POLL: Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

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You are dealing with the people who didn't do well in school. Who probably spent more time partying than getting an education. They didn't go to college. They didn't do well in life. They are very easily manipulated because they are so stupid and lazy. They are the most laziest people I've ever encountered. They can't think for themselves and don't want to. It is totally useless to try to communicate with them. They don't have the intelligence or the honesty. They are best just laughed at then ignored.
I've given up on trying to communicate with them, at least online, but there is still enough of them to cause real damage, and we're seeing it in real time.

And what concerns me is that the pushback will be so strong that we'll go flying back too far in the other damn direction.

I said the same thing in 2016 about the reaction to PC/Identity Politics, and it ushered in Trump in the first place.

If the adults don't get back in control pretty soon here, we're not coming back.
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Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery? ...

If so it's better to become a Commie.

Who built the seven towers of Thebes?
The names of kings are mentioned in the books.
Did those kings drag those boulders?
And Babylon, several times destroyed –
Who rebuilt it so many times? In what houses
Of glittering golden Lima did the builders live?
In the evening
when the wall of China was finished
where did the bricklayers go?
Great Rome is full of triumphal arches.
Who erected those?
Whom did the Caesars conquer?
Were there only palaces for the inhabitants
of much-lauded Byzantium?
Even in legendary Atlantis
when the sea engulfed it in the night
Those drowning clamoured for their slaves.

The young Alexander conquered India
On his own?
Caesar defeated the Gauls
Was there at least a cook with him?
Philip of Spain wept when his fleet
Had sunk. Did nobody else weep?
Frederick II triumphed in the Seven Years' War
Who else triumphed beside him?

There's a victory on every page
Who cooked the victory feast?

A Great Man every decade.
Who paid for the expenses?

So many reports.
So many questions.

source for the translation: https://lyricstranslate.com
If so it's better to become a Commie.
Can you guys not do any better than "commie"? Do you realize that's not the goal, at all?

Back away from the radio. It has turned you people into raving, simplistic, paranoid Archie Bunkers.

39 people here, at least, really are afraid that Trump is the only thing that stands between us and actual communism.

If so it's better to become a Commie.
Can you guys

"You guys"? Who is this?

not do any better than "commie"? Do you realize that's not the goal, at all?


Back away from the radio. It has turned you people into raving, simplistic, paranoid Archie Bunkers.


Sell Hawaii and Alaska. Build a wall around the USA and a roof over the USA. And then call all soldiers and all other US-Americans home into your psychiatric hospital.

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If so it's better to become a Commie.
Can you guys [/uote]

Who is "you guys"?

not do any better than "commie"? Do you realize that's not the goal, at all?


Back away from the radio. It has turned you people into raving, simplistic, paranoid Archie Bunkers.


Sell Hawaii and Alaska. Build a wall around the USA and a roof over the USA. And then call all soldiers and all other US-Americans home into your psychiatric hospital.
39 people here, at least, really are afraid that Trump is the only thing that stands between us and actual communism.


For me this has nothing to do with Trump. I didn't vote for him, I have never trusted him, and I don’t believe that he is our savior, who is going to "drain the swamp" or save our country from destruction.

Now to your condescending claims that people are "paranoid." First of all, it's a straw man to only talk about communism, as if that is the only thing that conservatives or libertarians are concerned about. It's not about communism, necessarily, it's about being opposed to the move toward any authoritarian or collectivist system. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the ideology that is at the root of all totalitarian systems, including communism, fascism, corporatism, etc is collectivism... which boils down to no individual rights. Individual rights are sacrificed for whatever the state deems “the greater good.”

If you don’t think that we are slowly but surely going in that direction, then you are blissfully asleep.

Secondly, you keep accusing people of being paranoid and stupid, but in reality, what is extremely stupid is to NOT care about protecting our God-given rights, freedom, privacy, sovereignty… you know, all of those minor little things :rolleyes: that most Americans these days take for granted.

So if all of us who care about freedom and keeping our republic are such idiots, then I take it in your view the founding fathers were paranoid idiots?

They warned about the loss of liberty, and they talked a lot about the importance of protecting it. A few quotes...

“The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.”
- Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Colonel Edward Carrington, May 27, 1788​
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel."
- Patrick Henry, Virginia Convention, June 5, 1788​
“Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”
- John Adams​
“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.”
-Thomas Paine​
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
- James Madison, Address at the Virginia Convention, June16, 1788​
“The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men."
- Samuel Adams, Article in the Boston Gazette, October 14, 1771​
“The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.”
- Edmund Burke, Speech at Country Meeting of Buckinghamshire, 1784​
“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
- Benjamin Franklin, Speech to the Pennsylvania Assembly, November 11, 1755​

It's kind of amazing how the things they warned about are actually happening these days, and anyone who is awake can see that. But naaah, they're just a bunch of paranoid idiots, like anyone who cares about protecting freedom. Sigh. Upside-down land, again.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.

