Pocahontas: "there is nobody in America who got rich on his own. NOBODY!"...Um, your opponent Trump!

The statement in the meme is not any statement from Mrs. Warren, it is from former president Oblama.

You liar Obama parroted her

She said it first


I remember when she said it because I was pissed

Drunk or just mad?

So I proved you lied once again..
I suppose in yer mind it is but you need time stamps on the quotes, because I have so much to gain from nothing I lie, well mostly sit but ...

More propaganda from you revisionist history boi?

Elizabeth Warren - Wikiquote

There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody! You built a factory out there? Good for you, but I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate.

You didn't build that. "You didn't build that" is a phrase from an2012 election campaign speech delivered by former United States President Barack Obama on July 13, 2012, in Roanoke, Virginia.
You didn't build that - Wikipedia
Trump acquired his wealth through fraud and bullshit. He was such a train wreck that no American bank would touch him anymore. If some dipshit at a TV studio hadn't given Trump a game show, Lyin' Donald would have sunk into oblivion and permanent bankruptcy.

I doubt he's even a billionaire.

Much of his “wealth” is the value of the Trump name

After he leaves office, it will have the value of the Nixon name

I don't think Trump is nearly as successful as he claims, but there is no question that he is more successful than just the value of his name. And I don't think the business value of the Trump name, will be harmed by his political career.

The only exception is if he is actually put in prison, but I don't see any evidence of that happening.
The value of the TRUMP name will all depend on how his presidency is perceived

If it is linked to scandal and corruption, the TRUMP name will not be worth much post presidency
The problem is not that rich people are taxed too little.

The problem is that our federal government has become so fucking bloated and spends too much.

70 percent of government expenditures are transfer payments.

And now Warren wants to steal even more from the rich rather than trim the government.

Fuck that shit.

The problem entirely is that it is such huge amounts of money that these people dont even treat it like it's real money any more. $2M to study gay shrimp? No problem, and so on and so forth. My God.........

The Pentagon cannot account for $21T it disappeared between 1998-2015. Who's God?
That is Bullshit

The military budget was approx $600 billion a year during that period.
The true irony is that our country became the most powerful country in the world not by government fiat but through philanthropy. Our libraries, and Universities, and yes even our early forms of welfare were all given through private money from very rich individuals. Not government funding.

Look around today and see that the very richest people in this country are mostly Democrats and they don't spend shit on charity compared to what the old Robber Barons used to.

Jeff Bezos is no John D Rockefeller, that's for sure
Our early forms of welfare and our public schools were always paid for with local taxes. Always, from back when we were colonials. I've read a bunch of Town Meeting Minutes from the 1760's and on, and they were reimbursing the family taking care of the orphan and paying the doctor for the old guy too sick to care for himself and delivering firewood to the widow with a mess of kids. From taxes. They were also collecting taxes to extend and maintain the roads, and people could work off that part of their tax by working on the road for a certain number of days. And the schools were also organized and funded by the town's taxes.
I'm sure wealthy philanthropists began a great deal of very good institutions, too. But on the ground, communities have always pooled together and chipped in with TAXES in order to pay for what a Town must do.
While wealthy people did distribute some of their wealth to the poor, it was not nearly enough. Not even close. Economic downturns like the Long Depression and the Great Depression showed just how much of a shortfall there was.

This image of wealthy people creating a safety net for the poor in days gone by is a hoax.

Government fills the big gaps.

However, the best social safety net of all is a booming economy. Unfortunately, our country has become far too dependent on government for its survival, and this has created a snake-swallowing-its-tail effect. Our government spends more and more, and creates bigger and bigger debt, which then drags our economy down.

Trump has not stopped this trend. In fact, he has accelerated it. He has submitted a budget which is one trillion dollars bigger than Obama's worst year of spending.

Anyone who claims the Republican party is the party of small government is either a retard or a liar, or both.

