Poll: Are you finally over Trump?

Is it finally time for the GOP to move beyond Trump?

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Trump is the kind of guy who could talk himself into a guilty plea.
They're not going to put a POTUS in prison. The Secret Service logistics alone would make it impossible, and the irrational hate-filled liberals would put a bounty on his head. The most you will ever see is a fine and restrictions on political activity, or at the very extreme, house arrest in opulence. You'll never see him in an orange jumpsuit, for example, no matter how much you stomp your feet and hold your breath.
They're not going to put a POTUS in prison. The Secret Service logistics alone would make it impossible, and the irrational hate-filled liberals would put a bounty on his head. The most you will ever see is a fine and restrictions on political activity, or at the very extreme, house arrest in opulence. You'll never see him in an orange jumpsuit, for example, no matter how much you stomp your feet and hold your breath.

Two words... Club Fed.
I specified "shot", you specified "felonious deaths". Felonious deaths can include car accidents.

"Armed with a vehicle"? Look out, Mike, he's got a vehicle!!!

I notice you put the 421 UNARMED people in tiny font. I wonder why. How many of those 421 shooting of unarmed people was the cop thrown in jail?

Well, let's see.

We don't have 4000 people dying a day like we did in 2020.
We don't have tens of millions of unemployed.
No riots in the streets.
I can go to any store I want to and get service , without long lines and empty shelves.

So, yeah, we are FAR better shape than we were in 2020.

Works for me!

Trump spent months trying to add the "citizenship question" to the Census, which discouraged non-citizens from reporting. Not to mention the halfass way it was carried out that undercounted minorities. But that wasn't a bug, it was a design feature.

You have never heard of a criminal trying to escape by running over a cop? What are they supposed to do? Let them?

Car accidents are not felonious deaths. You are an idiot!

I did not put that figure in tiny font you imbecile! You were talking about police shooting innocent civilians and provided facts that destroyed your lies. That figure was irrelevant to your claim.

So you credit Trump with getting a vaccine developed that cut that daily death toll? Also, in the first 3 months of 2020, I worked at my Army post, instead of my basement. The stores ere only closed for about 2 months in my area, all due to a Democrat governor. I visited Florida twice that year and never saw a store closed because of COVID,

There should be a citizenship question on there like it had been for many years before. We do not represent illegals because they cannot vote ad deserve no representation in the House. Minorities were NOT undercounted. You need a good history lesson and stop making shit up to fit your moronic agenda.
You mean after the REpublicans challenged it in court?

Did the Chinese make him disband the Pandemic Response team, or lie to us about how serious it was, or undermine efforts by the states to contain it, or hold super-spreader events? Nope. That was all Trump.
Redistricting is done after each census by the state legislature, which is controlled by Democrats.

My God, you are stupid M-F who shows no desire whatsoever to change your misinformation.
So you credit Trump with getting a vaccine developed that cut that daily death toll? Also, in the first 3 months of 2020, I worked at my Army post, instead of my basement. The stores ere only closed for about 2 months in my area, all due to a Democrat governor. I visited Florida twice that year and never saw a store closed because of COVID,

And Florida has the second highest death toll from Covid- higher than New York, which was hit first and hardest.

TRump didn't do anything to develop a vaccine, and he completely fucked up initial distribution.

There should be a citizenship question on there like it had been for many years before. We do not represent illegals because they cannot vote ad deserve no representation in the House. Minorities were NOT undercounted. You need a good history lesson and stop making shit up to fit your moronic agenda.

The Census makes no such distinctions. In fact, it is required to count ALL people, not just citizens. The Citizenship question was dropped in 1950 because it had nothing to do with the actual census, which is to get an accurate count of how many people live in the US.

You have never heard of a criminal trying to escape by running over a cop? What are they supposed to do? Let them?

Car accidents are not felonious deaths. You are an idiot!

Point is, I specified Shooting, you want to throw in other causes of death.

But fine. let's play it your way. Officer Down Memorial Page- 2021 - Keep in mind, this bit of noxious Copaganda also includes correctional officers.

Of 651 officers who died on the job in 2021 -

Total Line of Duty Deaths: 651​

Only 79 were killed by bad guys. ANd it's not like we are going to do anything sensible like making it harder for crooks to get guns. Most of the rest of the deaths were Covid, vehicle accidents, heart attacks, etc.

Okay, so now lets' look at how many civilians are killed by police.

Police shot and killed at least 1,055 people nationwide last year, the highest total since The Washington Post began tracking fatal shootings by officers in 2015 — underscoring the difficulty of reducing such incidents despite sustained public attention to the issue.

Redistricting is done after each census by the state legislature, which is controlled by Democrats.

Most of the state legislatures are controlled by Republicans, and they really abused it in states like FL and TX.
And Florida has the second highest death toll from Covid- higher than New York, which was hit first and hardest.