The problem with your question is the people you're dealing with.

They don't know that communism is an economic system.

Not a social system.

They don't know the real meaning of the word communism. Which means there is no or very little private ownership.

The idea that any American would be able to convert us to communism is just so beyond ridiculous it really doesn't deserve to be discussed.

The fact that any American would actually believe that Biden would make us a communist nation shows that the far right extremist media has done their job very well. Which wasn't that hard. Stupid people are very easily lied to and even more easy to be lead.
Look at how many have voted Yes.

They're terrified. They think the tanks will roll in right after the oath of office.

This is how powerful the alternate universe has become. They're dead serious.

That's how the far right wing takes and keeps control of stupid people. With fear and hate.

Stupid people don't care or realize they are being lied to. All they care about is someone validating their beliefs.

The extremist far right media has taught them that anyone who doesn't agree with them is their enemy. The extreme far right media uses that old as dirt but very effective on stupid people ploy of COMMUNISM!!!!!! It's such a scary word so the extreme far right media uses it and well.

You are dealing with the people who didn't do well in school. Who probably spent more time partying than getting an education. They didn't go to college. They didn't do well in life. They are very easily manipulated because they are so stupid and lazy. They are the most laziest people I've ever encountered. They can't think for themselves and don't want to.

It is totally useless to try to communicate with them. They don't have the intelligence or the honesty.

They are best just laughed at then ignored.
It goes both ways. The left media and leftists do the same thing.

The country is terribly divided because of the propagandist efforts of the MSM and the two political crime families, and who owns them? The billionaires and their minions own them. Division is what they sew, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves. Unfortunately, way too many Americans fall for the propaganda.
39 people here, at least, really are afraid that Trump is the only thing that stands between us and actual communism.


For me this has nothing to do with Trump. I didn't vote for him, I have never trusted him, and I don’t believe that he is our savior, who is going to "drain the swamp" or save our country from destruction.

Now to your condescending claims that people are "paranoid." First of all, it's a straw man to only talk about communism, as if that is the only thing that conservatives or libertarians are concerned about. It's not about communism, necessarily, it's about being opposed to the move toward any authoritarian or collectivist system. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the ideology that is at the root of all totalitarian systems, including communism, fascism, corporatism, etc is collectivism... which boils down to no individual rights. Individual rights are sacrificed for whatever the state deems “the greater good.”

If you don’t think that we are slowly but surely going in that direction, then you are blissfully asleep.

Secondly, you keep accusing people of being paranoid and stupid, but in reality, what is extremely stupid is to NOT care about protecting our God-given rights, freedom, privacy, sovereignty… you know, all of those minor little things :rolleyes: that most Americans these days take for granted.

So if all of us who care about freedom and keeping our republic are such idiots, then I take it in your view the founding fathers were paranoid idiots?

They warned about the loss of liberty, and they talked a lot about the importance of protecting it. A few quotes...

“The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.”
- Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Colonel Edward Carrington, May 27, 1788​
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel."
- Patrick Henry, Virginia Convention, June 5, 1788​
“Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”
- John Adams​
“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.”
-Thomas Paine​
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
- James Madison, Address at the Virginia Convention, June16, 1788​
“The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men."
- Samuel Adams, Article in the Boston Gazette, October 14, 1771​
“The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.”
- Edmund Burke, Speech at Country Meeting of Buckinghamshire, 1784​
“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
- Benjamin Franklin, Speech to the Pennsylvania Assembly, November 11, 1755​

It's kind of amazing how the things they warned about are actually happening these days, and anyone who is awake can see that. But naaah, they're just a bunch of paranoid idiots, like anyone who cares about protecting freedom. Sigh. Upside-down land, again.
There needs to be a happy medium between collectivism and individualism. We don’t have this. We have a broken system when millions of Americans suffer in crushing poverty, while others make billions in a matter of a few days.

It seems we are headed for a society common throughout history and prevalent in third world nations. That being a small wealthy elite and everyone else destitute.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.

The problem with your question is the people you're dealing with.

They don't know that communism is an economic system.

Not a social system.

They don't know the real meaning of the word communism. Which means there is no or very little private ownership.

The idea that any American would be able to convert us to communism is just so beyond ridiculous it really doesn't deserve to be discussed.

