Pocahontas: "there is nobody in America who got rich on his own. NOBODY!"...Um, your opponent Trump!

The problem is not that rich people are taxed too little.

The problem is that our federal government has become so fucking bloated and spends too much.

70 percent of government expenditures are transfer payments.

And now Warren wants to steal even more from the rich rather than trim the government.

Fuck that shit.

The problem entirely is that it is such huge amounts of money that these people dont even treat it like it's real money any more. $2M to study gay shrimp? No problem, and so on and so forth. My God.........

The Pentagon cannot account for $21T it disappeared between 1998-2015. Who's God?

I already showed you that your numbers don't work, and yet you double down on your own stupidity?

That figure is $1.23 billion per year, which is far more than EVER was in the defense budget during those years.

This year's defense budget with a huge increase is only $1.3 trillion.
After reading through all the posts on this thread I come up with the pure hatred on the right.
Do they have anything to say other than hate. I have not seen it. Taxes are essential to anyone that wants to start a business. Why, well of course their is the infrastructure that they have to have to be successful. Why do you think that the companies are now blackmailing states to give them lower taxes and also to provide the infrastructure so they can make a larger profit. From what I see is that the righties have very little to no knowledge of how a country works. They sure as hell do not understand anything about business. Why when a company relocates do they look at what kind of transportation is available to get their people to work. Why do they look at the education that can help train people to do the jobs needing done.
So let me ask this question, just how do you think the government should be run. We know we must have a strong government by just looking around the rest of the world. The countries that have strong governments with higher taxes are doing much much better than countries with weak government. An example is Mexico, to many years of corrupt government so are still way behind where they should be. We have refugees coming from countries with weak government that cannot control the criminals.
Is our government perfect? No not by a long shot. But instead of trying to destroy the best government that this earth has ever produced along with he greatest wealth as a nation perhaps you need to rethink. Never mind if you are a trumpster then you don't think, just repeat what Putin's buddy Donny boy wants you to think and say. You on the right are very good at that. To bad you can't set down and think for yourself.
Now to warren, I do not support her for president as I think their are better candidates but I also know that it does not make any difference who the democrats put forward that they will be swift boated. The reason is that the republicans have no policies other than destruction. If they come up with a good plan then it will be destroyed by the republican leadership. We would never have this trouble at the border had Bonerhead brought the immigration bill to the floor. We would not be having this shutdown if Ryan would have brought the vote to the floor. Trump would have signed as he is really a great big coward. Yep that is right bone spurs is a chikenshit. But the worst thing is it is appearing more and more as if Hannity and his group of liars are the ones that are now ruining this country.

Hey rookie!

If you want your posts to be read, I suggest paragraphs, punctuation, and correct spelling be used.

BTW, why are you starting out as a dumbass?

The House passed both the bills you are blaming on Boehner and Ryan. The chickenshit Democrats in the Senate are to blame.
you've got to be kidding!


Elizabeth Warren Has Had It With Donald Trump | HuffPost

trump was given his money and STILL went bankrupt 4...5 times....idiot...
/—-/ Trump never went bankrupt

It's hard to go bankrupt when your father just gives you more when you squander what he already gave.

Bankruptcy of a business is far different from personal bankruptcy. You should learn the difference.
uhm don't know , how about broke ass illegal Mexican's?

And dumbass liberals?

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B

In 2006, we had full employment and a booming economy with more illegal Mexicans here than now.

Then something happened. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers. Economic apocalypse.

It had NOTHING to do with Mexicans.

In 1983 the US population was 230 million

A painter or commercial electrician made middle class wages with full benefits.

Today the population is 330 million

Most painter and commercial electrician make $10 bucks an hour and no benefits

It has everything to do with illegal Mexican's

You fucking lier


I'm sorry, but commercial electricians do not earn $10 an hour. Your information is bogus.
The problem is not that rich people are taxed too little.

The problem is that our federal government has become so fucking bloated and spends too much.

70 percent of government expenditures are transfer payments.

And now Warren wants to steal even more from the rich rather than trim the government.

Fuck that shit.

The problem entirely is that it is such huge amounts of money that these people dont even treat it like it's real money any more. $2M to study gay shrimp? No problem, and so on and so forth. My God.........

The Pentagon cannot account for $21T it disappeared between 1998-2015. Who's God?
That is Bullshit

The military budget was approx $600 billion a year during that period.

Oh it's bullshit alright:

The Pentagon Can't Account for $21 Trillion (That's Not a Typo)

The Pentagon Can't Account for $21 Trillion (That's Not a Typo)

Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us?
Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us?

How about a real source?
Trump earned money through business, and providing a product, and service people VOLUNTARILY paid for. Warren is a just public leach using money that is forcibly confiscated through taxes.
Actually most of the money Warren has made did not come from the government. Most of her income comes from salary as Harvard Law School Professor ($416,000/yr and royalties on her books, $61,000 a year, and her salary as a US Senator, $173,000/yr.

Unlike Trump she has release her tax returns for the last 10 years, has never been sued, declared bankruptcy, cheated investors, violated campaign finance laws, screwed her creditors, set up charity scams, accused of rape, molestation, and sexual harassment, and consorting with mobsters, prostitutes, and porn stars.

No, she just lied about her Native American heritage and used that to join the faculty of a prestigious university with less qualifications than just about anyone else in America. That's called "fraud" to most people.
uhm don't know , how about broke ass illegal Mexican's?

And dumbass liberals?

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B

In 2006, we had full employment and a booming economy with more illegal Mexicans here than now.

Then something happened. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers. Economic apocalypse.

It had NOTHING to do with Mexicans.

In 1983 the US population was 230 million

A painter or commercial electrician made middle class wages with full benefits.

Today the population is 330 million

Most painter and commercial electrician make $10 bucks an hour and no benefits

It has everything to do with illegal Mexican's

You fucking lier


I'm sorry, but commercial electricians do not earn $10 an hour. Your information is bogus.

I didn't say all, not talking licensed and ever hear of temp services?

That reminds me worked on the Hilton hotel in Anderson SC and was only paid around $12 an hour temp service

Did a two week Christmas shut down at the BMW plant in Greer SC that was only $15 an hour , industrial electrician ..temp service

Sadly, what this proves, is how nasty the Republican Party has become.

Trump has six bankruptcies where thousands of people got stiffed.

He runs a criminal organization he calls a foundation.

He has to give back tens of millions of dollars after the Trump U scam.

He contracted people to do work and then refused to pay them after they did the work.

He sexually assaults women for fun.

And Republicans admire him for being a businessman who made it good.

And all it took was nearly a half billion from his dad.

This is why you can’t believe anything republicans say.

They have no good values nor morals.
1) she is wrong
2) Trump isn’t a good example of why she is wrong
3) she isn’t trumps opponent and never will be because she won’t survive the primary
Warren has a better than average chance of winning the nomination. I've been pointing out for years she is doing the coalition building process of someone who is gunning for the presidency. She started way back in 2014.

That's the reason you already know who she is, and that's the reason you and the other parrots have been calling her Pocahontas all this time. Your propagandists have been preparing you for this moment.

The average is about 1%

I’m not sure she gets that much support no matter what coalition she is trying to build.

The nominee will be Biden or Beto
Unlike Trump she has release her tax returns for the last 10 years, has never been sued, declared bankruptcy, cheated investors, violated campaign finance laws, screwed her creditors, set up charity scams, accused of rape, molestation, and sexual harassment, and consorting with mobsters, prostitutes, and porn stars.

If she ran as a Republican you can bet she's be accused of all that and more. Hilarious that Trump was just another successful businessman until he ran for the Republican nomination.

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