Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

Abortion ban states see steep drop in OB/GYN residency applicants 230422​

excalibur Apr’23 Sabsss: So? •¥• You demons who worship abortion are sick. Get right with The Lord before you die.
xclbr 230422 Sabsss00002

Joe Biden’s Presidency: a legacy of weakness and failure 240122​

excalibur Jan’24 Sjbpal: America was warned. Plus, they stole the election for the guy. xclbr 240122 Sibpal00004

US Economy grows, GDP at 3.3 percent 240125​

rightwinger Jan’24 Vusegg: Great news as US Economy remains strong and 4th Qtr 2023 GDP grows at 3.3 percent •¥•
The US economy remained shockingly robust in the fourth quarter to close out a remarkably strong 2023 as consumers and businesses continued to spend.•¥¥• Gross domestic product, a measure of all the services and goods and produced, rose at a seasonally adjusted, annualized 3.3% rate from October through December, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.
rghtwngr 240125 Vusegg00001

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240201​

Not sure who “they” are Saint excalibur in POST Sibpal00004 but you should be thanking whomever “they” are who stole the election for Biden while leaving no trail to catch them.

It’s a damn good economy right now, so good Trump wants to crash it before November. Do you know how many Americans in the mid to lower income brackets that will devastate?

Great Christian that Trump!

White Christian nationalists like Saint Excalibur must be disappointed that Republican WCN’lists prayers to Almighty Jesus Christ, to crash the economy, are going unanswered. What a pity, fckin’ even God his darn self has gone woke and deep State for Joe.

nfbw 240201 Vpmaez00622 to Sibpal00004
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Ah, a Crazy Ron Paul Follower, eh? I didn't realize that I was dealing with a Libertarian Child with a child-like view of the world.

The most childish perspective is a combination of progressive and statist.

Both childishly demand that the government parent every aspect of their lives.

For the record though, I'm less libertarian than paleo-conservative. I prefer very little government on the fiscal side while instilling tradition on the social side. Western culture has become both suicidal and depraved due to the excesses of progressives.

The reason why Reagan wasn't able to cut government was there was really nothing to cut. So he slashed taxes on rich people, grew the military, and wondered why he had tripled the national debt in 12 years despite walking back some of the dumber laws.

Nothing to cut... Seriously? After the New Deal and the War on Poverty, we had a massive entitlement state. We also had a massive military industrial complex.

No, that's a problem, it's why we need to start treating campaign donations like bribery.

I can agree with elements of that.

Wealth inequality is a huge problem, and not because everyone is good at business, but because when you don't have worker and consumer protections, along with progressive taxation, the wealth accumulates at the top. This is never good because, eventually, people at the bottom get sick of it. Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, etc.

Generally speaking, working class people don't feel the need to revolt regardless of wealth inequality, as long as they each have the ability to rise in quality of life through hard work. Back when housing cost a relatively low amount of income, people had more ability to rise economically, and the fact that the elite were also rising made very little difference.

Why people are angry now is actually more about how expensive things like housing have become while wages have not kept up with inflation. Again, cutting spending will keep inflation under control.

I've been working since I was 16, and I got educational opportunities my dad never had. I still don't enjoy the economic life he enjoyed just being part of a trade union. So don't give me THIS bullshit.

The reason for your plight is tied to many things, but inflation is the biggest factor. The biggest driver of inflation is government debt.

Big businesses had the resources to send people to work from home, test employees, put cleaning crews on standby, etc. The company I worked for during the lockdown sent us home from April to June and had several sanitation operations running every time an employee tested positive.

As for small businesses, 50% of those fail even in a good economy.

I think big business needs to be kept on a shorter leash.

You're greatly underestimating the effects of the lockdowns on small business, but nevertheless, how exactly would you go about keeping big business on a shorter leash as the small business sector continues to shrink?

Given our current trajectory, it looks like the vast majority of the population will only be working for big business or government in the near future. That will only make big business more powerful in directing policy.

