this "you didn't build that" bullshit. When liberals say "you didn't build that", they are really saying "You didn't earn that". And since you didn't earn it, it is okay to confiscate it.

That's the mindset at work here.

On the flipside, I am deeply opposed to tax expenditures, too. I do not believe someone should be rewarded with a refund of tax dollars for behaving the way the government wants them to behave. Those tax expenditures have to be replaced by either taxing everyone at higher rates or by borrowing.

Our government does both. It taxes all of us more, and borrows TRILLIONS. Trump has made sure our government has to borrow even more than ever.

This is why I have become more and more supportive of the Fair Tax over the years. One which has NO exemptions. No exemptions is critical.
Not quite...

All she is saying is that you do not accumulate wealth or preserve wealth without the benefit of a strong society.

Given that the wealthy benefit more, they should contribute more
As others have pointed out, that strong society is already paid for by the wealthy.

As a matter of fact, our entire infrastructure was built by private business for over a hundred years.

Warren is just another hack who justifies the theft of more property by claiming the victims deserve to have their goods taken from them.
As a matter of fact, our entire infrastructure was built by private business for over a hundred years.
What hundred years was that? I'm not sure that's accurate.
Warren is using the same tired communist argument that rich people didn't earn their money and therefore it is okay to rob them of whatever amount we please.

See my signature. Ronald Reagan.
She did NOT say that. Anywhere.
So you think a person earning $16,000 per year, living in a single wide on his grandpa's property, should pay the same tax rate as Donald Trump and his business?
Explain, please.
She most certainly is saying that we need to tax the rich more. She says it quite plainly all the time. And she justifies it with this "you didn't build that" bullshit. When liberals say "you didn't build that", they are really saying "You didn't earn that". And since you didn't earn it, it is okay to confiscate it.

That's the mindset at work here.

On the flipside, I am deeply opposed to tax expenditures, too. I do not believe someone should be rewarded with a refund of tax dollars for behaving the way the government wants them to behave. Those tax expenditures have to be replaced by either taxing everyone at higher rates or by borrowing.

Our government does both. It taxes all of us more, and borrows TRILLIONS. Trump has made sure our government has to borrow even more than ever.

This is why I have become more and more supportive of the Fair Tax over the years. One which has NO exemptions. No exemptions is critical.
Not quite...

All she is saying is that you do not accumulate wealth or preserve wealth without the benefit of a strong society.

Given that the wealthy benefit more, they should contribute more
As others have pointed out, that strong society is already paid for by the wealthy.

As a matter of fact, our entire infrastructure was built by private business for over a hundred years.

Warren is just another hack who justifies the theft of more property by claiming the victims deserve to have their goods taken from them.
As a matter of fact, our entire infrastructure was built by private business for over a hundred years.
What hundred years was that? I'm not sure that's accurate.
From the founding until right about the time the Erie Canal was built, 100 percent of our infrastructure was built by private business. Steam ship lines, railroads, canals, electric power grid, etc. All privately owned and operated.

Much of that continued well into the 20th century.

How do you not know this?

May I recommend an awesome book to you?

It is still being built by the private sector, only it has to go through the government money laundering scheme so they can get their cut. Taxes go in, the government takes its cut, then subcontracts back out to private companies. They are just the EXPENSIVE middle man. Rinse, and repeat.
It is still being built by the private sector, only it has to go through the government money laundering scheme so they can get their cut. Taxes go in, the government takes its cut, then subcontracts back out to private companies. They are just the EXPENSIVE middle man. Rinse, and repeat.
Many infrastructure projects became too big for a single company or a consortium to afford to build. That's how the government became the chief funder of public works.

Even though roads and bridges are still built by the private sector, the OWNERSHIP of public works is now firmly in the hands of the government. That's the chief difference.
Warren is using the same tired communist argument that rich people didn't earn their money and therefore it is okay to rob them of whatever amount we please.

See my signature. Ronald Reagan.
She did NOT say that. Anywhere.
So you think a person earning $16,000 per year, living in a single wide on his grandpa's property, should pay the same tax rate as Donald Trump and his business?
Explain, please.
She most certainly is saying that we need to tax the rich more. She says it quite plainly all the time. And she justifies it with this "you didn't build that" bullshit. When liberals say "you didn't build that", they are really saying "You didn't earn that". And since you didn't earn it, it is okay to confiscate it.

That's the mindset at work here.

On the flipside, I am deeply opposed to tax expenditures, too. I do not believe someone should be rewarded with a refund of tax dollars for behaving the way the government wants them to behave. Those tax expenditures have to be replaced by either taxing everyone at higher rates or by borrowing.

Our government does both. It taxes all of us more, and borrows TRILLIONS. Trump has made sure our government has to borrow even more than ever.

This is why I have become more and more supportive of the Fair Tax over the years. One which has NO exemptions. No exemptions is critical.
Not quite...

All she is saying is that you do not accumulate wealth or preserve wealth without the benefit of a strong society.

Given that the wealthy benefit more, they should contribute more
As others have pointed out, that strong society is already paid for by the wealthy.

As a matter of fact, our entire infrastructure was built by private business for over a hundred years.

Warren is just another hack who justifies the theft of more property by claiming the victims deserve to have their goods taken from them.
As a matter of fact, our entire infrastructure was built by private business for over a hundred years.
What hundred years was that? I'm not sure that's accurate.
Private business built and profited from huge infrastructure projects. They dis not build them

Private business profits from using that infrastructure we provide to obtain supplies and provide goods and services
It is still being built by the private sector, only it has to go through the government money laundering scheme so they can get their cut. Taxes go in, the government takes its cut, then subcontracts back out to private companies. They are just the EXPENSIVE middle man. Rinse, and repeat.

