Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

dblack Jan’24 Wpmaez00571: Wrong. I don't believe government is there to serve my "self interest". I can manage that myself. interests". dblvck 240130 Wpmaez00571

What if you were a woman and your “self interest” was to terminate an unwanted pregnancy but you live in Texas and have no access to an abortion because white Christian nationalist Republicans celebrated the end of RvW thanks to Trump,

Biden is invested in her self interest; Trump is on record for telling her she can’t have it,

You do know there is a financial self interest in consideration when a woman decides to give birth to a new person for the world.

Now why don’t you vote for Biden in defense and support for individual self interest?

nfbw 240130 Vpmaez00578
to Wpmaez00571
Termination of pregnancy is murder! Baby killers you

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

dblack Jan’24 Wpmaez00571: Wrong. I don't believe government is there to serve my "self interest". I can manage that myself. interests". dblvck 240130 Wpmaez00571

What if you were a woman and your “self interest” was to terminate an unwanted pregnancy but you live in Texas and have no access to an abortion because white Christian nationalist Republicans celebrated the end of RvW thanks to Trump,
Regardless of whether or not I were a woman, in my view, Texas would be guilty of violating fundamental individual liberty. Our bodies are not state property.
Now why don’t you vote for Biden in defense and support for individual self interest?
Because he violates that principle far more often than he defends it. He's not a good leader, he's barely coherent. Neither is Trump. Why do we put up with this shit?
jc456 Jan’24 Somaez00581: “Termination of pregnancy is murder!” jcnnn 240130 Spmaez00581

In the universe of reality where I live, termination of pregnancy in most of the heavily populated United States is a private matter where a woman, and her doctor, are not charged with murder basically because there is no “person” in the womb to be murdered.

Florida and Texas are two large populous states where white Christian nationalists run the government where access to abortion is banned; but women can leave the state, terminate her pregnancy, and come home without being charged with murder.

So how is it murder Saint Jc456?

nfbw 240130 Vpmaez00583
to Somaez00581
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And there it is again. This happens 90% of the time here.

Phonies. Most of these people are phonies.
You don't seem to get it. Like many folks, I was not raised in a religious family. So I'm simply a natural atheist ever since birth.

Many people, most LWNJs here, hate Christians simply because they rebelled against their parents in their teen and/or drug addled early 20s years. Of course it is actually natural for teens to rebel against their parents, and their parents' religion, it's just part of growing up, sometimes.

But oftentimes LWNJs simply don't ever mentally develop beyond that. Usually their retarded or arrested mental development is due to drugs and/or physical and/or physiological abuse.

Personally, I'm a very tolerant atheist.

And yes, you have mentioned that my avatar pisses you off. It triggered the hell out of you Macy58.

Why did it trigger you?
Good. Anything that realizes men are superior to women is correct.
While some interpret the Bible as such, I don't interpret it that way. It's not that men are superior to women. It's that men and women are each best suited to certain roles in society. We're equal more or less, but we're also very different. Progressive ideology likes to ignore our differences, which is why they've fallen into the trans nonsense.
Taxing the rich is totally equitable. We don't tax those fuckers enough. We did a fine job after WWII, when the top 1% were paying a 93% tax rate (unless they could prove they were doing something constructive with that money, of course), where we were able to fund wars and highways and rocketships and social programs. JFK cut the top rate to 70%, and it was REPUBLICANS who said that was economically reckless.

Until 1969, people could deduct their taxes down to nothing. And much of the rich did that or close to it. So, the nominal rates weren't really an accurate portrayal of the actual taxation going on. In 1969, the AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) was created. This limited how low you deduct taxes down if you made beyond a certain threshold of income. The AMT still exists today, and it has a minimum of 26%. So, unless you plan on raising the AMT, increasing the nominal rate doesn't mean a whole lot.

Of course, a lot of rich people have much of their money in things that are less taxed, like capital gains. Those are taxed less, because they generally benefit the economy in terms of investment. I know much of the left has proposed taxing capital gains more, but you'll notice that even a lot of Democrat politicians shy away from that, because they often have a lot of money in that category.

Then your boy Ronny Ray-gun cut the taxes because he drank the Voodoo Economics Koolaid. It didn't really help the economy that much (The recovery from the 1981 recession was slow) and he quickly reversed course with the 1986 tax reform, which got the Right Wing howling. Then Bush promised "No New Taxes", but had to raise them because all the deregulation of the banks caused the S&L Crisis. Then along came Clinton, who raised them on the rich, and lo and behold, we got balanced budgets and economic prosperity. Didn't take long for Republicans to fuck that up again.

