Political Correctness Kills

I'm sure it exists and I'm sure as a conseravtive dimwit you're blowing its effect out of proportion--blame anything but guns for gun violence.

Other nations that have gotten rid of guns effectively have next to no gun violence. Could be a correlation... :rofl:
And here we go again, lies, name calling and personal insults.

You people really can't help yourselves, can you?
Ironic coming from you. You started it loser. Don't like it being dealt to you? Sorry. I debate in the manner in which I'm debated.
And as far as my being a "conservative dimwit", you're more than welcome to ask my opinions on war, foreign policy, individual income taxation, abortion, health care, unions, guns and more. But you don't have the basic honor to do that. I'd be happy to provide links, by the way.

You're nasty, you're predictable, and you're a liar.

Gee, the namecalling. You really can't help yourself can you?
What was the name calling?

You're nasty, you're predicable and you're a liar. I mean those literally.

If you want to pretend that "dimwit" is literal, I won't be surprised, coming from someone like you.
You can't fix stupid.
It's not stupid. It's dishonesty, an inner nastiness and blind adherence to partisan ideology.
Okay...but in my book, that IS stupidity.

Imagine if Christians or Jews were doing today what Islamists are doing. Would the left be so tolerant? I think not.

Now...why does the Left treat these religions so differently?
Your credibility died the time you accused me of causing the deaths of 2 police officers in NYC. The burden is on you to rebuild that credibility.

Again, what is a regressive leftie? Define it, tell me why I fit the description. Provide examples of my own posts that prove I fit the description.
Of course, I didn't do that, and you keep trotting out that lie when you're been cornered.

Watch the video. It's all there. I'm under no obligation to follow the instructions of someone like you.

No, it was proven what you did.

And no, you're no obligation to demonstrate that you know what you're talking about. Ignorance is not prohibited on this forum.
Great. Then stop humping my leg, troll.

Your constant dishonesty is tedious.

Let's get back to the topic.

What occurred in the incident that the OP references that falls into the category of PC? Specifically.
Oh, so now you want to "get back to the topic". You people are amazing.

The article further explains that these individuals were afraid to file a report, fearing they would be accused of racially profiling them.

Here, let me provide your response for you: I have no doubt that this, in your mind, does not qualify as PC. This has nothing to do with PC. PC has nothing to do with this. It's all a lie. This is all a right-wing fantasy. Whatever.

You've worn me out with your games. Play with someone else.

I'm not the one who went off topic.
And here we go again, lies, name calling and personal insults.

You people really can't help yourselves, can you?
Ironic coming from you. You started it loser. Don't like it being dealt to you? Sorry. I debate in the manner in which I'm debated.
And as far as my being a "conservative dimwit", you're more than welcome to ask my opinions on war, foreign policy, individual income taxation, abortion, health care, unions, guns and more. But you don't have the basic honor to do that. I'd be happy to provide links, by the way.

You're nasty, you're predictable, and you're a liar.

Gee, the namecalling. You really can't help yourself can you?
What was the name calling?

You're nasty, you're predicable and you're a liar. I mean those literally.

If you want to pretend that "dimwit" is literal, I won't be surprised, coming from someone like you.
You can't fix stupid.
It's not stupid. It's dishonesty, an inner nastiness and blind adherence to partisan ideology.
Okay...but in my book, that IS stupidity.

Imagine if Christians or Jews were doing today what Islamists are doing. Would the left be so tolerant? I think not.

Now...why does the Left treat these religions so differently?

Who is tolerant of the violence? Who are you accusing of supporting the attack in San Bernadino?
LOL, Candy's a ditz. Indeed, on 9/11 they manged ti kill about 3000 with nary a pistol.

I often wonder why cops try to disarm people who they are trying to arrest. It turns out this is an unnecessary step, apparrently, since now the conventional wisdom of Mac1958 and TemplarKormac are that a terrorist with a gun is no big deal.

Foolish me.
There is a difference between being foolish and a ditz. Saying something like they can't terrorize without guns would be better-fitting of the latter.
Not profiling people based on their race (or religion) isn't being Politically Correct, it's just being correct.

Running List of Shameful Acts of Islamaphobia in Canada and the U.S.

Arabic Speakers Not Allowed To Board Flight (They were American Citizens)
Muslim Fulbright Scholar Removed From Flight (A Stanford Grad)

Man Says 'Every Muslim Is A Terrorist' At Town Meeting
Terrified Passenger Has 'Middle Eastern-Looking' People Removed From Flight (“The threshold for ‘see something, say something’ is meant to apply to suspicious behavior, not personal prejudices against minorities engaging in non-suspicious behavior.")
And here we go again, lies, name calling and personal insults.

You people really can't help yourselves, can you?
Ironic coming from you. You started it loser. Don't like it being dealt to you? Sorry. I debate in the manner in which I'm debated.
And as far as my being a "conservative dimwit", you're more than welcome to ask my opinions on war, foreign policy, individual income taxation, abortion, health care, unions, guns and more. But you don't have the basic honor to do that. I'd be happy to provide links, by the way.