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

Lone Wanderer Jan’24 Spmaez: It is not in our economic self-interest to tax the rich more anymore than it is in our interest to tax more in general. lnwndrr 240129 Spmaez00547

The use of the word “our” by Saint Lonewanderer in POST Spmaez00547 is referring to “beneficiaries” of the trickle down economics scheme known as Reaganomics. The way to visualize TrickleDown is to picture the few at the top pissing on the many at the bottom with that great big Hollywood Reagan smile telling them that it is Kool-aid with extra sugar. Keep that picture in mind for the rest of the program. And don’t get run over by that Welfare Queen and her nineteen little black kids in a pink Cadillac if you go into the city.

Lone Wanderer Jan’24 Spmaez00586: So, if your criticism of the GOP is that its supporters are fools due to the wealthy manipulating the party, well... the same would apply to Democratic supporters. lnwndrr 240130 Spmaez00586

Hence we have a dose of whataboutism to take from Saint Lonewanderer in POST Spmaez00586. Oh well, It’s a time killer and subject changing tool most frequently used when selling TrickleDown.

See POST Vpmaez00589 reply to Spmaez00586 currently being ignored.

Lone Wanderer said: The most childish perspective is a combination of progressive and statist. •¥• Both childishly demand that the government parent every aspect of their lives. •¥¥• 240202 #623

Liberal SLATE columnist admits UNBORN ARE PEOPLE​

owebo Jul’16 Slscau: OK, so now that liberal pro-deathers think this, now what?

•¥• Slate Columnist Admits Unborn Are People, But… - Affluent Investor

Pro-abortion ideology does funny things to people’s heads–even smart people like Will Saletan of Slate (who I’m pretty sure is the smartest liberal commentator around). •¥¥•
Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:

“I can’t get past the feeling that pregnancy is one person growing inside another and that every part of that conundrum—one person, growing, another person—has to be taken into account. And I’m a sucker for context. So I cling to the mushy, unprincipled belief that… while there ought to be fewer abortion decisions—and there would be, if pro-lifers would magically redirect their energy from abortion bans to birth control—when those decisions arise, they’re best made by the people directly involved.” •¥¥¥• Svwvbv 160712 Slscau00001
JoeB131 Jul’16 Vlscau: “Naw, there's no complexity at all here.” jvvbnnn 160712 Vlscau00003

1) It's her body, it's her decision.​
2) The One Percenters have been been playing people like you for fools for 40 years on this issue.
3) If there is one way for the GOP to commit political suicide, it would be to declare 50 million women defacto murderers. jvvbnnn 160712 Vlscau00003

SmokeALib Jul’16 Slscau: I'm not saying arrest them. They will pay for their sins when their time on this earth is over. smklb 160712 Slscau00009

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

When the complexity of economics and its history is ignored there are only two types of voters who are left standing. Those who consider themselves Saints and those who do not.

The morality voters as much ad they be sanctimoniously associated with Saint Lonewanderer, have lost their political schtick and well/being with the passage of DOBBS. Overturning RvW was the shotgun in the mouth pulling of the trigger that Ordinary American Voter JoeB131 I believe may have had in mind when he wrote:

1) It's her body, it's her decision.​
3) If there is one way for the GOP to commit political suicide, it would be to declare 50 million women defacto murderers. jvvbnnn 160712 Vlscau00003

Basicslly “defacto witches”

The Saintly Party is stuck with the one third of its most reliable voters being against their own working class self interest. They're the white Christian evangelicals both Protestant and Catholic nationalists who argue on behalf of Baby Fetus, on behalf of their Jesus and on behalf of their supernatural and irrational Biblical world view, that it is not her body, it's not her decision, rather it is a church and state government decision dating back to the burning of witches in times medieval.

nfbw 240203 Vpmaez00625 to Spmaez00547
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Over and over I read Trump's defenders, in effect, justify their continued support.......​

Lone Wanderer Soaoir: “I hate our government, or at least what it has become. “lnwndrr 240202 Soaoir00216

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

So did Reagan, Saint Lonewanderer. It has a lot to do with the male Dixiecrats of white European descent beginning to realize their gender color and relationship with Jesus Christ in a Business Suit was eroding. The white Christian male in 1973, with the public emasculation of Spiro Agnew and then Richard Nixon by women feminist lawyers like Hillary Rodham Clinton, began to lose the privileges they held in the government that (white Protestant men and God) created together. Some of you have never adjusted to progress overcoming certain privilege.

