POLL: Let's try a COVID compromise, shall we?

Do you agree with this Free Market COVID Compromise?

  • 1. Yes. This is a fair compromise.

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • 2. No. This is not a fair compromise.

    Votes: 19 43.2%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the thread.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4. Double meat thin crust pizza.

    Votes: 15 34.1%

  • Total voters
Stop trolling or take a hike.
You sound like you're one of those anti vaxxers who won't do it because Joe advises it. Maybe your vast experience in vaccines tells you its experimental?
Maybe gods protects you also.
With an armoury like that, why would you bother. You exercise your freedom to die how you like. Go for it.
I vote if it's discovered the vaccines become health detrimental, then those vaccinated step in back of the line, and those without the vaccine take the front for real problems.

We can agree on that right OP?
You sound like you're one of those anti vaxxers who won't do it because Joe advises it. Maybe your vast experience in vaccines tells you its experimental?
Maybe gods protects you also.
With an armoury like that, why would you bother. You exercise your freedom to die how you like. Go for it.

That is foolish.
Everyone says these mRNA vaccines are experimental, have never been used before, and have only had a few months of testing.
These not NOT vaccines in the normal sense.
They do not contain dead viruses.
They will only try to sensitize the immune system to spike proteins, and that is incredibly dangerous since our own exosomes also have these spike proteins.
She didn't need it as much as the COVID patients would be a more accurate statement.

She does not need a ventilator, oxygen, isolation, catherization, etc. of the ICU.
She was conscious and ambulatory.

I don't have any first hand knowledge of covid symptoms, but as I understand it, the symptoms are minor until you have trouble breathing.
That is foolish.
Everyone says these mRNA vaccines are experimental, have never been used before, and have only had a few months of testing.
These not NOT vaccines in the normal sense.
They do not contain dead viruses.
They will only try to sensitize the immune system to spike proteins, and that is incredibly dangerous since our own exosomes also have these spike proteins.

Who cares. They are obviously saving lives and sickness. Stats prove it dummy.
You can rant like a child all nyou want but you antivaxxers come up with extraordinary excuses but never touch on the real excuse.
You belief it's some conspiracy to repopulate the earth, it contains a microchip to track you, the Chinese are behind it preparing for a take over and yh r most serioysbobe us not obliging because uncle Joe is promoting it.

How fucking idiotic is someone to jot accept a life saving vaccine because the wrong party is advocating it.

Then there's the godbothering republicans who won't trust a Democrat with a broken shovel

You are displaying what a stupid person you are are a blight on the human race.
Exercise your right to no vaccine and die how you chose. No one will miss you.
Of course the hospital lies, however would you be able to live with yours if you can't declare everyone else a liar to make your dumbass conspiracies feasible?

What conspiracies?
The vaccines just do not have any history or sound logic.
Since what is deadly is when the immune system over reacts with a cytokine storm, then it would seem to me the last thing anyone should want to do is hype up the immune system.
She does not need a ventilator, oxygen, isolation, catherization, etc. of the ICU.
She was conscious and ambulatory.

I don't have any first hand knowledge of covid symptoms, but as I understand it, the symptoms are minor until you have trouble breathing.
Right, like I said a COVID patient probably needed the ICU space more than her. Thanks for agreeing with me I guess.
What conspiracies?
The vaccines just do not have any history or sound logic.
Since what is deadly is when the immune system over reacts with a cytokine storm, then it would seem to me the last thing anyone should want to do is hype up the immune system.
The conspiracies that only work by believing all the hospitals are lying about their bed space.
What conspiracies?
The vaccines just do not have any history or sound logic.
Since what is deadly is when the immune system over reacts with a cytokine storm, then it would seem to me the last thing anyone should want to do is hype up the immune system.

Not interested in that shit. I've stated my case and you have not refuted one of them. You know nothing about common sense .
Die how you want you idiot but don't go to those socialist hospitals with any of your family when you get it.
Consult your God, fibd more excuses.
Go away you recalcitrant fool.

Except nurses and doctors are the ones at fault.
If we had NOT "flattened the curve" with masks and social distancing, then it could have been ended in 2 weeks last March.
It is "flattening the curve" that prevents herd immunity and makes the epidemic last FOREVER.
Doctors and nurses knew better when Fauci called for "flattening the curve", but remained silent.
So not is all their fault.
Except nurses and doctors are the ones at fault.
If we had NOT "flattened the curve" with masks and social distancing, then it could have been ended in 2 weeks last March.
It is "flattening the curve" that prevents herd immunity and makes the epidemic last FOREVER.
Doctors and nurses knew better when Fauci called for "flattening the curve", but remained silent.
So not is all their fault.