The fact that any American would actually believe that Biden would make us a communist nation shows that the far right extremist media has done their job very well. Which wasn't that hard. Stupid people are very easily lied to and even more easy to be lead.
Almost every sentence of your post is a lie.

No one claimed that Joe and the squad can convert us all the way to communism, but they will destroy this country in the process of trying. That's what happened in the USSR.
You are out of your tiny little mind. Communism is finished and has only been put in by violent revolution. the incredible inequality that the GOP has produced the last 40 years here could lead to a revolution if this continues... A tragedy..
Ask any of the violent little pukes rioting in Portland if they would rather live in a Communist country or the USA. The answers will not surprise anyone
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.

The problem with your question is the people you're dealing with.

They don't know that communism is an economic system.

Not a social system.

They don't know the real meaning of the word communism. Which means there is no or very little private ownership.

The idea that any American would be able to convert us to communism is just so beyond ridiculous it really doesn't deserve to be discussed.

The fact that any American would actually believe that Biden would make us a communist nation shows that the far right extremist media has done their job very well. Which wasn't that hard. Stupid people are very easily lied to and even more easy to be lead.
Almost every sentence of your post is a lie.

No one claimed that Joe and the squad can convert us all the way to communism, but they will destroy this country in the process of trying. That's what happened in the USSR.
You are out of your tiny little mind. Communism is finished and has only been put in by violent revolution. the incredible inequality that the GOP has produced the last 40 years here could lead to a revolution if this continues... A tragedy..
Ask any of the violent little pukes rioting in Portland if they would rather live in a Communist country or the USA. The answers will not surprise anyone
It's a federal police riot. Every night they use tear gas and rubber bullets etcetera on Non violent protesters. Fox reports garbage interspersed with video from weeks ago, brainwashed functional moron.
If so it's better to become a Commie.
Can you guys not do any better than "commie"? Do you realize that's not the goal, at all?

Back away from the radio. It has turned you people into raving, simplistic, paranoid Archie Bunkers.

Yeah, you don't want the results of communism, but you're trying to implement the same policies. You're too stupid to understand the implications of what you are proposing.
39 people here, at least, really are afraid that Trump is the only thing that stands between us and actual communism.


For me this has nothing to do with Trump. I didn't vote for him, I have never trusted him, and I don’t believe that he is our savior, who is going to "drain the swamp" or save our country from destruction.

Now to your condescending claims that people are "paranoid." First of all, it's a straw man to only talk about communism, as if that is the only thing that conservatives or libertarians are concerned about. It's not about communism, necessarily, it's about being opposed to the move toward any authoritarian or collectivist system. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the ideology that is at the root of all totalitarian systems, including communism, fascism, corporatism, etc is collectivism... which boils down to no individual rights. Individual rights are sacrificed for whatever the state deems “the greater good.”

If you don’t think that we are slowly but surely going in that direction, then you are blissfully asleep.

Secondly, you keep accusing people of being paranoid and stupid, but in reality, what is extremely stupid is to NOT care about protecting our God-given rights, freedom, privacy, sovereignty… you know, all of those minor little things :rolleyes: that most Americans these days take for granted.

So if all of us who care about freedom and keeping our republic are such idiots, then I take it in your view the founding fathers were paranoid idiots?

They warned about the loss of liberty, and they talked a lot about the importance of protecting it. A few quotes...

“The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.”
- Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Colonel Edward Carrington, May 27, 1788​
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel."
- Patrick Henry, Virginia Convention, June 5, 1788​
“Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”
- John Adams​
“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.”
-Thomas Paine​
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
- James Madison, Address at the Virginia Convention, June16, 1788​
“The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men."
- Samuel Adams, Article in the Boston Gazette, October 14, 1771​
“The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.”
- Edmund Burke, Speech at Country Meeting of Buckinghamshire, 1784​
“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
- Benjamin Franklin, Speech to the Pennsylvania Assembly, November 11, 1755​

It's kind of amazing how the things they warned about are actually happening these days, and anyone who is awake can see that. But naaah, they're just a bunch of paranoid idiots, like anyone who cares about protecting freedom. Sigh. Upside-down land, again.
There needs to be a happy medium between collectivism and individualism. We don’t have this. We have a broken system when millions of Americans suffer in crushing poverty, while others make billions in a matter of a few days.

It seems we are headed for a society common throughout history and prevalent in third world nations. That being a small wealthy elite and everyone else destitute.
The "happy medium" is no collectivism.
If so it's better to become a Commie.
Can you guys not do any better than "commie"? Do you realize that's not the goal, at all?

Back away from the radio. It has turned you people into raving, simplistic, paranoid Archie Bunkers.

