Poll: Are your political opponents evil?

Are your political opponenets evil?

  • yes

    Votes: 20 41.7%
  • no

    Votes: 28 58.3%

  • Total voters
I guess that's why the blue states contribute more in federal taxes then they receive...because nobody works in those states, right?

I don't know who would be crazy enough to believe that, but it still doesn't mean it isn't funny as hell when blue states bitch about red states getting more of their money, because the blue states voted to give it to them. :21:

It's like saying, "We were stupid enough to make ourselves pay for something you didn't want, and are going to try and blame you for benefiting more from our stupidity."

We don't bitch about it. We just point it out to show what a bunch of hypocrites and liars there are in the red states. They sure bitch enough about taxes, but they suck up tax money shamelessly.

You dont know what youre talking about
What line does a republican have to cross to become a winger? With the left it is obvious with Antifa and opposing free speech, but would you consider most republicans wingers, a few? When is that line crossed?
When trying to communicate with them is like listening to talk radio.
Because a talk radio host is totally the equivalent of Antifa....

"Talk radio" is a worthy analogy here. Because that's a monologue. You can't talk back to the radio.
You can, but the other end of the radio will never hear you. It isn't listening; it's send-only. No 'receive'.

Then you aren't listening. Get lost.
We don't bitch about it. We just point it out to show what a bunch of hypocrites and liars there are in the red states. They sure bitch enough about taxes, but they suck up tax money shamelessly.

They cannot be a hypocrite if they never supported the idea to start with. Blue states voted for the taxes, they own that, not the red states, because the red states told the blue states they didn't want the blue states to have to spend their taxes on them. Shoot yourself in the foot and cry some more about how stupid your decision was, that's what makes it funny.

The biggest mistake the blue states made, if they wanted to help people, was attempting to leverage national opinion and making it a federal program, instead of respecting the 10th Amendment and making it a state program.
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So I guess Kennedy's statement "ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”

Makes him another Adolf Hitler as well, huh?

Pretty much two different issues there...please don't waste my time with your nonsense, I realize you think you're clever but a newsflash, you're not

No, they are not two different issues. Neither Clinton or Kennedy had a damn thing in common with Hitler, but certainly had a lot in common with each other.

You're equating Clinton and Hitler is just plain idiotic.

It show that you're a total dup.

Like I give a shit what some left loon thinks? That's where you failed before you even started thinking I do.

My only failure is in hoping that you think at all.

Now you know how you look comparing republicans and nazis. Like a sick fuck with no sense of perspective

Except there's a whole lot more in common between Republicans and Nazis than there is between liberals and Nazis - it's not even close.
Pretty much two different issues there...please don't waste my time with your nonsense, I realize you think you're clever but a newsflash, you're not

No, they are not two different issues. Neither Clinton or Kennedy had a damn thing in common with Hitler, but certainly had a lot in common with each other.

You're equating Clinton and Hitler is just plain idiotic.

It show that you're a total dup.

Like I give a shit what some left loon thinks? That's where you failed before you even started thinking I do.

My only failure is in hoping that you think at all.


You equate Clinton and Hitler, then call me a troll?

You gotta be outta you mind!

Just another right-wing nut job I suppose.

Youre stupid as shit. The only reason anyone is calling you idiots nazis is you idiots keep calling people nazis. Duh, genious
Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?

Only Votto :)

Well there cannot be two Hitlers, so is it me or Trump?

So I guess Kennedy's statement "ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”

Makes him another Adolf Hitler as well, huh?
He was moderate..........that is not the case today for the left.............

He would be considered a Blue Dog and purged........

He was a moderate leaning strongly liberal.

Of course nowadays Reagan would be considered a RINO.
Pretty much two different issues there...please don't waste my time with your nonsense, I realize you think you're clever but a newsflash, you're not

No, they are not two different issues. Neither Clinton or Kennedy had a damn thing in common with Hitler, but certainly had a lot in common with each other.

You're equating Clinton and Hitler is just plain idiotic.

It show that you're a total dup.

