Poland saved Europe many times.

A Ukrainian or someone you thought was Ukrainian? :) Why would they remove comments about land lease? You must have said something they didn't like. I've already reported you to the FBI for that. :) I can see that! Why haven't reported him?
One of them had a "UKR" flair next to his name :) I have no idea but the argument was pretty intense! They = the guys I was arguing with, not the mods. The mods have always been supportive of Russia.... until now. Now I'm very mad!!! I'm glad someone did! It will be super humiliating for you when they ignore your complaint and you see I'm still posting online :)) I didn't even look to see if their posts were removed. And you know what? I DON'T CARE. They removed MY posts!

OK. How can an argument about land lease be intense? I understand that! Why were you bringing Russia into a land lease argument?
I got a reply, they said they're investigating you. :) If their posts were removed also that means the mods probably removed them and you weren't reported.
It was intense though. Go over there and click on my name, some of the comments still appear. Huh? Lend lease is always about Russia and I'm not the one who brought it up.
Haha I really doubt that. More likely they're investigating you! I don't know but usually stuff has to be reported. They get thousands of complaints over there every day so they're probably too busy to read threads themselves.

I didn't say it wasn't!
It is?
They're not investigating me, I'm on their side. :)
Maybe someone else reported it?
Who ever argues about our lend lease agreement with the British? Hardly anyone even knows about it or they conveniently 'forget'. Lend lease is always an argument about the Soviet Union and how they wouldn't have won without us. But no one ever says the British would have lost without us. No one throws it in their faces. Americans don't tell the Brits 'WE won the war and you only hung on because of us'.
You're an admitted Chinese spy so yes they are investigating you.
I doubt it. I was fighting 2 guys by myself and they were losing :)

I don't know! They do in the In UK! Yes they do!
I am not a Chinese spy!
In your opinion. :)
UK 'first in line' for US trade deal, says Bolton

France was in the Crimean war also, on the British side? Why doesn't Macron have a problem with the Russians?
I don't know, ask a French person!
The French don't seem all that anti Russian to me even though they got their asses kicked by Russia :)
Maybe the French are more able to put the past behind them? Maybe the French don't see Russia as this huge rival they must confront or a threat they must contain? And this is where I really do not like British influence over our foreign policy. The US needs its own Russia policy, not one influenced by the opinion of (in your words) 'British retards' :)

I know, that's why I said why doesn't Macron have a problem with Russians? He would have dropped sanctions already if he could! Not at Crimea. :)
Maybe the French are stupid! How is Britain influencing America's Russian policy? America doesn't give 2 hoots what Britain thinks about Russia! I'll bet that reminded you of hmmm. :)
Explain to me why he can't then. I meant Napoleon duh!
Nope, the French aren't nearly as dumb as the Brits :) Are you kidding? I see it all the time. OMG you are so clueless! What reminded me of hmmmm? Why are you bringing him into this argument?!

France is in the EU and individual countries can't make or withdraw EU sanctions! How many wars do you think the UK has had with Russia?
They're dumber! :) You mean like America trying to force the UK not to hand that ship back to Iran? Me saying America doesn't give 2 hoots. hmmm used to say someone doesn't give 2 hoots all the time, remember? :)
They vote and the vote has to be unanimous. If even one EU country votes against those sanctions, they're gone. You know this so why are you arguing about it? I have no idea but apparently it only took the one to scare the piss out of the Brits. Tell me, how long has the UK been insisting Russia is a threat? To their precious Empire, to the UK, to all of western Europe and 'the free world'?
So you admit you think the Brits are dumb if you think the French are 'dumber'? :) :) Did the Brits release that ship or not? Even though we told them not to? LOL oh yeah, I did forget :)

France is never going to vote against Germany!
The Crimean war which the Brits won? :)
Ever since Russia has been a threat!
That is not what I meant!
I don't think they have yet.
Only 2.5% of Poland was Communist in 1928.
Quite more than half of those Commies, were Kosher, Ukrainian, and Belarussian.

I believe in that period only something like 1/3rd of Poland's Commies were even Polish.

Probably like 1% of Poland's Polish population was Communist, I don't think that's ever changed.

Probably like 1% of Poland's Polish population was Communist, I don't think that's ever changed

You're in denial

He can't reply.
I know that! I was hoping he'd be able to read at least.