Yeah, you don't want the results of communism, but you're trying to implement the same policies. You're too stupid to understand the implications of what you are proposing.
I see.

So what am I proposing?
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.

The problem with your question is the people you're dealing with.

They don't know that communism is an economic system.

Not a social system.

They don't know the real meaning of the word communism. Which means there is no or very little private ownership.

The idea that any American would be able to convert us to communism is just so beyond ridiculous it really doesn't deserve to be discussed.

The fact that any American would actually believe that Biden would make us a communist nation shows that the far right extremist media has done their job very well. Which wasn't that hard. Stupid people are very easily lied to and even more easy to be lead.
Almost every sentence of your post is a lie.

No one claimed that Joe and the squad can convert us all the way to communism, but they will destroy this country in the process of trying. That's what happened in the USSR.
You are out of your tiny little mind. Communism is finished and has only been put in by violent revolution. the incredible inequality that the GOP has produced the last 40 years here could lead to a revolution if this continues... A tragedy..
Ask any of the violent little pukes rioting in Portland if they would rather live in a Communist country or the USA. The answers will not surprise anyone
It's a federal police riot. Every night they use tear gas and rubber bullets etcetera on Non violent protesters. Fox reports garbage interspersed with video from weeks ago, brainwashed functional moron.
Wrong. It's a BLM-Antifa riot. The claim that they are "non violent" ignores all the burning buildings, grafitti and the rocks and bottles being thrown.


Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.

The problem with your question is the people you're dealing with.

They don't know that communism is an economic system.

Not a social system.

They don't know the real meaning of the word communism. Which means there is no or very little private ownership.

The idea that any American would be able to convert us to communism is just so beyond ridiculous it really doesn't deserve to be discussed.

The fact that any American would actually believe that Biden would make us a communist nation shows that the far right extremist media has done their job very well. Which wasn't that hard. Stupid people are very easily lied to and even more easy to be lead.
Look at how many have voted Yes.

They're terrified. They think the tanks will roll in right after the oath of office.

This is how powerful the alternate universe has become. They're dead serious.

That's how the far right wing takes and keeps control of stupid people. With fear and hate.

Stupid people don't care or realize they are being lied to. All they care about is someone validating their beliefs.

The extremist far right media has taught them that anyone who doesn't agree with them is their enemy. The extreme far right media uses that old as dirt but very effective on stupid people ploy of COMMUNISM!!!!!! It's such a scary word so the extreme far right media uses it and well.

You are dealing with the people who didn't do well in school. Who probably spent more time partying than getting an education. They didn't go to college. They didn't do well in life. They are very easily manipulated because they are so stupid and lazy. They are the most laziest people I've ever encountered. They can't think for themselves and don't want to.

It is totally useless to try to communicate with them. They don't have the intelligence or the honesty.

They are best just laughed at then ignored.
It goes both ways. The left media and leftists do the same thing.

The country is terribly divided because of the propagandist efforts of the MSM and the two political crime families, and who owns them? The billionaires and their minions own them. Division is what they sew, so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves. Unfortunately, way too many Americans fall for the propaganda.
Gee I wonder, are the propagandists all law enforcement and all the respected media around the world, or is it Rupert Murdoch scumbag pundits a tiny minority of world media? And all the hundreds of phony scandals and conspiracies theories that have been totally discredited but never retracted for the hater dupes like you? Try working on that.....
If so it's better to become a Commie.
Can you guys not do any better than "commie"? Do you realize that's not the goal, at all?

Back away from the radio. It has turned you people into raving, simplistic, paranoid Archie Bunkers.

Yeah, you don't want the results of communism, but you're trying to implement the same policies. You're too stupid to understand the implications of what you are proposing.
I see.

So what am I proposing?
Government running everything.
If so it's better to become a Commie.
Can you guys not do any better than "commie"? Do you realize that's not the goal, at all?

Back away from the radio. It has turned you people into raving, simplistic, paranoid Archie Bunkers.

Yeah, you don't want the results of communism, but you're trying to implement the same policies. You're too stupid to understand the implications of what you are proposing.
I see.

So what am I proposing?
Government running everything.
I have? Please quote me.

Man up and back up your words.

Thanks in advance.
If so it's better to become a Commie.
Can you guys not do any better than "commie"? Do you realize that's not the goal, at all?

Back away from the radio. It has turned you people into raving, simplistic, paranoid Archie Bunkers.

Yeah, you don't want the results of communism, but you're trying to implement the same policies. You're too stupid to understand the implications of what you are proposing.
I see.

So what am I proposing?
Government running everything.
I have? Please quote me.

Man up and back up your words.

Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I'm not searching through all your posts.

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