Political Quiz

So, what issues do you agree with the right on? List some because I've read your posts, and as far as I've seen, there is no view that you hold that is in agreement with the "right". :D Lol.
Centrist, why are you so consumed what people agree with on the RIGHT...you're a self-proclaimed CENTRIST. Remember?

Well, I do agree more with the right about some issues that are important to me.
This guy g5000 and Jake Starkey, two of worst faux republicans in the world. :lol: I mean seriously, these guys can't act at all.
And here we see a tard willfully holding onto his delusions.

Just remember, retard. YOU came out to the LEFT of ME on your quiz.

Read my posts in this topic, retard: Is this the year of the Libertarian Party?

ALL of them.

No thanks. You can't live up to a simple request. Just list a few issues that you agree with the republicans on. Simple and not all that time consuming. It's so simple, a caveman could do it.

In a word: FRINGE
So, what issues do you agree with the right on? List some because I've read your posts, and as far as I've seen, there is no view that you hold that is in agreement with the "right". :D Lol.
Centrist, why are you so consumed what people agree with on the RIGHT...you're a self-proclaimed CENTRIST. Remember?

I can't stand leftists. Didn't I make myself clear last night? I don't think I could have been more clear. :dunno:
Obviously, this dummy doesn't understand "orientation" and thinks this means that you follow a specific Party depending on your results from this quiz. It doesn't mean that. It is just a graph of where you are on the political spectrum, clown. :D
You poor thing. You accused me of being a lefty, and yet YOU are the one on the wrong side of the line, retard.

Oh, man. That's priceless. :lol:

Classic projection.

So, what issues do you agree with the right on? List some because I've read your posts, and as far as I've seen, there is no view that you hold that is in agreement with the "right". :D Lol.
Wow. Not only do you make shit up in your head about me, your eyes clamps shut when you see posts by me which contradict your delusions.

That's the only explanation for why you have missed all my posts about tax expenditures. That's the only explanation for why you have missed all my pro-life posts, and my pro-gun posts, and my pro business posts, and my posts about how to get LESS government in health care. And how to deregulate in a smart way.

I guess when you saw me fighting manufactured bullshit from the parroting pseudocons, you assumed the truth is a liberal thing.

It always amazes me that when someone debunks a lie, a tard automatically assumes that person must be a liberal.

That's very revealing of their character.

It's also very revealing that when I fight the rampant bigotry and racism on this forum, it is assumed I am a liberal.

Well, there you go. Thank you for specifying a couple of things. Now that wasn't so hard and no need for your terrible leftist attitude! :D
This guy g5000 and Jake Starkey, two of worst faux republicans in the world. :lol: I mean seriously, these guys can't act at all.
If you're a self-proclaimed Centrist, how is it that you know so much about what a Republican is supposed to be?

All the political quizzes I take have me as a centrist on the spectrum because that is what I am. I guess I have to remind you again what a centrist is all about!

Centrists don't have party lines. Centrists believe that solutions are more important than bias. While there is no set rule for what a Centrist is, there are some generally accepted guidelines that seem to depict the Centrist mode of thought. Centrism is a political ideology based on reason and pragmatism considerate of short and long term thinking - Centrism is not defined by compromise or moderation, it is considerate of them. Centrism is about achieving common sense solutions that appropriately address current and future needs; support the public trust; and serve the common good with consideration of risk and capacity in context of these needs.
Modern definitions sometimes conflate Centrism with moderation but the Centrist Party tenets generally oppose moderate views. Let's just call moderates 'moderates' and Centrists 'Centrist'.

Salient points about Centrism from the CP perspective:

  • Centrism is not about doing what is popular, it is about doing what is right.
  • Centrism is not moderate but rather supports strength, tradition, open mindedness and policy based on evidence not ideology.
  • Centrism is not about compromise but rather allows for it as reasonable.
Centrists are independent thinkers. They gauge situations based on context and reason, consideration and probability. They are open minded and exercise conviction. Willing to fight for reason as opposed to ideology.

  1. Ideology limits the capacity of reasoning
  2. Centrist conviction is not limited by ideology
  3. Reasoning is based on pragmatic reality and circumstance.
Centrism is not a belief. It is an open book to an unfolding situation. This does not mean it is moderate, but that it is considerate of changing circumstances that may require reconsideration based on the intelligence available, and reason itself.

