Poll: Are your political opponents evil?

Are your political opponenets evil?

  • yes

    Votes: 20 41.7%
  • no

    Votes: 28 58.3%

  • Total voters
Of course not. But definitely so, in the fevered minds of some.
I just explained why they indeed are evil. The problem is that you are not actually intelligent enough to know when to call a spade a spade.
Ah. Well, not all of us share your overwhelming intellectual prowess. It is a vast and deep reservoir, indeed.
Try to refute what I said and cease with your pathetic cowardice for once.
Obviously you don't understand the difference between fact and opinion. I'm assuming you're just too smart for that.

Talk radio has really made you so smart that you're just too intimidating for me. It hurts. It really hurts.

Stormy Mac and Stormy Gator sittin in a tree. Having it both ways as evil as can be.
Imagine going through life like that.
Can’t. It’d be too depressing. I’m already depressed over how idiotic some people are and while I’m sure there’s a portion of those I don’t agree with who may actually be evil (like Hitler, Charles Manson or Ted Bundy evil) the overwhelming majority of them aren’t. If they were we’d all be in a lot of trouble!
There are people on both ends of the spectrum who are whipping these folks into this frenzy. They have a vested professional interest in pushing this insane hyperbole to keep us in our tribes, and it's definitely working.
Republicans aren’t shooting Democrats in Congress.

It is not “both sides”.
Gosh, there are differences, yes. That's life.

But the many similarities are clear to those whose minds are not paralyzed by ideology.

When it comes out like water from a fire hose from both ends, which one is "worse" is not the point.

What line does a republican have to cross to become a winger? With the left it is obvious with Antifa and opposing free speech, but would you consider most republicans wingers, a few? When is that line crossed?

A right-winger can go too far right just like a lefty can go too far left. I consider those who ONLY consume Fox News, Breitbart, Infowars and the like a bit extreme. When you only get one side of the story and only consume news that vindicates your worldview, that’s extreme in my opinion. I used to be like this and I’m very glad I was able to see how misguided it was. My mom is like this—doesn’t believe anything unless it comes from Fox News. She so passionate about politics that I skirt the subject with her much of the time bc she wouldn’t approve of my support of gay marriage, the fact that I’m pro-choice or even the fact I get my news from CNN sometimes. If I had voted Hillary and was liberal I can’t imagine spending much time with her at all.
Can’t. It’d be too depressing. I’m already depressed over how idiotic some people are and while I’m sure there’s a portion of those I don’t agree with who may actually be evil (like Hitler, Charles Manson or Ted Bundy evil) the overwhelming majority of them aren’t. If they were we’d all be in a lot of trouble!
There are people on both ends of the spectrum who are whipping these folks into this frenzy. They have a vested professional interest in pushing this insane hyperbole to keep us in our tribes, and it's definitely working.
Republicans aren’t shooting Democrats in Congress.

It is not “both sides”.
Gosh, there are differences, yes. That's life.

But the many similarities are clear to those whose minds are not paralyzed by ideology.

When it comes out like water from a fire hose from both ends, which one is "worse" is not the point.

What line does a republican have to cross to become a winger? With the left it is obvious with Antifa and opposing free speech, but would you consider most republicans wingers, a few? When is that line crossed?

A right-winger can go too far right just like a lefty can go too far left. I consider those who ONLY consume Fox News, Breitbart, Infowars and the like a bit extreme. When you only get one side of the story and only consume news that vindicates your worldview, that’s extreme in my opinion. I used to be like this and I’m very glad I was able to see how misguided it was. My mom is like this—doesn’t believe anything unless it comes from Fox News. She so passionate about politics that I skirt the subject with her much of the time bc she wouldn’t approve of my support of gay marriage, the fact that I’m pro-choice or even the fact I get my news from CNN sometimes. If I had voted Hillary and was liberal I can’t imagine spending much time with her at all.
Fox News is full of crap, but anyone who expects CNN to give them news is as dumb as Don Lemon.

Fox News actually does a better job presenting the left's arguments than the right's because Fox News is full of left wing loons and pathetic fence sitters who pretend to be lifelong Republicans. Anyone who wants to know what the left is saying literally just has to watch Shep or Juan's latest rant. Meanwhile, some of the strongest voices on the right from Fox News are literally coming from comedians who probably aren't even Republicans and don't have a fucking clue what the party believes.
Can’t. It’d be too depressing. I’m already depressed over how idiotic some people are and while I’m sure there’s a portion of those I don’t agree with who may actually be evil (like Hitler, Charles Manson or Ted Bundy evil) the overwhelming majority of them aren’t. If they were we’d all be in a lot of trouble!
There are people on both ends of the spectrum who are whipping these folks into this frenzy. They have a vested professional interest in pushing this insane hyperbole to keep us in our tribes, and it's definitely working.
Republicans aren’t shooting Democrats in Congress.