You've said that twice now! That's all you ever need to say to my posts :):happy-1:

I wish it was all I needed to say, but when you get so much wrong, it means I have to write much longer replies!
Cassandra has had personal contact with him. She seems convinced he's a Slovak.
WTH? "seems convinced" lol.
He is a Slovak in Slovakia with a Slovakian name lol!

OK, you're fully convinced. :)
It isn't a matter of being convinced though, it's a matter of fact. He didn't argue me into believing he was really a Slovak = 'convinced'. We had to exchange real names and addresses.

OK you think and know he's a Slovak! Happy!
No I'm not happy! I don't think he is, I know he is!

OK. :)
He wasn't! You've never mentioned anything about being Polish!
Yes I did! I said that's likely where the Ashkenazi genes came from! I even showed you a map!

Ashkenazi genes aren't Polish!
Ugh! There were a lot of Ashkenazi in Poland and they mixed with the locals! Duh! The only other option is Ukrainian since the area included Galicia! I am not Ukrainian!
Anyway that 4th or 5th cousin who wrote to me had a lot of ancestors from Ukraine and Belarus. One of my distant cousins is a Russian Jew lol! Again, I don't have any Jewish cousins closer than 3rd but I suspect that's the Sephardic side and they all show up on one chromosome.

Ashkenazis aren't Polish, it doesn't matter if they mixed with them, you dumb Polak! :)
You're definitely not Ukrainian. :)

Russian Jews, I might have known. :)
OMG the Jews mixed with the locals everywhere they went lol. I'm not dumb! My Jewish dna outweighs any dumb Polak dna!
Neither are you. The region you're from never belonged to Ukraine until... when? The 1930's or 40's? :)

Just one! So?!

So, you only mentioned Ashkenazi genes, but if you insist you have dumb Polak genes... :)
Yes it was! It was always Ukrainian territory occupied by others!
Who got Limpy banned?! Aka SobieskiSavedEurope?

Limpy if you can read this, it wasn't me or Trizub. Check your messages/conversations.

He lasted over 2 years on here before he was banned. That must be a record for him. :)
I know and I feel guilty even though it isn't our fault :(

You shouldn't. Someone must have reported him or the mods decided to ban him
He's been on here over 2 years and was getting along fine until we got here :(
Who got Limpy banned?! Aka SobieskiSavedEurope?

Limpy if you can read this, it wasn't me or Trizub. Check your messages/conversations.

He lasted over 2 years on here before he was banned. That must be a record for him. :)
I know and I feel guilty even though it isn't our fault :(

You shouldn't. Someone must have reported him or the mods decided to ban him
He's been on here over 2 years and was getting along fine until we got here :(

I don't think it's because of anything he said on this thread. You knew he'd probably get banned eventually.
I have no idea. It seems weird though. I did?!
Yes it is! Your memory isn't that good! That proves nothing!

It's much easier to scroll up on here!
Is not! Yes it is, I remember it and I've talked about it before!


It is! No it's not! Maybe you have, but you didn't remember it right!

So it means you should be able to do it!

It is not! Yes it is! I remember it better than you!

I already did it!

Is!! Not!! No you don't!

Well then do it again and tell me what it was we were arguing about!

Isn't! Is! Yes I do!

Scroll up! :)
Wrong, wrong wrong!
No, you scroll up! Why do I always have to do the scrolling?!
Yes I did! I said that's likely where the Ashkenazi genes came from! I even showed you a map!

Ashkenazi genes aren't Polish!
Ugh! There were a lot of Ashkenazi in Poland and they mixed with the locals! Duh! The only other option is Ukrainian since the area included Galicia! I am not Ukrainian!
Anyway that 4th or 5th cousin who wrote to me had a lot of ancestors from Ukraine and Belarus. One of my distant cousins is a Russian Jew lol! Again, I don't have any Jewish cousins closer than 3rd but I suspect that's the Sephardic side and they all show up on one chromosome.

Ashkenazis aren't Polish, it doesn't matter if they mixed with them, you dumb Polak! :)
You're definitely not Ukrainian. :)

Russian Jews, I might have known. :)
OMG the Jews mixed with the locals everywhere they went lol. I'm not dumb! My Jewish dna outweighs any dumb Polak dna!
Neither are you. The region you're from never belonged to Ukraine until... when? The 1930's or 40's? :)

Just one! So?!