  • Centrists are independent.
  • Centrists argue based on reason and context to define relevance of a given point.
  • Centrists tend to be pragmatic and avoid extremes whenever possible. Of course an extreme may be a required action so luckily Centrists tend to exercise reason in application.
  • Centrists tend to dislike special interest influence and unfair practices. They don’t appreciate spin from candidates or news organizations.
  • Centrists tend to believe that if we dealt with the facts and concentrated on working together we could fix a lot more problems than two polar opposite parties constantly embattled in their own agendas and ideologies.
  • Centrists seek accountability in governance.
  • Honor & Integrity - Centrists tend to believe that political spin erodes the integrity of the vote and certainly that of the politician.
  • To honor the electorate candidates should be motivated by the strength of their reasoning and the wisdom to know that convictions are merely perspectives based on current understanding and circumstance; and that learning is key to future solutions.
  • Honor in intention: means not just being honest, but to be honorable. Not just saying "I did" or "did not" say "that" but "I mean "this" or "that". America is tired of being misled by politicians that handily word craft their way in and out of positions and rely on popularity polls to figure out what they need to say next, in order to pander to some special interest, or get more votes.
What Centrists Are Not
  • Centrists are not moderate.
Moderation has more in kind with compromise than working toward the best solution. The reality of modern politics is that compromise is the status quo. This leads to policy that is not based on pragmatism but rather on the needs of compromised points of view.

The goal is not compromise, but rather pragmatism based on reasonable considerations, short and long-term. In other words, decisions and policies based on the best answer, not the compromise between two flawed perspectives that are ideologically opposed.

When necessary, compromise, but fight for reason and present the case to bring others closer to the most pragmatic solution or policy.

Reliability and Validity

These two terms, reliability and validity, are often used interchangeably when they are not related to statistics. When critical readers of statistics use these terms, however, they refer to different properties of the statistical or experimental method.

Reliability is another term for consistency. If one person takes the same personality test several times and always receives the same results, the test is reliable.

A test is valid if it measures what it is supposed to measure. If the results of the personality test claimed that a very shy person was in fact outgoing, the test would be invalid.

Reliability and validity are independent of each other. A measurement maybe valid but not reliable, or reliable but not valid. Suppose your bath room scale was reset to read 10 pound lighter. The weight it reads will be reliable (the same every time you step on it) but will not be valid, since it is not reading your actual weight.
I don't know how reliable the results are, but they seem fairly reliable to me. Although some of the questions are a bit too general and it is probably going to depend on how important you rated each specific issue as to where you come out, but I think it gives you a good general result.
Okay, so if I post a more in depth test, are you all going to participate and take a longer quiz with more in depth questions with a lot more thinking? :D
Maybe I am wrong to assume that most of the posters here are more interested in spewing out talking points from their respective parties rather than really giving these issues some in depth thought, like unintended consequences, etc.? :)
Well, I do agree more with the right about some issues that are important to me.
Why don't you just go ahead and admit that you're an avid rightwinger pretending to be a centrist? What are you ashamed of?
Well, I do agree more with the right about some issues that are important to me.
Why don't you just go ahead and admit that you're an avid rightwinger pretending to be a centrist? What are you ashamed of?

Because I'm not. I disagree with the right about a lot of things, like abortion, the death penalty, gay marriage, religion in school/government, some of the more extreme views like NO regulations for businesses. I also think that if you are in the public accommodation business, then you should have to serve the public, which includes homosexuals and whomever else you may have some weird grudge against. :D Now what, Einstein?
I notice that the rest of you fakers have a hard time even listing a few small things that you might agree with the opposition party on. I have no problems at all making such a list. :D I am honest. You are not. End of discussion about me. ;)
I stand with the right on immigration, taxation, and some other things.

I also disagree with the right about helping the poor. I think that is an important part of having a successful nation, and ignoring the poor is very BAD for your country and your economy.
I can't stand leftists. Didn't I make myself clear last night? I don't think I could have been more clear. :dunno:
If that's the case, then maybe you shouldn't call yourself a centrist then. Didn't I make myself clear last night?
Education too is another issue where I've had disagreements with those on the right. I think we should use some of our tax money so that we can offer further education to poor people, and that is why I am PRO student loans.
I can't stand leftists. Didn't I make myself clear last night? I don't think I could have been more clear. :dunno:
If that's the case, then maybe you shouldn't call yourself a centrist then. Didn't I make myself clear last night?