Like I give a shit what some left loon thinks? That's where you failed before you even started thinking I do.

My only failure is in hoping that you think at all.

Now you know how you look comparing republicans and nazis. Like a sick fuck with no sense of perspective

Except there's a whole lot more in common between Republicans and Nazis than there is between liberals and Nazis - it's not even close.


Omg youre a fucking moron. Pick up a history book princess
Only Votto :)

Well there cannot be two Hitlers, so is it me or Trump?

So I guess Kennedy's statement "ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”

Makes him another Adolf Hitler as well, huh?
He was moderate..........that is not the case today for the left.............

He would be considered a Blue Dog and purged........

He was a moderate leaning strongly liberal.

Of course nowadays Reagan would be considered a RINO.
aka .........he was moderate............and someone you could negotiate with on issues..........that isn't the real case anymore now is it...........
A lot of folks have a comically low threshold for "evil".

We're so lost in hyperbole at this point, it's no surprise.

"You don't like peanut butter! YOAR EVIL!"
Was Eagle wrong? You may not call it evil, but somebody has to call it something. It was a fairly damning display.
We've become so intellectually lazy that we just slap the most outrageous word we can think of on anything.

There are many, many adjectives and verbs and nouns in the English language. If we try, we can do better than "evil" or "Hitler" or "hate" or "Nazi".

Or maybe we can't. Maybe our communication skills have deteriorated that far due to lack of use.
The Democrats are slapping on labels.

The Republicans just try to hold onto their freedoms until they can’t, and THEN they MIGHT call Democrat names that understate what is going on.

Yep, you're all fucking saints.
Politics and politicians are all evil. Politics is about the search for power. Power for what? Power to rule, to control the lives of others for their own gain, or the gain of those behind them. Power to determine what others may or may not do in the course of their lives. Power to choose for others with whom they may or may not engage in commerce and what items can or cannot be exchanged in that commerce. Power to take from others what has been earned and use it for their own ends. Behind it all is the cudgel of the raw, naked, murderous power of the state.
Politics doesn’t have to be that way.
Mr Smith/Jimmy Stewart was a depression era propaganda fantasy.
Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?
Brainwashed functionally evil probably... My area is 73% Trump voters, lovely people but believe an amazing amount of phony scandals and Bs character assassination and fake news and garbage statistics... And are very polite and ignorant racists...
Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?
They are either evil or really fucking stupid. It's hard to tell which.

I try to be kind and give them the benefit of the doubt, so I call them retards.
Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?
Brainwashed functionally evil probably...

So.....you would say no to the Gov trying to force us to obey the things you think we should do?
Such as, super duper?

Don't act stupid spicklet.
Just ranting and raving, no examples or actual argument at all? I am shocked, shocked, super duper.
Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?
Brainwashed functionally evil probably...

So.....you would say no to the Gov trying to force us to obey the things you think we should do?
Such as, super duper?

Don't act stupid spicklet.
Just ranting and raving, no examples or actual argument at all? I am shocked, shocked, super duper.

Sure thing "dupe".
Yes, more of your stupid crap that we just don't want to pay your bills because we're afraid you're black. We're fine with paying the bills of lazy white people.

You are so full of shit, racist

Actually, you are just fine with paying the bills of lazy white people, when it's unemployment, social security or Medicare... or as I like to call them "White People Welfare". Oh, I mean, the Libertarian Children aren't, of course. They think Civilization comes from Market Fairies..

But if you look at a map, and see which states get less back from Washington than they pay in, and which states get more back than they paid, and low and behold, the Red States are being supported by the Blue states.
We've become so intellectually lazy that we just slap the most outrageous word we can think of on anything.

There are many, many adjectives and verbs and nouns in the English language. If we try, we can do better than "evil" or "Hitler" or "hate" or "Nazi".


Unfortunately, when it comes to Trump, those are the ones that fit.

And just like there were guys who wanted to suck Hitler's dick as long as they were making money, we have guys like you today, Stormy. And whoever that asshole was who wrote an editorial for the NYT today.

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