TRump didn't do anything to develop a vaccine, and he completely fucked up initial distribution.

The Census makes no such distinctions. In fact, it is required to count ALL people, not just citizens. The Citizenship question was dropped in 1950 because it had nothing to do with the actual census, which is to get an accurate count of how many people live in the US.

Point is, I specified Shooting, you want to throw in other causes of death.

But fine. let's play it your way. Officer Down Memorial Page- 2021 - Keep in mind, this bit of noxious Copaganda also includes correctional officers.

Of 651 officers who died on the job in 2021 -

Total Line of Duty Deaths: 651​

Only 79 were killed by bad guys. ANd it's not like we are going to do anything sensible like making it harder for crooks to get guns. Most of the rest of the deaths were Covid, vehicle accidents, heart attacks, etc.

Okay, so now lets' look at how many civilians are killed by police.

Police shot and killed at least 1,055 people nationwide last year, the highest total since The Washington Post began tracking fatal shootings by officers in 2015 — underscoring the difficulty of reducing such incidents despite sustained public attention to the issue.

Most of the state legislatures are controlled by Republicans, and they really abused it in states like FL and TX.
Once again, you prove yourself to be a lying sack of shit!

Florida ranked third in COVID cases behind two states with larger populations, California and Texas. New York, in fact, had less deaths than Florida, because it has a smaller population. New York was locked down tighter than Nancy Pelosi's facelift, Florida was not.

I am ignoring your pathetic mental meanderings in the rest of your post, because they are lies just the same.
Florida ranked third in COVID cases behind two states with larger populations, California and Texas. New York, in fact, had less deaths than Florida, because it has a smaller population. New York was locked down tighter than Nancy Pelosi's facelift, Florida was not.

Wow, you just repeated what I said about Florida having a higher death toll than NY.
Wow, you just repeated what I said about Florida having a higher death toll than NY.
Wow, you can't fucking read because I explained it was all due to population!

Bigger state equals higher death toll.

You also claimed Florida was the 2nd highest, when it was in fact third. Guess where Florida ranks in terms of population? Wow! They rank 3rd also! New York rans 4th in population and in deaths from COVID.

You said:
"And Florida has the second highest death toll from Covid- higher than New York, which was hit first and hardest."

How do you explain your lies, fucktard?
Wow, you can't fucking read because I explained it was all due to population!

Bigger state equals higher death toll.

You also claimed Florida was the 2nd highest, when it was in fact third. Guess where Florida ranks in terms of population? Wow! They rank 3rd also! New York rans 4th in population and in deaths from COVID.

You said:
"And Florida has the second highest death toll from Covid- higher than New York, which was hit first and hardest."

How do you explain your lies, fucktard?
If you haven't figured it out yet, JoeB is mentally ill and I'm not being sarcastic.
How do you explain your lies, fucktard?

Simple. Florida fucked up and killed a lot of people following Trump logic.

That they didn't have as many deaths a CA or TX is nothing to be proud of.

Really? It seems to me that the numbers are incredibly small. If you took a look at the individual cases, you would find they are not all "innocent" bystanders either, but collateral damage.

1000 people killed by cops a year is small?
Simple. Florida fucked up and killed a lot of people following Trump logic.

That they didn't have as many deaths a CA or TX is nothing to be proud of.

1000 people killed by cops a year is small?
That's 1000 criminals we don't have to waste money on.
If this poll is anything close to what the 2024 presidential race is going to look like, seems the dems are going to take the White House again. Not a good thing.
Trumpbots need to get off the Trump train and realize Trump will be nothing more than he was from 2016 to 2020. A lying drama queen who touts about his record was phenomenal and awesome. When it was moderate democrat at best.
And you die hard democrats need to stop making out like Trump was the worst of the worst. Because he was more like you people than you can imagine.
He funded Planned Parenthood, gender studies. Assaulted our 2A. And a shit-ton of other progressive crap. In fact, you democrats should be trying to recruit Trump, instead of the right.

Trump is a polar opposite of a "Fiscal Conservative." So why you lefties hate him, I can only imagine it's because of the marching orders you're given through the media, social media and party leaders.
I'm over the corrupt media and entertainment industry. It wasn't an option though.
Simple. Florida fucked up and killed a lot of people following Trump logic.

That they didn't have as many deaths a CA or TX is nothing to be proud of.

1000 people killed by cops a year is small?

Are you so stupid you don't understand the state with the highest population (California) had the most COVID deaths, number 2 in population (Texas) had the 2nd highest number of COVID deaths, the third highest population (Florida) had the third highest number of COVID deaths, and the fourth highest population (New York) has the fourth highest number of COVID deaths. The difference? Texas and Florida did not have the Draconian lockdowns found in California and New York.

It was 421 unarmed people killed in 7 fucking years, you illiterate dipshit! That's an average of just over 60 a year. That IS small!

When are you going to learn how to read? My two year-old border collie reads better than you do!

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