You're nasty, you're predictable, and you're a liar.

Gee, the namecalling. You really can't help yourself can you?
What was the name calling?

You're nasty, you're predicable and you're a liar. I mean those literally.

If you want to pretend that "dimwit" is literal, I won't be surprised, coming from someone like you.
You can't fix stupid.
It's not stupid. It's dishonesty, an inner nastiness and blind adherence to partisan ideology.
Okay...but in my book, that IS stupidity.

Imagine if Christians or Jews were doing today what Islamists are doing. Would the left be so tolerant? I think not.

Now...why does the Left treat these religions so differently?

What EXACTLY am I....a liberal....being tolerant of?
Ironic coming from you. You started it loser. Don't like it being dealt to you? Sorry. I debate in the manner in which I'm debated.
Gee, the namecalling. You really can't help yourself can you?
What was the name calling?

You're nasty, you're predicable and you're a liar. I mean those literally.

If you want to pretend that "dimwit" is literal, I won't be surprised, coming from someone like you.
You can't fix stupid.
It's not stupid. It's dishonesty, an inner nastiness and blind adherence to partisan ideology.
Okay...but in my book, that IS stupidity.

Imagine if Christians or Jews were doing today what Islamists are doing. Would the left be so tolerant? I think not.

Now...why does the Left treat these religions so differently?

What EXACTLY am I....a liberal....being tolerant of?

RW idiocy, if you can tolerate posting here.
What the OP is trying to say is, you're "PC" if you don't call the police every time you see a bunch of Arab-Americans in a group,

like this:

Mac1958 And look at the argument you're now endorsing...terrorists with guns are not a problem since they can just make bombs or use knives too.

I understand you can't break ranks with your fellow conservative losers but shit dude... you could explain to them how ridiculous you all's latest gambit to never blame the proliferation of firearms for the 10,000 or so gun deaths we have sounds. If for nothing else how callus it sounds in light of what happened in Colorado and Cali in the last week.
Yet another lie: And look at the argument you're now endorsing...terrorists with guns are not a problem since they can just make bombs or use knives too.

First the name-calling, then the personal insults, now the straw man.

It's impossible to communicate with you people.

As long as you're endorsing the position, you shouldn't be angry when called out on it. Me, I prefer the terrorists not be able to run down to Dicks Sporting goods and buy guns.
I'm sure it exists and I'm sure as a conseravtive dimwit you're blowing its effect out of proportion--blame anything but guns for gun violence.

Other nations that have gotten rid of guns effectively have next to no gun violence. Could be a correlation... :rofl:
And here we go again, lies, name calling and personal insults.

You people really can't help yourselves, can you?
Ironic coming from you. You started it loser. Don't like it being dealt to you? Sorry. I debate in the manner in which I'm debated.
And as far as my being a "conservative dimwit", you're more than welcome to ask my opinions on war, foreign policy, individual income taxation, abortion, health care, unions, guns and more. But you don't have the basic honor to do that. I'd be happy to provide links, by the way.

You're nasty, you're predictable, and you're a liar.

Gee, the namecalling. You really can't help yourself can you?
What was the name calling?

You're nasty, you're predicable and you're a liar. I mean those literally.

If you want to pretend that "dimwit" is literal, I won't be surprised, coming from someone like you.
You can't fix stupid.
It's not stupidity. It's dishonesty, an inner nastiness and blind adherence to partisan ideology.

Yeah, you should stop doing that.
The 14 people who died in San Bernardino, California on Wednesday were victims not only of terrorism, but of political correctness. According to KNX-AM Los Angeles, one man working in the neighborhood noted strange behavior coming from Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik's home the weeks before the attacks. He said he saw at least a half a dozen "middle eastern" men move into the neighborhood during that period of time.

Along with the man, one of Farook's neighbors was also suspicious of him. One would think these individuals would report this activity to the proper authorities, right? Wrong.

The article further explains that these individuals were afraid to file a report, fearing they would be accused of racially profiling them. What? Why? You could say they were justified in holding back, since they had no proof that Farook and Malik and their friends were doing anything illegal. Sure, I could see that, if I stepped into a "safe space."

Who is to blame for instilling this politically correct mentality? The liberal left. Their rhetoric. I could go so far as to blame the left for those attacks--and in a passive way they are--but as we all know, they aren't directly to blame, nor would it be fair to do so. Any Muslim in the US could radicalize without us ever knowing it, as we all saw with Farook and his wife. Everyone was duped, including the vaunted FBI. If the FBI can be that easily fooled, just imagine how many prospective radical Islamic terrorists could do the same.

Political correctness kills. And now we have seen it first hand. Time to stop being afraid of remotely offending someone, or triggering someone, or committing a "micro aggression" against someone. This is getting people killed. If you see something, say something. Save lives.

"The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it."

--Albert Einstein

As darkness fell, police continued to search the home in Redlands. Officers entered the home with a battering ram and were taking precautions due to a belief that the home could be rigged with explosives.

It was believed that the Redlands home was the home of Syed Farook’s sister and mother.

The second shooting suspect who was killed in a shootout with authorities was identified as Farook’s wife of two years, Tashfeen Malik, 27.

