Political Correctness Kills

First off, the guy is Pakistani , not middle eastern .
Whut? Pakistan ain't in the middle east? Well golly gee, we larn sumthin noo evry dey, doesn't we?

Gee I wonder, what would make the Paks become radicalized?

Bush threatened to bomb Pakistan, says Musharraf

The Bush administration threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" after the September 11 attacks if the country did not cooperate with America's war on Afghanistan, it emerged yesterday.

In an interview to be aired on CBS television this weekend Pakistan's president, General Pervez Musharraf, said the threat was delivered by the assistant secretary of state, Richard Armitage, in conversations with Pakistan's intelligence director.


Gee I wonder, what would make the Paks become radicalized?

Bush threatened to bomb Pakistan, says Musharraf

The Bush administration threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" after the September 11 attacks if the country did not cooperate with America's war on Afghanistan, it emerged yesterday.

In an interview to be aired on CBS television this weekend Pakistan's president, General Pervez Musharraf, said the threat was delivered by the assistant secretary of state, Richard Armitage, in conversations with Pakistan's intelligence director.

I think a quarter of the physicians at my local hospital are Pakistanis, lol.

I should just sit in the parking lot there and call the police everytime one of them heads for the building.
The Regressive Left is getting more and more sensitive.

I suspect it may have to do with the fact that honest lefties are exposing them.

Do believe in profiling by ethnicity? Ethnicity alone?
Which has nothing to do with my post.

You folks are absolutely fascinating.

But I'll answer your question, even though I know you don't answer mine. I behave like an adult, you behave like a petulant child.

Answer: Yes, maybe, depending on the situation. If used judiciously.

Based on the information given in the OP, was the person right not to call the authorities?
I just told you I'm done answering your questions, because you don't return the courtesy.

When I have determined that you have grown a bit, I'll consider playing your silly 20 Questions game.

It's childish to ask your opinion on the central theme of this thread?

What the OP is trying to say is, you're "PC" if you don't call the police every time you see a bunch of Arab-Americans in a group,

like this:


Do they make MRE with lentil beans?
The Regressive Left is getting more and more sensitive.

I suspect it may have to do with the fact that honest lefties are exposing them.

Do believe in profiling by ethnicity? Ethnicity alone?
Which has nothing to do with my post.

You folks are absolutely fascinating.

But I'll answer your question, even though I know you don't answer mine. I behave like an adult, you behave like a petulant child.

Answer: Yes, maybe, depending on the situation. If used judiciously.

Based on the information given in the OP, was the person right not to call the authorities?
I just told you I'm done answering your questions, because you don't return the courtesy.

When I have determined that you have grown a bit, I'll consider playing your silly 20 Questions game.

It's childish to ask your opinion on the central theme of this thread?


That's not what I said.

And *****DING!***** (I hope the red, white & blue doesn't "offend" you)

As the USMB King of the Straw Man Argument, you know that you are allowed one (1) "that's not what I said" per thread.

You may attempt to communicate with me on another thread, and I will determine at that time whether I will return your communication.

You are hopeless. You are pathological. And you are stunningly tedious.
Does anyone else have anything pertinent to add?

Would you want to go into Court for the next two years battling CAIR? The system is against you speaking out. You can't afford the time or money. All Demoncrats are lawyers, those working in courts get rich off nonsense. They keep adding ridiculous laws and allow frivilous court time.
unless you file a false report there's no reason to think that CAIR or anyone else would have reason or standing to take you to court.
The Regressive Left is getting more and more sensitive.

I suspect it may have to do with the fact that honest lefties are exposing them.

Do believe in profiling by ethnicity? Ethnicity alone?
Which has nothing to do with my post.

You folks are absolutely fascinating.

But I'll answer your question, even though I know you don't answer mine. I behave like an adult, you behave like a petulant child.

Answer: Yes, maybe, depending on the situation. If used judiciously.

Based on the information given in the OP, was the person right not to call the authorities?
I just told you I'm done answering your questions, because you don't return the courtesy.

When I have determined that you have grown a bit, I'll consider playing your silly 20 Questions game.

Want some cheese with your whine?
The Regressive Left is getting more and more sensitive.

I suspect it may have to do with the fact that honest lefties are exposing them.

Do believe in profiling by ethnicity? Ethnicity alone?
Which has nothing to do with my post.

You folks are absolutely fascinating.

But I'll answer your question, even though I know you don't answer mine. I behave like an adult, you behave like a petulant child.

Answer: Yes, maybe, depending on the situation. If used judiciously.

Based on the information given in the OP, was the person right not to call the authorities?
I just told you I'm done answering your questions, because you don't return the courtesy.

When I have determined that you have grown a bit, I'll consider playing your silly 20 Questions game.

Want some cheese with your whine?
Yikes, another troll.

Yes, please. Some Camambert would be nice.

First off, the guy is Pakistani , not middle eastern .
Whut? Pakistan ain't in the middle east? Well golly gee, we larn sumthin noo evry dey, doesn't we?

Gee I wonder, what would make the Paks become radicalized?

Bush threatened to bomb Pakistan, says Musharraf

The Bush administration threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" after the September 11 attacks if the country did not cooperate with America's war on Afghanistan, it emerged yesterday.