So, you only mentioned Ashkenazi genes, but if you insist you have dumb Polak genes... :)
Yes it was! It was always Ukrainian territory occupied by others!
No I mentioned Sephardic too! You probably have more dumb Polak genes than I do! More than Limpy even! :)
No it was not! Even a simply wiki check will show that. In its entire history up until the 40's?! LOL!!
One of them had a "UKR" flair next to his name :) I have no idea but the argument was pretty intense! They = the guys I was arguing with, not the mods. The mods have always been supportive of Russia.... until now. Now I'm very mad!!! I'm glad someone did! It will be super humiliating for you when they ignore your complaint and you see I'm still posting online :)) I didn't even look to see if their posts were removed. And you know what? I DON'T CARE. They removed MY posts!

OK. How can an argument about land lease be intense? I understand that! Why were you bringing Russia into a land lease argument?
I got a reply, they said they're investigating you. :) If their posts were removed also that means the mods probably removed them and you weren't reported.
It was intense though. Go over there and click on my name, some of the comments still appear. Huh? Lend lease is always about Russia and I'm not the one who brought it up.
Haha I really doubt that. More likely they're investigating you! I don't know but usually stuff has to be reported. They get thousands of complaints over there every day so they're probably too busy to read threads themselves.

I didn't say it wasn't!
It is?
They're not investigating me, I'm on their side. :)
Maybe someone else reported it?
Who ever argues about our lend lease agreement with the British? Hardly anyone even knows about it or they conveniently 'forget'. Lend lease is always an argument about the Soviet Union and how they wouldn't have won without us. But no one ever says the British would have lost without us. No one throws it in their faces. Americans don't tell the Brits 'WE won the war and you only hung on because of us'.
You're an admitted Chinese spy so yes they are investigating you.
I doubt it. I was fighting 2 guys by myself and they were losing :)

I don't know! They do in the In UK! Yes they do!
I am not a Chinese spy!
In your opinion. :)
I do - no one! They always take away the Soviet contribution to the war and act like the Soviets hardly did anything, oh except stand there and get shot. In the UK and no where else then! Who does, the Brits? Americans do not. Not ever.
Why are you denying it to me?! You should be denying it to the Feds or MI6 when they come around!
LOL no, they were losing :)
I don't know, ask a French person!
The French don't seem all that anti Russian to me even though they got their asses kicked by Russia :)
Maybe the French are more able to put the past behind them? Maybe the French don't see Russia as this huge rival they must confront or a threat they must contain? And this is where I really do not like British influence over our foreign policy. The US needs its own Russia policy, not one influenced by the opinion of (in your words) 'British retards' :)

I know, that's why I said why doesn't Macron have a problem with Russians? He would have dropped sanctions already if he could! Not at Crimea. :)
Maybe the French are stupid! How is Britain influencing America's Russian policy? America doesn't give 2 hoots what Britain thinks about Russia! I'll bet that reminded you of hmmm. :)
Explain to me why he can't then. I meant Napoleon duh!
Nope, the French aren't nearly as dumb as the Brits :) Are you kidding? I see it all the time. OMG you are so clueless! What reminded me of hmmmm? Why are you bringing him into this argument?!

France is in the EU and individual countries can't make or withdraw EU sanctions! How many wars do you think the UK has had with Russia?
They're dumber! :) You mean like America trying to force the UK not to hand that ship back to Iran? Me saying America doesn't give 2 hoots. hmmm used to say someone doesn't give 2 hoots all the time, remember? :)
They vote and the vote has to be unanimous. If even one EU country votes against those sanctions, they're gone. You know this so why are you arguing about it? I have no idea but apparently it only took the one to scare the piss out of the Brits. Tell me, how long has the UK been insisting Russia is a threat? To their precious Empire, to the UK, to all of western Europe and 'the free world'?
So you admit you think the Brits are dumb if you think the French are 'dumber'? :) :) Did the Brits release that ship or not? Even though we told them not to? LOL oh yeah, I did forget :)

France is never going to vote against Germany!
The Crimean war which the Brits won? :)
Ever since Russia has been a threat!
That is not what I meant!
I don't think they have yet.
Never say never! What's going on in Italy right now? Doesn't Salvini support Russia/Putin?