Why? I don't like leftists. I don't like their authoritarian attitudes and practices. They are like the thought police. They are preachy and annoying social justice warriors. Enough with them already!
I can't stand leftists. Didn't I make myself clear last night? I don't think I could have been more clear. :dunno:
If that's the case, then maybe you shouldn't call yourself a centrist then. Didn't I make myself clear last night?

Have you still not read the definition of what a centrist is? What exactly is it that you are not understanding? :eusa_eh:
This guy g5000 and Jake Starkey, two of worst faux republicans in the world. :lol: I mean seriously, these guys can't act at all.
If you're a self-proclaimed Centrist, how is it that you know so much about what a Republican is supposed to be?

All the political quizzes I take have me as a centrist on the spectrum because that is what I am. I guess I have to remind you again what a centrist is all about!

Centrists don't have party lines. Centrists believe that solutions are more important than bias. While there is no set rule for what a Centrist is, there are some generally accepted guidelines that seem to depict the Centrist mode of thought. Centrism is a political ideology based on reason and pragmatism considerate of short and long term thinking - Centrism is not defined by compromise or moderation, it is considerate of them. Centrism is about achieving common sense solutions that appropriately address current and future needs; support the public trust; and serve the common good with consideration of risk and capacity in context of these needs.
Modern definitions sometimes conflate Centrism with moderation but the Centrist Party tenets generally oppose moderate views. Let's just call moderates 'moderates' and Centrists 'Centrist'.

Salient points about Centrism from the CP perspective:

  • Centrism is not about doing what is popular, it is about doing what is right.
  • Centrism is not moderate but rather supports strength, tradition, open mindedness and policy based on evidence not ideology.
  • Centrism is not about compromise but rather allows for it as reasonable.
Centrists are independent thinkers. They gauge situations based on context and reason, consideration and probability. They are open minded and exercise conviction. Willing to fight for reason as opposed to ideology.

  1. Ideology limits the capacity of reasoning
  2. Centrist conviction is not limited by ideology
  3. Reasoning is based on pragmatic reality and circumstance.
Centrism is not a belief. It is an open book to an unfolding situation. This does not mean it is moderate, but that it is considerate of changing circumstances that may require reconsideration based on the intelligence available, and reason itself.

  • Centrists are independent.
  • Centrists argue based on reason and context to define relevance of a given point.
  • Centrists tend to be pragmatic and avoid extremes whenever possible. Of course an extreme may be a required action so luckily Centrists tend to exercise reason in application.
  • Centrists tend to dislike special interest influence and unfair practices. They don’t appreciate spin from candidates or news organizations.
  • Centrists tend to believe that if we dealt with the facts and concentrated on working together we could fix a lot more problems than two polar opposite parties constantly embattled in their own agendas and ideologies.
  • Centrists seek accountability in governance.
  • Honor & Integrity - Centrists tend to believe that political spin erodes the integrity of the vote and certainly that of the politician.
  • To honor the electorate candidates should be motivated by the strength of their reasoning and the wisdom to know that convictions are merely perspectives based on current understanding and circumstance; and that learning is key to future solutions.
  • Honor in intention: means not just being honest, but to be honorable. Not just saying "I did" or "did not" say "that" but "I mean "this" or "that". America is tired of being misled by politicians that handily word craft their way in and out of positions and rely on popularity polls to figure out what they need to say next, in order to pander to some special interest, or get more votes.
What Centrists Are Not
  • Centrists are not moderate.
Moderation has more in kind with compromise than working toward the best solution. The reality of modern politics is that compromise is the status quo. This leads to policy that is not based on pragmatism but rather on the needs of compromised points of view.

The goal is not compromise, but rather pragmatism based on reasonable considerations, short and long-term. In other words, decisions and policies based on the best answer, not the compromise between two flawed perspectives that are ideologically opposed.

When necessary, compromise, but fight for reason and present the case to bring others closer to the most pragmatic solution or policy.
First, partisan ideologues are so wrapped in their little bubbles that they don't understand how many choose to think for themselves. You can either be a Lefty or a Righty in their minds, that's it. Anyone else must be flawed in some way.

Second, partisan ideologues know this, on some subconscious level. This is why they get so pissy. A partisan ideologue's biggest enemy not a partisan ideologue from the other "side". They're easy. Their biggest enemy is those of us who think for ourselves, because we expose them for what they are.

Taking incoming from both ends is most likely a very good sign.
It's laughable that you find people on the left to be authoritarian.

That's all rightwingers are.

Some of them are even revealed to be that way in the test you posted.

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