POLL: Let's try a COVID compromise, shall we?

Do you agree with this Free Market COVID Compromise?

  • 1. Yes. This is a fair compromise.

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • 2. No. This is not a fair compromise.

    Votes: 19 43.2%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the thread.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4. Double meat thin crust pizza.

    Votes: 15 34.1%

  • Total voters
You said, "mild flu."

Now it's the flu.

Which is it? :dunno:

Many many years, I remember a mild flu not affecting ER rooms around the nation.

OTH? Many years I remember a serious flu filling up ER's around that nation to capacity, just like this.

Stop equivocating.

. . . oh wait, nm, I forgot who I was posting to.

You only speak that one language.
I've seen it called both a "flu" and a "mild flu" by Trumpsters.

I didn't realize this would be so complicated for you. Sorry.
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I've seen it called both a "flu" and a "mild flu" by Trumpsters.

I didn't realize this would be so complicated for you. Sorry.

Here's an idea. Get vaccinated. Then you can stop worrying about what anyone else does and you can take your prying nose out of other people's business
I think you're correct but the question is about providing medical care to the infirmed.

I know. You brought up the fat people example.

The difference I explained is that fat people are only harming themself with their decisions.

The unvaccinated are still receiving medical care. I just don’t mind a stick approach if the carrot isn’t working. Hopefully that will help motivate people to make good choices.
Here's an idea. Get vaccinated. Then you can stop worrying about what anyone else does and you can take your prying nose out of other people's business
Oh, okay. I won't post to you personally any more, unless you post to me first.

And I'm sure that in the future you'll keep your nose out of my business, and you'll stop bitching about me without my posting to you.

Because we're both entitled to our opinions 'n stuff.

Oh, okay. I won't post to you personally any more, unless you post to me first.

And I'm sure that in the future you'll keep your nose out of my business, and you'll stop bitching about me without my posting to you.

Because we're both entitled to our opinions 'n stuff.


Sure, Cowboy, responding to your posts on a message board is putting my nose in your business.

Leftists are mental eight year olds, you just are
But when I post, that's different.

You just gotta bitch about me. Good. That tells me I'm nailing it.
Absolutely. He sees that he needs to try to diminish everything you say. He’s just not good at it. More like a leg jumper like jc or bripat. Bottom feeders.
Oh, okay. I won't post to you personally any more, unless you post to me first.

And I'm sure that in the future you'll keep your nose out of my business, and you'll stop bitching about me without my posting to you.

Because we're both entitled to our opinions 'n stuff.


You should still get vaccinated, though.
But when I post, that's different.

You just gotta bitch about me. Good. That tells me I'm nailing it.

OMG you're stupid. No, your posting is not different. I never said you can't post. I was talking about WHAT you posted, that you're all in other people's business. You're such a stupid fuck. Now I finally got what you even thought you said. My God you're a moron.

So just to be clear, any time you criticize my opinion, that is you telling me I can't post on a message board. That's your standard. You just said it is. Of course it's not. You're really lame
OMG you're stupid. No, your posting is not different. I never said you can't post. I was talking about WHAT you posted, that you're all in other people's business. You're such a stupid fuck. Now I finally got what you even thought you said. My God you're a moron.

So just to be clear, any time you criticize my opinion, that is you telling me I can't post on a message board. That's your standard. You just said it is. Of course it's not. You're really lame
I've changed my opinion over the last week on vaccinations. There are clearly a lot of people who, for their own reasons, are going to refuse to get vaccinated. There's not a damn thing I can do about that, so I'm just trying to deal with reality here. So to make this as clear as I can:

1. I support your right to not get vaccinated.
2. I am against forcing you to get vaccinated.

There. Nice and clear. I figure the only way to get past this mess is to either get vaccinated or get sick and develop an immunity that way, if you don't die. I'll look at it like a controlled burn, where you just get rid of the wasted underbrush. Fine. We can all move on now. And, I won't even ask you to not spread this virus, especially to kids, since we're now seeing an increase in hospitalizations there. I know that asking you to at least be careful for them is an "attack" on your "freedom" and "liberty", and we all know how you feel about THAT.

There. You are free to exercise your freedom and your liberty, and the rest of us will get off your backs. In exchange, I will propose this fully free market compromise:

1. Any business is free to install and enforce mask mandates to protect their employees and patrons. If you don't like that, you are free to exercise your free market rights and shop at their competition.
2. Any hospital is free to (a) put voluntarily non-vaccinated COVID patients on a lower priority for both ICUs and private rooms so that regular patients with other problems can be served as they should be, and (b) charge whatever extra COVID fees they feel are appropriate, whether it is upon admission, on a daily basis, or both. In cash. Up front. A fully free market solution.

Can we agree? Vaxxers? Anti-Vaxxers?

The vaccinated are spreading Delta more than the unvaccinated.
Why don't you list the scientifically backed reasons that an employer would or could let you go for not being vaxxed?

1. Is it because the vaxxed employees won't get sick? No.
2. Is it because vaxxed employees can't pass it to other employees or customers? No.

What other reasons would there be that differentiates a vaxxed employee from a non-vaxxed one?

It is because the anti-vaxxed by far make up the vast majority of people who get seriously ill, hospitalized and/or die. Thus mucking up the healthcare system for everyone else.
It is because the anti-vaxxed by far make up the vast majority of people who get seriously ill, hospitalized and/or die. Thus mucking up the healthcare system for everyone else.

Oh, so now you're down to only the 'mucking up the healthcare system' reason, interesting. Especially since hospitals are no where near in any danger of being overwhelmed, and wouldn't be (according to your numbers) now that 60% of the population have been vaxed, and at least half of Americans have had Covid. Why should a private company be concerned with that? Their liability, and therefore interest, is only in the spreading of the virus. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated can spread the virus, so accordingly a business cannot claim that they're 'safe' for employees or customers even if 100% of their employees are vaccinated. The mandates to vaccinate make no sense from a 'public health' standpoint, only from a personal choice standpoint if you believe it will lessen symptoms.

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