Politifact.org.. proving they are so biased so don't ever believe them...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
This is a letter I sent to Politifact.org when the called a comment by Rubio a "pants on fire".
See how THEY have proven their bias because THEY used very thorough digging to come to the "pants on Fire"... BUT just wait for ever to see them give this a "Pants on Fire"..


Ms. Bowers, (wrote the article).

YOU have been so helpful in proving a POINT by calling out Rubio on the "pants on fire" claim when you wrote:
"Just 5 percent to 9 percent."
And that's in line with other evidence. Most companies have 10 employees or fewer — far from the 50-employee threshold. Meanwhile, of companies with 25 to 49 people, 87 percent already offer benefits, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation's annual employer survey. We rate this claim Pants on Fire"
And of course when you dig deeper as you did I congratulate on doing to show that the numbers were BIASED! No question!

So what about using the SAME logic, the SAME close scrutiny the same digging that you did SO well in calling Rubio's statement a "Pants on Fire" when you found "Just 5 percent to 9 percent" on this statement and I'm providing you the substantiation JUST as you did to show that this hyperbole, hysterical, unsubstantiated which was the MAIN reason Obamacare was passed by JUST 6 yes votes.

1) Why were 18 million people under age 34, making over $50,000 a year who pay an average of less then $1,000 per year for health services out of their own pocket refusing their employers' health care. WHY are they counted as part of the "46 million Uninsured"?
So you were very adroit in honing down the exaggeration of Rubio etc.... Why did this group be counted as UNINSURED when they didn't want, didn't need and NOW are being FORCED... WHY were they included???

2) 14 million people were included in the uninsured and they are no question! But they need ONLY register with Medicaid!
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid
and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules
Source: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

So why were these 14 million FALSELY counted as part of the 46 million when all they need do is register! NOTHING else!
No major changes in current law especially NO MASSIVE destruction of 1/6th the economy!

So when you subtract 18 million that don't want and need and 14 million that need ONLY register that leaves 14 million!

3) 10 million are NOT CITIZENS yet Obama et.al count them as "uninsured"!
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

That leaves truly 4 million that truly WANT! Truly NEED! Health insurance!
There WAS NEVER any need to pass Obamacare but the false number that if YOU ARE using the same logic that you did
with Rubio's statement i.e. you dug deeper into the numbers and came up with 7 to 9%... DO the same with the false statement made by Obama and used to pass this totally false, and destructive program by just 6 votes!
Do you think if at least 6 "YES" voters that passed really knew there were less the 4 million that wanted and needed that ACA would pass?

Finally using YOUR numbers by the way you are showing how totally screwed up this phony 46 million number is!
Your Politifact wrote:

"Employers provide most of the insurance in this country. About 60 percent of everyone under 65 is covered through either a large-group or small-group plan, according to the Employee Benefits Research Institute, an independent think tank. Statistically, if Julie has insurance today, it’s most likely in one of those markets and the ad should not assume that her rates will rise.
About 22 percent of people under 65 are with a government program, either Medicaid or a children’s program, S-CHIP. The individual market represents the smallest slice of people with insurance, about 7 percent."

"About 60 percent of everyone under 65 is covered....a large-group or small-group
About 22 percent of people under 65 are with a government program,
about 7 percent....individual market...."
PolitiFact | AFP ad says premiums will rise under Obamacare

Now that adds up to if my simple arithmetic is correct, 89% of ALL AMERICANS...Right?

Medicare states in the below on Page 8..
"In 2011, Medicare covered 40.4 million aged 65 and older," which is 12.7% of current
known USA population below.

When you multiple 89% (YOUR % of people covered without Medicare...) times 316,295,540 people
You get 281,503,030 people covered under everything ......
BUT Medicare and Tricare.

source:Population Clock

Now Politifact.org et.al. seem to forget the military and their families in their numbers!
"And pending upon their status, active duty members, retired members, members of the Guard/Reserves, family members, and certain veterans receive free or government subsidized medical and dental care. For the most part, this care falls under an overall program known as "Tricare." While the Tricare system may appear to be complicated at first glance, it's really not all that hard to understand.
8,300,000 covered by Tricare which is the Department of Defenses health insurance for military personal and their families. TriCare Information - Military Health Care

Adding the above 89% you stated with the Medicare/Tricare, you get 332,469,830!

