Police: Man charged with murder after admitting to beating woman to death with a vase

Jul 26, 2010
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WCHS) — A woman found dead inside a Charleston home on Thursday was beaten to death with a vase, according to police.

Lora Farley, 36, of Charleston was found dead inside a home in the 1600 block of Chandler Drive around 3:15 p.m. on Jan. 18.

Surface was arrested Sunday evening on an unrelated outstanding warrant for third-offense domestic battery. In that incident, police said Surface pushed his 74-year-old grandmother down a flight of stairs at the same Chandler Drive home on Jan. 3. Both sides of the victim's pelvis were broken, police said, after Surface pushed her because she wouldn't give him money.

On Sunday, police located Surface and arrested him on the outstanding domestic battery warrant. He was interviewed by detectives who said he admitted to hitting Farley on the head with a large vase numerous times and strangling her. Police said Surface also told them he put her body in the bed and covered up the blood, the vase and her face.

He was charged with first-degree murder for her death. If convicted, he could face up to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Why wasn't this fool in jail already?

He had outstanding warrants for domestic battery already.
Looks like your standard peckerwood...


It's all in the eyes. That ol boy's out there. He's gone...
We had someone locally murder their grandmother in an equally goulish fashion last year. It was because they were intent on robbing her of her social security money and they knew it was the day she got it. Drugs are an awful thing. It is why I keep my druggy relatives at arms length. You never know what the hell they might do when they are jonesing.
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WCHS) — A woman found dead inside a Charleston home on Thursday was beaten to death with a vase, according to police.

Lora Farley, 36, of Charleston was found dead inside a home in the 1600 block of Chandler Drive around 3:15 p.m. on Jan. 18.

Surface was arrested Sunday evening on an unrelated outstanding warrant for third-offense domestic battery. In that incident, police said Surface pushed his 74-year-old grandmother down a flight of stairs at the same Chandler Drive home on Jan. 3. Both sides of the victim's pelvis were broken, police said, after Surface pushed her because she wouldn't give him money.

On Sunday, police located Surface and arrested him on the outstanding domestic battery warrant. He was interviewed by detectives who said he admitted to hitting Farley on the head with a large vase numerous times and strangling her. Police said Surface also told them he put her body in the bed and covered up the blood, the vase and her face.

He was charged with first-degree murder for her death. If convicted, he could face up to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Why wasn't this fool in jail already?

He had outstanding warrants for domestic battery already.
I hope he is sent to hell swiftly.
Now if only you can just say that when a "brother" commits a violent act.
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WCHS) — A [White] woman found dead inside a Charleston home on Thursday was beaten to death with a vase, according to police.
Why wasn't this [White] fool in jail already?

How did I know this would be a thread complaining about white people?
A: Because you've never had a single thread complaining about a BLACK person.

Racists always see with the color of their eyes.
I need to see more threads on violent Americans of Chinese descent, I’m getting completely burned out on the violent whites and blacks . Can’t we just find a video of the Noodle House gone bad on a Friday night?
How did I know this would be a thread complaining about white people?
A: Because you've never had a single thread complaining about a BLACK person.

Racists always see with the color of their eyes.
Now that's funny, because of the 10k anti-black threads started by Horseshitting or any other white racist you have never made that comment. That is why I posted it, just to see what the reaction of folks like you would be.
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WCHS) — A woman found dead inside a Charleston home on Thursday was beaten to death with a vase, according to police.

Lora Farley, 36, of Charleston was found dead inside a home in the 1600 block of Chandler Drive around 3:15 p.m. on Jan. 18.

Surface was arrested Sunday evening on an unrelated outstanding warrant for third-offense domestic battery. In that incident, police said Surface pushed his 74-year-old grandmother down a flight of stairs at the same Chandler Drive home on Jan. 3. Both sides of the victim's pelvis were broken, police said, after Surface pushed her because she wouldn't give him money.

On Sunday, police located Surface and arrested him on the outstanding domestic battery warrant. He was interviewed by detectives who said he admitted to hitting Farley on the head with a large vase numerous times and strangling her. Police said Surface also told them he put her body in the bed and covered up the blood, the vase and her face.

He was charged with first-degree murder for her death. If convicted, he could face up to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Why wasn't this fool in jail already?

He had outstanding warrants for domestic battery already.

He's an aminal. Needs to be kept away from the rest of society or put down. I'm in favor of bringing back some form of penal colony for these dangerous people where they are left to deal with themselves and leave the rest of the world alone forever.
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WCHS) — A woman found dead inside a Charleston home on Thursday was beaten to death with a vase, according to police.

Lora Farley, 36, of Charleston was found dead inside a home in the 1600 block of Chandler Drive around 3:15 p.m. on Jan. 18.

Surface was arrested Sunday evening on an unrelated outstanding warrant for third-offense domestic battery. In that incident, police said Surface pushed his 74-year-old grandmother down a flight of stairs at the same Chandler Drive home on Jan. 3. Both sides of the victim's pelvis were broken, police said, after Surface pushed her because she wouldn't give him money.

On Sunday, police located Surface and arrested him on the outstanding domestic battery warrant. He was interviewed by detectives who said he admitted to hitting Farley on the head with a large vase numerous times and strangling her. Police said Surface also told them he put her body in the bed and covered up the blood, the vase and her face.

He was charged with first-degree murder for her death. If convicted, he could face up to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Why wasn't this fool in jail already?

He had outstanding warrants for domestic battery already.
im sure most blacks who murder had warrants too- your point?
Now that's funny,
Not half as funny as you.

because of the 10k anti-black threads started by Horseshitting
All I've seen him do is post videos and articles showing and reporting bizarre actions by people. If those actions involve blacks and you don't like them, I think you should take your complaints to the people DOING them.

or any other white racist you have never made that comment.
Oh I have a few times, but simply reporting the errant behavior of blacks does not make a person a white racist, it makes them a reporter.

That is why I posted it, just to see what the reaction of folks like you would be.
Sure, that was the reason. :uhh:
Hope he gets a modicum of leniency .

He obviously chose to make it a little nicer for his lady by letting her smell lovely floweres as he helped her nod off to sleep .
Not half as funny as you.

All I've seen him do is post videos and articles showing and reporting bizarre actions by people. If those actions involve blacks and you don't like them, I think you should take your complaints to the people DOING them.
One racist defending another racist, par for the course.
Oh I have a few times, but simply reporting the errant behavior of blacks does not make a person a white racist, it makes them a reporter.

Sure, that was the reason. :uhh:
Well I just reported a white redneck murdering another member of society.

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