Neighbors in Redlands were shocked that the suspects had ties to their area.

“I was in awe that it was happening four houses down from my property,” one neighbor said.

A man who has been working in the area said he noticed a half-dozen Middle Eastern men in the area in recent weeks, but decided not to report anything since he did not wish to racially profile those people.

Authorities Search Redlands Home Tied To Suspect Syed Farook
Your working on a premise of a maybe, or what if.....Weak individuals will always find an excuse for their inaction....
These people had a chance to save 14 lives in the weeks preceding the terrorist attacks, but they succumbed to the political correctness of our time.
They are lazy and are making up excuses, there is no political correctness when dealing with the FBI....
And here we go again, lies, name calling and personal insults.

You people really can't help yourselves, can you?
Ironic coming from you. You started it loser. Don't like it being dealt to you? Sorry. I debate in the manner in which I'm debated.
And as far as my being a "conservative dimwit", you're more than welcome to ask my opinions on war, foreign policy, individual income taxation, abortion, health care, unions, guns and more. But you don't have the basic honor to do that. I'd be happy to provide links, by the way.

You're nasty, you're predictable, and you're a liar.

Gee, the namecalling. You really can't help yourself can you?
What was the name calling?

You're nasty, you're predicable and you're a liar. I mean those literally.

If you want to pretend that "dimwit" is literal, I won't be surprised, coming from someone like you.
You can't fix stupid.
It's not stupidity. It's dishonesty, an inner nastiness and blind adherence to partisan ideology.

Yeah, you should stop doing that.

Mac is the most partisan person on this board. He's a fanatic centrist who rants against everyone who has the slightest disagreement with him.
Does anyone else have anything pertinent to add?

As soon as you start with something pertinent, something pertinent will be added.

Countries that don't have the 2nd Amendment don't have this problem on a scale we do.
The Country that does--the US--has the most violent advanced society in the history of mankind.

If guns made us safer, we should have the safest society ever since we, by far have the most guns. Instead, we are among the most violent and THE most violent advanced society in the world. And some think that we don't have enough guns on the street.


LOL. Blame the guns, not the terrorist. Typical liberal reasoning. Terrorists didn't kill those 14 people in San Bernardino, the guns did.


I can always count on you to not understand jack shit.
Terrorists with guns. A terrorist without a weapon is not much of a terrorist.

So, what if the terrorist has a knife? The Tsarnaev brothers didn't need guns, but pressure cookers. The 9/11 attackers used box cutters and airplanes.

You have no idea what terrorists are capable of. A terrorist doesn't need a gun to kill hordes of people. I can always count on you to blame guns for terrorism.

Rofl. I feel sorry for you.


You are right . And after 911 we changed up the rules for planes , airport security etc...

We didn't just sit around and say "well , airplanes don't kill people , people kill people !"
We're obliged to call the police now when we see 'Middle Eastern looking' people?

i guess you and all the other libertards here failed to understand what your presidunce said a few years back, "see something, say something"

:up_yours: ....... :asshole:
We're obliged to call the police now when we see 'Middle Eastern looking' people?

i guess you and all the other libertards here failed to understand what your presidunce said a few years back, "see something, say something"

:up_yours: ....... :asshole:

Read post 96.
Mac1958 And look at the argument you're now endorsing...terrorists with guns are not a problem since they can just make bombs or use knives too.

I understand you can't break ranks with your fellow conservative losers but shit dude... you could explain to them how ridiculous you all's latest gambit to never blame the proliferation of firearms for the 10,000 or so gun deaths we have sounds. If for nothing else how callus it sounds in light of what happened in Colorado and Cali in the last week.
Yet another lie: And look at the argument you're now endorsing...terrorists with guns are not a problem since they can just make bombs or use knives too.

First the name-calling, then the personal insults, now the straw man.

It's impossible to communicate with you people.

As long as you're endorsing the position, you shouldn't be angry when called out on it. Me, I prefer the terrorists not be able to run down to Dicks Sporting goods and buy guns.
"Endorsing the position".

More lies. I think you folks are programmed to say anything as long as it advances your agenda.

And here we go again, lies, name calling and personal insults.

You people really can't help yourselves, can you?
Ironic coming from you. You started it loser. Don't like it being dealt to you? Sorry. I debate in the manner in which I'm debated.
And as far as my being a "conservative dimwit", you're more than welcome to ask my opinions on war, foreign policy, individual income taxation, abortion, health care, unions, guns and more. But you don't have the basic honor to do that. I'd be happy to provide links, by the way.

You're nasty, you're predictable, and you're a liar.

Gee, the namecalling. You really can't help yourself can you?
What was the name calling?

You're nasty, you're predicable and you're a liar. I mean those literally.

If you want to pretend that "dimwit" is literal, I won't be surprised, coming from someone like you.
You can't fix stupid.
It's not stupidity. It's dishonesty, an inner nastiness and blind adherence to partisan ideology.

Yeah, you should stop doing that.
Blind adherence to which side?

Go ahead, nail me with it.

More lies.

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