Poll: Are your political opponents evil?

Are your political opponenets evil?

  • yes

    Votes: 20 41.7%
  • no

    Votes: 28 58.3%

  • Total voters
42% voted "Yes"


It just shows you how many fucked up people there are here.
Shows how some voting are just dishonest............Do I consider you Evil............Nope.

But some in politics............yeah ........I consider what they do evil.........so if the shoe fits ..............wear it.........

It's a trap poll............and nothing more..........It wasn't asking about a specific case............or person.
Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?
Yes what they are pushing toward is evil. If we don't unite and start voting a straight Republicans ticket, we are going to end up in an evil socialist society. Just like the healthcare, once government takes over, it is almost impossible to get it back to the people.

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk
Yes, more of your stupid crap that we just don't want to pay your bills because we're afraid you're black. We're fine with paying the bills of lazy white people.

You are so full of shit, racist

Actually, you are just fine with paying the bills of lazy white people, when it's unemployment, social security or Medicare... or as I like to call them "White People Welfare". Oh, I mean, the Libertarian Children aren't, of course. They think Civilization comes from Market Fairies..

But if you look at a map, and see which states get less back from Washington than they pay in, and which states get more back than they paid, and low and behold, the Red States are being supported by the Blue states.

Bull shit, racist dick. We have no more interest at all in any way to pay your racist white ass's bills than anyone else's. Get a job, leach
"No more borders, no more walls, no more USA at all"

I don't know if they are evil. But, somethings not right.
I would never consider a political opponent evil or even an enemy. Robust debate is the heart of the process. As long as we can debate without fear, all will be fine.
Yes, more of your stupid crap that we just don't want to pay your bills because we're afraid you're black. We're fine with paying the bills of lazy white people.

You are so full of shit, racist

Actually, you are just fine with paying the bills of lazy white people, when it's unemployment, social security or Medicare... or as I like to call them "White People Welfare". Oh, I mean, the Libertarian Children aren't, of course. They think Civilization comes from Market Fairies..

But if you look at a map, and see which states get less back from Washington than they pay in, and which states get more back than they paid, and low and behold, the Red States are being supported by the Blue states.

Bull shit, racist dick. We have no more interest at all in any way to pay your racist white ass's bills than anyone else's. Get a job, leach
He already has a job, or retired, or on disability. You are duped and brainwashed with BS character assassination and hate that you are evil in function. Democrats do not believe certain races are inferior and discriminate against them. That is a racist. There is no giant conspiracy of the Straight Arrow GOP dominated u. S. Justice system. You are functionally out of your mind politically.
"No more borders, no more walls, no more USA at all"

I don't know if they are evil. But, somethings not right.
Democrats don't believe in any of that, brainwashed functional idiot. Give amnesty to the Worthy illegals, Deport the criminals, and make E-verify work and throw criminal employers into jail. The wall won't work.
Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?
Yes what they are pushing toward is evil. If we don't unite and start voting a straight Republicans ticket, we are going to end up in an evil socialist society. Just like the healthcare, once government takes over, it is almost impossible to get it back to the people.

Sent from my RCT6303W87DK using Tapatalk
Every other successful developed country is socialist, that is fair capitalism with a good safety net. You think it means communism, super duper.
Bull shit, racist dick. We have no more interest at all in any way to pay your racist white ass's bills than anyone else's. Get a job, leach

I have a business that pays all my bills, buddy... and I work 80 hours a week at it... For the first time in 10 years, I'm debt free.

Again, you Libertarian children aside, most Wingnuts don't want to get rid of social security or medicare, or any of the entitlements for white folks.

You just want to fuck over poor people of color.

Yep. I wonder what such a poll would have looked like 10 and 20 and 30 and 40 years ago. No doubt the "yes" vote would have been increasing.

We're doing this to ourselves, and we appear to be proud of it.

Oh well.

Stormy Mac will be going over to the Rape Crisis Center later and telling all those sluts they did it to themselves by wearing short skirts.

Yup, if you are pointing out that we have a crazy, evil person in the White House (something his own people admit, apparently), then you are the one with the problem.

Mac, I'm sorry you are too gutless to read this... but fuck you.
Bull shit, racist dick. We have no more interest at all in any way to pay your racist white ass's bills than anyone else's. Get a job, leach

I have a business that pays all my bills, buddy... and I work 80 hours a week at it... For the first time in 10 years, I'm debt free.

Again, you Libertarian children aside, most Wingnuts don't want to get rid of social security or medicare, or any of the entitlements for white folks.

You just want to fuck over poor people of color.


Not giving you free money isn't fucking you over, racist piece of shit. And for someone who works "80 hours a week," you sure have a lot of time to beg for handouts
Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?

Only Votto :)

Well there cannot be two Hitlers, so is it me or Trump?


Because you're too stupid to connect the two statements only reveals you're too fcking stupid to connect the two statements.

My gawd this forum has the bottom of the barrel as far as left loons go. Same stupid shit day after day
Of course not. But definitely so, in the fevered minds of some.
I just explained why they indeed are evil. The problem is that you are not actually intelligent enough to know when to call a spade a spade.
Ah. Well, not all of us share your overwhelming intellectual prowess. It is a vast and deep reservoir, indeed.
Try to refute what I said and cease with your pathetic cowardice for once.
Obviously you don't understand the difference between fact and opinion. I'm assuming you're just too smart for that.

Talk radio has really made you so smart that you're just too intimidating for me. It hurts. It really hurts.

Stormy Mac and Stormy Gator sittin in a tree. Having it both ways as evil as can be.
Just out of curiosity, does everyone here think that their political opponents are evil?

Naw, just stupid.

And scared.

What keeps the GOP afloat are scared dumb, white people living in fear that some darkie wants half their cookie, and never asks about why the cookies are distributed that way to start with.

The word you are looking for is EARNED. Yes indeed. Well mostly.....tata.....battery goin Joey

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