Poll: Are you finally over Trump?

Is it finally time for the GOP to move beyond Trump?

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Just admit you can't refute the numbers.

Let's try again.
Police officers shot by suspects (Because Guns are too damned easy to get.) - 60 a year.
Suspects shot by cops because they are crapping themselves over who might have a gun. 1000 a year.

Same reason the Republicans haven't. People are happy with the status quo. They want Mexicans to clean their toilets, but they don't want them dating their daughters.
How old were you were became a boring, repetitious, self-hating piece of demented shit?
I hate him for a lot of other reasons than that... like the 1 million people he killed or the stain he put on America's honor.

Well, I guess some of you are still drinking the Koolaid.

Oh, I don't think I'll be waiting that long at all. Indictments are coming, buddy. Why do you think he was in such a panic to announce his candidacy now?

Who killed a million people? It seems to me it was the Chinese.
Lying is a way of life for you, isn't it?

Felonious killings were the top cause of death for law enforcement officers on duty, reaching a 25-year high in 2021, with 73 deaths.

I specified "shot", you specified "felonious deaths". Felonious deaths can include car accidents.

According to the database, 6,600 have been killed since 2015, including 6,303 men and 294 women. Among those killed, 3,878 were armed with a gun, 1,119 were armed with a knife, 218 were armed with a vehicle, 244 had a toy weapon, and 421 were unarmed.

"Armed with a vehicle"? Look out, Mike, he's got a vehicle!!!

I notice you put the 421 UNARMED people in tiny font. I wonder why. How many of those 421 shooting of unarmed people was the cop thrown in jail?

Trump screwed nothing up in 2020.

You honestly think we are in better shape than 2020? You really should lay off the drugs!

Well, let's see.

We don't have 4000 people dying a day like we did in 2020.
We don't have tens of millions of unemployed.
No riots in the streets.
I can go to any store I want to and get service , without long lines and empty shelves.

So, yeah, we are FAR better shape than we were in 2020.

Democrats want illegals to become citizens so they can vote for them!

Works for me!

rump had NOTHING to do with the census. You are an idiot if you believe that.

Trump spent months trying to add the "citizenship question" to the Census, which discouraged non-citizens from reporting. Not to mention the halfass way it was carried out that undercounted minorities. But that wasn't a bug, it was a design feature.
Who does the redistricting dumbass?

The 4 seats the Republicans picked up for the House in NY were due to NY's state legislature redistricting, which was done by all Dems?

You mean after the REpublicans challenged it in court?

Who killed a million people? It seems to me it was the Chinese.

Did the Chinese make him disband the Pandemic Response team, or lie to us about how serious it was, or undermine efforts by the states to contain it, or hold super-spreader events? Nope. That was all Trump.
I voted for Mr. Trump in 2016 because the previous eight years had too many riots that were viewed sympathetically by that Administration and because I felt that Secretary Clinton should not have used the word "deplorables" and not have talked about "white privilege" (something that I feel she personally enjoys).

I feel today that because of Mr. Trump's abrasive personality, it would be easier for the Republicans to win if they nominate a more mainstream candidate, such as Ambassador Nikki Haley or Senator Tim Scott or Secretary Mike Pompeo.
Okay, let's kind of get a feel where everyone is at. I put in a third choice for people who realized Trump was a terrible idea all along, but I want to see how many people still think he's helping your cause after Tuesday's Red Wave turned into a Pink Mist.
When are you stupid uneducated inbred Moon Bats finally going to admit that the Democrats stole the 2020 election from the American people and admit that Potatohead has been a disaster for the US? Huh, when? Are you ever going to pull your Moon Bat head out of your filthy Libtard ass?
When are you stupid uneducated inbred Moon Bats finally going to admit that the Democrats stole the 2020 election from the American people and admit that Potatohead has been a disaster for the US? Huh, when? Are you ever going to pull your Moon Bat head out of your filthy Libtard ass?

Nope. Trump lost by 8 million votes because he fucked up everything he touched.

Republicans are starting to turn on him now. Can't wait until you split the GOP vote and hand the 2024 election to us.
Nope. Trump lost by 8 million votes because he fucked up everything he touched.

Republicans are starting to turn on him now. Can't wait until you split the GOP vote and hand the 2024 election to us.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump didn't lose by jackshit. The goddamn Democrat filth stole the election with the scam of using the pandemic to cover the fraud of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by scumbag Democrats. The voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

You assholes knew that the election was stolen just as much as us Americans but you claim denial because of your TDS mental illness.

By the way, the pandemic that allowed the Democrat filth the opportunity to steal the election was caused by the Chinese. The same mutherfuckers that made the Biden family filthy rich. What does that tell you? Could it possible be telling you idiots that now the Chinese have their man in the White House? From the disaster we have seen out of the Potatohead administration that is exactly what the Chinese planned to do.
Police officers shot by suspects (Because Guns are too damned easy to get.) - 60 a year.
Suspects shot by cops because they are crapping themselves over who might have a gun. 1000 a year.
Hell yea
Same reason the Republicans haven't. People are happy with the status quo. They want Mexicans to clean their toilets, but they don't want them dating their daughters.
Oh hell no
Trump didn't lose by jackshit. The goddamn Democrat filth stole the election with the scam of using the pandemic to cover the fraud of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by scumbag Democrats. The voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

He lost by 8 million votes. Trump's only hope was that he could win the Electoral College, an institution that should have gone away decades ago.

Mail in ballots mean more people get to vote. This is a good thing. I wish we had 100% participation in elections rather than the 66% we had.

By the way, the pandemic that allowed the Democrat filth the opportunity to steal the election was caused by the Chinese. The same mutherfuckers that made the Biden family filthy rich. What does that tell you? Could it possible be telling you idiots that now the Chinese have their man in the White House? From the disaster we have seen out of the Potatohead administration that is exactly what the Chinese planned to do.

Yup, those sneaky, sneaky Chinese!

Yes it is going somewhere - back under the rock it crawled out from under. What part of Americans rejected Trump and all of his lying candidates, are YOU not getting?

Americans don't want an authoritarian dictator. And they don't want your right wing fascist party of fear and hate. Stop lying to the American people and come up with some plans and programs that people will vote FOR.

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