Pocahontas: "there is nobody in America who got rich on his own. NOBODY!"...Um, your opponent Trump!

I not calling for no taxes, but if you add it all up you pay over 50% of your income in taxes.
wouldn't the overwhelming percentage be voluntary? One can choose what to buy that is not an actual need.

I'd ask why a specif tax exists. specifically ask, to address what issues? Or do you want free things, or less schools, less roads, less enforcement (until a property owner buys land next door in a residential area and build s a pig farm)?

Do you include fees, and fines and other payments as taxes?

your broad statements, your bumper sticker like, slogans have little context
All i stated that the average american pays over 50% of their income in taxes. Through payroll taxes, sales tax, property taxes, car taxes, gas taxes, extra taxes on utilities, taxes on phones, extra taxes when you eat out. Hell you buy tires extra taxes, extra taxes on alcohol, and cigarettes. I'm glad you brought up education. We could send every child to a private school and close down public schools, and it would be cheaper than what we pay now.

The results would be even worse than they are now for the poor, inner city and minority kids who would be kicked out of the private schools with no alternatives except to break in to your home while you are at work.
No different from public schools of today.

Oh, shut up and stop broadcasting your ignorance like a manure spreader.
Lol, that's why we have tranvestite boys. That I'm gonna have to protect my grandchildren from.
Certainly Pocahontas did not get rich on her own. She's now worth several million, but not before she parlayed a bogus claim to minority status into a tenured professorship at Harvard.

Now, this raving loon and con artist thinks she can drink a beer on T. V. and suck in a harvest of Heartland folks to vote for her bogus ass, but we are not nearly as stupid in the Heartland as they are at Harvard. We know a loon and a con artist when we see one. I think they blend in too well in places like Harvard to be culled. You would cull the whole crowd.

This bitch is for entertainment only. She will never be the nominee. Not loonie enough to be committed; not sane enough to be convicted of fraud. But if she is the nominee, its Trump for Eight.
wouldn't the overwhelming percentage be voluntary? One can choose what to buy that is not an actual need.

I'd ask why a specif tax exists. specifically ask, to address what issues? Or do you want free things, or less schools, less roads, less enforcement (until a property owner buys land next door in a residential area and build s a pig farm)?

Do you include fees, and fines and other payments as taxes?

your broad statements, your bumper sticker like, slogans have little context
All i stated that the average american pays over 50% of their income in taxes. Through payroll taxes, sales tax, property taxes, car taxes, gas taxes, extra taxes on utilities, taxes on phones, extra taxes when you eat out. Hell you buy tires extra taxes, extra taxes on alcohol, and cigarettes. I'm glad you brought up education. We could send every child to a private school and close down public schools, and it would be cheaper than what we pay now.

The results would be even worse than they are now for the poor, inner city and minority kids who would be kicked out of the private schools with no alternatives except to break in to your home while you are at work.
No different from public schools of today.

Oh, shut up and stop broadcasting your ignorance like a manure spreader.
Lol, that's why we have tranvestite boys. That I'm gonna have to protect my grandchildren from.

Maybe you should learn to spell what you fear. The word is "transvestite", and I don't know about you but we had them when I taught in the early 2000s and had no issues with them. Schools don't have classes in "how to dress like a girl or guy if you are not one".
you've got to be kidding!


Elizabeth Warren Has Had It With Donald Trump | HuffPost

A) What part of what Warren said do you disagree with?
B) You aren't really stupid enough to think that Trump 'got rich his own'- are you?
Certainly Pocahontas did not get rich on her own. She's now worth several million, but not before she parlayed a bogus claim to minority status into a tenured professorship at Harvard.

Now, this raving loon and con artist thinks she can drink a beer on T. V. and suck in a harvest of Heartland folks to vote for her bogus ass, but we are not nearly as stupid in the Heartland as they are at Harvard. We know a loon and a con artist when we see one. I think they blend in too well in places like Harvard to be culled. You would cull the whole crowd.

This bitch is for entertainment only. She will never be the nominee. Not loonie enough to be committed; not sane enough to be convicted of fraud. But if she is the nominee, its Trump for Eight.

We know a loon and a con artist when we see one.


Kidding, of course.

A two-year old article, and a twitter meme you pulled out of piles of other twitter manure, and your own contribution amounts to a grunt. But, that was well done, as the ensuing proclamation of the American Stockholm Syndrome flowered, as always once someone dares to question the predatory plutocrats and their living on the taxpayers' dime. Gawd, that bellowing in abject, complete subservience and the suck-uppery...

But declaring the Trumpy a "self-made man" surely takes the helm. Hilarious.

Trump got rich because of his grandmas company.

Da Comrade, your hate overcomes reality.


Fucking moron.

The truth is what it is, even if you do not like it.

Exactly, Comrade.

Your hate does not alter reality,

I have not hate, that takes way too much energy and effort. I leave the hate to folks like you.
I have not hate,


All you are is hate.

You are consumed with your obsessive hatred of the president.

that takes way too much energy and effort. I leave the hate to folks like you.

I am what you dishonestly claim to be. I vigorously defend liberty.

Liberty is individual, Comrade. The group "rights" you support are privilege granted by our rulers, not liberty that is inherent in our being.
The statement in the meme is not any statement from Mrs. Warren, it is from former president Oblama.
Actually, Warren started the "you didn't build that" schtick before Obama.

And she did say what is in the OP. See for yourself:

Trump acquired his wealth through fraud and bullshit. He was such a train wreck that no American bank would touch him anymore. If some dipshit at a TV studio hadn't given Trump a game show, Lyin' Donald would have sunk into oblivion and permanent bankruptcy.

I doubt he's even a billionaire.
The statement in the meme is not any statement from Mrs. Warren, it is from former president Oblama.
Actually, Warren started the "you didn't build that" schtick before Obama.

And she did say what is in the OP. See for yourself:

Is there anything wrong with what she said, G?

The first 45 seconds are identical to things Trump was saying before he decided Republicans were easier to hoax.

The last 1:15 is pure, unadulterated communist horseshit.

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