Police BRUTALITY to The Max : Bomb Tallahasse instead of Syria


American exceptionalism

This occurred in Marco Rubio's Home Turf

SO tell him to shut the fuck off

Very troubling that the fat, government cops are granted the power to freely assault women and indirectly children since she explained she had two infants while the victims are handcuffed. It is an Obamanation.
If this drunk didn't deserve to be beaten, the drunk should at the very least had her children taken away.
The fact that the woman's story is in the media and the Police are investigating the incident indicates the freaking system works so there is no need for fake political or social outrage.
The fact that the woman's story is in the media and the Police are investigating the incident indicates the freaking system works so there is no need for fake political or social outrage.

It's outrageous that you think the MSM reporting the story, and the police investigating the tragedy, is considered to be an exception to the rule, and that we should be thankful that they decided to "do the right thing" for once.
]If this drunk didn't deserve to be beaten[/B], the drunk should at the very least had her children taken away.

Was she "drunk" because ONLY drunk females are assertive?

Didn't she agree to breathalyzer test?!?!?!?



American exceptionalism

This occurred in Marco Rubio's Home Turf

SO tell him to shut the fuck off


Jesus your an idiot.

What the hell does Rubio have to do with a DUI arrest??

Nada, zip, zilch.

If the camera shows the officer were at fault then they will be punished. Rubio has absolutely nothing to do with a DUI arrest.

Of course it could all be Bush's fault.
The police have a habit of beating up suspects in handcuffs. The woman was no threat to them, but they slammed her down on the concrete anyway. What gives them right to threaten her with a felony? And I've watched many of these videos, and they always have an excuse ready. "She grabbed my balls." Where is the respect for human dignity?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrGsefBbI-E]10 police taser a bedridden 86 year old woman - YouTube[/ame]

The police cannot treat everyone the same. They can't just go in everywhere like gangbusters.
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Very troubling that the fat, government cops are granted the power to freely assault women and indirectly children since she explained she had two infants while the victims are handcuffed. It is an Obamanation.

Yes, indeed.

And somehow, while NONE OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS EVER SUGGESTED IT, the stupid scumbags who claim to be judges have ruled that police officers have qualified immunity.

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That poor woman is only an example of what will happen if the libertarians or the far reactionaries take control.

The cops need to go to prison.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhYJS80MgYA]The Nine Most Terrifying Words - YouTube[/ame]

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

-President Ronald Reagan

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