Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

You can pick and choose the nut you want you spineless, gutless coward. You Darkies are capping yourselves by leaps and bounds. Cry me a fucking river

In NY, I hope the whole GD state is afraid to leave the house
I didn't pick shit son. Bitches like you made him with your propaganda. Whites are offing themselves at a record pace and in a variety of ways. So concern yourself with the white race maggot, since your punk ass thinks you are so superior.
Will never happen....when Americans brush off Sandy Hook so easily......
Adam Lanza was the shooter at Sandy Hook. When first responders arrived at the school, he committed suicide. If someone already at the school had a gun, he might have committed suicide sooner and so lives could have been saved.
Adam Lanza was the shooter at Sandy Hook. When first responders arrived at the school, he committed suicide. If someone already at the school had a gun, he might have committed suicide sooner and so lives could have been saved.
See? Brushing Sandy Hook off so easily.

BREAKING: In his manifesto, the white supremacist mass shooter who live-streamed himself shooting 9 people at a Buffalo, New York supermarket, killing 2, reveals that he was motivated to do so by the “white replacement theory

Word is that he livestreamed the carnage as well. What is with this country and freakshow GOP gun nuts? I can't even go to the store anymore for milk? Good grief.


EDIT: Donald Trump's take.

What makes you think that the young man in Buffalo is "conservative" in the least?

His language was reportedly rather objectionable, which is a sign of extreme liberalism.
Nope....we are talking forms of government....Fascism is far right wing....Communism is far left wing. Anarchy and chaos is ABSENCE of government. Not even on the scale.
The only difference between Communist and Fascism is that Fascist is nationalist. Nazi is defined as National Socialism! Both are far-left extremists.
This is how pathetic these white supremacist are.

He specifically went to a low income Black neighborhood in Buffalo NY to carry out a mass shooting. These types of white supremacists are ALLOWED to sit online and plot these attacks and nothing is done to thwart this type of anti-Black terrorism


Are we supposed to be scared now white man ? Is that what you think ? This is you acting tough ? Killing unarmed people. White dudes man I swear to god. "White power maaaan" "14 words maaaan"

Fking idiot.

I also notice how law enforcement withhold the name of the white supremacist. So they can scrub his social media and removed any connections the killer may have to law enforcement
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