Policeman Stabbed in Neck at Michigan Airport, Yelled Allahu Akbar

Charged with violence at Int'l airport. Later charges could be coming.
Canada helping investigate the attacker, amor ftouhi, 50 yrs old.
Came in through Champagne, NY, June 16, not 15.
Sounds like he wandered the airport before the attack.

A Good Samaritan came to the aid of the officer.
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List the violence started by a conservative and I'll list the violence started by leftists and Muslims.

I made a thread doing that. It made the Trumpflakes weep.

Those "peaceful" Trump fans

They really couldn't respond with any violence from liberals. Just violence from anarchists, but they're not liberals. Liberals are remarkably peaceful.

The muslims, of course, should be placed on the conservative side, if they're going to be placed anywhere, due to their similarities with conservatives.
Yelled Allahu Akbar, said you will pay for Syria, Iraq, etc. at this time, probably working alone, but the investigation is just getting started.
12 " knife, 8" serrated blade. Took into custody quickly, always in non secure areas.
You're the one changing focus sweetie.
No, I responded directly to YOUR post.
What's the acceptable frequency for terrorist attacks in America?
What a stupid question. ZERO. YOU are the one who doesn't think it is important to find out where this guy got radicalized.
We know of many mosques in the US where terrorists were radicalized. They are still there.
The mosques or the terrorists?
You both are still there. You want to naval gaze and ponder why Muslims murder innocents. It's been over 600 years and we've got a pretty good idea now.
Then take it to that thread. This is about the Bishop airport attack.
List the violence started by a conservative and I'll list the violence started by leftists and Muslims.

I made a thread doing that. It made the Trumpflakes weep.

Those "peaceful" Trump fans

They really couldn't respond with any violence from liberals. Just violence from anarchists, but they're not liberals. Liberals are remarkably peaceful.

The muslims, of course, should be placed on the conservative side, if they're going to be placed anywhere, due to their similarities with conservatives.
List the violence started by a conservative and I'll list the violence started by leftists and Muslims.

I made a thread doing that. It made the Trumpflakes weep.

Those "peaceful" Trump fans

They really couldn't respond with any violence from liberals. Just violence from anarchists, but they're not liberals. Liberals are remarkably peaceful.

The muslims, of course, should be placed on the conservative side, if they're going to be placed anywhere, due to their similarities with conservatives.
Nice list of Fake News
Bags he had with him are being searched. Had no ticket.
Will be arraigned in Detroit more than likely. "He was not uncooperative".
First off, thoughts and prayers for the officer's quick and full recovery. Thank God he will be ok. So, the religion that the left-wing in America is so enamored with, a member of that religion of peace has peacefully expressed himself by stabbing a Michigan cop in the neck. Ain't diversity just grand!!!

Flint cop stabbed at Bishop Airport in Michigan | Daily Mail Online

Immediately closing of randomly chosen ten mosques and deportation of 1,000 Muslims can prevent next attacks.
What a surprise, according to the FBI, this Canadian was motivated by his "hatred for America". I wonder where he learned this hatred from, maybe state run CBC which employs multiple CSIS and RCMP operatives? When you have state run agencies, whether they are RT in Russia, or CBC in Canada, they inherently sprout anti-American ideology.

Tune into "Power and Politics", watch old shows and reruns, take notes and names and do your own research. I know personally of two of these "guests" who were working for the Canadian authorities while pretending to be journalists. Canadian authorities know who I am, and they know what I know. Their effort, by my best guess would be on character assassination and trying to convince America I am being disingenuous, unfortunately I have far too many specific details for Canada to deny them all.

Not surprisingly, none other than a former Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day is a regular benefactor to CBC money as a "contributor" on these shows (what a surprise). He happens to be the first Minister who protected the RCMP and their surrogates when I originally made him aware of not only what Canada was doing, but also precisely what I knew. He should have nipped it in the bud at that time, but instead he made a horrible decision and decided to allow them to squeeze me harder, contrary to how all competent intelligence agencies operate. You had best know your target and how much they know.

Whether Trump or another president, I get the feeling America (and many other allies in Europe as it were) are no longer going to accept the exploitation of their country by Canadian authorities In the interest of capitalism, free markets and liberty, this is a great realisation. Western democracy relies on American success and imperialism, and this means Canada needs to have far less influence on world affairs as we are the antithesis of America.
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A joint police operation between the RCMP and the SPVM is under way in Montreal in connection with the attack in Flint, Michigan. Montrealer Amor Ftouhi is suspected of stabbing a policeman this morning at Bishop International Airport. FACTS The knife attack at Bishop International Airport is an "act of terrorism". The man arrested is the Montrealer Amor Ftouhi He would have arrived at the airport this morning and would have moved inside the building before proceeding to the attack A police operation took place Wednesday afternoon in the Saint-Michel neighborhood in Montreal.
Le Montréalais Amor Ftouhi a perpétré l'attaque à l'aéroport de Flint, dit le FBI | Gabrielle Duchaine | États-Unis

According to our information, this is a picture of Amor Ftouhi, the suspect arrested in the wake of the attack at Flint airport. He would be 49 or 50 years old.
I'm glad they got this one alive. He's Canadian-born. Maybe they can get some information on how he got radicalized.
They found his instruction manual.
View attachment 134615
So neither of you has any interest in finding the mosque or the cell on the North American continent that turned this Canadian into a terrorist? Well, no, why would Tilly care--she's across the water. Are you, too, Weatherman? Personally, just saying the Koran did it isn't going to help much.
I probably admire America more than your leftards do, so try again, MoldLady :) and, you said 'how' he got radicalised as if it's some great mystery. Lol. Read the Quran and go listen to some hate preachers then you'll know 'how'. I don't imagine Finding out 'where' will be difficult either.
Same link-
SPVM policemen arrested three individuals on rue Bélair in the St-Michel district on Wednesday afternoon. - PHOTO: PATRICK SANFAÇON, THE PRESS

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