Does their hate for Russians go back further than that? The Brits may have won but the Russians kept Crimea.
How has it been a 'threat'? To the British Empire? They were afraid Russia would take over places the Brits intended to invade and colonize themselves? Because the British Empire wasn't already big enough?

LOL yes it is what you meant :)
According to the Guardian, it was released 2 days ago. So who's calling the shots? Not the US! That happens far more often than anyone wants to admit.

I read an article about Facebook mods and how they get counseling from all the crap they have to see (and remove) OMG they do not know the meaning of hate speech! I have PTSD from Topix! They're only reading what others say to each other. I had one guy threaten me and posted a real beheading video with "this is what I'm going to do to you when I find you" To ME. The facebook mods need stop whining and STFU. Totally different when it's posted TO YOU.
Probably like 1% of Poland's Polish population was Communist, I don't think that's ever changed

You're in denial

He can't reply.
I know that! I was hoping he'd be able to read at least.

You've said that twice now! That's all you ever need to say to my posts :):happy-1:

I wish it was all I needed to say, but when you get so much wrong, it means I have to write much longer replies!
Stop repeating me you parrot!
He lasted over 2 years on here before he was banned. That must be a record for him. :)
I know and I feel guilty even though it isn't our fault :(

You shouldn't. Someone must have reported him or the mods decided to ban him
He's been on here over 2 years and was getting along fine until we got here :(
He lasted over 2 years on here before he was banned. That must be a record for him. :)
I know and I feel guilty even though it isn't our fault :(

You shouldn't. Someone must have reported him or the mods decided to ban him
He's been on here over 2 years and was getting along fine until we got here :(

I don't think it's because of anything he said on this thread. You knew he'd probably get banned eventually.
I have no idea. It seems weird though. I did?!

It is weird. He's been banned from every other forum he's been on. He did last a long time on here though.
Is not! Yes it is, I remember it and I've talked about it before!


It is! No it's not! Maybe you have, but you didn't remember it right!

So it means you should be able to do it!

It is not! Yes it is! I remember it better than you!

I already did it!

Is!! Not!! No you don't!

Well then do it again and tell me what it was we were arguing about!

Isn't! Is! Yes I do!

Scroll up! :)
Wrong, wrong wrong!
No, you scroll up! Why do I always have to do the scrolling?!

Right, right, right!

Because I scrolled up last time! It's your turn. :)
Last edited:
Ashkenazi genes aren't Polish!
Ugh! There were a lot of Ashkenazi in Poland and they mixed with the locals! Duh! The only other option is Ukrainian since the area included Galicia! I am not Ukrainian!
Anyway that 4th or 5th cousin who wrote to me had a lot of ancestors from Ukraine and Belarus. One of my distant cousins is a Russian Jew lol! Again, I don't have any Jewish cousins closer than 3rd but I suspect that's the Sephardic side and they all show up on one chromosome.

Ashkenazis aren't Polish, it doesn't matter if they mixed with them, you dumb Polak! :)
You're definitely not Ukrainian. :)

Russian Jews, I might have known. :)
OMG the Jews mixed with the locals everywhere they went lol. I'm not dumb! My Jewish dna outweighs any dumb Polak dna!
Neither are you. The region you're from never belonged to Ukraine until... when? The 1930's or 40's? :)

Just one! So?!

So, you only mentioned Ashkenazi genes, but if you insist you have dumb Polak genes... :)
Yes it was! It was always Ukrainian territory occupied by others!
No I mentioned Sephardic too! You probably have more dumb Polak genes than I do! More than Limpy even! :)
No it was not! Even a simply wiki check will show that. In its entire history up until the 40's?! LOL!!

You still didn't mention Polaks! No I don't! Limpy's only 50% Polak, 100% Jewish though. :)
I said Ukrainian territory and Ukraine was independent for a short time after WWI!
OK. How can an argument about land lease be intense? I understand that! Why were you bringing Russia into a land lease argument?
I got a reply, they said they're investigating you. :) If their posts were removed also that means the mods probably removed them and you weren't reported.
It was intense though. Go over there and click on my name, some of the comments still appear. Huh? Lend lease is always about Russia and I'm not the one who brought it up.
Haha I really doubt that. More likely they're investigating you! I don't know but usually stuff has to be reported. They get thousands of complaints over there every day so they're probably too busy to read threads themselves.

