Political Correctness: The pushback continues

Political correctness is Fascism on training wheels
They really have jumped the shark, and this reaction is nice to see.
Here is some shark jumping Courtesy of the GOP

SoapDrop, you have serious issues.
As angry and defensive as the Regressive Left/PC Police are about this slow but steady pushback, at some point they'll realize they should be saving their REAL anger on the steadily growing number of honest lefties who are admitting this has gone too far:

Your opinion affects me the same way a Butterfly fart affects the course of a Typhoon.....
Sure, you're hardcore, a True Believer, an obedient zealot.

I wouldn't try to change your mind on anything.

But it sure is nice to see how you've reacted to my little thread.
Feeble and transparent attempts at deflection will not work on this thread.

Or with me, ever.


I'd be more impressed with "Christians" if the spent less time trying to impose their superstitions on the rest of us and actually do the things Jesus talked about.

You know, take care of the poor, treat people the way you'd want to be treated, etc.

Jesus didn't talk about gays or abortion once in the Gospels. It just wasn't that important to him.

He spent a lot of time condemning the rich and greed.

What do you mean by “impose” first of all? That’s your first piece of B.S.

Are you suggesting we cannot vote for the candidates of our choice to make laws or repeal laws of our choice? Is that imposing? You see how easy it is to rally the brain dead troops? They think they are under attack.

Then you appear so disinterested that you do not have a clue about the truth. "Superstitions," yeah right. Well researched.

Then you tell us Christians are lax (compared to what?,,, agnostics and secular humanists?) in taking care of the poor. Also, we do not treat people nicely or the way we would want to be treated. Let us be honest here --- you appear to be not the least bit interested in knowing the truth, so why should we bother pointing it out?

Oh, so now your are going to bring in Jesus as witness for your causes??? Can we use Jesus' words too to defend our points?
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And right on cue, I see my little stalker friend just had to jump in.

He loves me.

Whatever he said, I suspect it was less than positive.

Sometimes this is just too easy. The Regressive Left self-identifies for me daily.

We have to stop calling them "Liberals" because they have left that philosophy. They support chilling of thought, not expansion of it.
Understandable that the PC Police/Regressive Left would get a little cranky about this, of course.

This strategy has been fabulously successful for them for decades, but cracks are appearing.

They're going to be very, very defensive as this develops.

Hey, guy, the only people who still pay attention to you on this issue you have on ignore because we are mocking you.

Political Correctness = Not putting up with your shit anymore.

Deal with it.

No, its running to authority because you don't have the balls to take in on yourself. Fragile little flowers, all of you.
PC is just a term used to flog political opponents. Each situation has its own dynamic. If you're trying to gain elective office in a conservative area, you're going to suppress any pro-choice feelings. That's also being PC.

Not the same thing. running for elective office and adjusting to the people you will be representing is not the same as being afraid to voice your opinions or face consequences from some college administrator, or have people gun for your livelihood.
Under Obama
- Stock markets more than doubled.

- Home prices surging.

- A national health care plan.

Under Bush 43 ...too horrible to mention 'Nuff said

Topic: Here

You: Out in Lalaland

See the problem?

Face it, that zero "Tyrone" with the blasphemous avatar is a GOP plant. Every word he breathes is hilariously stupid and makes "his side" look bad.

Not even the most extreme leftist would want to be within 100 feet of him.
We have to stop calling them "Liberals" because they have left that philosophy. They support chilling of thought, not expansion of it.
And that's an important point. As proud Democrat (and hottie) Kirsten Powers points out, these people are "illiberal". They are Regressive Leftists, out on the wing of the Left but unfortunately with most of the energy.

These people are hateful and angry and authoritarian. They're not traditional liberals.
Under Obama
- Stock markets more than doubled.

- Home prices surging.

- A national health care plan.

Under Bush 43 ...too horrible to mention 'Nuff said

Topic: Here

You: Out in Lalaland

See the problem?

Face it, that zero "Tyrone" with the blasphemous avatar is a GOP plant. Every word he breathes is hilariously stupid and makes "his side" look bad.

Not even the most extreme leftist would want to be within 100 feet of him.

Don't think so. he's an asshat troll, but he's one of your asshat trolls. It's missing the general feel of a "false flag" poster.
We have to stop calling them "Liberals" because they have left that philosophy. They support chilling of thought, not expansion of it.
And that's an important point. As proud Democrat (and hottie) Kirsten Powers points out, these people are "illiberal". They are Regressive Leftists, out on the wing of the Left but unfortunately with most of the energy.

These people are hateful and angry and authoritarian. They're not traditional liberals.

Yep. The problem is that they are a growing portion of the democratic "umbrella". If they continue with their antics, you may have the Reagan Democrat situation happen all over again.

Obama has come out decrying their tactics, has Hillary yet? Or is she still worried about Bernie?
We have to stop calling them "Liberals" because they have left that philosophy. They support chilling of thought, not expansion of it.
And that's an important point. As proud Democrat (and hottie) Kirsten Powers points out, these people are "illiberal". They are Regressive Leftists, out on the wing of the Left but unfortunately with most of the energy.

These people are hateful and angry and authoritarian. They're not traditional liberals.

Yep. The problem is that they are a growing portion of the democratic "umbrella". If they continue with their antics, you may have the Reagan Democrat situation happen all over again.

Obama has come out decrying their tactics, has Hillary yet? Or is she still worried about Bernie?
Yeah. Unfortunately they have been VERY successful because they have been patient and consistent over last few decades.

Therefore, this behavior is now a part of our culture, and will take a long time to expunge. At least there are some real signs now.

So I'll take my little victories when I can get them.

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