In 2016, Washington Post librarian Alice Crites unearthed Judiciary Committee records that show Clinton was paid $3,377.77 from July 1, 1974, to Sept. 4, 1974, which indicates she was active throughout the investigation​

nfbw 240203 Vpmaez00627 to lnwndrr 240202 Soaoir00216
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Majority of Americans worse off under Biden.​

Lisa558 said: The average, working-class American is still struggling with inflated prices. lvsvnnn 240202 Smoaeo00008

citygator 240202 Vmoawo00016: Economy is rolling. Live updates: Another shockingly good jobs report shows America's economy is booming

citygator 240202 Vmoawo00016: Biden is polling great. 2024 Matchups: Biden Opens Up Lead Over Trump In Head-To-Head, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Haley Leads Biden 1 On 1, But Trails When Third Party Candidates Are Added | Quinnipiac University Poll

citygator 240202 Vmoawo00016: Consumer confidence multi year high. White House touts highest consumer confidence in more than 2 years

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals​

If you are one of those churched white Christian nationalists Saint Lisa558 when you go there do you pray to Jesus for high inflation, high unemployment, deep recession to hit by July this year.

If you do then it looks like Jesus is letting you down. Did you ever stop to think that Jesus is none to fond of Pussy Grabber Trump so the good Lord Jesus is gonnna use HIS supernatural powers to give Biden the best second and third quarter going into November. Nikki will be toast too.

nfbw 240203 Vpmaez00628
to Smoaeo00008
No specifics yet. I'll wait.
You're right, no specifics from you. It's not the world's job to do any work to "disprove" the unevidenced claims of every nutsack on the internet. Not how the world works.

On the other hand, every first world country uses progressive tax. That's strong circumstantial evidence to start with. What do you have? Ignorant buttholes on zero hedge that write blogs that you don't even read? 🙄
You're right, no specifics from you. It's not the world's job to do any work to "disprove" the unevidenced claims of every nutsack on the internet. Not how the world works.
Alright, I'll bite. Progressive taxation just pushes the wealthy to put more wealth into less taxed endeavors, like capital gains. If you then tax capital gains more, then the wealthy just start offshoring money. There's your start.
Progressive taxation just pushes the wealthy to put more wealth into less taxed endeavors, like capital gains.
Not when those are properly taxed. And that's fine, because a degree of reinvestment is good for the economy.

So to that, the world says: so what? That's very basic stuff everyone already knows.
Not when those are properly taxed. And that's fine, because a degree of reinvestment is good for the economy.

So to that, the world says: so what? That's very basic stuff everyone already knows.
The point is that taxing wealth more at a time when America has become a less attractive country to invest in than before is extremely foolish. The dollar has been steadily losing primacy, and there are numerous other countries that are either already a better market to invest in or are becoming that way.

To compete in a global market, you have to wield tax policy in a way that attracts both domestic and foreign investment.
The point is that taxing wealth more at a time when America has become a less attractive country to invest in than before is extremely foolish.
Also total nonsense. America remains the most secure investment on the planet. We are passing laws to STOP foreigners from buying up too much of America.
Also total nonsense. America remains the most secure investment on the planet. We are passing laws to STOP foreigners from buying up too much of America.
The laws we've passed are primarily with regard to China. We aren't trying to block most other foreigners.

The most attractive places to invest are countries like Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea and much of the EU. America has become a lot less attractive through a combination of the currency issues I mentioned and because of our regulatory environment.
Progressive taxation just pushes the wealthy to put more wealth into less taxed endeavors, like capital gains.
That is why white Christian nationalists/evangelicals need to quit voting in Republicans who write tax laws that benefit wealthy Republicans who do not give a fuck about the working and impoverished classes .

It’s as if people who consume things need to be happy the rich provide them with material things and the jobs that make it possible and STFU about trivial things such as concentration of wealth at the very top.
That is why white Christian nationalists/evangelicals need to quit voting in Republicans who write tax laws that benefit wealthy Republicans who do not give a fuck about the working and impoverished classes .