We are a nation of "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

In fact, that should be Warren's campaign slogan.
We have a booming economy now, according to the news. Why are there more homeless than ever, and why is our infant mortality rate rising and why are one in five children in this country food insecure?
I don't know, G, a booming economy just doesn't seem to be enough. It never really was, I don't think--we just used to be better at ignoring the poor.
what's your solution? otherwise, you're just wind in the air.
Lieawatha's version of "you didn't build that"

The woman is a fraud. Nothing more and possibly much less
What else can you expect from rich people? They are more out of touch than a vagrant begging on the streets.
/—-/, Just like the Kennedys. How out of touch will Chelsea be when she gets her grubs on her parents money?
Chelsea will be just as void in human social activities as Trump's kids are now.
The statement in the meme is not any statement from Mrs. Warren, it is from former president Oblama.

You liar Obama parroted her

She said it first


I remember when she said it because I was pissed

Drunk or just mad?

So I proved you lied once again..
I suppose in yer mind it is but you need time stamps on the quotes, because I have so much to gain from nothing I lie, well mostly sit but ...
so in your mind 2012 comes before 2011? hmmmmmm :disbelief::dunno:
You liar Obama parroted her

She said it first


I remember when she said it because I was pissed

Drunk or just mad?

So I proved you lied once again..
I suppose in yer mind it is but you need time stamps on the quotes, because I have so much to gain from nothing I lie, well mostly sit but ...

More propaganda from you revisionist history boi?

Elizabeth Warren - Wikiquote

There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody! You built a factory out there? Good for you, but I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate.

You didn't build that. "You didn't build that" is a phrase from an2012 election campaign speech delivered by former United States President Barack Obama on July 13, 2012, in Roanoke, Virginia.
You didn't build that - Wikipedia
I remember when she said it because I was pissed

Drunk or just mad?

So I proved you lied once again..
I suppose in yer mind it is but you need time stamps on the quotes, because I have so much to gain from nothing I lie, well mostly sit but ...

More propaganda from you revisionist history boi?

Elizabeth Warren - Wikiquote

There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody! You built a factory out there? Good for you, but I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate.

You didn't build that. "You didn't build that" is a phrase from an2012 election campaign speech delivered by former United States President Barack Obama on July 13, 2012, in Roanoke, Virginia.
You didn't build that - Wikipedia

Caught you lying once again, or doesn't have a clue about news and politics, which is it?

Elizabeth Warren - Wikiquote

There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody! You built a factory out there? Good for you, but I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate.

You didn't build that. "You didn't build that" is a phrase from an2012 election campaign speech delivered by former United States President Barack Obama on July 13, 2012, in Roanoke, Virginia.
You didn't build that - Wikipedia
If Trump had started life poor I would support your statement but Trump is a limousine, silver spoon born in mouth trust fund baby who inherited millions.

Everyone! Including trumpettes need to agree with this.
Drunk or just mad?

So I proved you lied once again..
I suppose in yer mind it is but you need time stamps on the quotes, because I have so much to gain from nothing I lie, well mostly sit but ...

More propaganda from you revisionist history boi?

Elizabeth Warren - Wikiquote

There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody! You built a factory out there? Good for you, but I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate.

You didn't build that. "You didn't build that" is a phrase from an2012 election campaign speech delivered by former United States President Barack Obama on July 13, 2012, in Roanoke, Virginia.
You didn't build that - Wikipedia

Caught you lying once again, or doesn't have a clue about news and politics, which is it?

Elizabeth Warren - Wikiquote

There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody! You built a factory out there? Good for you, but I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate.

You didn't build that. "You didn't build that" is a phrase from an2012 election campaign speech delivered by former United States President Barack Obama on July 13, 2012, in Roanoke, Virginia.
You didn't build that - Wikipedia
dude, it's obvious he believes 2012 comes before 2011. wow.
You use Trump as an example?

You couldn't be more wrong.