Now I know Politifact has NEVER admitted this statement by Obama and used to pass by JUST 6 votes Obamacare was wrong,
but when Obama said: "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
46 Million Uninsured: A Look Behind The Number : NPR
There have never been 46 million people that WANT or are legal or KNOW they have coverage! There have been less then 5 million!

Whenever I see the terms "facts" or "truth" used in a political context, I always, always know what to expect:

Whenever you see a POGO post you know the stupidity is going to hurt.

Uh, it's a real thread. I actually linked it. I don't even have the imagination to make shit like that up.
Does anyone think it would be unreasonable to limit posters to say, 20 threads maximum on the same topic?

Does anyone think it would be unreasonable to limit posters to say, 20 threads maximum on the same topic?


So it is OK for Politifact.org OWNED by a NON-Profit St. Pete Times known as the Pravda west to attack using their position of supposedly ..."Sorting out the truth in politics"!

So why was it OK for them, sycophants for Obama to tear into the study cited by Rubio BUT they have YET to dispute the FACTS there have NEVER BEEN 46 million people that WANTED health insurance but couldn't GET IT!
That the facts there are less then 5 million that want and need insurance NOT 46 million!
Yet Politifact and other totally ignorant BIASED idiots used that number to get Obamacare passed by just 6 votes!

People like me very simple people simply ask WHY if Obamacare managing 1/6th of the economy CAN'T even
get the number of who really wants and needs insurance HOW in the hell can they manage health care?

That is such a simple number to arrive at and YET total destruction of 1/6th the economy!
Does anyone think it would be unreasonable to limit posters to say, 20 threads maximum on the same topic?


So it is OK for Politifact.org OWNED by a NON-Profit St. Pete Times known as the Pravda west to attack using their position of supposedly ..."Sorting out the truth in politics"!

So why was it OK for them, sycophants for Obama to tear into the study cited by Rubio BUT they have YET to dispute the FACTS there have NEVER BEEN 46 million people that WANTED health insurance but couldn't GET IT!
That the facts there are less then 5 million that want and need insurance NOT 46 million!
Yet Politifact and other totally ignorant BIASED idiots used that number to get Obamacare passed by just 6 votes!

People like me very simple people simply ask WHY if Obamacare managing 1/6th of the economy CAN'T even
get the number of who really wants and needs insurance HOW in the hell can they manage health care?

That is such a simple number to arrive at and YET total destruction of 1/6th the economy!

There were 46 million uninsured when the president said there were 46 million uninsured. Write the Census Bureau if you want to add them to the long list of people who now know you are demented.
Whenever you see a POGO post you know the stupidity is going to hurt.

Pogo and JoeB131 still tout that Hitler was pro-gun, and ignore the fact that his laws specifically targeted Jews for disarmament.

In other words, they advocate disarming those whom they despise.
Does anyone think it would be unreasonable to limit posters to say, 20 threads maximum on the same topic?


You have Novasteve in mind, right? :eusa_shhh:

I have in mind the people who keep starting threads claiming that saying that 46 million uninsured was a bad number,

when in 2010 the Census Bureau said the number was 49 million.

18 million don't WANT health insurance so that is a bogus statement "49 million" CRAP
14 million all they need to do is register with Medicaid! COVERED!!!
10 million are not citizens!

SO again... that leaves 4 million that TRULY want and NEED insurance NOT 49 million 46 million !
Why is that concept so hard to comprehend that there NEVER WERE 49 million that WANTED and or WERE LEGAL or were aware!
That's the point!
Can anyone tell me when you subtract 18 million that DON"T WANT insurance!
14 million that don't know they are covered but only need to register!
10 million not citizens!

That leaves 4 million that WANT, and NEED but not 49 or 46 million!

Please why is this so hard to understand???
Whenever you see a POGO post you know the stupidity is going to hurt.

Pogo and JoeB131 still tout that Hitler was pro-gun, and ignore the fact that his laws specifically targeted Jews for disarmament.

In other words, they advocate disarming those whom they despise.

Oh, you need a neg huh?

Post anywhere I've said that, and get out of neg free. Otherwise, assume the position.
Last edited:
Does anyone think it would be unreasonable to limit posters to say, 20 threads maximum on the same topic?


So it is OK for Politifact.org OWNED by a NON-Profit St. Pete Times known as the Pravda west to attack using their position of supposedly ..."Sorting out the truth in politics"!