It’s as if people who consume things need to be happy the rich provide them with material things and the jobs that make it possible and STFU about trivial things such as concentration of wealth at the very top.
If you think the Democrats care about the working class, you're quite mistaken.

I agree with your last statement though.

Wealth inequality doesn't matter. Economic mobility does.

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240205​

DBA Jan’24 Spmaez00481: It really all boils down to whether or not a fetus is a person, who would also be protected under the Constitution. dbvxyz 240127 Spmaez00481

Lone Wanderer Feb’24 Spmae: If you think the Democrats care about the working class, you're quite mistaken. •¥• lnwndrr 240204 Spmaez00638

The question for Saint Lonewanderer.

(a) Do you agree that most voting eligible Americans work for another person or for a company to get ahead or just to get by in life for an hourly wage and therefore appreciate economic stability?

(b) Do you agree that most women between 18 and 40 years of age on the American workforce payroll have the potential to have one of their millions of eggs intentionally or unintentionally fertilized once every twelve months?

(c) Assuming you agree Saint Lonewanderer that (a) and (b) are true; can you name a period in presidential elections history from 1973 and after where the entire wage earning workforce could unite under either of two candidates for president where neither one had a political interest whatsoever in what a pregnant woman does with her unintended fertilized egg?

Has there been a presidential election where niether party had an interest in saving baby fetus from being killed by its potential birth mother?

Nikki Haley; "So what should we do? I think we find consensus. Can't we agree to ban late-term abortions?"​
Nikki Haley: "And can't we agree that no state law should say to a woman that if she has an abortion, she's going to jail or get the death penalty." Nikki Haley generously offers not to execute women who have abortions
nfbw 240205 Vpmaez00639 to Spmae00638
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Did Biden say he talked to Cici in Mexico... 240208
Rambunctious said: The dems are going to get us all killed.... WTF?.... who is running my country and why are they running my country without winning an election?.... rmbncts 240208 Sdbsht00009

Trump did not win the 2020 election. Biden won the 2020. That caused a cognitive malfunction leading Trump to think he won without evidence of fraud that could hold up in court,

No Escape for Biden on the Cognitive Issue 240209
NotfooledbyW Feb’24 Vnefbo inserted a link: •¥• DocumentCloud excerpts: •¥¥• Evidence supports the inference that when Mr. Biden said in 2017 that he had "just found all the classified stuff downstairs" in Virginia, he was referring to the same marked classified documents about Afghanistan that FBI agents found in 2022 in his Delaware garage. •¥¥¥• Nevertheless, we do not believe this evidence is sufficient, as jurors would likely find reasonable doubt for one or more of several reasons.Both when he served as vice president and when the Afghanistan documents were found in Mr. Biden's Delaware garage in 2022, his possession of them in his Delaware home was not a basis for prosecution because as vice president and president, he had authority to keep classified documents in his home. The best case for charges would rely on Mr. Biden's possession of the Afghanistan documents in his Virginia home in February 2017. when he was a private citizen and when he told his ghostwriter he had just found classified materiaL •¥¥¥¥• Several defenses are likely to create reasonable doubt as to such charges. For example, Mr. Biden could have found the classified Afghanistan documents at his Virginia home in 2017 and then forgotten about them soon after. This could convince some reasonable jurors that he did not retain them willfully. •¥¥¥¥¥• end excerpts

There is insufficient evidence to indict Biden. There is sufficient evidence to indict Trump.

No Escape for Biden on the Cognitive Issue 240209
TheParser Feb’24 said: Intellectually honest Democrats are maintaining a dignified silence. •¥• They admit (in private) that he lacks the mental acuity to run the most important nation in the world. •¥¥• The Democratic talking heads on TV who are assuring us that that he is as sharp as a tack should be ashamed of themselves. •¥¥¥• •¥¥¥• thvprsr 240209 Snefbo00063

Trump tonight Friday Night in a Harrisburg Pa Rally told his cult it was Saturday Afternoon.

Trump also appeared to mistake what day it was, saying, "If I wasn't here, I'd be having a nice Saturday afternoon." He said that, of course, on a Friday. This one was also picked up by Biden-Harris HQ

Will you demand he step aside for not knowing what day it is with a few other gaffes.
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