Once again, big government is why Reagan and Bush weren't as fiscally conservative as they pretended to be. If they had actually followed through with what people like Ron Paul had pushed for, they could've cut taxes further, but more importantly, they would have cut spending even more than that.

You mean the brutal, racist dictatorship might have won? Gee, I hope not.

I was thinking more like Europe could have ended the war without us having to get involved. Even if we had traded with both sides, Germany was fighting a 2 front war, which they foolishly repeated in WW2. In WW1, Britain and Russia could have still defeated Germany without us in the long run.

Nope, sorry, it was wealth redistribution, period, because Unions made sure working people got a fair wage. Not surprisingly, as unions have declined, we've seen the middle class decline as well. But this is a thing...

View attachment 895123

Again, the above picture applies to you. You are definitely the guy with the suspenders.

Wealth inquality is the biggest threat to our civilization. Do you want a list of countries that had extreme wealth inequality. Let's go.

France 1787
Russia 1917
China 1949
Cuba 1959
Iran 1978

None of those placed turned out well for the rich.

Thatcher was a word that I can't use here on USMB.

As much as you seem to hate rich people, you apparently don't realize they fund both parties. Big banks are typically the biggest donors of the major candidates from each.

So, if your criticism of the GOP is that its supporters are fools due to the wealthy manipulating the party, well... the same would apply to Democratic supporters.

Wealth inequality isn't the problem. There are plenty of nations that have very little wealth inequality, and it's because almost everyone is poor. Any nation that has a mostly free economy is going to have significant wealth inequality, because not everyone is good at business, and not everyone pursues a well paid career. For example, no one becomes a social worker for the money. It's a job someone chooses because they view it as meaningful. They select that career knowing that they aren't going to be a high earner.

What actually matters is economic mobility. If your economy is set up in such a way that anyone who works hard can rise in standard of living, things work out without much government intervention. The problem with America is that government has gotten so intrusive that economic mobility has fallen, which does create some level of wealth inequality.

Frankly, if wealth inequality is your focus, you should look into how much small businesses suffered under the very slanted lockdown policies that were enforced during COVID. Big businesses were largely allowed to continue operating, while small businesses were typically forced to shut down. The feds did try to compensate for this with a huge amount of funding assistance put forward for small businesses, but it was very poorly regulated, so a lot of fraud happened.

If anything, COVID showed that American policy in general heavily favors big business over small business, which is a problem that maybe you and I can agree needs to be resolved.
Typical right wing nonsense. You would easily lose that argument on policy and economic principles, and you would not successfully and directly argue that people should vote against their own economic interests.

So you have to characterize and smear.

And this is how the Reoublicans have conned 10s of millions into voting against their own economic interests.
If you believe that, tell me why taxing the rich more benefits the working class using economic principles.
Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240129
Lone Wanderer Jan’24 Spmaez00547: It is not in our economic self-interest to tax the rich more anymore than it is in our interest to tax more in general.lnwndrr 240129 Spmaez00547

The U.S. Has No Conservative Party | Opinion 240118
dblack Jan’24 Wtushn00038: “I don't care which one is worse. They both suck. How hard is that to understand? Neither deserves my vote and neither will get’s it.” dblvck 240118 Wtushn00038

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240130
NotfooledbyW Jan’24 Vpmaez00569: Wumpus Dblack can’t figure out which of the two US political parties serves his economic self/interest. Perhaps he can fall off the fence on the side that is unmistakably for women’s rights, voters rights and the right of the environment to be there when our grand children grow old. nfbw 240130 Vpmaez00569 to Wtushn00038

dblack Jan’24 Wpmaez00571: Wrong. I don't believe government is there to serve my "self interest". I can manage that myself. interests". dblvck 240130 Wpmaez00571

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240131
Can you divulge Wumpus Dblack if you agree that Shawn Fain endorsed better candidate for president going forward in the best interest of the American Working Class?

Shawn Fein: You know, look, when you look at these two candidates, you know, Joe Biden has a history of serving others, and serving the working class, and fighting for the working class, standing with the working class. Donald Trump has a history of serving himself and standing for the billionaire class. And that's contrary to everything that working class people stand for. When you look at the- at the issues during our contract campaign, retirement security, better wages, health care, wanting our time back, wanting our lives back. That's what matters. That's why 75% of the American public stood with the UAW in our fight. And I believe that's why a huge majority of our members and working class people will side with President Joe Biden in the upcoming election.​
Shawn Fein called Trump a scab. Trump tried to upstage Biden standing on the UAW Picket line by visiting a non union parts shop the next day,

If anyone believes Biden doesn’t want the Trump scab to run against in Ohio and Michigan and the rest of the country they are nuts.