So why was it OK for them, sycophants for Obama to tear into the study cited by Rubio BUT they have YET to dispute the FACTS there have NEVER BEEN 46 million people that WANTED health insurance but couldn't GET IT!
That the facts there are less then 5 million that want and need insurance NOT 46 million!
Yet Politifact and other totally ignorant BIASED idiots used that number to get Obamacare passed by just 6 votes!

People like me very simple people simply ask WHY if Obamacare managing 1/6th of the economy CAN'T even
get the number of who really wants and needs insurance HOW in the hell can they manage health care?

That is such a simple number to arrive at and YET total destruction of 1/6th the economy!

There were 46 million uninsured when the president said there were 46 million uninsured. Write the Census Bureau if you want to add them to the long list of people who now know you are demented.

Why did Obama count 18 million people THAT DON"T WANT InSURANCE??? WHY are they forced to buy something they don't need or want?
Then If this idiotic administration WANTS to give health insurance for everyone... WHY are they not enrolling the 14 million that are
eligible don't have to pay anything just register with Medicaid?? Already covered? That though is counted as part of the 46 million!
Finally the CENSUS says 10 million are NOT CITIZENS!!!

So please again... tell me when you subtract 18 million that don't want, 14 million already covered by Medicaid. and 10 million NOT eligible
that leaves 4 million!!!

Are you that so far up Obama's rear you can't even do simple math???
So it is OK for Politifact.org OWNED by a NON-Profit St. Pete Times known as the Pravda west to attack using their position of supposedly ..."Sorting out the truth in politics"!

So why was it OK for them, sycophants for Obama to tear into the study cited by Rubio BUT they have YET to dispute the FACTS there have NEVER BEEN 46 million people that WANTED health insurance but couldn't GET IT!
That the facts there are less then 5 million that want and need insurance NOT 46 million!
Yet Politifact and other totally ignorant BIASED idiots used that number to get Obamacare passed by just 6 votes!

People like me very simple people simply ask WHY if Obamacare managing 1/6th of the economy CAN'T even
get the number of who really wants and needs insurance HOW in the hell can they manage health care?

That is such a simple number to arrive at and YET total destruction of 1/6th the economy!

There were 46 million uninsured when the president said there were 46 million uninsured. Write the Census Bureau if you want to add them to the long list of people who now know you are demented.

Why did Obama count 18 million people THAT DON"T WANT InSURANCE??? WHY are they forced to buy something they don't need or want?
Then If this idiotic administration WANTS to give health insurance for everyone... WHY are they not enrolling the 14 million that are
eligible don't have to pay anything just register with Medicaid?? Already covered? That though is counted as part of the 46 million!
Finally the CENSUS says 10 million are NOT CITIZENS!!!

So please again... tell me when you subtract 18 million that don't want, 14 million already covered by Medicaid. and 10 million NOT eligible
that leaves 4 million!!!

Are you that so far up Obama's rear you can't even do simple math???

46 million uninsured is a fact. You can start your rehabilitation from lunacy by admitting that.
There were 46 million uninsured when the president said there were 46 million uninsured. Write the Census Bureau if you want to add them to the long list of people who now know you are demented.

Why did Obama count 18 million people THAT DON"T WANT InSURANCE??? WHY are they forced to buy something they don't need or want?
Then If this idiotic administration WANTS to give health insurance for everyone... WHY are they not enrolling the 14 million that are
eligible don't have to pay anything just register with Medicaid?? Already covered? That though is counted as part of the 46 million!
Finally the CENSUS says 10 million are NOT CITIZENS!!!

So please again... tell me when you subtract 18 million that don't want, 14 million already covered by Medicaid. and 10 million NOT eligible
that leaves 4 million!!!

Are you that so far up Obama's rear you can't even do simple math???

46 million uninsured is a fact. You can start your rehabilitation from lunacy by admitting that.

So when 18 million people SAY THAT don't want insurance THAT is not a FACT?
When 14 million people have ONLY to go register with Medicaid THAT is not a FACT?
And 10 million are NOT citizens... why are they counted?

AGAIN there is NO 46 million people that want and need health insurancE!
Whenever you see a POGO post you know the stupidity is going to hurt.

Pogo and JoeB131 still tout that Hitler was pro-gun, and ignore the fact that his laws specifically targeted Jews for disarmament.

In other words, they advocate disarming those whom they despise.

Oh, you need a neg huh?

Post anywhere I've said that, and get out of neg free. Otherwise, assume the position.

Helooooo? Anything yet liar?


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