Point Trump

"“He’s not a war hero,” Trump said of McCain, a Vietnam War veteran who was held captive and tortured for more than five years at one of North Vietnam’s most notorious prisons. “He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.”

POINT TRUMP......Anyone who served in that country is/was a hero NOT just those captured or killed.

"“If a person is captured, they’re a hero as far as I’m concerned,” Trump told reporters. “I don’t like the job John McCain is doing in the Senate because he’s not taking care of our veterans.”

POINT TRUMP....VA care for vets is highly flawed and second class.

"“I am not a fan [of] John McCain because he has done so little for our Veterans and he should know better than anybody what the Veterans need, especially in regards to the VA. He is yet another all talk, no action politician who spends too much time on television and not enough time doing his job and helping the Vets. He is also allowing our military to decrease substantially in size and strength, something which should never be allowed to happen.”

POINT TRUMP....McCain HAS placed the life value of an ILLEGAL over that of a CITIZEN.

"Not only that, the statement continued, McCain was “extremely disrespectful to the thousands upon thousands of people, many of whom happen to be his constituents, that came to listen to me speak about illegal immigration in Phoenix last week by calling them ‘crazies.’”

POINT TRUMP.....McCain DID attack American CITIZENS who CHOSE to attend another's rally.

"Not only that, the statement continued, McCain was “extremely disrespectful to the thousands upon thousands of people, many of whom happen to be his constituents, that came to listen to me speak about illegal immigration in Phoenix last week by calling them ‘crazies.’”

POINT TRUMP....He is SAYING what America is THINKING.

"Despite drawing criticism from fellow candidates and elected officials on both sides of the political spectrum, Trump’s campaign also clearly resonated with some voters, with a recent national Fox News Poll showing the billionaire taking the lead over fellow GOP candidates.

TRUTH can be a hard bitter reality sometimes. But the fact that it IS hard and bitter makes it no less the TRUTH.

Trump s attacks on McCain war record decried by Republicans
And Mccain kept Obamacare a law

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