By his own admission Daddy gave him a million. News reports have that figure at 63 million and all told over his lifetime...Daddy gave him almost half a billion (most of which he squandered).

And Warren's point stands. With publicly funded infrastructure and education very few would get rich ( and rich would have a vastly different meaning)

That does NOT mean that those who built businesses haven't worked hard...but don't even THINK they "did it on their own"

That's like standing on a giant's shoulders and saying "Look how tall "I" am"
You use Trump as an example?

You couldn't be more wrong.

By his own admission Daddy gave him a million. News reports have that figure at 63 million and all told over his lifetime...Daddy gave him almost half a billion (most of which he squandered).

And Warren's point stands. With publicly funded infrastructure and education very few would get rich ( and rich would have a vastly different meaning)

That does NOT mean that those who built businesses haven't worked hard...but don't even THINK they "did it on their own"

That's like standing on a giant's shoulders and saying "Look how tall "I" am"
and you're wrong. but no one actually cares about you.
The true irony is that our country became the most powerful country in the world not by government fiat but through philanthropy. Our libraries, and Universities, and yes even our early forms of welfare were all given through private money from very rich individuals. Not government funding.

Look around today and see that the very richest people in this country are mostly Democrats and they don't spend shit on charity compared to what the old Robber Barons used to.

Jeff Bezos is no John D Rockefeller, that's for sure
Our early forms of welfare and our public schools were always paid for with local taxes. Always, from back when we were colonials. I've read a bunch of Town Meeting Minutes from the 1760's and on, and they were reimbursing the family taking care of the orphan and paying the doctor for the old guy too sick to care for himself and delivering firewood to the widow with a mess of kids. From taxes. They were also collecting taxes to extend and maintain the roads, and people could work off that part of their tax by working on the road for a certain number of days. And the schools were also organized and funded by the town's taxes.
I'm sure wealthy philanthropists began a great deal of very good institutions, too. But on the ground, communities have always pooled together and chipped in with TAXES in order to pay for what a Town must do.
While wealthy people did distribute some of their wealth to the poor, it was not nearly enough. Not even close. Economic downturns like the Long Depression and the Great Depression showed just how much of a shortfall there was.

This image of wealthy people creating a safety net for the poor in days gone by is a hoax.

Government fills the big gaps.

However, the best social safety net of all is a booming economy. Unfortunately, our country has become far too dependent on government for its survival, and this has created a snake-swallowing-its-tail effect. Our government spends more and more, and creates bigger and bigger debt, which then drags our economy down.

Trump has not stopped this trend. In fact, he has accelerated it. He has submitted a budget which is one trillion dollars bigger than Obama's worst year of spending.

Anyone who claims the Republican party is the party of small government is either a retard or a liar, or both.

We are a nation of "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

In fact, that should be Warren's campaign slogan.
We have a booming economy now, according to the news. Why are there more homeless than ever, and why is our infant mortality rate rising and why are one in five children in this country food insecure?
I don't know, G, a booming economy just doesn't seem to be enough. It never really was, I don't think--we just used to be better at ignoring the poor.
The reason this is happening is because we have a system which is artificially increasing the wealth gap. I've posted about this HUNDREDS of times.

Both parties are responsible, and the rubes in each party fall for the hoax it is the other guys' fault alone!
The statement in the meme is not any statement from Mrs. Warren, it is from former president Oblama.

You liar Obama parroted her

She said it first


I remember when she said it because I was pissed

Drunk or just mad?

So I proved you lied once again..
I suppose in yer mind it is but you need time stamps on the quotes, because I have so much to gain from nothing I lie, well mostly sit but ...
I provided the video of Warren from 2011 in post 153.
You liar Obama parroted her

She said it first


I remember when she said it because I was pissed

Drunk or just mad?

So I proved you lied once again..
I suppose in yer mind it is but you need time stamps on the quotes, because I have so much to gain from nothing I lie, well mostly sit but ...
I provided the video of Warren from 2011 early in this topic.

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