nfbw 240131 Wpmaez00588 to Wpmaez00571:
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Lone Wanderer Jan’24 Spmaez00586: So, if your criticism of the GOP is that its supporters are fools due to the wealthy manipulating the party, well... the same would apply to Democratic supporters. lnwndrr 240130 Vomaez00586

At least a dozen billionaires have made public statements that call for the super-rich to pay more in taxes. On Monday, Salesforce chairman and cofounder Marc Benioff penned the latest in a string of billionaire op-eds calling for higher taxes on the wealthy.​
The California software entrepreneur, who ranked No. 93 on The Forbes 400 list of richest Americans released earlier this month, wrote that “increasing taxes on high-income individuals like myself would help generate the trillions of dollars that we desperately need to improve education and health care and fight climate change.”
Republican billionaires manipulate the white Schlafly Dobson evangelical Christian nationalists to serve billionaire’s interests.

Democrat billionaires straightforwardly support middle and lower class interests

Once again, big government is why Reagan and Bush weren't as fiscally conservative as they pretended to be. If they had actually followed through with what people like Ron Paul had pushed for, they could've cut taxes further, but more importantly, they would have cut spending even more than that.

Ah, a Crazy Ron Paul Follower, eh? I didn't realize that I was dealing with a Libertarian Child with a child-like view of the world.

The reason why Reagan wasn't able to cut government was there was really nothing to cut. So he slashed taxes on rich people, grew the military, and wondered why he had tripled the national debt in 12 years despite walking back some of the dumber laws.

I was thinking more like Europe could have ended the war without us having to get involved. Even if we had traded with both sides, Germany was fighting a 2 front war, which they foolishly repeated in WW2. In WW1, Britain and Russia could have still defeated Germany without us in the long run.

As much as you seem to hate rich people, you apparently don't realize they fund both parties. Big banks are typically the biggest donors of the major candidates from each.
No, that's a problem, it's why we need to start treating campaign donations like bribery.

Wealth inequality isn't the problem. There are plenty of nations that have very little wealth inequality, and it's because almost everyone is poor. Any nation that has a mostly free economy is going to have significant wealth inequality, because not everyone is good at business, and not everyone pursues a well paid career. For example, no one becomes a social worker for the money. It's a job someone chooses because they view it as meaningful. They select that career knowing that they aren't going to be a high earner.

Wealth inequality is a huge problem, and not because everyone is good at business, but because when you don't have worker and consumer protections, along with progressive taxation, the wealth accumulates at the top. This is never good because, eventually, people at the bottom get sick of it. Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, etc.

What actually matters is economic mobility. If your economy is set up in such a way that anyone who works hard can rise in standard of living, things work out without much government intervention. The problem with America is that government has gotten so intrusive that economic mobility has fallen, which does create some level of wealth inequality.
I've been working since I was 16, and I got educational opportunities my dad never had. I still don't enjoy the economic life he enjoyed just being part of a trade union. So don't give me THIS bullshit.
Frankly, if wealth inequality is your focus, you should look into how much small businesses suffered under the very slanted lockdown policies that were enforced during COVID. Big businesses were largely allowed to continue operating, while small businesses were typically forced to shut down. The feds did try to compensate for this with a huge amount of funding assistance put forward for small businesses, but it was very poorly regulated, so a lot of fraud happened.

Big businesses had the resources to send people to work from home, test employees, put cleaning crews on standby, etc. The company I worked for during the lockdown sent us home from April to June and had several sanitation operations running every time an employee tested positive.

As for small businesses, 50% of those fail even in a good economy.

If anything, COVID showed that American policy in general heavily favors big business over small business, which is a problem that maybe you and I can agree needs to be resolved.

I think big business needs to be kept on a shorter leash.
"Well, Hillary has this in the bag, but I don't like her because she's an assertive woman!
I challenge you to directly quote anyone, (except perhaps yourself) contemporaneously saying anything like that when she was running for office.

What Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240113​

Mac1958 Jan’24 Vpmaez00001 inserted NBC Interview with Tim Alberta: At 11:46: "For a lot of these people who are panicked, who are just stricken with fear about the culture changing so quickly and the country turning on Christianity, and that their faith is in the crosshairs and one day they're going to be persecuted for their faith in this country -- a lot of folks believe that -- they think the barbarians are at the gates, and so they need a barbarian to defend them. To protect them. mvcnnnn 240113 Vpmaez00001

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified 240131​

there4eyeM Jan’24 Wtsidv00100: Getting people to vote other than the duopoly would be most constructive. If it merely maintains or augments the duopoly's power, it does not serve the Republic. thrnym 240131 Wtsidv00100

If You Wonder Why The Country Is Divided 240122​

there4eyeM Jan’24 Wiywwt00023: As a non-duopolist who has not and would not vote for Trump or Biden…. thrnym 240122 Wiywwt00023

What Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240131​

I do not wonder why the country is divided.

