POLL: Let's try a COVID compromise, shall we?

Do you agree with this Free Market COVID Compromise?

  • 1. Yes. This is a fair compromise.

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • 2. No. This is not a fair compromise.

    Votes: 19 43.2%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the thread.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4. Double meat thin crust pizza.

    Votes: 15 34.1%

  • Total voters
Sure, at some point the anti-vaxxers will be redeemed, always a little beyond the sunset up ahead in the distance, you'll get there, what choice do you have except to believe more made up shit that the unvaccinated and unmasked aren't killing themselves and prolonging something that could have been under control.
Well you've a point HJ, in that there is a 'choice'

myself, i'm rather caught between those that believe the 'gub'mit' , and those that do not

Well you've a point HJ, in that there is a 'choice'

myself, i'm rather caught between those that believe the 'gub'mit' , and those that do not

It's more than government it's practically every scientist and doctor who specializes in pandemics. The other side has Tim Pool.
It's more than government it's practically every scientist and doctor who specializes in pandemics. The other side has Tim Pool.
Yet the majority of those in disagreement ARE the medical community HJ
our lovely media , especially social media, is silencing them

Further, the CDC's representation is apparently following suit>

Yet the majority of those in disagreement ARE the medical community HJ
our lovely media , especially social media, is silencing them

Further, the CDC's representation is apparently following suit>

Who in the medical community are in disagreement?
Thats an eye catching statement from the holier-than-thou lib who claims to be more reasonable than everyone else

what could doctors possibly say that is criminal in nature and trigger Mac1958 ’s ire?
Mac1958 wants to arrest doctors

his words : “ Doctors at these hospitals should be arrested for reporting fake news”

what can a doctor say that warrants going to jail?
Compromise on masks being needed or vaccines being right and necessary is equivalent to accepting death as a legitimate compromise.

What's wrong with Americans' fu--ing heads?

best wishes from Canada.
What's wrong with Americans' fu--ing heads?

best wishes from Canada.
You wouldn't understand.

America was founded in rebellion and defiance against a horrendous tyrant.

Canada was founded in cowering and grovelling before that same tyrant.

You are a product of the culture resulting from that latter origin. Mindlessly believing and obeying what tyrants and criminals tell you to believe and obey is in your DNA. It shows vividly in nearly everything you post.
Sure, why haven't the auditors from Arizona taken their "proof" to court in the form of court filings, complaints, etc?
Because the judges are getting damned tired of this crap and starting to punish the lawyers.
I've changed my opinion over the last week on vaccinations. There are clearly a lot of people who, for their own reasons, are going to refuse to get vaccinated. There's not a damn thing I can do about that, so I'm just trying to deal with reality here. So to make this as clear as I can:

1. I support your right to not get vaccinated.
2. I am against forcing you to get vaccinated.

There. Nice and clear. I figure the only way to get past this mess is to either get vaccinated or get sick and develop an immunity that way, if you don't die. I'll look at it like a controlled burn, where you just get rid of the wasted underbrush. Fine. We can all move on now. And, I won't even ask you to not spread this virus, especially to kids, since we're now seeing an increase in hospitalizations there. I know that asking you to at least be careful for them is an "attack" on your "freedom" and "liberty", and we all know how you feel about THAT.

There. You are free to exercise your freedom and your liberty, and the rest of us will get off your backs. In exchange, I will propose this fully free market compromise:

1. Any business is free to install and enforce mask mandates to protect their employees and patrons. If you don't like that, you are free to exercise your free market rights and shop at their competition.
2. Any hospital is free to (a) put voluntarily non-vaccinated COVID patients on a lower priority for both ICUs and private rooms so that regular patients with other problems can be served as they should be, and (b) charge whatever extra COVID fees they feel are appropriate, whether it is upon admission, on a daily basis, or both. In cash. Up front. A fully free market solution.

Can we agree? Vaxxers? Anti-Vaxxers?

First of all why the hell would anyone after what you’ve been saying the last few years ever negotiate with you? You’re a left wing idiot and this post proves it.

Second, where is the compromise? There’s no compromise in telling someone they no longer have to put up with your mandates as long as you can enforce those mandates in different ways. How about we don’t pay for other medical procedures either? I’m good with the plan but let’s make it fucking count. No more tax money for abortions, no tax money for trans gender bullshit, no money for obesity health problems, no welfare for laziness, no healthcare at all for illegals they get kicked out of ER’s for any illness, drunk drivers are left on the side of the road to die, gang shooting victims are left there to die, criminals shot by cops are left to die. Over dose victims are left to die to save the narcan.

Since you’re all about value for money and getting people to pay their way let’s ramp this shit up and get it done.
First of all why the hell would anyone after what you’ve been saying the last few years ever negotiate with you? You’re a left wing idiot and this post proves it.

Second, where is the compromise? There’s no compromise in telling someone they no longer have to put up with your mandates as long as you can enforce those mandates in different ways. How about we don’t pay for other medical procedures either? I’m good with the plan but let’s make it fucking count. No more tax money for abortions, no tax money for trans gender bullshit, no money for obesity health problems, no welfare for laziness, no healthcare at all for illegals they get kicked out of ER’s for any illness, drunk drivers are left on the side of the road to die, gang shooting victims are left there to die, criminals shot by cops are left to die. Over dose victims are left to die to save the narcan.

Since you’re all about value for money and getting people to pay their way let’s ramp this shit up and get it done.
Don't get vaccinated. I don't care.
It's more than government it's practically every scientist and doctor who specializes in pandemics. The other side has Tim Pool.

No, all scientists and doctors have no idea if these radical mRNA vaccines are remotely safe.
They do not work at all like traditional vaccines that have actual dead viruses in them.
Instead these only have synthetic spike proteins, so then are not at all specific to a virus.
They could get the immune system to attack other or all spike proteins, like the ones on exosomes.
Nobody is saying these vaccines are known or safe.
The best anyone is saying is that so far, is they appear safer then the covid-19 virus, which is not saying much.
Compromise on masks being needed or vaccines being right and necessary is equivalent to accepting death as a legitimate compromise.

What's wrong with Americans' fu--ing heads?

best wishes from Canada.

Masks prevent herd immunity, which makes an epidemic last longer, resulting in a greater death toll.
Traditional vaccines are proven to work reliably, but these are synthetic spike protein vaccines that do not have actual dead virus, so are extremely different, untested, and liable to cause lots of unpredicted side effects.
For example, what if they cause the immune system to attack the spike protein on our exosomes?
Let me know if Americans start dying or getting sick from the vaccines!
Are you a professional twit?

It took almost a decade to discover how dangerous Thalidomide was, and that had years of testing and was even FDA approved.
Thousands have already died from the vaccines.
Are you living in a cave or something?
No, all scientists and doctors have no idea if these radical mRNA vaccines are remotely safe.
They do not work at all like traditional vaccines that have actual dead viruses in them.
Instead these only have synthetic spike proteins, so then are not at all specific to a virus.
They could get the immune system to attack other or all spike proteins, like the ones on exosomes.
Nobody is saying these vaccines are known or safe.
The best anyone is saying is that so far, is they appear safer then the covid-19 virus, which is not saying much.

You apparently don't know how the vaccines work or even how much experience we have with them.

The mRNA vaccines do not have the spike protein in them for starters.

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