I didn't say it wasn't!
It is?
They're not investigating me, I'm on their side. :)
Maybe someone else reported it?
Who ever argues about our lend lease agreement with the British? Hardly anyone even knows about it or they conveniently 'forget'. Lend lease is always an argument about the Soviet Union and how they wouldn't have won without us. But no one ever says the British would have lost without us. No one throws it in their faces. Americans don't tell the Brits 'WE won the war and you only hung on because of us'.
You're an admitted Chinese spy so yes they are investigating you.
I doubt it. I was fighting 2 guys by myself and they were losing :)

I don't know! They do in the In UK! Yes they do!
I am not a Chinese spy!
In your opinion. :)
I do - no one! They always take away the Soviet contribution to the war and act like the Soviets hardly did anything, oh except stand there and get shot. In the UK and no where else then! Who does, the Brits? Americans do not. Not ever.
Why are you denying it to me?! You should be denying it to the Feds or MI6 when they come around!
LOL no, they were losing :)

I thought Yanks were always bragging about how they won the war! They don't give Brits any credit either! I don't know! Yes! OK!
It's you who should be worried about that not me, especially when they find out who you're spying for. :)
If you were speaking in favour of Russia, you were losing. :)
I know, that's why I said why doesn't Macron have a problem with Russians? He would have dropped sanctions already if he could! Not at Crimea. :)
Maybe the French are stupid! How is Britain influencing America's Russian policy? America doesn't give 2 hoots what Britain thinks about Russia! I'll bet that reminded you of hmmm. :)
Explain to me why he can't then. I meant Napoleon duh!
Nope, the French aren't nearly as dumb as the Brits :) Are you kidding? I see it all the time. OMG you are so clueless! What reminded me of hmmmm? Why are you bringing him into this argument?!

France is in the EU and individual countries can't make or withdraw EU sanctions! How many wars do you think the UK has had with Russia?
They're dumber! :) You mean like America trying to force the UK not to hand that ship back to Iran? Me saying America doesn't give 2 hoots. hmmm used to say someone doesn't give 2 hoots all the time, remember? :)
They vote and the vote has to be unanimous. If even one EU country votes against those sanctions, they're gone. You know this so why are you arguing about it? I have no idea but apparently it only took the one to scare the piss out of the Brits. Tell me, how long has the UK been insisting Russia is a threat? To their precious Empire, to the UK, to all of western Europe and 'the free world'?
So you admit you think the Brits are dumb if you think the French are 'dumber'? :) :) Did the Brits release that ship or not? Even though we told them not to? LOL oh yeah, I did forget :)

France is never going to vote against Germany!
The Crimean war which the Brits won? :)
Ever since Russia has been a threat!
That is not what I meant!
I don't think they have yet.
Never say never! What's going on in Italy right now? Doesn't Salvini support Russia/Putin?

Does their hate for Russians go back further than that? The Brits may have won but the Russians kept Crimea.
How has it been a 'threat'? To the British Empire? They were afraid Russia would take over places the Brits intended to invade and colonize themselves? Because the British Empire wasn't already big enough?

LOL yes it is what you meant :)
According to the Guardian, it was released 2 days ago. So who's calling the shots? Not the US! That happens far more often than anyone wants to admit.

I read an article about Facebook mods and how they get counseling from all the crap they have to see (and remove) OMG they do not know the meaning of hate speech! I have PTSD from Topix! They're only reading what others say to each other. I had one guy threaten me and posted a real beheading video with "this is what I'm going to do to you when I find you" To ME. The facebook mods need stop whining and STFU. Totally different when it's posted TO YOU.

France and Germany rule the EU, they're never going to disagree.
Yes, just like any other fascist. :)

I don't sense that Brits have a massive hate for Russia, but a lot of them think Putin's a dictator. I don't know if it goes back further. It probably started after WWII.
I was talking about the nuclear threat and some parts of the Empire were under threat of that also.

No it's not.

America was trying to force the UK to do something it didn't want to and it's been threatening the UK it won't get a deal with America, if it doesn't do other things it wants, so definitely America! Give an example!

Some of the things I see people complaining about on other forums is nothing compared to what was said on Topix. There are a lot of ultra sensitive people! Who sent you that? I wouldn't have played a video if someone sent me one. Did you report them?
Last edited:
He can't reply.
I know that! I was hoping he'd be able to read at least.