It is not “both sides”.
Gosh, there are differences, yes. That's life.

But the many similarities are clear to those whose minds are not paralyzed by ideology.

When it comes out like water from a fire hose from both ends, which one is "worse" is not the point.

What line does a republican have to cross to become a winger? With the left it is obvious with Antifa and opposing free speech, but would you consider most republicans wingers, a few? When is that line crossed?

A right-winger can go too far right just like a lefty can go too far left. I consider those who ONLY consume Fox News, Breitbart, Infowars and the like a bit extreme. When you only get one side of the story and only consume news that vindicates your worldview, that’s extreme in my opinion. I used to be like this and I’m very glad I was able to see how misguided it was. My mom is like this—doesn’t believe anything unless it comes from Fox News. She so passionate about politics that I skirt the subject with her much of the time bc she wouldn’t approve of my support of gay marriage, the fact that I’m pro-choice or even the fact I get my news from CNN sometimes. If I had voted Hillary and was liberal I can’t imagine spending much time with her at all.

I know the right can go to far, but it seems a like the threshold for being extreme is much lower when judging the right. Calling people crazy for watching Fox is a bit tough because Fox is the only TV channel that pretends to offer something besides DNC talking points. It is not like there is anything else to watch. Then you get to talk radio and websites. Not a lot of options. I guess I'd judge republicans on behavior instead of what they watch. For the most part, republicans tend to leave people alone. No attacks or public shaming.
Not giving you free money isn't fucking you over, racist piece of shit. And for someone who works "80 hours a week," you sure have a lot of time to beg for handouts

You mean about an hour in the early morning and maybe a hour in the afternoon. I'm on here less than you are..

The word you are looking for is EARNED. Yes indeed. Well mostly.....tata.....battery goin Joey

Sigh... Yes, the one percent that controls 43% of the wealth totally earned the wealth. I know you need to beleive that when sucking up to your betters.

Also, don't steal my insult for Stormy Mac...
Not giving you free money isn't fucking you over, racist piece of shit. And for someone who works "80 hours a week," you sure have a lot of time to beg for handouts

You mean about an hour in the early morning and maybe a hour in the afternoon. I'm on here less than you are..

You don't know how many hours 80 a week is, do you? Those darned government schools. And you're on regularly in the weekend, which wouldn't be possible if you really were working 80 hours a week. Do the math.

And again, no one wants to give you and your lily white ass a dime any more than a black who doesn't want to work, racist piece of garbage
You don't know how many hours 80 a week is, do you? Those darned government schools. And you're on regularly in the weekend, which wouldn't be possible if you really were working 80 hours a week. Do the math.

Actually, I know exactly how much I am working, thanks, buddy.

Oh, I took last weekend off, that's probably what is confusing you.

And again, no one wants to give you and your lily white ass a dime any more than a black who doesn't want to work, racist piece of garbage

Actually, no one is giving me a dime other than people I do work for... but that's not the point.

The point is, if the Republicans said tomorrow, "We are ending Social Security and Medicare... Done.", all the stupid white trash that voted for Trump would vote their asses out so fast, it wouldn't be funny.

Because that's White People Welfare.

I mean, you guys talk a big game, but no one really wants to live off their 401K.

But you get the dumb ass white trash all upset about the much smaller amounts for SNAP and TANF, which people are on for usually only a few years and often supplement low wages paid by bottom feeder companies that won't pay a fair wage...

Again... Libertarians love Civilization.... they just don't want to do the heavy lifting.
You don't know how many hours 80 a week is, do you? Those darned government schools. And you're on regularly in the weekend, which wouldn't be possible if you really were working 80 hours a week. Do the math.

Actually, I know exactly how much I am working, thanks, buddy.

Oh, I took last weekend off, that's probably what is confusing you.

And again, no one wants to give you and your lily white ass a dime any more than a black who doesn't want to work, racist piece of garbage

Actually, no one is giving me a dime other than people I do work for... but that's not the point.

The point is, if the Republicans said tomorrow, "We are ending Social Security and Medicare... Done.", all the stupid white trash that voted for Trump would vote their asses out so fast, it wouldn't be funny.

Because that's White People Welfare.

I mean, you guys talk a big game, but no one really wants to live off their 401K.

But you get the dumb ass white trash all upset about the much smaller amounts for SNAP and TANF, which people are on for usually only a few years and often supplement low wages paid by bottom feeder companies that won't pay a fair wage...