Flattening the curve was about not overrunning our healthcare system where we'd run out of space, equipment and healthcare personnel. How do you think if 50 million people ended up in the hospital all at once? And then more people get sick the more chances of newer, deadlier variants.

Millions more would be dead right now, you psycho.
Not interested in that shit. I've stated my case and you have not refuted one of them. You know nothing about common sense .
Die how you want you idiot but don't go to those socialist hospitals with any of your family when you get it.
Consult your God, fibd more excuses.
Go away you recalcitrant fool.

Liar. You said the mRNA vaccines are not experimental, and clearly they are.
Never before have they ever been used.
We experimented with them a little bit in 2009 with SARS, but never on humans.
This is the first time mRNA vaccines have ever been used in an actual epidemic, and we have no idea what the long term effect might be.

Common sense says that if you achieve herd immunity quickly by deliberately infecting volunteers last March, we could have ended it with fewer than 60,000 dead instead of 660,000 dead like we have now.

The research is how to make the vaccine, NOT what any particular vaccine will actually do to human beings.
There has only been 2 months of actual testing on human beings.
And SARS is not identical to covid-19.
Obviously coronaviruses differ greatly.
Most are never fatal.
Covid is odd in that it is initiating an deadly allergic response in some people.
So then a vaccine hyping up the immune response is extremely risky.
Flattening the curve was about not overrunning our healthcare system where we'd run out of space, equipment and healthcare personnel. How do you think if 50 million people ended up in the hospital all at once? And then more people get sick the more chances of newer, deadlier variants.

Millions more would be dead right now, you psycho.

The only significant number of people needing hospitalization or dying are those over 70 or compromised.
If we had deliberately infected young/healthy volunteers last March, instead of "flattening the curve", then it would have been eradicated in 2 weeks, with fewer than 60,000 deaths.
And that clearly would have prevented any hospital from ever being over crowded.

It is "flattening the curve" that caused hospital over crowding because it prevents herd immunity, which then means the epidemic goes on forever, and they patient in the ICU accumulate.

With volunteer under 40, the death rate is 400 times lower than with those over 70.
So take Fauci's estimate of 2.4 million dead, divide by 400, and you get only 6,000 dead.

No, there is zero track record for mRNA vaccines.
They have never been used before.
They are totally synthetic, and we don't know enough about how the immune system works.
Big pharma is suspect because they pushed "flattening the curve" to make us wait for these vaccines when that was an awful idea.
And clearly these vaccines are NOT FDA approved or have any significant testing.
Thalidomide was FDA approved, and look how badly that turned out?
What possible basis could anyone recommend these experimental vaccines?
There is no one who has any idea what they might do.
The only significant number of people needing hospitalization or dying are those over 70 or compromised.
If we had deliberately infected young/healthy volunteers last March, instead of "flattening the curve", then it would have been eradicated in 2 weeks, with fewer than 60,000 deaths.
And that clearly would have prevented any hospital from ever being over crowded.

I think you greatly underestimate the number of people who would be in the hospital if COVID ping-ponged around 350 million people.

It is "flattening the curve" that caused hospital over crowding because it prevents herd immunity, which then means the epidemic goes on forever, and they patient in the ICU accumulate.

That makes zero sense. More people get COVID at once the more people end up in the hospital at once. You are really not very bright.

With volunteer under 40, the death rate is 400 times lower than with those over 70.
So take Fauci's estimate of 2.4 million dead, divide by 400, and you get only 6,000 dead.

How did you handle COVID?
Get your boosters ...theyre completely safe and effective

I triggered a lib tonight ....I use to do that all the time in NYC in meatpacking space
I got lucky tonight

Out with the girl
At a restaurant and in settling up the the tab
And this fucking fag is masked bragging how he's vaccinated and a he had it and the girl taking his money doesn't have to worry ...

Me I got no mask

I go hey !the vaccinated might be carrying heavy virus loads ...youre gonna infect all of us ...I tell him I may have had it I'm probably immune

He's starts screaming at me stay away from me! YOU don't know what you're talking about
I tell him I know exactly what in talking about

Follows us to the parking lot
I said go ahead follow me to my car are ya sure ya wanna do that a pudgey midget fruit cake ...nice noodle arms by the way
He turns away starts heading for his car
He's in a beat up lil square green Kia with bad faded headlights and a smashed in door still carrying on

Filthy ....fucking car I said look your cars also a health fucking hazard!
Fuck you !

no fuck you idiot
So I seeez go ahead.....Say the wrong thing again ..go ahead and watch what happens to you and your friend

He shut up roflmao

It was in a college town ...I'll probably make twitter and antifa most wanted

Bring it !


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