That private sector lobbies heavily to get those lush contracts at taxpayer expense
I thought she was talking about paying taxes. If that "hunk" she wants from business is something else, I stand corrected.
Otherwise, I see nothing at all "communist" in anything she said It is absolutely true that all those things--roads, police, etc. are all funded by everyone's taxes. That should include the businesses, yes? Is she saying businesses should pay a lot more than they do, or what? I know a lot of times communities are so eager to get a company into town for the jobs it will provide that they cut a deal giving the business a break on taxes. Was that what she was talking against, maybe?
I'm not trying to argue; maybe I'm dense, but I'm not getting how her points were communist.
Warren is using the same tired communist argument that rich people didn't earn their money and therefore it is okay to rob them of whatever amount we please.

See my signature. Ronald Reagan.
She did NOT say that. Anywhere.
So you think a person earning $16,000 per year, living in a single wide on his grandpa's property, should pay the same tax rate as Donald Trump and his business?
Explain, please.
She most certainly is saying that we need to tax the rich more. She says it quite plainly all the time. And she justifies it with this "you didn't build that" bullshit. When liberals say "you didn't build that", they are really saying "You didn't earn that". And since you didn't earn it, it is okay to confiscate it.

That's the mindset at work here.

On the flipside, I am deeply opposed to tax expenditures, too. I do not believe someone should be rewarded with a refund of tax dollars for behaving the way the government wants them to behave. Those tax expenditures have to be replaced by either taxing everyone at higher rates or by borrowing.

Our government does both. It taxes all of us more, and borrows TRILLIONS. Trump has made sure our government has to borrow even more than ever.

This is why I have become more and more supportive of the Fair Tax over the years. One which has NO exemptions. No exemptions is critical.
Not quite...

All she is saying is that you do not accumulate wealth or preserve wealth without the benefit of a strong society.

Given that the wealthy benefit more, they should contribute more
As others have pointed out, that strong society is already paid for by the wealthy.

As a matter of fact, our entire infrastructure was built by private business for over a hundred years.

Warren is just another hack who justifies the theft of more property by claiming the victims deserve to have their goods taken from them.
Not exactly

As Warren points out, the taxpayer provides them with an educated workforce which they profit off. Imagine if every employer had to hire workers who knew nothing about reading, writing or mathematics and had to train their own workers from scratch

Even when infrastructure was provided by the private sector, they still profited from the government. Railroads not only received free public lands and the right to kick people off the land they wanted but received lucrative property rights that was now extremely valuable
The only reason why The Creature is where he is now, is due to Grandpa's Whoremongering and Daddy's Money...
Surprising, the number of people that don't know about the source of the Trump fortune. Without, Donald Trump's granddad's whorehouses in the northwest and Canada, there would been no money for Fred Trump, Donald's father to build his fortune in real estate.
Last edited:
The only reason why The Creature is where he is now, is due to Grandpa's Whoremongering and Daddy's Money...
Surprising, the number of people that don't know about the source of the Trump fortune. Without, Donald Trump's granddad's whore houses in the northwest and Canada, there would been no money for Fred Trump, Donald's father to build his fortune in real estate.
One generation ran whore-houses up in British Columbia...

A later generation is running a metaphorical (political) whore-house in Washington, DC...

The apple didn't fall very far from the tree... :21:
She did NOT say that. Anywhere.
So you think a person earning $16,000 per year, living in a single wide on his grandpa's property, should pay the same tax rate as Donald Trump and his business?
Explain, please.
She most certainly is saying that we need to tax the rich more. She says it quite plainly all the time. And she justifies it with this "you didn't build that" bullshit. When liberals say "you didn't build that", they are really saying "You didn't earn that". And since you didn't earn it, it is okay to confiscate it.

That's the mindset at work here.

On the flipside, I am deeply opposed to tax expenditures, too. I do not believe someone should be rewarded with a refund of tax dollars for behaving the way the government wants them to behave. Those tax expenditures have to be replaced by either taxing everyone at higher rates or by borrowing.

Our government does both. It taxes all of us more, and borrows TRILLIONS. Trump has made sure our government has to borrow even more than ever.

This is why I have become more and more supportive of the Fair Tax over the years. One which has NO exemptions. No exemptions is critical.
Not quite...

All she is saying is that you do not accumulate wealth or preserve wealth without the benefit of a strong society.

Given that the wealthy benefit more, they should contribute more
As others have pointed out, that strong society is already paid for by the wealthy.

As a matter of fact, our entire infrastructure was built by private business for over a hundred years.

Warren is just another hack who justifies the theft of more property by claiming the victims deserve to have their goods taken from them.
As a matter of fact, our entire infrastructure was built by private business for over a hundred years.
What hundred years was that? I'm not sure that's accurate.
From the founding until right about the time the Erie Canal was built, 100 percent of our infrastructure was built by private business. Steam ship lines, railroads, electric power grid, etc. All privately owned and operated.

How do you not know this?

May I recommend an awesome book to you?

Thanks for the book tip!
I think you might be pushing it a little far to say 100% of our infrastructure was built by private business, though. The local roads were always a local government project, and police and fire were, too. That's all I was thinking of.
The only reason why The Creature is where he is now, is due to Grandpa's Whoremongering and Daddy's Money...
Surprising, the number of people that don't know about the source of the Trump fortune. Without, Donald Trump's granddad's whore houses in the northwest and Canada, there would been no money for Fred Trump, Donald's father to build his fortune in real estate.
Trump has been repaying his debt to those whorehouses

Even made one of them First Lady

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