In an interview to be aired on CBS television this weekend Pakistan's president, General Pervez Musharraf, said the threat was delivered by the assistant secretary of state, Richard Armitage, in conversations with Pakistan's intelligence director.


Gee I wonder, what would make the Paks become radicalized?

Bush threatened to bomb Pakistan, says Musharraf

The Bush administration threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" after the September 11 attacks if the country did not cooperate with America's war on Afghanistan, it emerged yesterday.

In an interview to be aired on CBS television this weekend Pakistan's president, General Pervez Musharraf, said the threat was delivered by the assistant secretary of state, Richard Armitage, in conversations with Pakistan's intelligence director.

I think a quarter of the physicians at my local hospital are Pakistanis, lol.

I should just sit in the parking lot there and call the police everytime one of them heads for the building.



Does anyone else have anything pertinent to add?

As soon as you start with something pertinent, something pertinent will be added.

Countries that don't have the 2nd Amendment don't have this problem on a scale we do.
The Country that does--the US--has the most violent advanced society in the history of mankind.

If guns made us safer, we should have the safest society ever since we, by far have the most guns. Instead, we are among the most violent and THE most violent advanced society in the world. And some think that we don't have enough guns on the street.

Areas in the United States with the most guns per person or the safest, that's just a fact. Now go hide

as a gun owner I accept the facts, not the rhetoric ..

Mapped: The US states with the most gun owners—and most gun deaths

don't hide ... stfu
Mixing suicides and murders is lying...

unless you file a false report there's no reason to think that CAIR or anyone else would have reason or standing to take you to court.

There have been CAIR attacks because a Muslim claimed she did not get a diet coke fast enough on airplane. Clock boy wants 15mil because his sister helped him carry in a fake bomb and act like an terrorist. give it a rest, we see it out here. I am not here to do your homework.
unless you file a false report there's no reason to think that CAIR or anyone else would have reason or standing to take you to court.

There have been CAIR attacks because a Muslim claimed she did not get a diet coke fast enough on airplane.
that's not true
Clock boy wants 15mil because his sister helped him carry in a fake bomb and act like an terrorist.
or because he was harassed and detained because of his race and religion. whatever.
give it a rest, we see it out here.
you only see what you desire.
I am not here to do your homework.
do your own.
This is a little off topic, but it is about terminology:
Why did Governor Christie on Thursday and then the FBI yesterday say that San Bernardino was the first loss of American life on American soil due to terrorism since 9/11? What about Boston? If anyone knows, please explain. I'd appreciate it.

The attack is the deadliest Islamic State-inspired attack on American soil. Al Qaeda and other groups have carried out — or inspired — lethal assaults in the United States, but the Islamic State, which has a base of operations in Syria and Iraq, and carried out the attack on Paris that killed 130 people last month, has turned into a leading terrorism threat with spreading influence around the world.

that help ?
Thanks for interpreting. What stumped me was that Al Qaeda inspired the Boston marathon bombings, same as ISIS seems to have inspired this San Bernardino couple. I didn't know that it's only 'terrorism' if ISIS starts it. Now I do.
does the head scarf Muslim HAVE to check out your bacon in the express line?
does the Muslim Cab driver HAVE to carry you and your dog? case of vodka?
do we HAVE to pay to put in "washing station" at SFO for the Muslim cabbies? during a drought?
does whitey HAVE to let BLM block his business door? can you hose em' down?

Reverse PC. not sure what the point is.

btw: SHE musta been one hell of wife in the sack. If you can come home from lunch tell her to dump the baby on MeMa get the pipes, handguns, rifles and vest. We gots some shooting to do. She say OK? do anything anytime for da' man?

Yes the near monthly bloodbaths allowed by the 2nd Amendment that are unique to this nation

But you fail to acknowledge, or even care about the bloodbaths that ISIS or ISIS inspired terrorists cause around the world on a routine basis. You're such a crybaby candy, it's pathetic.
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We're obliged to call the police now when we see 'Middle Eastern looking' people?

We're obliged to report anything out of the ordinary. You somehow think it would have been wrong for these people to report Farook and his wife simply because they were "middle eastern." Well, I guess not being offended is worth 14 lives I suppose.
So, people like Kormac want:

1. Anyone (aka white guys) in America who can legally own a gun to be able to walk around freely, carrying it openly,

unmolested by citizens or law enforcement, but,

2. they want the police called in as soon as someone sees two Middle Eastern looking types, unarmed, having a conversation.


Is that really what you got out of my thread? Or do you want to be honest for a change?

It's interesting, Carbine, how, you want suspicious characters like Farook and Malik to be left to their own devices, to be left alone as to avoid any profiling, yet you don't want anyone (no just white guys) to conceal carry, and would looove to profile them for whatever reason.

These people weren't having a cookout. They were planning to kill people. Oh yeah, but we should just leave those "unarmed people" alone.

We're obliged to call the police now when we see 'Middle Eastern looking' people?

We're obliged to report anything out of the ordinary. You somehow think it would have been wrong for these people to report Farook and his wife simply because they were "middle eastern." Well, I guess not being offended is worth 14 lives I suppose.
What. Would. They. Have. Reported. Other. Than. Their. Race?

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