Again... Libertarians love Civilization.... they just don't want to do the heavy lifting.

Ah, libertarians are anarchists! Haven't heard that one before. Good one.

So interesting. You say you work massive hours to just earn $80K, then you use the tiny bit of free time you have to complain that your taxes aren't high enough and you should pay more. Then you don't ...

You're an amazing human being, Joe. Simply selfless to the bone. Particularly amazing for a guy who hates people as much as you do and has such a bad attitude
So interesting. You say you work massive hours to just earn $80K, then you use the tiny bit of free time you have to complain that your taxes aren't high enough and you should pay more. Then you don't ...

Okay, let's play another game of "Things Joe Didn't say."

I never said my taxes weren't high enough. My taxes are exactly where they should be. THE RICH don't have taxes that are high enough. Now, if I were a less honest person, I could easily evade taxes. I run a mostly cash business, and I don't use credit cards. But guess what, I report every penny. And yes, I use a professional tax guy to make sure it's all done right and on the up and up.

You're an amazing human being, Joe. Simply selfless to the bone. Particularly amazing for a guy who hates people as much as you do and has such a bad attitude

Again, accomplished more than you ever will. have the medals and awards to prove it.
So interesting. You say you work massive hours to just earn $80K, then you use the tiny bit of free time you have to complain that your taxes aren't high enough and you should pay more. Then you don't ...

Okay, let's play another game of "Things Joe Didn't say."

I never said my taxes weren't high enough. My taxes are exactly where they should be. THE RICH don't have taxes that are high enough. Now, if I were a less honest person, I could easily evade taxes. I run a mostly cash business, and I don't use credit cards. But guess what, I report every penny. And yes, I use a professional tax guy to make sure it's all done right and on the up and up.

You're an amazing human being, Joe. Simply selfless to the bone. Particularly amazing for a guy who hates people as much as you do and has such a bad attitude

Again, accomplished more than you ever will. have the medals and awards to prove it.

Gotcha, you don't want to pay more taxes to fund your causes, you want someone else to pay more taxes to fund your cuses.

And I thought you were greedy. Nailed it!
Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?
The end of civility in politics began when painted another as evil.

No, I don't see any of my "opponents" as evil for what they believe in.

:desk: I wanna change my answer. Because that ^^ avatar is pure evil. :death:

Wazzup TK
Not giving you free money isn't fucking you over, racist piece of shit. And for someone who works "80 hours a week," you sure have a lot of time to beg for handouts

You mean about an hour in the early morning and maybe a hour in the afternoon. I'm on here less than you are..

The word you are looking for is EARNED. Yes indeed. Well mostly.....tata.....battery goin Joey

Sigh... Yes, the one percent that controls 43% of the wealth totally earned the wealth. I know you need to beleive that when sucking up to your betters.

Also, don't steal my insult for Stormy Mac...

So the top 1% control all the wealth?

What do you offer, the top 0.00001% controlling all the wealth once the government takes all the wealth to redistribute as they see fit?

Who the hell can survive on things like Social Security?
The end of civility in politics began when painted another as evil.

No, I don't see any of my "opponents" as evil for what they believe in.

No, but what they believe in is evil. The GOP has spent the last 40 years appealling to the worst in human nature... and they got Trump. It was a long road, but this is where we are at.

And how bad is Trump exactly?

What war has he started? How is everyone doing economically? Who has he harmed because of is alleged racism/sexism/etc?

Or are you just pissed that he is the first in the GOP to actually fight back against Leftists who shout down people at universities and control Facebook and Twitter and God only knows what else to snuff out conservative thought?
My opponents are all the Globalists/New World Order..... in America, like the witch Clinton and many others, rinos from the right, and plenty from the Left.........in the European Union and the rest of the world.....they are evil ,they are beyond evil....they are monsters ....and that is an understatement.

Their reign is coming to an end, thankfully.

Thank you GOD, thank you President Trump, thank you all Patriots on Earth! :huddle:
No doubt, in a socialist society there can be no freedom and individuality of any sort
My opponents are all the Globalists/New World Order..... in America, like the witch Clinton and many others, rinos from the right, and plenty from the Left.........in the European Union and the rest of the world.....they are evil ,they are beyond evil....they are monsters ....and that is an understatement.

Their reign is coming to an end, thankfully.

Thank you GOD, thank you President Trump, thank you all Patriots on Earth! :huddle:
No doubt, in a socialist society there can be no freedom and individuality of any sort

To take it upon yourself to micromanage people so that every financial transaction and every word that come out of your mouth, and everything you do is scrutinized to make sure that it achieves "social justice", is an awesome and dubious task.

How can such a state not be totalitarian?
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