You've said that twice now! That's all you ever need to say to my posts :):happy-1:

I wish it was all I needed to say, but when you get so much wrong, it means I have to write much longer replies!
Stop repeating me you parrot!

When did you say that! Even if you did say it, it's true about you and I don't make my replies 5 times longer than yours! :p
It is! No it's not! Maybe you have, but you didn't remember it right!

So it means you should be able to do it!

It is not! Yes it is! I remember it better than you!

I already did it!

Is!! Not!! No you don't!

Well then do it again and tell me what it was we were arguing about!

Isn't! Is! Yes I do!

Scroll up! :)
Wrong, wrong wrong!
No, you scroll up! Why do I always have to do the scrolling?!

Right, right, right!

Because I scrolled up last time! It's your turn. :)
I just scrolled up right now! Your turn! :)
Ugh! There were a lot of Ashkenazi in Poland and they mixed with the locals! Duh! The only other option is Ukrainian since the area included Galicia! I am not Ukrainian!
Anyway that 4th or 5th cousin who wrote to me had a lot of ancestors from Ukraine and Belarus. One of my distant cousins is a Russian Jew lol! Again, I don't have any Jewish cousins closer than 3rd but I suspect that's the Sephardic side and they all show up on one chromosome.

Ashkenazis aren't Polish, it doesn't matter if they mixed with them, you dumb Polak! :)
You're definitely not Ukrainian. :)

Russian Jews, I might have known. :)
OMG the Jews mixed with the locals everywhere they went lol. I'm not dumb! My Jewish dna outweighs any dumb Polak dna!
Neither are you. The region you're from never belonged to Ukraine until... when? The 1930's or 40's? :)

Just one! So?!

So, you only mentioned Ashkenazi genes, but if you insist you have dumb Polak genes... :)
Yes it was! It was always Ukrainian territory occupied by others!
No I mentioned Sephardic too! You probably have more dumb Polak genes than I do! More than Limpy even! :)
No it was not! Even a simply wiki check will show that. In its entire history up until the 40's?! LOL!!

You still didn't mention Polaks! No I don't! Limpy's only 50% Polak, 100% Jewish though. :)
I said Ukrainian territory and Ukraine was independent for a short time after WWI!
Why do you want me to talk about Polaks? Are you racist against Polaks or something? :) Yeah we saw his dna test :)
Not your end of Ukraine though!
It was intense though. Go over there and click on my name, some of the comments still appear. Huh? Lend lease is always about Russia and I'm not the one who brought it up.
Haha I really doubt that. More likely they're investigating you! I don't know but usually stuff has to be reported. They get thousands of complaints over there every day so they're probably too busy to read threads themselves.

I didn't say it wasn't!
It is?
They're not investigating me, I'm on their side. :)
Maybe someone else reported it?
Who ever argues about our lend lease agreement with the British? Hardly anyone even knows about it or they conveniently 'forget'. Lend lease is always an argument about the Soviet Union and how they wouldn't have won without us. But no one ever says the British would have lost without us. No one throws it in their faces. Americans don't tell the Brits 'WE won the war and you only hung on because of us'.
You're an admitted Chinese spy so yes they are investigating you.
I doubt it. I was fighting 2 guys by myself and they were losing :)

I don't know! They do in the In UK! Yes they do!
I am not a Chinese spy!
In your opinion. :)
I do - no one! They always take away the Soviet contribution to the war and act like the Soviets hardly did anything, oh except stand there and get shot. In the UK and no where else then! Who does, the Brits? Americans do not. Not ever.
Why are you denying it to me?! You should be denying it to the Feds or MI6 when they come around!
LOL no, they were losing :)

I thought Yanks were always bragging about how they won the war! They don't give Brits any credit either! I don't know! Yes! OK!
It's you who should be worried about that not me, especially when they find out who you're spying for. :)
If you were speaking in favour of Russia, you were losing. :)
Yes we give the Brits some credit but no one gives the SU any. All credit gets taken away and everything they did was "thanks to the US" and lend lease. No one throws lend lease into Brits faces though.
I don't spy for anyone and you've admitted to spying for at least 3 countries :)
I was fighting with 2 of them so obviously the first one was losing when the other one jumped in :)

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