The only seemingly insurmountable divide amongst we the ingredients who form the experimental living American institution of western liberal democracy that exists between the white Christian nationalists ideology as defined in Post Vpmaez00001, and everybody else.

There are churched and unchurched white Christian nationalists who range in loyalty to the Republican Party from its undecided leaners to their most absolute devoted base of white church attending evangelical Christians.

And on in the other side there are churched and unchurched “everybody else”.

The idea that this ideological divide between light and darkness, good and evil, godly and godless in the political arena is a duopoly as expressed in POST Wtsidv00100 is absurd. And the worst part is believing (as Wumpus There4eyeM does) “good and evil” are on the same page in politics, so therefore the only solution is to retreat from both by voting for neither good nor evil. That sentiment in swing states specifically is what complicates matters for “the everyone else” who want and beef this “good vs evil” bullshit to end.

The law abiding (those who are not removed from civil society or restricted by due process of law) voters are neither good nor evil and should not be viewed either way toward the other side.

That proper approach is not available by boycotting the falsity of duopoly.

Taylor Swift’s embrace if “everyone else” as a professed Christian from the Bible Belt in Tennessee is a very positive start to this hugely pivotal election season in the melting pot of western liberal democracy. And the Saints are disturbed more so than ever by her upsetting their blessed culture war apple-carts.

#nfbw 240131 Vpmaez00595 to Wiywwt00023
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Check out what Alex Jones is saying

He's said a lot of things. He performs a several hour long radio talk show, fer crisakes.

Do you have anything in particular that he said that triggers your fragile damaged dysfunctional mind?

Alex Jones says that Hezbollah in Lebanon is controlled by the IRGC.

Do you agree with Alex? Why nor why not?
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I'm not your intern or your economics professor.

Have you not read up on why progressive tax is superior?
so you admit you have no idea of what you're discussing. If you don't understand the philosophy of it, you should stop talking about it.

Why did Jesus say we had to not only believe but be baptized?​

1miseryindex Sedjsw00001: Sin is egregious (libs say something else but they can go back to Politics and be libs all they want...) nmsryndx 240122 Swdjsw00001

B M E D T Suspected​

Muhammed Jan’11 Sbmedt00200: Anyone who denies the inherent differences in races is simply in denial of reality. Negros are less intelligent. So fucking what! They also have a better jump shot. So fucking what? mvhvmmvd 110107 Sbmedt00200

MAGA Evangelical Christians light the torches for white supremacy atheists because without each other there is no Republican Party.

#nfbw 240131 Vpmaez00598
to Sbmedt00200
to Sedjsw00001
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Mohn claimed he was president in the 14-minute video and said many saw him as the messiah, and he blamed President Joe Biden and the federal government for "far-left woke mobs," immigrants and "globalists and communists" intent on destroying the United States.​

Why not claim to be President.

Trump says he is .

Taylor Swift is driving voter registration, and conservatives are terrified 240131​

hadit Jan’24 Stsidv00104: And when she jumps into politics, she becomes fair game for political criticism. You guys didn't give a flying rat's patoot about TRUMP! until he became the force that sent Hillary into retirement. Then, all of a sudden, you can't get him out of your minds. hvdvt 240131 Stsidv00104

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240131​

Taylor Swift is not running for political office.

What political criticism or personal attack are you Saint Hadit going to throw at Taylor Swift for being opposed to Republican white evangelical Christian MAGA politicians who want the government to force full term gestation on women in an unwanted or catastrophic pregnancy.

The most explicit statement of faith from Taylor comes from her Netflix documentary Miss Americana. We see her in a 2018 clip, arguing with her team about making a political statement in favour of a Democratic candidate in an upcoming election.​
This discussion has been sparked by election adverts for US Senator Marsha Blackburn, who has voted against legislation protecting women from domestic violence, and believes that businesses should have the right to refuse gay couples. Taylor says in the clip: “I can’t see another commercial and see Marsha Blackburn disguising these policies behind the words ‘Tennessee Christian values’…I live in Tennessee. I’m a Christian. That’s not what we stand for.”​

So Saint Hadit now that you mention it, let’s hear your attack on Taylor Swift’s Bible Belt Tennessee Christian values in contrast to your defense of your $83 million dollar pussy grabber’s moral values.

nfbw 240131 Vpmaez00600 to Stsidv00104
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